Board Minutes - 2022.01.06

Board Minutes - 2022.01.06

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting -Vaccine Mandate

January 6, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 6, 2022.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle.  Also attending: Supt. Russ Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine and Press representative John Klotzbach.  Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the OSHA Mandatory Policy on Employee Vaccination – Board Policy 403.8, 403.8R1, 403.8R2, 403.8E1, 403.8E2, and 403.8E3 – Bleichner moved to approve the first reading of Board Policy #403.8, Regulations 403.8R1 and examples 403.8E1, E2 and E3 to be effective when it is required to be enforced by OSHA pursuant to section1910.501-Vaccinations, testing and face coverings, but no earlier than January 10, 2022 with the following changes:


Policy 403.8 third paragraph under the section Face Coverings and Testing be amended to change the beginning date for the face coverings to be “no sooner than January 10, 2022” and the date for not fully vaccinated to test to: “February 9, 2022”.  Further that the following be added to this section: “The District will pay for and will administer any test required under this policy”.


Regulation 403.8R page 1, fifth paragraph section Testing be amended to change the beginning date for not fully vaccinated to test to “February 9, 2022”.  Further that the following be added to this section: “The District will pay for and will administer any test required under this policy”.


Regulation 403.8R1 page 2 fourth full paragraph section Face Covering be amended to change the beginning date for face coverings to be “no sooner than January 10, 2022”.

           McCardle second.   Board discussed.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hanse second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 01/11/2022 - 09:08