906.01 - Community Use of School Facilities & Equipment

906.01 - Community Use of School Facilities & Equipment

The use of District facilities as centers for community participation should be encouraged whenever those activities are beneficial to the community-at-large.

Activities should be scheduled so they do not conflict with the District’s academic or co-curricular programs, with due consideration given to the conservation of energy and District’s expense.

The Board of Education reserves the right to deny the use of District facilities at any time.

Community Use of Facilities--General Guidelines

1.  Persons who attend activities must confine themselves to the area of the facility requested. Use of hallways,   

     foyers, and other common areas of buildings, where safe egress is blocked are strictly prohibited.

2.  Charges will begin with the time designated for opening of the building and terminate with the closing.

3.  Failure on the part of the renter to notify the Activities Director or Facility Manager by 2:00 p.m., of the cancellation of a       meeting or event scheduled for any time after 5:00 p.m., of that date will render the renter liable for payment of the minimum rental fee. Group I users will be liable for payment of any custodial overtime that may result.

4.  Three cancellations or “no shows” in a multi-day contract may result in termination of the contract.

5.  The use of buildings and/or facilities by outside organizations will be automatically canceled when schools must close         due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions.

6.  Renters must assume full responsibility for crowd control. Satisfactory sponsorship and adequate adult supervision must be provided. This will include police
     and/or fire protection where necessary, or when requested by the District.

7.  Disrespectful behavior by renter or renter’s participants will not be tolerated and may result in contract termination.

8.  The District will provide for normal custodial services in connection with the use of the building and/or grounds.

9.  The renter will indemnify the District for any damages to the school property. Damages must be immediately reported to a District staff member.

10.  Organizations will provide the District a “Certificate of Insurance” naming the District as additional insured or purchase liability insurance in accordance with the current requirements of the District.

11.  Approval will not be granted for any activity, which may be prejudicial to the best interests of the schools.

12.  Gambling (e.g., bingo, raffles, lotteries) may be permitted in schools or on school grounds only in strict accordance with Iowa Gaming Commission.

13.  The possession or use of intoxicating beverages or controlled substances will not be permitted on school premises.             The use of tobacco of any kind is strictly prohibited.

14.  Gym shoes will be required for all activity-type games such as basketball, volleyball and badminton, played on any gymnasium floor. Street shoes are prohibited. 

15.  Users will be required to remove, or reimburse the District for the removal of any materials, equipment, furnishings or rubbish left after use of facilities.

16.  The appropriate building administrator must approve all decorations or the application of materials to walls or floors.             Such decorations will be subject to state and local fire regulations. Displayed flags will conform to School Ceremonies and Observations policy 606.4.

17.  The use of candles or other flammable material will be prohibited.

18.  Specially equipped rooms, such as life skills, computer labs, science labs, industrial technology, libraries, storage rooms, and administrative offices, etc., will not be made available for use, except by specific permission from the appropriate building administrator.

19.  The appropriate building administrator must approve the use of school-owned equipment when requested by the renter.

20.  Public address systems (except at the stadium), lighting and special stage equipment must be approved by the activities coordinator and operated by experienced operators provided by the District. Charges will be assessed to the renter for these services.

21.  Any unusual or unique electrical appliances or equipment furnished by the user must have the approval of the appropriate building administrator.

22.  Furniture arrangement must be approved by the appropriate building administrator.

23.  Kitchen equipment must be operated by an authorized Food and Nutrition Department employee. The user will be billed for the labor cost, which shall be paid to the District rather than the employee.

24.  All regulations of the District governing the use of school facilities will be observed and are considered a part of the formal contract.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 8D; 276; 278.1(4); 279.8; 288; 297.9-.11 (2003).
                                    751 I.A.C. 14.
                                    1982 Op. Att'y Gen. 561.
                                    1940 Op. Att'y Gen. 232.
                                    1936 Op. Att'y Gen. 196.

Cross Reference: 704      Revenue

                                606.4  School Ceremonies and Observances

Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  06/15/2009, 09/20/2010, 11/18/2013, 06/15/2015, 12/19/2016, 12/21/2020, 03/20/2023

Revised:  06/15/2009, 11/18/2013, 12/19/2016, 03/20/2023

dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/18/2021 - 12:59

906.01E1 - Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment – Categories

906.01E1 - Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment – Categories

The following categories have been established for the purpose of determining rental fees:

Category I
School Sponsored Groups - Any organized group or organization directly connected with Independence Community Schools (student councils, school bands, choirs, drama presentations, student lectures, workshops, student art displays, athletic teams, etc.).  Must have a designated faculty member to supervise.

Category II
School Community Groups - (Booster Club, Music Boosters, PTO/Parent groups, Mustang Foundation, Mentors, and other groups) whose primary purpose is school related.  Fees may be charged on the basis of services rendered.

Category III
Community Non-Profit Groups - Community non-profit groups are defined as governmental agencies or groups (Scouts, P.A.C., 4-H, church groups, Lions Club, Rotary, parochial schools), primarily comprised of District residents providing civic, educational, cultural activities, plus all higher educational institutions.  Rent and service fees will be charged.

Category IV
Any private, non-district and/or profit-making group whose interests are limited primarily to the membership or for profit; e.g., for-profit businesses, vendors, entrepreneurs, commercial institutions, private agencies.  Rent and service fees will be charged.


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