506.01E1 - Request of Nonparent for Examination or Copies of Education Records

506.01E1 - Request of Nonparent for Examination or Copies of Education Records

The undersigned hereby requests permission to examine the Independence Community School District's official education records of:





(Legal Name of Student)



(Date of Birth)









The undersigned requests copies of the following official education records of the above student:















The undersigned certifies that they are (check one):



An official of another school system in which the student intends to enroll.

(  )


An authorized representative of the Comptroller General of the United States.

(  )


An authorized representative of the Secretary of
the U.S. Department of Education or U.S. Attorney General

(  )


A state or local official to whom such is specifically allowed to be reported or disclosed.

(  )


A person connected with the student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid (SPECIFY DETAILS: ________________________________________.)

(  )


Otherwise authorized by law. (SPECIFY DETAILS: ___________________.)

(  )


A representative of a juvenile justice agency with which the school district has an interagency agreement.

(  )








The undersigned agrees that the information obtained will only be redisclosed consistent with state or federal law without the written permission of the parents/guardians of the student, or the student if the student is of majority age.

























































APPROVED:                                                                                    Date:  ____________________________________________

                                                                                                                           Address:  ____________________________________

Signature:  ___________________________________    City:  _______________________________________

Title:  _______________________________________     State:  _______________  ZIP:  __________________

Dated:  ______________________________________     Phone Number:  ______________________________



dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 04/06/2021 - 10:02