Click on the links below for current and archived board meeting minutes:



jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:48



Click on the links below to view school board meeting minutes for the 2021-22 school year.


jen@iowaschool… Tue, 04/13/2021 - 14:59

Board Minutes - 2021.07.19

Board Minutes - 2021.07.19


Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting and Work Session

July 19, 2021 -AMENDED 8/16/21



A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on July 19, 2021, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, and local press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda with adding a new agenda item:  G. Consider Approval of the High School Band and Choir Charter Bus Contract for December 2021 to Florida. Bleichner second, agenda approved 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on June 21, 2021 and the special meeting on June 24, 2021.


B. Approval of Resignations




Katelyn Kleitsch

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher


Stephanie Newman

JSH Special Education Teacher






C.  Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Bob Beatty

JSH JH Cross Country Coach



Scott Eddy

JSH JH Football Coach



Amanda Fisher

JSH High School Musical Director



Vince Higgins

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver



Charity Houlton-Oien

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Danielle Miller

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Kristi Price

Elementary Summer School Para



Paul Upmeyer

JSH Auditorium Manager



Paul Upmeyer

JSH AV Tech Club



D. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills – Sornson will review in August, Trimble in September,

          and Bleichner in October

     2.  Budget Report



  1. Comments from the Public none


  1. Comments from the Board/Superintendent Supt. Reiter reported that the district has a new company to host our board policies, agendas and minutes on the website.  These items are now searchable.  Dunkerton approve to share a Transportation Director with us.  Elementary summer school has started.  The Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Levy is set to expire in 2023.  Currently the levy is at .40 cents and we need to look at possibly increasing that levy amount to cover maintenance costs for the buildings. Supt. Reiter also reviewed a couple of the legislative changes for education. 


C. Presentations

     1.  Discussion of Board Policies 503.1 and 503.4 and the Good Conduct Code in the Coach/

          Sponsor Handbook – JSH Principal Howard presented the difference between the two and will work on finding new terminology to help distinguish between the Student Conduct and Good Conduct polices.   



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal and West Elementary Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project Supt. Reiter gave an update on the construction projects. The West Elementary project seems to be on track to finish on time, whereas the East Elementary project has had a couple major delays  challenges with asbestos mitigation and paint. Board discussed whether the construction would be completed in time to start school as scheduled.


  1. Consider Approval of the IASB Legislative Priorities Sornson moved to discuss the legislative priorities. Trimble second.  After some discussion, Sornson moved to amend the motion to select:                      Mental Health, Supplemental State Aid, Local Accountability and Decision Making, and Preschool as the district’s legislative priorities. Trimble second the amendment and motion carried 5-0.



  1. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Orders Trimble moved to approve the two Construction Change Orders. Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the High School Marching Band Charter Bus Contact for October 9, 2021Trimble moved to approve the High School Marching Band Charter Bus Contract with Windstream.  Hansen second motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Buchanan County Success Center Handbook for 2021-2022 Sornson moved to approve the Buchanan County Success Center Handbook for 2021-2022. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of an Audit Proposal Trimble moved to accept the Audit Proposal from Carney, Alexander, Marold & Co., LLP for 2022 thru 2024. Bleichner second motion carried 5-0.


E. Consider Approval of the Resolution Authorizing Transfer of General Fund to Student Activities Fund for Expenses Remaining Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Activities Hansen moved to approve the Resolution Authorizing Transfer of General Fund to Student Activities Fund for Expenses Remaining Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Activities in the amount of $25,000. Sornson second. Roll call vote:  Sornson - aye, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye, Smith – aye.    Motion carried 5-0.


F. Consider Approval of the Updated 2021-2022 School Calendar There was no motion on this agenda item and no action was taken.  


G. New Item:  Consider Approval of the High School Band and Choir Charter Bus Contract for December 2021 to Florida – Hansen moved to approve the High School Band and Choir Charter Bus Contract for December 2021 to Florida.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – Sornson moved to adjourn the meeting. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:37 pm.



