605.06 - Internet - Appropriate Use

605.06 - Internet - Appropriate Use

The district recognizes the importance of developing students into agile learners who are capable of addressing the complex needs of our future workforce.  For this reason, the district has prioritized making available technology and programs that teach students to embrace modern technology and tools while fostering a secure learning environment for students to the extent reasonable.  Because technology is a vital part of the school district curriculum, the Internet will be made available to employees and students.  Appropriate and equitable use of the Internet will allow employees and students to access resources unavailable through traditional means.

Individual student networks accounts will be assigned and used throughout the district.  Students will also be assigned a valid district-controlled email address.  Students will be able to send and receive email from within and outside of the district.  The email account is provided at no additional cost, but Internet access outside of the district will not be provided.  The purpose of this email account is educational and should be treated as a professional-business account.  If a student already has an electronic mail address, the student may be permitted to use the address to send and receive email at school.  Students must use caution when opening email attachments.  Attachments may contain viruses and other malicious code.

The Internet provides a vast collection of educational resources for students and employees.  It is a global network which makes it impossible to control all available information.  Because information appears, disappears and changes constantly, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate.  The district makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or appropriateness of information received on the Internet.  Although students will be under teacher supervision while on the network, it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing on the network.  Some students might encounter information that may not be appropriate or of educational value.  Student Internet records and access records are confidential to the extent possible and are treated like other student records.  Students should have no expectation of privacy related to student Internet records.  Student Internet records and access records are subject to access and examination by District Administration.  Students’ Internet activities will be monitored by the district to ensure, to the extent possible, that students are not accessing inappropriate sites.  The school district will use technology protection measures to protect students from inappropriate access.

The school district will monitor the online activities of students and will educate students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting on social networking sites and chat rooms. Students will also be educated on cyberbullying, including awareness and response. Employees will provide age appropriate training for students who use the Internet. The training provided will be designed to promote the school district’s commitment to:

  • The standards and appropriate use of Internet services as set forth in this policy and regulation;
  • Student safety with regard to:
  • safety on the Internet;
  • appropriate behavior while online, on social networking web sites, and in chat rooms; and
  • cyberbullying awareness and response.
  • Compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act                                                                                                                    

Employees and students will be instructed on the appropriate use of the Internet.  Parents will be required to sign a form stating they have read and understand the policies related to Internet use.  Students need to have access to the Internet to complete many assignments and to successfully complete the curriculum goals of the district.  Students will sign a form acknowledging they have read and understand the Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations, that they will comply with the policy and regulations and understand there are disciplinary consequences for violation of the policy or regulations.

In compliance with federal law, this policy will be maintained at least five years beyond the termination of funding under the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) or E-rate.



Legal References:         47 C.F.R 54.520

                                    Iowa Code § 279.8


Cross References:       502      Student Rights and Responsibilities

                                    506      Student Records

                                    605.5   Media Centers


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  08/22/2005, 06/15/2009, 09/21/2009, 03/21/2011, 06/18/2012, 04/16/2018, 03/20/2023

Revised:  08/22/2005, 09/21/2009, 03/21/2011, 06/18/2012, 03/20/2023, 03/18/2024


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 02/23/2021 - 13:41

605.06E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents and Permission Forms

605.06E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents and Permission Forms


I have read the District’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations.  I understand that the Internet is a world-wide connection of millions of computers and network devices and that the Independence Community School District does not control its content.  I understand that, while the district filters content to prevent access to inappropriate sites, the district cannot guarantee complete protection from inappropriate sites.

I understand that students at the Independence Elementary Schools will access the Internet only under direct adult supervision and only for educational purposes.  I further understand that if my child violates the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action.  Finally, I understand that the district is not responsible for student Internet access outside the school setting.

I have read and understand the district’s Internet Policy.  Once the form is signed, it is considered to be in effect while my child attends any elementary building in this district and for the duration my child is continuously enrolled within the district.  Parents and students may review the district’s policy at any time and may ask for clarification from district personnel.  

Student Name:  _________________________________________________     Grade:  ______________________________

School:  _______________________________________________________     Date:  _______________________________

                                                                                  (Parent or Guardian signature)



As a user of the Independence Community School District’s computer and Internet resources, I hereby agree to comply with the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations and to use these resources in a reliable fashion while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions.

_______________________________     ___________________________________________________________________
(Date)                                                                                         (Student Signature)


As the parent/guardian of the above named student, I have read and understand the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations.  I understand that my child is expected to follow the guidelines in said policy and regulations concerning appropriate use of the school district’s computer network.

