Board Minutes - 2024.05.24 Special

Independence Community School Board

Special Meeting

May 24, 2024


A special meeting for the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 11:33 am at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA on May 24, 2024.  Board members attending in person:  Kim Hansen and Charlie McCardle.  Board members joining electronically:  Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending in person: Superintendent Phillips and Acting Secretary Lori Schaul.

AGENDA – McCardle moved to amend the agenda by adding Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025 to Item A. Trimble second, amendment approved 5-0.  McCardle moved to approve the amended agenda, Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0.  

     A. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Janet Grafft

District Office Director of Finance/Board Secretary



Nicole Hampton

West Elem 3.0 hr. Food Service/Dishwasher





The board entered an exempt session at 11:35 am to discuss negotiations. There were no official business transactions.  The exempt session ended at 11:53 am.


  1. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, Administrative/Director Contracts, and Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025.  McCardle moved and Barnett second to approve the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, Administrative/Director Contracts, and Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0 and the special meeting adjourned at 11:55 am.

Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Lori Schaul, Acting Board Secretary