The work session was held following the regular board meeting. Student Improvement Director Burmeister and JSH Principal Howard gave a presentation on what Standard Reference Grading looks like compared to traditional grading.  Burmeister and Howard is recommending Standard Reference Grading for 7th grade as that has been their grading system since Kindergarten.  The board directed that an update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition be added as old business to regular board meetings for the upcoming year while the grading coalition completes their work.


Work session ended at 8:45 pm.





___________________________________           ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary





jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:25

Board Minutes - 2021.08.02

Board Minutes - 2021.08.02


Independence Community School District

Special Board Meeting and Work Session Minutes -Amended 8/16/21

August 2, 2021


The Independence Community School Board started out with a tour of the West and East Elementary building projects at 6:00 pm on August 2, 2021.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, and Gina Trimble.  Also attending: Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine. Principals Kay Reidy and Cheri Reed, Bldgs. & Grounds Director Chad O’Brien and Doug Larson from Larson Construction.   Brad Bleichner joined for the East walk through. 



A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by Chair Eric Smith at 7:00 pm on August 2, 2021 at the Administration Building, 1207 1st St West, Independence Iowa.  The pledge of allegiance was recited. Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, and Brad Bleichner.   Also attending: Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, Principals Kay Reidy and Cheri Reed, Bldgs. & Grounds Director Chad O’Brien and Doug Larson from Larson Construction.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the amended agenda by adding new hire of Danielle Childs.  Hansen second motion, carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Approval of Resignations




Kate Barloon

JSH Assistant High School Musical Director




   B. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Erin Rosburg

JSH .5 FTE Special Ed Teacher

East/West Elem .5 FTE Math Interventionist



Seth Rupprecht

East Elem Special Ed Teacher

JSH Special Ed Teacher




Nashville, Tennessee 

   C. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Danielle Childs

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher



Brandi Fox

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Charity Houlton-Oien

East Elem Special Ed Teacher



Brittany Melka

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Randy Miller

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



St. Louis, Missouri



  1. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Order – Trimble moved to Approve the Construction Change Order.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5 -0.


      B.  Consider Approval of the Revised 2021-2022 School Calendar – Sornson moved to approve Calendar Option C – start date of August 26th..  Bleichner second the motion.  Supt Reiter thanked Larson Construction for all that they have done so far, the additional hours and staff, along with hiring additional contractors to work on meeting the deadlines.  It has been greatly appreciated. Supt Reiter reviewed the calendar options before board discussions were held.  Doug Larson provided additional information. Principals Reed and Reidy expressed their concerns about giving teacher adequate time to get their rooms cleaned and organized before students arrive.  Sornson amended her motion and Bleichner second - School Start day will be August 26th.  There will be a full day an early out day of school on December 23rd instead of a half day a no school day as well as school on January 17th and the final day will be made up on May 27th.  If for some reason the school gets delayed from the August 26th start date, the makeup day will be May 30.  The professional development and staff days will be determined by the Administration.   Motion carried 4-1 with Hansen voting nay.


ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.



The board discussed the new Iowa’s Standards for School Leaders that were effective July 1, 2021.   These new standards are more about each student, their well-being and success and less about adhering to policies.  Supt Reiter will select two or three goals for the year and discuss those with the board.   The board plans to do a mid-year evaluation at the October meeting.  This session ended at 8:10 pm and no official business took place during the work session.




___________________________________              _______________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chairperson                                         Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary




jen@iowaschool… Thu, 07/29/2021 - 15:57

Board Minutes - 2021.08.16

Board Minutes - 2021.08.16


Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

August 16, 2021


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on August 16, 2021.   Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, and local press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda with removing the minute and board policies from the consent items. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve consent items C thru F.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 19, 2021 and the special meeting and work session on August 2, 2021.


