711.12 - District Vehicle Idling

711.12 - District Vehicle Idling

The board recognizes that it has a role in reducing environmental pollutants and in assisting students and others be free from pollutants that may impact their respiratory health.  Unnecessary vehicle idling emits pollutants and wastes fuel.  The board directs the superintendent, in conjunction with the Director of Transportation, to work on administrative regulations to implement this policy and reduce school vehicle idling time.



Legal References:  Iowa Code §279.8 (2007).

Cross References:  403      Employee Health and Well-Being
                                      507      Student Health and Well-Being
                                      711      Transportation

Approved 4/16/2007                               Reviewed 12/21/2009                             Revised __________          


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 02/19/2021 - 09:35

711.12R1 - District Vehicle Idling

711.12R1 - District Vehicle Idling

Applicability:  This regulation applies to the operation of every district owned school bus.

Rationale:  Diesel exhaust from idling school buses can accumulate in and around the bus pose a health risk to children, drivers and the community at large.  Exposure to diesel exhaust can cause lung damage and respiratory problems.  Diesel exhaust also exacerbates asthma and existing allergies, and long-term exposure is thought to increase the risk of lung cancer.  Idling buses also waste fuel and financial resources.

Purpose:  Eliminate all unnecessary idling by district school buses such as idling time is minimized in all aspects of school bus operation.


  1. When school bus drivers arrive at loading or unloading areas to drop off or pick up passengers, they should turn off their buses as soon as possible to eliminate idling time and reduce harmful emissions.  The school bus should be started 1-3 minutes before departure time.  Exceptions include conditions that would compromise passenger safety, such as,

a.  Extreme Weather Conditions

b.  Idling in Traffic

  1. At school bus depots, limit the idling time during early morning warm up to what is recommended by the manufacturer (generally 3-5 minutes) in all but coldest weather. 
  2. Buses should not idle while waiting for students during field trips, extracurricular activities or other events where students are transported off school grounds.  Exception in cold weather, an activities bus may be left unattended and running as long as it is not in loading and unloading zone.
  3. In colder weather, if the warmth of the bus is an issue, idling is to be at a very minimum and occur outside the school zone.  The warmed bus is to enter the school zone as close to pick up time as possible to maintain warmth and then shut down.  Exception in cold weather. 
  4. In colder weather, schools are directed to provide space inside the school where the drivers who arrive early can wait.
  5. All service delivery vehicles shall turn off the engines while making deliveries to school buildings.
  6. All drivers shall receive a copy of this bulletin at the beginning of every school year.


Driver’s Signature that rules have been read and understood:




dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 02/19/2021 - 09:36