504.06 - Student Fundraising

Students may raise funds for school-sponsored events by having the coach/sponsor fill out the appropriate fundraising request for permission.  This request must be approved by the Building Principal, and then submitted to the Activities Director for final approval.  If the fund raiser is projected to raise more than $3,500.00, prior approval from the Board of Education will be required.  If this policy is not followed as written, the disciplinary steps will be:

1st Offense – Letter of reprimand to be placed in personnel file signed by Activities Director and Staff Member

2nd Offense – One half of money raised will be placed in general activity fund

3rd Offense – All money raised will be placed in general activity fund

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the Activities Director, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.



Legal Reference:  Senior Class of Pekin High School v. Tharp, 154 N.W.2d 874 (Iowa 1967).
                                    Iowa Code § 279.8 (2003).

Cross Reference:  402.9  Solicitations from Outside
                                    502      Student Rights and Responsibilities
                                    503      Student Discipline
                                    504      Student Activities
                                    704.5   Student Activities Fund
                                    905.2   Advertising and Promotion

Approved 11/1/2004                             Reviewed 12/15/2008                           Revised 09/20/2010
                                                                                            02/17/2014                                            08/15/2011
                                                                                            07/15/2019                                            07/15/2019