      B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

First Readings:






Responsibilities of the Board of Education






Vice President



Public Participation in Board Meetings



Public Complaints



Superintendent Evaluation



Administrator Evaluation


401.20 (New)

Employee Expression



Classified Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District


502.5* and 502.5R1 (New)

Student Expression and Student Publications and Student Expression and Student Publications Code


504.3 and 504.3R1 (Rescinded)

Student Publications and Student Publications Code




Graduation Requirements



Physical Education



Private Instruction



School Ceremonies and Observances



Transfer of Funds


711.2* and 711.2R2 (Rescinded0

Student Conduct on School Transportation and Use of Video Cameras on School Buses Regulation



Disposition of Obsolete Equipment


804.6 and 804.6R1 (New)

Use of Recording Devices on School Property and Use of District Owned Recording Devices on District Property Regulation


905.3 (New)

Weapons in the School District



     C. Approval of Resignations




Aislinn Smith

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para


Rylie Tegler

West Elem 6.5 hr Special Ed Para




  D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Susan Gonterman

JSH 6.75 hr Special Ed Para

West Elem 6.75 hr Special Ed Para





  E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Kaitlin Armstrong

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Trisha Baez

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Jenna Cooksley

JSH Capturing Kids’ Hearts Initiative Leader



Lorie Hoffmann

JSH 7.5 hr Kitchen Manager/Assistant to the Director of Food Service



Amanda Potts

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para





   F. Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Sornson reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in September 

          and Bleichner will review in October

         2.  Budget Report


Hansen moved, Trimble second to amend the July 19 and August 2nd minutes as follows:

   July 19th minutes:

  1. Under Old Business – change the word from delays to challenges.
  2. New Business – add Motion carried 5-0 to Item G – High School Band and Choir Charter Bus Contract for December 2021 to Florida.
  3. Work Session – add: The board directed that an update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition be added as old business to regular board meetings for the upcoming year while the grading coalition completes their work.

   August 2nd minutes:

  1.  New Business – Item B – Revised 2021-2022 School Calendar- December 23rd will be an early dismissal day rather than a no school day.

Clarification on Calendar Option C – a work day prior to school starting was removed from the calendar.    Motion carried 5-0.


Trimble moved to amend the policies listed in the first reading.   Bleichner second.   The board discussed the revised policies, offering changes to those revisions.  The revised policy list will be brought to the board at the September regular meeting for the customary second reading. Motion Carried 5-0.



     A. Comments from the Public. - none


     B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Supt. Reiter reported that August 26th is still scheduled to be the start date for school.  There is a lot of work to be done to get the classrooms ready.   The District will continue with mitigation efforts such as spraying weight rooms and buses down regularly, hand sanitizing stations, provide masks for those that want them, and possibly purchase ultraviolet-C lights to disinfect areas.



  1. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal – Principal Howard reported that the Board Policy 503.4 - Good Conduct Policy needs will now be referred to as 503-4- Activity Standards Policy to address confusion among similarly named board policies.  

          2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal and West Elementary Principal


    B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report – Burmeister wanted to remind everyone that our Title I funding is based on our Free and Reduced applications so it is important for parent to still fill out the application even though breakfast and lunch meals are currently at no cost to all students.

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report



     A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – The West project is progressing nicely as they are finishing up the fire alarms, electrical work and sound system as well as touch up painting.  East project – the office area still needs essential work as well as the nurse’s office and lounge.  The Library and Cafeteria will need extensive cleaning.


  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Burmeister and Howard reported that a newspaper article will be published the end of August.  A Talking-Point sheet for meetings has been compiled. PowerSchool has been updated with the standards for grading. A parent letter is going out for all 7th grade parents and to parents where standard based grading is being piloted in the Jr/Sr High. Information for the district website is in progress as well as some Facebook posts.  August 24th the Coalition team will meet again.  



