400 - Role and Guiding Principles for Employees

400 - Role and Guiding Principles for Employees

This series of the board policy manual is devoted to the board's goals and objectives for employees in the performance of their jobs.  Employees provide a variety of important services for the children of the school district community.  They may be teaching or assisting in the classroom, working in the office, maintaining the facilities, driving or repairing the school buses, or cooking lunches.  Each employee plays a vital role in providing an equal opportunity for a quality education for students commensurate with the students' individual needs.  While the teachers have the most direct impact on the formal instruction of students, all employees have an impact on the school environment by their dedication to their work and their actions.  As role models for the students, employees will promote a cooperative, enthusiastic, and supportive learning environment for the students.

In striving to achieve a quality education program, the board's goal is to obtain and retain qualified and effective employees.  The board will have complete discretion to determine the number, the qualifications, and the duties of the positions and the school district's standards of acceptable performance.  It will be the responsibility of the superintendent to make recommendations to the board in these areas prior to board action. 

The board will not interfere with the rights of an employee to organize or form, join, or assist any employee organization. The board recognizes its duty to bargain collectively with duly certified collective bargaining units.  

 Board policies in this series relating to general employees will apply to employees regardless of their position as a licensed employee, classified employee, substitute, or administrator.  Board policies relating to licensed employees will apply to positions that require a teaching license or administrator's certificate or other professional license, certificate or endorsement, unless administrative positions are specifically excluded from the policy or a more specific policy is in the 300 series, Administration.  Classified employees' policies included in this series will apply to positions that do not fall within the definition of licensed employee.


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  07/18/2011, 07/18/2016

Revised: 05/20/2019, 03/21/2022, 02/18/2025




dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/04/2021 - 10:56

400.1 - Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual

400.1 - Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual

The Independence Community School District Board of Education is committed to an annual review of the Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual.  A manual committee will meet in the spring and can make recommendations to the board.  The committee may consist of administrators, directors, certified, and support staff members. If there is a conflict between a policy and the specific requirements of law, the district will follow the requirements of the applicable law. The district will adhere to any subsequent changes in State or Federal law, which may result in a change to the manual earlier than July 1.  The board will approve any updates to the Procedures and Benefits Manual.


Approved 06/17/2019                           Reviewed 06/17/2019                           Revised 03/21/2022



dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/04/2021 - 10:58