Board Minutes - 2024.01.10 ITA Openings

Board Minutes - 2024.01.10 ITA Openings

Independence Community School Board

Public Meeting

January 10, 2024


Public meetings were held at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA, starting at 4:00 pm on January 10, 2024.  Attending: Sue Henry, ITA Chief Negotiator; Paul Upmeyer, Superintendent Phillips, HR Director Schaul, Director of Finance Morine, Board President Hansen and Vice President Gina Trimble.  Hannah Burns joined via Zoom. 


Sue Henry from the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA) presented an opening statement and initial proposal.

The ITA’s initial proposal stated:

  • An interest in maintaining a compensation system that attracts and retains quality employees and recognizes the ever-changing school environment while staying within district budgetary constraints.
  • An interest in developing a compensation system which advances the salaries of the sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities in order to attract and retain employees.
  • An interest in evaluating and adding contract language:
    • Interested in protecting and preserving teaching and planning time within the school day to serve students better.
    • Interested in compensating teachers for extra duties during and outside of contract hours.
    • Interested in benefits that attract and retain employees (sick time, retirement, 403B, paid maternity, flexible days, etc.)
    • Interested in returning previously removed contract language to the Master Contract.


SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Superintendent Phillips welcomed the ITA negotiating team and presented the district’s opening statement and initial proposal.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA):

  • An interest to continue in the “Interest Based Problem Solving” (IBPS) process to address mutual concerns among both parties. We have a tremendous responsibility to educate all of our students and to support our staff to ensure they are successful. It takes everyone’s investment to create and capture #mustangmoments as we continue our journey as #mustangsonamission.
  • Having an opportunity to discuss important issues and understand we have similar goals, allows us to work together with a shared vision:
    • Retention and recruitment of high quality teachers
    • High quality educational experiences for every student.
    • Positive, collaborative culture among staff, students, families and community.


The committee set the following meeting dates:

January 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm

February 1, 2024 at 4:00 pm

February 7, 2024 at 4:00 pm

February 28, 2024 at 4:00 pm.


Meeting ended at 4:15 pm. Full disclosure of all the initial proposal documents may be reviewed at the Administration Office.


_____________________________                    ___________________________________

Kim Hansen                                                     Laura Morine

Board Chair                                                     Director of Finance/Board Secretary Tue, 02/06/2024 - 18:08