804.04 - Facilities Security

804.04 - Facilities Security

To protect the school district buildings and sites and equipment, the facilities shall be locked when school is not in session.  When school activities or public activities are held in the school district facilities, only the appropriate doors, as determined by the superintendent and the building principals, shall be unlocked for access to the school district facilities.

It shall be the responsibility of employees and users of the school district facilities to abide by this policy.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14 (2003).

Cross Reference:  401.9   Use of School District Facilities & Equipment by Employees
                                    709      Insurance
                                    906      Use of School District Facilities & Equipment

Approved 11/1/2004                             Reviewed 02/22/2010                           Revised                   


dawn.gibson.cm… Thu, 02/18/2021 - 14:07