Board Minutes - 2023.11.27 Reg/Annual/Organizational

Board Minutes - 2023.11.27 Reg/Annual/Organizational


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

November 27, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board President Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 27, 2023.    Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble.  Eric Smith was absent. Also attending:  Supt. Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.   Motion carried 4-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Motion by Hill, second by McCardle to approve the consent items.   Motion carried 4-0.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on October 16, 2023, the board retreat on October 19, 2023, the special meeting on November 7, 2023, and the special meeting on November 20, 2023. 

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)



Second Readings:







Resident Students



Compulsory Attendance



Entrance – Admissions



Attendance Center Assignment



Student Transfers In



Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals



Student Attendance Records


501.09* and 501.09E1

Student Absences – Excused and Request for Remote Learning Form


501.10, 501.10E1, and 501.10R1

Truancy, Sample Letter to Parent/Guardian(s) Regarding Attendance, and Truancy Regulation




     C. Approval of Resignations





Angie Williams

West Elem 5.5 hr POS/Food Service Worker





    D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Ryan Ohrt

JSH .5 FTE Robotics





         E. Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Budget Report

          2.  Financial Settlement Statement as of June 30, 2023


  1. Comments from the Public none



     B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent Highlights of board member comments. Hill congratulated the administration and teachers on the Performance Profile Rating. Hill and McCardle thanked outgoing board member Smith for his service, dedication and leaving a legacy.  Trimble was proud to report that each board member had received the Individual Professional Development Award at the IASB Convention and the whole board was then recognized for the Team Achievement Award including Supt. Phillips. Hansen also commended the board for their professional development achievement and provided information for upcoming professional development opportunities. Supt Phillips also congratulated the entire board for their individual awards and team award. The facility planning assessment should be available the week of December 11th.  Supt Phillips hopes that work will continue on redesigning the district website with Fusion Forward.  A tentative date of April 26th has been set for the baseball turf project to be completed.  The City of Independence is working on a House in Needs survey and that has been sent to all staff members to complete since they work in Independence.


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School

          2.  West Elementary

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report* - Noyes gave a technology presentation.

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report* - Chesmore wasn’t able to make the meeting but Supt. Phillips reported the highlights that the district has 10 routes, we are currently fully staffed and we transport approximately 50% of the students.


  1. Canvass of Board Election from November 7, 2023 – Receive and File - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to accept the Canvass of Votes from the November 7, 2023 Election.  Elected board members are: Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Motion carried 4-0.

B. Comments from Outgoing Board Member(s) and Recognition for their Service Comments in person by: Tracy Steger, President of the ITA, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble and Supt Phillips all thanked Smith for his service, time commitment, dedication and passion for the school district, staff and students. Eric Smith played an important role in getting the JSH built, Baseball/Softball complex and the remodel of East and West Elementary buildings.  Accolades from former board members Brian Eddy and John Christensen were also read.  Thank you, Eric Smith for your 12 years of excellent service!

C. Adjournment of Retiring Board - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to adjourn the meeting, Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm and a short recess was taken.




Independence Community School Board Meeting

Organizational Meeting

November 27, 2023

An organizational meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:55 pm by Board Secretary Laura Morine at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 27, 2023.    Board members present:   Kim Hansen, Mitch Barnett, Audrey Hill, Charlie McCardle, and Gina Trimble.  Also attending: Supt. Phillips, administrators, directors, and guests.

  1. Administration of Oath to Elected Members - Board Secretary administered the oath of office to newly elected board members:  Mitch Barnett, Kim Hansen and Audrey Hill.
  1. Election of a President of the Board - Trimble nominated Hansen, McCardle second.  There were no other nominations and board consensus, Hansen will be the Board President.
  1. Election of a Vice President of the Board - McCardle nominated Trimble, Hanse second.  There were no other nominations and board consensus, Trimble will be the Board Vice President.


President Hansen took over the meeting and excused the administrators and directors to leave the meeting since they had put in a long day.  

     D. Set Regular Board Meeting Dates, Time and Location for 2023-2024

      Presently, the Board meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Administration Office Boardroom for regular meetings.  Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Board Meeting Dates, Times and Locations. Motion carried 5-0.

2023-2024 Proposed School Board Meetings: 

December 18, 2023

January 16, 2024 (Tuesday) - No school on Monday

February 20, 2024 (Tuesday) - No school on Monday

March 18, 2024

April 8, 2024 (Second Monday) - to meet budget filing deadline

May 20, 2024

June 17, 2024

July 15, 2024

August 19, 2024

September 16, 2024

October 21, 2024

November 18, 2024


E. Roll Call Vote Order for 2023-2024 - Motion by Trimble, second by Hill to approve the Roll     Call Vote order.   Motion carried 5-0.






















