904.03 - Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites

904.03 - Visitors to School District Buildings & Sites

The board welcomes the interest of parents and other members of the school district community and invites them to visit the school buildings and sites.  Visitors, which include persons other than employees or students, must notify the principal of their presence in the facility upon arrival.

Persons who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session are asked to notify the principal and obtain approval from the principal prior to the visit so appropriate arrangements can be made and so class disruption can be minimized.  Teachers and other employees shall not take time from their duties to discuss matters with visitors.

Visitors shall conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of others while attending school events.  Visitors failing to conduct themselves accordingly may be asked to leave the premises.  Children who wish to visit school must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.

It shall be the responsibility of employees to report inappropriate conduct.  It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent and principals to take the action necessary to cease the inappropriate conduct.  If the superintendent or principals are not available, a school district employee shall act to cease the inappropriate conduct.

General Principles

1.  The Volunteer Program of the Independence Community School District operates with the approval of the  

     Board of Education and the School Administration, and it is at all times guided by the principles and policies

     of the school district.

2.  Volunteers serve only in an auxiliary capacity under the direction and supervision of professional school  


3.  A volunteer supplies supplemental and supportive service and is not a substitute for a member of a school staff.

4.  Wherever possible, volunteers are assigned to the particular school where they wish to serve.

5.  A volunteer does not have access to confidential files and records.

6.  The relationship between volunteers and the school staff should be one of mutual respect and



VolunteersScreening Statement

A screening statement is required of all volunteers whose primary role is that of working directly with students or assisting staff on a regular basis; supervising/chaperoning students; or acting as an authority figure.

              a.         Categories of volunteers included in screening statement:

Classroom volunteers/teacher assistants
Field trip supervisor, trip chaperones
Business Partnership Volunteers
Volunteer sport coaches/assistants

              b.         Categories of volunteers excluded from the screening statement:
      (i.e. volunteers whose primary role is not the supervision of students)

                                      Classroom resource speakers
                                      Concession workers, ticket-takers, etc.

The screening statement shall be collected on a separate card and kept on file in the district office. This protects the privacy of the volunteers and keeps the cards readily available and in a central location.

The screening statement can be completed in conjunction with the Volunteer registration information, or at the time volunteer assignment is made, depending on operational procedures at the building.


Coaching Volunteers

All Volunteer Coaches, in order to work with Independence Community Student-Athletes must possess a current Coaching Authorization or Coaching Endorsement.  The Coaching Authorization or Coaching Endorsement, background checks and any other necessary paperwork must be on file with the Central Administration Office before the Candidate has contact with the athletic team or individuals. Volunteer Coaches must have the permission of the Head Varsity Coach and the Candidate must also be approved by the Independence School Activities Director before any student contact.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 716.7 (2003).

Cross Reference:  220      School Visitation by Board of Directors
                                    902      Press, Radio and Television News Media
                                    904.2   Community Resource Persons and Volunteers

Approved 11/01/2004                           Reviewed 06/15/2015                             Revised 12/21/2009
                                                                                          12/21/2020                                       06/18/2012




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904.3E1 - Volunteer Interest Information

904.3E1 - Volunteer Interest Information

SCHOOL _________________   NAME ____________________________________________ 

__ Parent    __ Non-Parent   __ Senior Citizen   __ Youth        DOB (mm/dd/yy) ____/____/____

Street Address_________________________________________________________________

City/State Zip______________________________________ Phone _____________________


Volunteer Disclosure Statement

It is the policy of the Independence Community School District Board of Education to make every reasonable effort to provide a safe learning environment for students working with volunteers.  Therefore, the district requires the following information:

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?  _____YES _____ NO

Have you ever been convicted, or had an administrative finding, of violating any law involving child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, sexual harassment or exploitation, or any other crime related to children? _____ YES _____ NO

Do you currently have charges pending relating to any of the aforementioned?  _____ YES _____ NO


As a volunteer for the Independence Community School District, I understand that it is my responsibility to treat information about students, staff, and other situations of a professional nature as confidential.


Signature                                                                              Date                   


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