Board Minutes - 2024.02.20

Board Minutes - 2024.02.20

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

February 20, 2024      


Public Hearing

A public hearing for the 2024 Baseball Field Improvements started at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 20, 2024.  Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending:  Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine, Administrators: Reed, Reidy, Burmeister, and AD Putz. Guests: Joe Kremer with CRAEA, Michael Murphy with LEI and community members.

Public comments:  John Bagge expressed concerns about the cost of the baseball project.

The public hearing ended at 6:04 pm.



A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 20, 2024.  Boardrd members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble. Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending:  Supt. Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, Administrators: Reed, Reidy, Burmeister, and Kleman. Guests: Joe Kremer with CRAEA, Michael Murphy with LEI and community members. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Trimble moved to amend the agenda by adding a new business item A: Consider Approval to Adopt Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimated Cost for the Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements.  Hill second.  Motion approved 5-0.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the amended agenda. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items 3A through 3H. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on January 16, 2024 and the work session on January 30, 2024.

        B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

             Second Readings:






Equal Employment Opportunity


701.00*and 701.00R1*

Fiscal Management and Financial Metrics



Student Substance Use



Depository of Funds



Transfer of Funds



Financial Records



Governmental Accounting Practices



Budget Planning


703.02 Rescinded

Spending Plan



     First Readings:






Delete Policy

Incorporated into Policy 605.06

Internet Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Delete Policy

Incorporated into Policy 605.06

Email Acceptable Use Policy for Staff


503.01* and 503.01R1*

Student Conduct and Student Suspension





503.08 and 503.08R1

New Policy and Regulation

Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence and Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence Regulation


605.06*, 605.06E1, and 605.06R1*

Internet – Appropriate Use, Elementary Internet Access Form, Secondary Internet Access Form, and Internet – Appropriate Use Regulation



New Policy

Responsible Technology Use & Social Networking


       C. Approval of Resignations




Dianna Kosobucki

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Softball Coach


Mary McCall

West Elem 8.0 hr Night Custodian



       D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Nikki Farrenkopf

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Bus Para

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Van Driver




      E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Andria Anderson

JSH Assistant Girls Tennis Coach



Stacy Clark

JSH .75 FTE Science Teacher

$15,853 (prorated)


Marsha Lehs

Bus Garage 4.5 hr Bus Para




      F. Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Bills – Director Hill reviewed the bills – Barnett will review in March

          2.  Budget Report

     G. Agreement for Teacher Education Clinical Experience Placements with Morningside University

     H. Donation(s)

          1. Food Service Donation from the Sam Farrell Annual Pool Tournament


    A. Comments from the Public - none

    B. Presentations

         1. AEA Advocacy – Joe Kremer, Central Rivers AEA presented on the services the AEA provides our district and the cuts that could possibly happened with legislation this year. The Board encourages the community to advocate for our AEA’s as they provide services to all students.


    C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members have been busy attending meetings and events in and for the district.  Hansen, Barnett and Supt. Phillips attended the IASB Day on the Hill in Des Moines to connect with our Legislators to discuss concerns with pending legislation.  The pending AEA bill will cut services the AEA provides our district for all students.  It will be very difficult for our district to replace these services in a timely manner and at what costs?  Congratulations to our students who qualified for post season and state events.

Supt. Phillips thanked Joe Kremer for his presentation as our district depends heavily on our AEA. Our message to our legislators is to slow down the AEA bill.  Teacher pay is also tied with the AEA bill and that needs to be a separate bill.  SSA has not yet been set and if it is not set before the district budget has to be posted, the tax payers will see an increase in taxes.  The district has the ability to only reduce the tax rate after publication but not increase the tax rate. If the SSA is not set by publication time, the budget will be at 0% SSA with a budget guarantee that creates a higher tax rate.   Supt. Phillips indicated the district is vetting different school safety applications in case of a crisis. The DEI committee has had meetings and the district is looking at hiring a consulting firm. 


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1. Junior-Senior High School

          2. West Elementary

          3. East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

         1. Activities Director Report

         2. Director of School Improvement Report

         3. Director of Technology Report* - Director Noyes gave the board a quick preview of the new website and received feedback.

         4. Director of Food Service Report

         5. Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

         6. Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval to Adopt Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimated Cost for the Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements – Trimble moved to approve to Adopt Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimated Cost for the Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Bids for the Baseball Field Improvements – McCardle moved to approve the following bids for the Baseball Field Improvements.  Top Grade Excavating for the site development contract in the amount of $377,661.00. Sprinturf for the synthetic turf system contract in the amount of $354,575.00.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – October 2024: Michael Haden and FFA Members to Indianapolis, IN for National FFA Convention – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form – October 2024: Michael Haden and FFA Members to Indianapolis, IN for National FFA Convention.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2024: Michael Haden to San Antonio, TX for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Conference – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2024: Michael Haden to San Antonio, TX for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Conference.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Farm Leases (North Parcel and South Parcel) for 2024-2025 – McCardle moved to approve the Farm Leases (North Parcel and South Parcel) for 2024-2025.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Board Resolution for Budget Guarantee that the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa – Trimble moved to approve the Independence Board Resolution for Budget Guarantee that the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa.  McCardle second.  Roll call vote:  Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye, Hill – aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Discussion of School Resource Officer – Superintendent Phillips updated the board regarding conversation with the City of Independence regarding the possibility of sharing a School Resource Officer (SRO). The four main areas that the SRO would work on are:  law enforcement, age appropriate education, building relationships and mentoring as well as aid in emergency management. The city is ready to move forward but there are many legislative uncertainties, such as SSA rate, AEA bill and if there would be funding for the SRO program for the board to commit at this time.
  1. Discussion of Requests for Proposals (RFP) for School Picture Companies – As the district looks at school safety applications, it is important that we have pictures of all students and staff, ability to uploaded them into our SIS (Student Information System) in a timely manner as well as the ability to create id cards. The board was supportive in putting an RFP out for school pictures this spring for fall 2024 pictures.

ADJOURNMENT - McCardle moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.

A recess was taken before the exempt session started at 8:50 pm


Negotiations Strategy Session - The board discussed negotiation strategies. The exempt session ended at 9:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


__________________________________         _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                              Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:29