Board Minutes - 2022.06.15

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

June 15, 2022


A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:30 pm. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on June 15, 2022.  Board members present in person: Eric Smith, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner and Kim Hansen.  Also attending in person: Supt. Russ Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


McCardle joined the meeting at 5:35 pm. 

  1. Consider Approval of Hiring the Recommended Candidate for the Jr/Sr High School Principal Position – Bleichner moved to approve hiring Ian Kleman as the Jr/Sr High School Principal at a salary of $115,000 with a start date of July 1, 2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Closed Session

We need a motion to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code:  To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. 

Hansen moved to move into closed session.  Bleichner second.  Roll call vote:  McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye.  Motion carried 5-0 and closed session started at 5:38 pm.

Morine left the meeting at 5:38 pm.   Reiter left at 6:59 pm.

No official action was taken during the closed session and the board exited the closed session at 8:33 pm.

C. Superintendent’s Contract – Trimble moved to approve the Superintendent Contract.  McCardle second.  The Superintendent's contract increase of 3.4% on salary for an increase of $5,845.00. Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm.




_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary