711.04 - Transportation Equipment

711.04 - Transportation Equipment

The school district shall purchase transportation vehicles which meet the requirements of the board and the Iowa Department of Education.  The purchase of such vehicles shall be in compliance with board policy.

School district student transportation vehicles shall be inspected by the Iowa Department of Education.  It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to arrange for the inspection of the school district transportation vehicles requiring inspection and to develop a program for routine maintenance of school district vehicles.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code § 285.10(3) (2003).
                                    281 I.A.C. 43.30-.31, .41.

Cross Reference:  705.4   Purchasing - Bidding
                                    711      Transportation

Approved 11/1/2004                             Reviewed 12/21/2009                           Revised                   


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 02/19/2021 - 09:25