501.11 - Student Release During School Hours
501.11 - Student Release During School HoursStudents will be allowed to leave the school district facilities during school hours only with prior authorization from a parent and/or guardian, the parent and/or guardian appears personally at the student's attendance center to arrange for the release of the student during school hours, or with the permission of the principal.
Approved reasons for release of a student during the school day shall include, but not be limited to, illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious instruction, classes outside the student's attendance center, and other reasons determined appropriate by the principal.
It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference:
281 I.A.C. 12.2(4).
Cross Reference: 501 Student Attendance
503 Student Discipline
504 Student Activities
506 Student Records
Approved: 11/01/2004
Reviewed: 08/18/2008, 11/18/2013, 12/17/2018
Revised: 04/15/2024