104.02 - Independence Community Schools Operating Principles for the Board of Education and Superintendent

104.02 - Independence Community Schools Operating Principles for the Board of Education and Superintendent


Providing a quality education for each student requires a commitment to excellence from the board of education, the superintendent, and all the employees of the district.  Each individual employed by the district has a significant part to play, however for our efforts to be successful; all must work together as a team.  A special obligation rests with the board and superintendent to set an example of the kind of leadership that promotes harmony and teamwork. 

The mission of the Independence Schools, in partnership with the community, is to prepare students to become productive citizens and lifelong learners by providing a positive educational environment.  The board/superintendent team will provide leadership in our commitment to excellence by exhibiting the highest standards of professional conduct and personal responsibility.  The board/superintendent team will strive for high standards of behavior and performance that we believe will benefit not only our students and staff, but all people in the community.

We agree that adherence to the following set of principles will ensure effective guidance and operation of the school district, and will accentuate a positive, open, and productive environment for all.


  1. The board and superintendent recognize that it is absolutely necessary to remain positive in working together as a team.  As such, we will:
  1. Strive to see the good in others;
  2. Look for, recognize, and promote the positive contributions of each team member;
  3. Refrain from speaking negatively about the character of another team member;
  4. Seek ways to turn obstacles into opportunities;
  5. Maintain a sense of hope, optimism, and humor in working together;
  6. Strive toward increasingly high levels of citizenship in our personal and working relationships.

Team Cooperation

  1. The board and superintendent must work as a team to find the best ways to meet the needs of our students.
  2. It is essential that we trust and appreciate one another, as well as being committed to work toward a resolution of any conflicts or problems.
  3. Each individual must have the freedom and opportunity to express his/her own beliefs.
    1. This must be done in an open and honest manner, and early in the discussion of basic issues.

Individual Responsibility to Board/Superintendent Team

  1. Each person is accountable to the team for his/her own actions.
  2. Each team member will keep an open mind toward the views and opinions of others.
  3. Should concerns about another team member arise, the person with the concern will share privately his/her concerns with the individual on a one-on-one basis.
  4. When a member has an idea on how the team can work more effectively, the person is encouraged to present the idea to the team.
  5. Expressing one’s concerns is a necessary part of team building, but only if one has a positive solution to a problem.

Planning, Goal Setting, and Accountability of the Superintendent and Board

  1. The team must be oriented to a comprehensive planning process leading to mutually developed goals and their accountability. 
  2. The plan shall prescribe responsibilities for each individual along with an assurance of progress in measurable terms at specified levels.

Human Resource Development

  1. The team will support specific plans which will encourage continued growth of team members.
  2. The team will be an example to the school community that life-long learning is essential.


  1. Effective communication requires high levels of trust.
  2. Open channels of formal and informal communication must be established and maintained among all members of the team.
  3. Team members must refrain from knowingly deceiving one another and must replace rumors with facts.
  4. Board members should offer praise to employees on a personal basis.
  5. Criticisms of employees should not be communicated personally to them without consulting the superintendent and should not be aired at meetings.
  6. This team believes strongly in open communications and the publics’ right to know.
  7. Information cited by statute to be discussed in executive session and so discussed must remain confidential.  Sharing of such information with unauthorized persons at any time is totally unacceptable.  If a public statement is appropriate, the team will agree upon a specific statement to be made by the superintendent or his/her designee.

Handling of Public Concerns

When a board member is contacted by a constituent with a concern, he/she will follow these procedures:

  1. Listen to the individual’s concern.
  2. Ask if the person has discussed the issue with the person immediately responsible; if not, encourage him/her to do so.
  3. Affirm the desire to reach a satisfactory solution.
  4. Assure the person that the superintendent will be informed of the concern, if appropriate.
  5. Ask the person to report back on the progress or resolution of the concern, if appropriate.
  6. Express appreciation to the individual for presenting the concern.

Decision Making

The board and superintendent will use the following guidelines prior to a board decision:

  1. Gather pertinent facts regarding the situation.
  2. Receive input from persons/groups affected by the decision.
  3. Analyze and organize the collected data.
  4. Develop multiple solutions where appropriate, including cost estimates.
  5. Review the superintendent’s recommendations.
  6. Make a decision.
  7. Provide a plan to implement and evaluate the decision.
  8. Keep lines of communication open with those who continue to have concerns about the issue and/or the decision.
  9. Acknowledge the decision and support its effective implementation.

Meeting Agendas

  1. Board meeting agendas must be open and publicized to encourage meaningful dialogue.
  2. Surprises at decision-making meetings from board members or administrators are unwelcome, unethical, and counterproductive.
  3. Information upon which decisions are to be made must be publicized prior to decision-making meetings to provide adequate time for discussion.


Cross Reference:  401.5   Employee Complaints
                                    204      Code of Ethics
                                    307      Administrator Code of Ethics


Approved:  08/20/2007

Reviewed:  09/17/2012, 09/18/2017, 10/17/2022



dawn.gibson.cm… Sat, 02/27/2021 - 14:19