Barnett, Hansen, Hill, McCardle, Trimble




Hansen, Hill, McCardle, Trimble, Barnett




Hill, McCardle, Trimble, Barnett, Hansen




McCardle, Trimble, Barnett, Hansen, Hill




Trimble, Barnett, Hansen, Hill, McCardle



F. Review of Board Meeting Bills Schedule for 2023-2024 - Motion by McCardle, second by Barnett to approve the Board Meeting Bills Schedule.   Motion carried 5-0.

Mar/May - Barnett

Jan/Jun - Trimble

Apr/Jul/Oct - Hill

Dec/Aug - Hansen

Feb/Sept/Nov - McCardle


G. Discussion of Committee Assignments for 2023-2024 - The board discussed as they decided on committee assignments. Some of the committees were removed as the members were designated in board policy.



 1.  IASB – Delegate Assembly (represents ICSD 

                   at the IASB Delegate Assembly)


 2.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors


 3.  Calendar Committee                   


 4.  School Improvement Advisory Committee - SIAC


 5.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board


 6.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  


 7.  Indee Agriculture Education


 8.  Buchanan County Conference Board


9.  Negotiations Committee

     (Board President and Vice President)

10. Benefit Advisory Board

11. City Council Liaisons




12. Review Board Meeting Bills






13. PPEL Levy Committee (2)


14. Resource Enhancement & Protection Committee (REAP)


15. Buildings and Grounds Committee (2)


16. Board Policy Review Committee


17. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee – DEI

Current Member






















Brandon/Rowley - Smith

Independence (2) – 


















New Member









































H. Consider Approval of Committee Assignments for 2023-2024 - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Committee Assignments.  Motion carried 5-0.





  1.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors


 2.  Calendar Committee                   


3.  School Improvement Advisory Committee - SIAC


4.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board


5.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  


6.  Indee Agriculture Education


7.  Buchanan County Conference Board


8. Benefit Advisory Board


9. Facilities


10. Board Policy Review


11. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – DEI




Charles McCardle


Supt Phillips


Erin Burmeister



Val Maximovich



Wade Stahr


Michael Haden




Laura Morine


Supt Phillips


Supt Phillips


Supt Phillips


Approximate Number of Meetings






















As Needed






Current Member





























New Member































Board members will give committee updates during the Comments from the Board section at the board meeting following the committee meeting they attended.



  1. Consider Approval of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Official Newspaper of Publication for the District and Board of Directors - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the Bulletin Journal as the Official Newspaper of publication for the District and Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution Naming Depositories - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Pay Bills when the Board is Not in Session - Motion by Trimble, second by Barnett to approve the Resolution to Pay Bills when the Board is Not in Session.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Issue Payroll - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the Resolution to Issue Payroll.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2024 - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Affirmative Action Plan 2023-2024 - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve of the Affirmative Action Plan 2023-2024.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2023: Paul Upmeyer to Chicago, IL - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2023: Paul Upmeyer to Chicago, IL.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year - Motion by Trimble, second by Hill to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year for $5,929.83.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year for $9,611.07.  Motion carried 5-0.


L. Consider Approval of the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2023 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2022, and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years - Motion by McCardle, second by Barnett to approve the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2023 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2022, and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years. Motion carried 5-0.


M. Consider Approval of Dennis Craun, Jr. for Director District #9 Representative for the Central Rivers AEA Board of Directors - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve Dennis Craun, Jr. for Director District #9 Representative for the Central Rivers AEA Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.


N. Consider Approval of the Music License for Primary and Secondary Schools with Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Music License for Primary and Secondary Schools with Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI).  Motion carried 5-0.


O. Consider Approval of Mustang Foundation Board Members to an Additional Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve Mustang Foundation Board Members (Rob Robinson, Jeremy Hahn and Megan Rasmussen) to an Additional Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board.  Motion carried 5-0.


P. Consider Approval of the Quote from Fusion Forward for the Website Redesign - Motion by Barnett, second by McCardle to approve the Quote from Fusion Forward for the Website Redesign.  Fusion Forward will host the site, continue with the rSchool calendar feed and a customizable social media feed plugin.   Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT- Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.


Oath of office was administered to President Hansen and Vice President Hansen after the board meeting.


_____________________________________                  __________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                         Laura Morine, Board Secretary



  Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:27