605.06E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents and Permission Forms

605.06E1 - Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents and Permission Forms


I have read the District’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations.  I understand that the Internet is a world-wide connection of millions of computers and network devices and that the Independence Community School District does not control its content.  I understand that, while the district filters content to prevent access to inappropriate sites, the district cannot guarantee complete protection from inappropriate sites.

I understand that students at the Independence Elementary Schools will access the Internet only under direct adult supervision and only for educational purposes.  I further understand that if my child violates the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action.  Finally, I understand that the district is not responsible for student Internet access outside the school setting.

I have read and understand the district’s Internet Policy.  Once the form is signed, it is considered to be in effect while my child attends any elementary building in this district and for the duration my child is continuously enrolled within the district.  Parents and students may review the district’s policy at any time and may ask for clarification from district personnel.  

Student Name:  _________________________________________________     Grade:  ______________________________

School:  _______________________________________________________     Date:  _______________________________

                                                                                  (Parent or Guardian signature)



As a user of the Independence Community School District’s computer and Internet resources, I hereby agree to comply with the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations and to use these resources in a reliable fashion while honoring all relevant laws and restrictions.

_______________________________     ___________________________________________________________________
(Date)                                                                                         (Student Signature)


As the parent/guardian of the above named student, I have read and understand the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations.  I understand that my child is expected to follow the guidelines in said policy and regulations concerning appropriate use of the school district’s computer network.

I further understand that the Internet is a world-wide connection among millions of computers and that the district does not control its content.  I understand that, while the district filters content to restrict access to inappropriate sites, the district cannot guarantee complete protection from inappropriate sites.  Additionally, I understand that there is a potential for my son/daughter to access information on the Internet that is inappropriate for students and that every reasonable effort will be made on the part of the faculty and staff of the district to restrict access to such information, but that my son/daughter is ultimately responsible for restricting himself/herself from inappropriate information.

I realize that if my child violates the district’s Internet - Appropriate Use policy or regulations, he/she may be subject to disciplinary action.

I expect my son/daughter to use the district’s Internet resources in compliance with the policy and regulations.  I further understand if my son/daughter causes expense to the district by inappropriate Internet use, this cost will be passed to the student and to the undersigned.  Once this form is signed it is considered to be in effect while my child continuously attends grades 7-12.  Parents and students may review the district’s policy at any time and may ask for clarification from district personnel.

Student Name:  _________________________________________________     Grade:  ______________________________

School:  _______________________________________________________     Date:  _______________________________

                                                                                  (Parent or Guardian signature)


dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 02/23/2021 - 13:45