211 - Board of Directors' Meetings

211 - Board of Directors' Meetings dawn.gibson.cm… Sat, 02/27/2021 - 10:41

211.01 - Annual Meeting

211.01 - Annual Meeting

Each year after August 31 and prior to the organizational meeting of the board in odd-numbered years, the board will hold its annual meeting.

At the annual meeting, the board will examine the financial books and settle the secretary's and treasurer's statements for the fiscal year ending the preceding June 30.  As part of the annual reports, the treasurer will present affidavits from depository banks. 



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.1, .3, .33.

Cross Reference:  206.3   Secretary-Treasurer
                                    701.1   Depository of Funds
                                    707      Fiscal Reports

Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  01/16/2006, 10/20/2015, 03/17/2020

Revised:  07/19/2010



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211.02 - Regular Meeting

211.02 - Regular Meeting

The regular meeting time and date shall be set by the board at its annual and/or organizational meeting.  The regular meetings of the board will be held on the third Monday of each month in the Administration Office unless otherwise noted.

Meetings shall begin promptly at 6:00 p.m.  The board shall adhere to this meeting date unless the board requires additional meetings or, due to circumstances beyond the board's control, the meeting cannot be held on the regular meeting date, and the meeting will be re-scheduled in accordance with law and policy.  Public notice of the meetings shall be given.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 21.3, .4; 279.1 (2003).
                                    1980 Op. Atty Gen. 148.

Cross Reference:  200.2   Organization of the Board of Directors
                                    211      Board of Directors' Meetings


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  01/16/2006, 10/20/2015, 03/17/2020

Revised:  07/19/2010, 10/24/2011, 02/20/2017


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211.03 - Special Meeting

211.03 - Special Meeting

It may be necessary for the board to conduct a special meeting in addition to the regularly scheduled board meeting.  Special meetings may be called by the president of the board or by the board secretary at the request of a majority of the board.  Should a special meeting be called, 24 hour public notice shall be given.

If the special meeting called is an emergency meeting and the board cannot give public notice in its usual manner, the board shall give public notice of the meeting as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation.  The reason for the emergency meeting and why notice in its usual manner could not be given shall be stated in the minutes.

Only the purpose or issue for which the special meeting was called may be discussed and decided in the special meeting.  The board shall strictly adhere to the agenda for the special meeting and action on other issues shall be reserved for the next regular or special board meeting.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 21.3, .4; 279.2 (2003).
                                    1980 Op. Att'y Gen. 148.

Cross Reference:  200.2   Organization of the Board of Directors
                                    211      Board of Directors' Meetings

Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  01/16/2006, 11/15/2010, 10/20/2015, 03/17/2020




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211.04 - Work Sessions

211.04 - Work Sessions

The board, as a decision making body, is confronted with a continuing flow of problems, issues and needs which require action.  While the board is determined to expedite its business, it is also mindful of the importance of planning, brainstorming and thoughtful discussion without action.  Therefore, the board may schedule work sessions and retreats in order to provide its members and the administration with such opportunities.  The board has the authority to hire an outside facilitator to assist them in work sessions.

Topics for discussion and study will be announced publicly, and work sessions and retreats will be conducted in open session.  However, no board action will take place at the work session.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 21; 279.8 (2003).
                                    1982 Op. Att'y Gen. 162.
                                    1980 Op. Att'y Gen. 167.
                                    1976 Op. Att'y Gen. 384, 514, 765.
                                    1972 Op. Att'y Gen. 158.
                                    1970 Op. Att'y Gen. 287.

Cross Reference:  211      Board of Directors' Meetings
                                    212      Open Meetings


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  02/20/2006, 11/15/2010, 10/20/2015, 03/17/2020




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211.05 - Meeting Notice

211.05 - Meeting Notice


Public notice will be given for meetings and work sessions held by the board.  Public notice will indicate the time, place, date and tentative agenda of board meetings.  The public notice will be posted in a prominent place clearly designated for posting agendas in the Central Administration Office and on an exterior facing door/window so that community members may see the agenda when the building is physically closed.  The agenda will be posted at least three days before it is scheduled, but, at the minimum, twenty-four hours notice needs to be given.

A copy of the public notice will be provided to those who have filed a request for notice with the secretary.  A copy of the public notice will also be accessible to employees and students.

