Board Minutes - 2022.04.11 Public Hearing & Regular Meeting

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

April 11, 2022

Public Hearing

A public hearing was held at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on April 11, 2022 at 5:50 pm for amending the 2021-2022 Certified Budget and the proposed 2022-2023 Certified Budget.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner. Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, administrators and guests were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Morine gave a brief overview of the amendment and certified budget. The property tax rate will be 51 cents lower next year.  Public Hearing ended at 5:57 pm.  

Regular Meeting

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on April 11, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner. Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, administrators and guests were present.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items.   Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.   It is with extreme regret that we accept the resignations from Kris Martin and Aja Baskerville.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on March 21, 2022.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:







Release of Credit Information


402.2* and 402.2R1

Child Abuse Reporting and Child Abuse Reporting Regulation


402.3*, 402.3E1, 402.3E2, and 402.3R1*

Abuse of Students by School District Employees, Abuse of Students by School District Employees Complaint of Injury to or Abuse of a Student by a School District Employee, Abuse of Students by School District Employees Report of Level I Investigation, and Abuse of Students by School District Employees Regulation



Gifts to Employees



Employee Relations to the Public



Employee Outside Employment



Employee Telephone Calls



Solicitations from Outside



District Landline and Cellular Telephone Usage









First Readings:







Employee Physical Examinations



Employee Injury on the Job


403.3*, 403.3E1, and 403.3R1

Communicable Diseases – Employees, Hepatitis B Vaccine Information and Record, Post Exposure Management for Potential Bloodborne Exposure, and Universal Precautions Regulation



Hazardous Chemical Disclosure


403.6*, 403.6E1*, and 403.6R1*

Substance-Free Workplace, Substance-Free Workplace Notice to Employees, and Substance-Free Workplace Regulation


403.7, 403.7E1, 403.7E2, 407.7E3, 403.7E4, 403.7E5, 403.7E6, and 403.7R1

Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees, Certification from Current Employer Participating in Drug & Alcohol Program, Certification of Previous Employers Requiring a Commercial Driver’s License Consent to Release Information to Independence Community School District, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Acknowledgement Form, Drug and Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Observation Form, Drug & Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent to Share Information, and Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Regulation


404.1 and 404.1R1

Employee Conduct and Appearance and Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics



C. Approval of Resignations





Kaitlin Armstrong

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para


Aja Baskerville

East Elem & JH Vocal Music

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Aja Baskerville

Assistant Vocal Director

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Aja Baskerville

Assistant High School Musical Director

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Peg Erger

West Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Joan Gillespie

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Vince Higgins

Bus Gar 4.25 hr Bus Driver

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Colleen Hunter

ECC 4.5 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Brian Loughren

JSH Assistant Football Coach


Kris Martin

K-12 At Risk Coordinator/Instructor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Randy Miller

Bus Gar 6.5 hr Van Driver

End of 2021-2022 School Year






D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments







Nicholas Holt

West Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher

West Elem 6th Grade Teacher**



Brooke Reed

East Elem Kindergarten Teacher

East Elem Special Ed Teacher



Becky Uchytil

East Elem Special Ed Teacher

East Elem .5 FTE Special Ed Teacher/.5 FTE Math Interventionist



*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations

**Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds





E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Linda Bonney

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$14.20/hr plus $168 pro-rated night stipend


Ashley Foreman

JSH English/Language Arts Teacher



Rachel Hurley

JSH Special Ed Teacher



Stacey Jenkins

JSH 5.5 hr Cook/Food Service Worker



*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations




F. Approval of Financial Reports


     1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Smith will review in May


     2.  Budget Report




A. Comments from the Public. Four members of the Mock Trial team and Coach Dooley-Rothman shared with the board their experiences at the state level. This is the second time in two years they qualified for the state competition. A few members of the team received All State nods.  Congratulations!

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Bleichner had met with Val Maximovich regarding the mentoring program.  Next year the program will be 30 years old, so there are plans to celebrate this achievement.  All board members were busy attending events throughout the district such as All State Speech, State Jazz Orchestra, FFA banquet, elementary concerts, etc. Prom was a success. Thanks to the prom committee and sponsors as well as the community for donating prizes and food for the prom events.    Supt. Reiter congratulated the Mock Trial team, All State Speech Festival students, State Music Solo and Ensemble Contest students.  The Career Fair was a success and thanked those involved.  Work continues on the Employee Benefits Manual and still working with the certified negotiations. Spring Break is this Friday and Monday. 



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report – reimbursable meals increase by 475 for lunch and 185 for breakfast over last month.

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report – The district received another $25,000 grant for a used propane bus.


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – The superintendent is in contact with HSR and Larsons to set a date to inspect the buildings to develop the final punch list of items to be completed. 
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Erin Burmeister, Erin Rosburg, Amy Gustafson and Joe Kremer (AEA rep) presented the principles, goals and some data on Standard Referenced Grading. The school board will consider expanding to the 8th grade in 2022-22 school year during the May 2022 regular meeting.  

            At 7:41 pm the board recessed.  The board returned to order at 7:45 pm.


  1. Discussion on Weighted Grading – Supt. Reiter and Director of School Improvement Erin Burmeister shared that three high school staff members are interested in teaching Advanced Placement (AP) courses.  The teacher will need to have the necessary training and time to develop the courses to teach to the AP test. The coursed could be offered to students in the 2023-24 school year.  Weighted Grading is on the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) agenda for the next meeting. 



  1. Consider Approval of the Amended 2021-2022 Certified Budget – McCardle moved to approve the Amended 2021-2022 Certified Budget.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2022-2023 Certified Budget – Trimble moved to approve the Proposed 2022-2023 Certified Budget.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Budget Guarantee for 2022-2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for 2022-2023.  Roll call vote:  Hansen-aye, McCardle-aye, Smith -aye, Trimble-aye, Bleichner-aye.  Motion carried 5-0. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates                 for May 2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for May 2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Congratulations and best of luck to the graduates. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – June 2022 Baseball Players to Omaha, NE  - McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – June 2022 Baseball Players to Omaha, NE.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – July 2022 Baseball Players to Fulton, IL – McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – July 2022 Baseball Players to Fulton, IL.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Renewal of the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fifth Amendment from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 – Hansen moved to Renew the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fifth Amendment from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Postage Meter Lease with Pitney Bowes – Hansen moved to approve the Postage Meter Lease with Pitney Bowes.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Purchase of a Bus from School Bus Sales Co. – Hansen moved to purchase a bus form School Bus Sales Co. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  A grant was received to help pay for this propane bus.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2022-2023 - Hansen moved to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2022-2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. L. Consider Approval of Retention Pay for Those that Did Not Receive the Retention Pay from the Governor - Hansen moved to approve the Retention Pay for Those that Did Not Receive the Retention Pay from the Governor, including Supt. Reiter.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


   ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting, Bleichner second.  Motion carried 5-0     and meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm.



   Supt. Reiter and the board members did a construction tour of East and West Elementary Buildings.  Tour ended at 9:15 pm.




___________________________________                 ________________________________

    Eric B. Smith, Chairman                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary