605.06 - Internet - Appropriate Use

The district recognizes the importance of developing students into agile learners who are capable of addressing the complex needs of our future workforce.  For this reason, the district has prioritized making available technology and programs that teach students to embrace modern technology and tools while fostering a secure learning environment for students to the extent reasonable.  Because technology is a vital part of the school district curriculum, the Internet will be made available to employees and students.  Appropriate and equitable use of the Internet will allow employees and students to access resources unavailable through traditional means.

Individual student networks accounts will be assigned and used throughout the district.  Students will also be assigned a valid district-controlled email address.  Students will be able to send and receive email from within and outside of the district.  The email account is provided at no additional cost, but Internet access outside of the district will not be provided.  The purpose of this email account is educational and should be treated as a professional-business account.  If a student already has an electronic mail address, the student may be permitted to use the address to send and receive email at school.  Students must use caution when opening email attachments.  Attachments may contain viruses and other malicious code.

The Internet provides a vast collection of educational resources for students and employees.  It is a global network which makes it impossible to control all available information.  Because information appears, disappears and changes constantly, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate.  The district makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or appropriateness of information received on the Internet.  Although students will be under teacher supervision while on the network, it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing on the network.  Some students might encounter information that may not be appropriate or of educational value.  Student Internet records and access records are confidential to the extent possible and are treated like other student records.  Students should have no expectation of privacy related to student Internet records.  Student Internet records and access records are subject to access and examination by District Administration.  Students’ Internet activities will be monitored by the district to ensure, to the extent possible, that students are not accessing inappropriate sites.  The school district will use technology protection measures to protect students from inappropriate access.

The school district will monitor the online activities of students and will educate students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting on social networking sites and chat rooms. Students will also be educated on cyberbullying, including awareness and response. Employees will provide age appropriate training for students who use the Internet. The training provided will be designed to promote the school district’s commitment to:

  • The standards and appropriate use of Internet services as set forth in this policy and regulation;
  • Student safety with regard to:
  • safety on the Internet;
  • appropriate behavior while online, on social networking web sites, and in chat rooms; and
  • cyberbullying awareness and response.
  • Compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act                                                                                                                    

Employees and students will be instructed on the appropriate use of the Internet.  Parents will be required to sign a form stating they have read and understand the policies related to Internet use.  Students need to have access to the Internet to complete many assignments and to successfully complete the curriculum goals of the district.  Students will sign a form acknowledging they have read and understand the Internet - Appropriate Use policy and regulations, that they will comply with the policy and regulations and understand there are disciplinary consequences for violation of the policy or regulations.

In compliance with federal law, this policy will be maintained at least five years beyond the termination of funding under the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) or E-rate.



Legal References:         47 C.F.R 54.520

                                    Iowa Code § 279.8


Cross References:       502      Student Rights and Responsibilities

                                    506      Student Records

                                    605.5   Media Centers


Approved:  11/01/2004

Reviewed:  08/22/2005, 06/15/2009, 09/21/2009, 03/21/2011, 06/18/2012, 04/16/2018, 03/20/2023

Revised:  08/22/2005, 09/21/2009, 03/21/2011, 06/18/2012, 03/20/2023, 03/18/2024