508.03 - Student Telephone Calls

508.03 - Student Telephone Calls

Generally, students receiving telephone calls shall not be called to the phone.  The administrative office in their attendance center will take a message and forward it to the student.  Only in an emergency situation will a student be removed from the classroom or a school activity to receive a telephone call.

Students may, in an emergency situation, use the telephone in the administrative office of their attendance center to make a telephone call.  Prior permission must be obtained from the principal or the principal's secretary.



Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.14 (2003).

Cross Reference:  502      Student Rights and Responsibilities


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  02/23/2009, 06/16/2014, 05/20/2019, 09/16/2024



dawn.gibson.cm… Tue, 04/06/2021 - 11:59