507.07 - Custody and Parental/Guardian Rights
507.07 - Custody and Parental/Guardian RightsDisagreements between family members are not the responsibility of the school district. The school district will not take the "side" of one family member over another in a disagreement about custody or parental/guardian rights. Court orders that have been issued shall be followed by the school district. It shall be the responsibility of the person requesting an action by the school district to inform and provide the school district the court order allowing such action.
This policy does not prohibit an employee from listening to a student's problems and concerns.
It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure employees remain neutral in a disagreement about custody and parental/guardian rights.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 232.67, .70, .73, .75; 235A; 279.8; 710.6 (2003).
441 I.A.C. 9.2; 155; 175.
Cross Reference: 506 Student Records
507 Student Health and Well-Being
Approved: 11/01/2004
Reviewed: 01/19/2009, 05/12/2014, 04/15/2019
Revised: 09/16/2024