412.2 - Classified Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation
412.2 - Classified Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation
Each non-exempt employee compensated on an hour-by-hour basis, whether full- or part-time, permanent or temporary, will be paid no less than the prevailing minimum wage. Whenever a non-exempt employee must work more than forty hours in a given work week, the employee will be compensated at one and one-half times their regular hourly wage rate. This compensation will be in the form of overtime pay. Overtime will not be permitted without prior authorization of the building principal.
Each classified employee paid on an hour-by-hour basis must clock in and out using the district’s time clock system to record actual hours worked. Failure of the employee to properly clock in and out or falsification of daily time worked will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary to maintain wage records.
Legal Reference: Garcia v.
29 U.S.C. §§ 206 et seq. (1994).
29 C.F.R. Pt. 511-800 (2002).
Cross Reference: 411.3 Classified Employee Contracts
412.1 Classified Employee Compensation
Approved 11/1/2004 Reviewed 01/21/2008 Revised 05/21/2012
05/21/2012 06/17/2019
05/15/2017 08/15/2022