Board Minutes - 2020.11.30

Board Minutes - 2020.11.30

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, Independence, Iowa on November 30, 2020.  Attending in person:  Eric Smith and Supt. Russ Reiter.  Attending via Zoom: Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guests Zoom attendees included the building administrator.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Remote Learning Status – Supt. Reiter and the administration team reviewed the process and data used to decide to go to remote learning from November 30th to December 3rd.  Board members and administration talked about remote learning, the hybrid model and having students in the class room. All present agreed that having the students in the building was best for students, but consideration needs to be taken regarding COVID-19. The administration will watch the numbers to see if there is a spike after the Thanksgiving break and decide at the end of the week what the return of students will look like.

ADJOURMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:06