Board Minutes - 2024.03.12 ITA Contract

Board Minutes - 2024.03.12 ITA Contract

Independence Community School Board

Special Board Meeting  

March 12, 2024


A special board meeting for the Independence Community School Board started at 12:00 pm at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA on March 8, 2024.  Attending in person:  Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill, Charlie McCardle, Superintendent Phillips and Director of Finance Morine.  Those attending by Zoom: Gina Trimble, and Mitch Barnett.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1.   Consider Approval of the Master Contract Agreement Between Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) and the Board of Education for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 (2 years) – McCardle moved to approve the Master Contract Agreement Between Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) and the Board of Education for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 (2 years) with a 3.189% increase on salary only package.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – Motion by McCardle to adjourn the meeting.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 12:04 pm


Entered into exempt session to discuss negotiations strategies.  Exempt session ended at 12:16 pm.


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Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary  Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:49