401.12 - Travel for the Board of Education, Administrator’s and Certified Employees

401.12 - Travel for the Board of Education, Administrator’s and Certified Employees

Approved travel expenses for official school business will be reimbursed at the rate approved by the Board of Education.

TRAVEL REQUESTS – Requests for approval to attend meetings/conferences offered at multiple sites will be to the closest site in proximity to the Independence Community School District.  Any requests to attend alternate sites from the closest site will require written rationale prior to submittal and must have the approval of the principal/supervisor and the Superintendent for in-state travel and the Board of Education for out-of-state travel.  Requests to attend a meeting with discounted registration fees for early registration will be timely submitted for approval to allow the discount.

Travel within a 200-mile radius of Independence or within the State of Iowa requires the approval of the principal/supervisor and the Superintendent if overnight.  Travel outside the 200-mile radius and outside the State of Iowa also requires the approval of the Board of Education.

OVERNIGHT LODGING – (Lodging for overnight travel should be limited to medium priced hotels/motels for the location of the meeting.)  Request for travel to national meetings/conferences will have a copy of the available hotels/motels attached for cost comparison.  If the request is made to stay at a higher than medium-priced hotel, then it will be accompanied by a written rationale for that necessity.  Additional costs for non-employees or employee’s spouse/dependents not on school business will be paid by the employee.

EMPLOYEES OUT OF DISTRICT – Employee travel to all day meetings/conferences may be allowed up to five days during the fiscal year with approval by the appropriate supervisor/principal and the Superintendent if overnight.  Requests to attend all day meetings/conferences beyond five days during the fiscal year will additionally require the approval of the Board of Education.

REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES – Employees or board members will be reimbursed for expenses for registration fees, meals, mileage, and lodging expenses incurred while on field trips, conventions, conferences, or other school business approved by the supervisor/administrator and/or board.  An itemized account of all expenses, accompanied by receipts, will be presented for payment.  Meals will not be reimbursed for one-day meetings unless they require overnight travel or in-district meetings unless they are for a board or board committee meeting.

SCHOOL/PERSONAL VEHICLE USE - If a school vehicle is available and the employee chooses to drive their own vehicle, one-way mileage will be paid from the first assigned work site.  Employee is required to check availability of school vehicle as soon as travel is known.  In order to receive two-way mileage, employee must submit a signed transportation request form verifying lack of availability of school vehicle.  If travel is not short notice and employee waits until the last minute to check availability and none is available, employee will only be paid one-way mileage. 

Employees will be reimbursed for assigned travel between varying work sites.  Travel to the first assigned site and from the last assigned site will not be reimbursed.


Legal Reference:          Iowa Code §§ 68B; 277.27; 279.7A, .8, .32 (2003).

Cross Reference:          219.3   Board of Directors' Member Compensation and Expenses

                                      705.6 Credit Cards


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  02/18/2008, 08/15/2011, 09/19/2016, 03/21/2022

Revised:  02/18/2008, 08/15/2011, 03/21/2022









dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/04/2021 - 12:27