I further understand that the Internet is a world-wide connection among millions of computers and that the district does not control its content.  I understand that, while the district filters content to restrict access to inappropriate sites, the district cannot guarantee complete protection from inappropriate sites.  Additionally, I understand that there is a potential for my son/daughter to access information on the Internet that is inappropriate for students and that every reasonable effort will be made on the part of the faculty and staff of the district to restrict access to such information, but that my son/daughter is ultimately responsible for restricting himself/herself from inappropriate information.

I realize that if my child violates the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy or regulations, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action.

I expect my son/daughter to use the district’s Internet resources in compliance with the policy and regulations.  I further understand if my son/daughter causes expense to the district by inappropriate Internet use, this cost will be passed to the student and to the undersigned.  Once this form is signed it is considered to be in effect while my child continuously attends grades 7-12.  Parents and students may review the district’s policy at any time and may ask for clarification from district personnel.

Student Name:  _________________________________________________     Grade:  ______________________________

School:  _______________________________________________________     Date:  _______________________________

                                                                                  (Parent or Guardian signature)


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 02/23/2021 - 13:45

605.06R1 - Internet - Appropriate Use Regulation

605.06R1 - Internet - Appropriate Use Regulation

I.       Responsibility for Internet Appropriate Use.

         A.     The authority for appropriate use of electronic Internet resources is delegated to the licensed employees.  For the purpose of this policy, Internet is defined as:

A collection of interconnected computer networks involving a multitude of computers and users around the world.  It is a collaboration of private, public, educational, governmental and industrial sponsored networks whose operators cooperate to maintain the network infrastructure.

         B.      Instruction in the proper use of the Internet system will be available to licensed employees who will then provide similar instruction to their students.

         C.      Employees are expected to practice appropriate use of the Internet, and violations may result in discipline up to, and including, termination.

II.      Internet Access.

         A.     Access to the Internet is available to teachers and students as a source of information and a vehicle of communication.

         B.      Making Internet access available to students carries with it the potential that some students might encounter information that may not be appropriate for students.  However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials.  Because information on the Internet appears, disappears and changes, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate.

         C.      It is a goal to allow teachers and students access to the rich opportunities on the Internet. 

         D.     The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines which require efficient, ethical and legal utilization of network resources.

                   E.   To reduce unnecessary system traffic, users may use electronic conferencing as approved by the supervising teacher.

          F.     Transmission of material, information or software in violation of any board policy or regulation is    prohibited.

         G.     To avoid spreading computer viruses, system users will not disable virus checks on downloaded files.

         H.     The school district makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of information received on the Internet.

III.    Student Use of Internet.

         A.     Equal Opportunity - The Internet shall be available to all students within the school district under supervision.  

         B.      Online Protocol.

                  1.      The use of the network is a privilege and is considered a necessity for successful education.  As a user of the Internet, students may be allowed access to other networks.  Each network may have its own set of policies and procedures.  It is the user's responsibility to abide by the policies and procedures of these other networks.

                  2.      Students should adhere to online protocol:

                           a.      Respect all copyright and license agreements.

                           b.      Cite all quotes, references and sources.

                           c.      Remain on the system long enough to get needed information, then exit the system.

                           d.      Apply the same privacy, ethical and educational considerations utilized in other forms of communication.

                  3.      Student email accounts should adhere to the following guidelines:

                           a.      Keep in mind that e-mail is not confidential and may be read or accessed by third parties.  

                           b.      Inappropriate messages should not be sent.

                           c.      Delete unwanted messages immediately.

                           d.      Use of objectionable language is prohibited.

                           e.      Always sign messages.

         C.      Restricted Material - Students will not intentionally access or download any text file or picture or engage in any conference that includes material which is obscene, libelous, indecent, vulgar, profane or lewd; advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law; constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses others; or presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or the manner of distribution, it will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities, will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school regulations.

         D.     Unauthorized Costs - If a student gains access to any service via the Internet which has a cost involved or if a student incurs other types of costs, the student accessing such a service will be responsible for those costs.

         E.      If a student is engaged in network activity which causes harm to our district’s network, the district may collect payment from the student to reimburse the district for resulting costs.

IV.     Student Violations--Consequences and Notifications.

                  Students who access restricted items on the Internet will be subject to the appropriate action described in board policy or regulations.

The district does not believe it is in the best interest of the student or our curriculum to indefinitely restrict access to the Internet for violation of policies, however access may need to be restricted for a period of time. We recognize the need to have consequences in place for violation of policy.  These consequences need to be age appropriate and may need to change as the Internet evolves.  As part of the consequences, students/parents will need to review the Internet policy and re-sign their understanding of the policies and regulations.  Students who violate the Internet - Appropriate Use policy will be subject to the appropriate action described in the district’s discipline policy or student handbook.


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 02/23/2021 - 13:51