200.02R1 - Organizational Meeting Procedures

200.02R1 - Organizational Meeting Procedures

The board will hold its organizational meeting in odd-numbered years at or before the first regular meeting following the canvass of votes. Notice of the meeting's place and time will be given by the board secretary to each member, member-elect and the public.

The purpose of the meeting is to transfer material and responsibility from the outgoing board to the new board. At the meeting, the board will elect a president and vice president who will hold office for one year. Once elected, the president and vice president will be entitled to vote on all matters before the board.


Meeting Procedure

The organizational meeting of the board will be held in two parts:  the final meeting of the outgoing board and the organizational meeting of the new board.

1.     Final Meeting of the Retiring Board (Regular/Annual Meeting)

        (1)      Pledge of Allegiance.

                  (a)  Call to order

        (2)      Friends of Education/Spotlight on Education

        (3)      Approval of Agenda

        (4)      Consideration of Action on Consent Items

                  (a)  Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)

                  (b)  Approval of Board Policies (second reads only)

                  (c)  Resignation

                  (d)  Transfers/Reassignments

                  (e)  New Hires

                  (f)  Approval of Financial Reports including Financial Settlement Statement from Previous Fiscal Year

        (5)      Announcements, Communications and Presentations

                  (a)  Comments from the Public

                  (b)  Comments from the Board/Superintendent

                  (c)  Presentations

        (6)      Reports

                  (a)  Building Administrator Reports

                  (b)  District Director Reports

        (7)      Old Business

        (8)      New Business

          (a)  Review of election results. The board secretary will present the county auditor's official report on 

                 the latest elections. Official results are recorded in the minutes.

          (b)  Adjournment of the retiring board


2.     Organizational Meeting of the New Board

        (1)      Board Secretary, as president pro-tem, will preside over the meeting until a new board president is elected

        (2)      Call to order

                  (a)  Oath of office. The board secretary will administer the oath to new members.

                  (b)  Election of a president of the board. All board members are considered nominated for the 

                          position.  The president pro-tem will ask if anyone does not want to be considered nominated for

                          president.  Ballots will be distributed to the board members to vote for president of the school  

                        board.  Members must sign the ballots so the votes can be recorded.  A         

                  majority of those voting is necessary to elect.  The secretary will announce the result of the vote, and the board secretary will administer the oath of office to the newly elected president.

                  (c)  Election of the vice-president. All remaining board members are considered nominated for the

                        position.  The president will ask if anyone does not want to be considered nominated for vice-

                          president.  Ballots will be distributed to the board members to vote for vice

                  president of the school board.  Members must sign the ballots so the votes can be recorded.  A majority of those voting is necessary to elect.  The secretary will announce the results and administer the oath of office to the vice-president.

                  (d)  Determination of dates, times, and places for regular meetings of the board

                  (e)  Roll call vote order

                  (f)  Committee Assignments

        (3)      New Business

                  (a)  Legal Counsel for the District and Board of Directors

                  (b)  Resolution Naming Depositories

                  (c)  Resolution to Pay Bills when the Board is not in Session

                  (d)  Resolution to Issue Payroll

                  (e)  Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the


                  (f)  Other new business

        (4)      Adjournment 


dawn.gibson.cm… Sat, 02/27/2021 - 09:51