In the case of special meetings, public notice will be given in the same manner as for a regular meeting unless it is an emergency meeting.  In that case, public notice of the meeting will be given as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation.  The media and others who have requested notice will be notified of the emergency meeting.  Attendance at a special meeting or emergency meeting by the media or board members will constitute a waiver of notice.

It will be the responsibility of the board secretary to give public notice of board meetings and work sessions.


Legal Reference:          Dobrovolny v. Reinhardt, 173 N.W.2d 837 (Iowa 1970).

                                    Iowa Code §§ 21.2-.4; 279.1, .2 


Cross Reference:          211      Board of Directors' Meetings

                                      214      Board of Directors' Meeting Agenda


Approved:  11/01/2004                                                                                    

Reviewed:  02/20/2006, 11/15/2010, 10/20/2015                 

Revised:  03/17/2020, 06/19/2023                                


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211.06 - Quorum

211.06 - Quorum

Action by the board regarding the affairs of the school district may be taken only when a quorum, a majority of the board members, is in attendance at the board meeting.  While in person participation is encouraged, board members may attend meetings either in person or electronically provided each member can hear and be heard in real time by all members present and the public.

While board members are encouraged to attend board meetings, three members shall constitute a quorum and are a sufficient number to transact business of the school corporation.  The adjournment of a meeting may be executed without a quorum.

An affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient to pass a motion or take action unless law or board policy requires a vote of a greater number.

It is the responsibility of each board member to attend board meetings.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 21.5(1); 279.4

Cross Reference:  211      Board of Directors' Meetings


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  02/20/2006, 11/15/2010, 10/20/2015

Revised:  03/17/2020


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211.07 - Rules of Order

211.07 - Rules of Order

An orderly board meeting allows the board members to participate in the discussion and decision process on an issue confronting the school district.  Rules of order for board meetings allow school district business and the relative information concerning the business to be brought to the attention of the board.  They also allow the board to discuss, act upon and make a clear record of school district business in a regular, ordered, reasonable and consistent manner.

It shall be the responsibility of each board member to follow the rules of order stated in this policy at each meeting, and it shall be the responsibility of the presiding officer to conduct the board meeting within these rules.

The board shall follow Robert's Rule of Order, Revised, latest edition as modified by this policy and subsequent rule.

The purpose of modified rules adopted by the board are:

     To establish guidelines by which the business of the governing board can be conducted in a regular and internally consistent manner;

     To organize the meetings so all necessary matters can be brought to the board and decisions of the board can be made in an orderly and reasonable manner;

     To ensure members of the board, concentrating on the substantive issues at hand, have the necessary information to make decisions, and to ensure adequate discussion of decisions to be made; and,

     To ensure meetings and actions of the board are conducted so as to be informative to the staff and the public, and to produce a clear record of actions taken and decisions made.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 21.2, .7; 279.8 (2003).

Cross Reference:  211      Board of Directors' Meetings     


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  02/20/2006, 10/20/2015, 03/17/2020

Revised:  07/19/2010, 12/16/2024


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211.07R1 - Rules of Order Regulation

211.07R1 - Rules of Order Regulation

The following rules of procedure have been adopted by the board at the annual or organizational meeting:

1.      Board members need not rise to gain the recognition of the board president.

2.      All motions will be made as a positive action.

3.      A motion will be adopted or carried if it receives an affirmative vote from more than half of the votes cast.  Only "yes" and "no" votes are counted in this calculation.  It should be noted that some motions require larger numbers of affirmative votes, such as to move into a closed session and/or a roll call vote as required by law or requested.

4.      All motions shall receive a second, prior to opening the issue for discussion of the board.  If a motion does not receive a second, the board president may declare the motion dead for lack of a second.

5.      The board president may decide the order in which board members will be recognized to address an issue.  An attempt should be made to alternate between pro and con positions.

6.      The board president shall rule on all motions that come before the board.

7.      The board president may rule on points of order brought before the board.

8.      The board president shall have complete authority to recognize a member of the audience regarding a request to participate in the board meeting.  Members of the public who wish to participate shall follow board policy.

9.      The board president has the authority to declare a recess at any time for the purpose of restoring decorum to the meeting.

10.    The board president has the same authority and responsibility as each board member to vote on all issues.


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