Board Minutes - 2023.12.18

Board Minutes - 2023.12.18

Independence Community School Board Meeting 

Regular Meeting

December 18, 2023


The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on December 18, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Mitch Barnett, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle.  Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine.  Admin/Directors:  JHS Principal Kleman, West Principal Reed, East Principal Reidy, School Improvement Director Burmeister, Technology Director Noyes and AD Putz. Guests: Matt Miller and Michael Murphy.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by Hill, second by Barnett to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 4-0 with McCardle abstaining.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular/annual and organizational meeting on November 27, 2023.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

         First Readings:




Responsibilities of the Board of Education





Board Member Social Media Engagement



Individual Authority



Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest



Public Participation in Board Meetings



Public Complaints



Board of Directors and Superintendent



Board of Directors and Employees



School Visitation by Board of Directors


     C. Approval of Resignations




Seth Rupprecht

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach





     D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)


    E. Approval of Financial Reports

        1. Bills – Director Hanson reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in January

        2. Budget Report

      F.  Approval of SIAC’s Review of the Return to Learn Plan

    G.  Approval of the Contract with Fusion Forward for the Website Redesign.


Jean Crawford

West Elem 5.5 hr POS/Food Service Worker



Teresa Hall

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher



Carter Harris

JSH .5 FTE Assist Boys Wrestling Coach



Chris Shannon

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach





    A. Comments from the Public. - None

    B. Presentations

         1.  Baseball Field Project – Michael Murphy, LEI reviewed the plan with the board. January 4, 2023 bids should be out for public bids and bid opening on February 8th.

    C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members reported on the activities they had attended and all are very grateful for the great administration, staff and students in our district.  Supt. Phillips reported the Admin and Directors finished a leadership book study of Emotional Intelligence 2.0.  Joel Pederson, Chief Admin at Central Rivers AEA presented the kick off and the ending sessions.  Supt. Phillips gave a shout out to the Salvation Army for their work on the Red Kettle program as they provide so much for our district and community all year round.   There have been a lot of activities before the holidays and she commended the families, staff, student and administration for their involvement and support.  


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School

          2.  West Elementary

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report* - Director Putz was excited to report that the district offers quality activities for students.  The district offers 20 sports and many diverse arts, music, FFA, drama, mock trial, robotics and clubs for our students to participate in.  Independence students have the ability to participate in all of the IHSSA/IGHSAU sanctioned sports.

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report*- Report was postponed until January 2024

          6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval of the Course Registration Guide for 2024-2025 – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Course Registration Guide for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Additional Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicant for January 2024 – Motion by McCardle, send by Hill to approve the Additional Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicant for January 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $461,762.00 – Motion by Trimble, second by Barnett to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $461,762.00.  Motion carried 5-0.

Board took a recess to clear the room for the closed session.

  1. Closed Session Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to move into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(k) of the Iowa Code; To discuss information contained in records in the custody of a governmental body that are confidential records pursuant to section 22.7, subsection 50.  Roll call vote: Barnett-aye, Hansen–aye, Hill-aye, McCardle-aye, Trimble-aye. Motion carried 5-0.  Moved into closed session at 7:15 pm.   

Exited closed session at 7:28 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.

      E. Consider Approval of the Eligibility for an Open Enrollment – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Eligibility for an Open Enrollment student at East Buchanan. Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Hill second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Board took a recess before moving into exempt session.



The exempt session started at 7:41 pm to discuss negotiations strategies.  Session ended at 8:53 pm.


Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:28