Board Minutes - 2023.11.07 - LEI Contract

Independence Community School Board

Special Meeting

November 7, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 7, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle.  Audrey Hill, Eric Smith and Gina Trimble joined virtually. Also present in person: Superintendent Phillips and Board Secretary Morine.  Guests:  AD Justin Putz, Coach Matt Miller and John Bagge.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Civil Engineering Proposal by LEI (Larson Engineering, Inc.) for the Baseball Outfield Drainage Repair Project – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Civil Engineering Proposal by LEI (Larson Engineering, Inc.) for the Baseball Outfield Drainage Repair Project. After board discussion, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second. Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 12:13 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:

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Kimberly Hansen, Board President                            Laura Morine, Board Secretary