Homework, extra class activities or assignments beyond the regular classroom instruction program are a part of the education program. Homework will be an extension and an enrichment of the classroom instruction.
Homework will be an opportunity for students to practice skills and activities, to share and discuss ideas, to review materials, to become acquainted with resources, to organize thoughts, to prepare for classroom activity, or to make up incomplete assignments.
The amount of homework in grades one through six will be appropriate. A reasonable amount of homework is required in grades seven through twelve.
Guidelines regarding homework will be developed in conjunction with the curriculum of the education program.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3, .14 (2003).
Cross Reference: 501 Student Attendance
606 Instructional Arrangements
Approved: 11/01/2004
Reviewed: 05/27/2008, 02/15/2013, 05/21/2018, 03/20/2023
Revised: 03/20/2023