Board Agenda - 2024.01.30 Notice to Attend

Board Agenda - 2024.01.30 Notice to Attend


January 26, 2024


To:       All School Board Members                            Mitchell Barnett – DD #2 ‘27

                                                                                    Kim Hansen – DD #3 ‘27

From:   Cynthia Phillips, Superintendent                    Audrey Hill – DD #1 ‘27                   

                                                                                    Charlie McCardle – DD #3 ‘25

                                                                                    Gina Trimble – At Large ‘25



You are hereby notified that members of the Board of Education of the Independence Community School District will virtually attend the IASB Ready, Set, Govern! Digital Workshop on Tuesday, January 30, 2024 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the School Administration Office, 1207 1st Street West, Independence, IA
 Fri, 01/26/2024 - 10:40