503.06E3 - Debriefing Meeting Document

503.06E3 - Debriefing Meeting Document

[The following individuals must attend the debriefing meeting: employees who administered physical restraint or seclusion; an administrator or employee not involved in the occurrence; the administrator or employee who approved continuation of the physical restraint or seclusion; other relevant personnel designated by the school; if indicated by student’s behavior in occurrence, an expert in behavioral/mental health or other discipline.  The following individuals must be invited to attend the debriefing meeting:  the parent or guardian of the student, the student with guardian’s consent.]


            Student name:

Date of occurrence:

Date of debriefing meeting:

Time of debriefing meeting:

Location of debriefing meeting:


Names of individuals attending the debriefing meeting (must include the employees involved and at least one employee who was not involved):

Job title of employee and/or relation to student:

















Documentation reviewed during meeting (must include at least the occurrence report; and BIP, IHP, IEP and/or safety plan if applicable):






Identification of patterns of behavior and proportionate response, if any, in the student and employees involved:







Possible alternative responses, if any, to the incident/less restrictive means, if any:





Additional resources, if any, that could facilitate those alternative responses in the future:






Plans for additional follow up actions, if any:






This form has been reviewed and completed by the undersigned employee.  A written copy of this form has been sent to the student’s guardian within three school days of the debriefing meeting

____________________________________                 ______________________________
Employee                                                                                            Date of delivered to Parent/Guardian


                                                                                    Method of Transmittal


dawn.gibson.cm… Fri, 04/02/2021 - 15:47