802.01 - Maintenance Schedule

802.01 - Maintenance Schedule

The school district buildings and sites, including the grounds, buildings and equipment, will be kept clean and in good repair.  Employees should notify the building principal when something is in need of repair or removal, including graffiti.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to maintain the school district buildings and sites.  As part of this responsibility, a maintenance schedule shall be created and adhered to in compliance with this policy.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14 (2003).

Cross Reference:  502.2   Care of School Property/Vandalism
                                    502.7   Student Lockers
                                    802      Maintenance, Operation and Management
                                    804.1   Facilities Inspections

Approved 11/1/2004                             Reviewed 01/18/2010                           Revised                   


dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/18/2021 - 13:30