  1. Consider Approval of the Contract with Independence Community Schools and the MTMD Driving School L.L.C. through June 30, 2024 – Sornson moved to approve the Contract with Independence Community Schools and the MTMD Driving School L.L.C. through June 30, 2024.  Bleichner second the motion and motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Transportation Mask Policy - Trimble moved to approve the Transportation Mask Policy.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.   Masks will not be mandated on the buses, but are welcomed by anyone that want to wear them.  State law says we can’t mandate them.  The CDC guidance is a Federal Order but not a law.


     C. Closed Session – Trimble moved to move into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Hansen second, roll call vote:  Sornson – aye, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye, Smith – aye.  Motion carried 5-0 and closed session started at 7:11 pm.


Board moved out of closed session at 8:02 pm.  No official action was taken during the closed session.


ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.




___________________________________                   _____________________________________

Eric B Smith, Chair                                                          Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary



jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:25

Board Minutes - 2021.09.20

Board Minutes - 2021.09.20

Independence Community School Board Meeting

 Regular Meeting

September 20, 2021


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on September 20, 2021.   Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, local press, and one visitor. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda with removing the board policies out of the consent items. Hanen second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent agenda of items 3-A, C, D, E and F. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

      A. Approval of the regular meeting on August 16, 2021.   

      C.  Approval of Resignations




Nicole Beatty

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para


Marge Hall

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Van Driver


Jordan Pilcher

JSH Head Softball Coach


Amanda Potts

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para




     D.  Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Randy Miller

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Van Driver



Zach Osborne

JH Girls Basketball Coach

Assist Girls Basketball Coach










     E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Patrick Abildtrup

JH Girls Basketball Coach



Aja Baskerville

JSH Assist HS Musical Director



Nicole Beatty

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Amanda Fisher

Mentor Teacher (Informal)



Jessica Huebbe

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Rachel Main

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



McKinley Meyer

JH Volleyball Coach



Debbie Reiter

West Elem 6.5 hr Special Ed Para



Jennifer Stull

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Skye Vacek

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Skye Vacek

East Elem .5 hr Crosswalk Para (PM)






















     F.  Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills.  Bleichner will review in October

         2.  Budget Report

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted) - Hansen moved to approve the modifications for the second reading policies, recommended changes for the first reading policies and pulling the following policies for clarification:   501-16 - Open Enrollment Transfers-Procedures as a Receiving District, 801.5 - Site Acquisition, 905.1 - Transporting Students by Private Vehicles. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

Second Readings:






Responsibilities of the Board of Education






Vice President



Public Participation in Board Meetings



Public Complaints



Superintendent Evaluation



Administrator Evaluation


401.20 (New)

Employee Expression



Classified Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District


502.5* and 502.5R1 (New)

Student Expression and Student Publications and Student Expression and Student Publications Code


504.3 and 504.3R1 (Rescinded)

Student Publications and Student Publications Code



Graduation Requirements



Physical Education



Private Instruction



School Ceremonies and Observances



Transfer of Funds


711.2* and 711.2R2 (Rescinded)

Student Conduct on School Transportation and Use of Video Cameras on School Buses Regulation



Disposition of Obsolete Equipment


804.6 and 804.6R1 (New)

Use of Recording Devices on School Property and Use of District Owned Recording Devices on District Property Regulation


905.3 (New)

Weapons in the School District


First Readings:






Licensed Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Employee Leave of Absence



Financial Records



Cash in School Buildings



Budget Planning



Local – State – Federal – Miscellaneous Revenue



Student Activities Fund



Payroll Deductions



Secretary/Treasurer’s Annual Report





707.5* and 707.5R1*

Internal Controls and Internal Controls Procedures




Site Acquisition



School – Community Groups



Community Resource Persons and Volunteers



Transporting Students in Private Vehicles



Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment



























    A. Comments from the Public - none

    B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Superintendent Reiter indicated board policy 704.6 – Online Fundraising Campaigns – Crowdfunding could be a new policy for the district but wants to make sure that there are guidelines and procedures put in place before bringing it to the board.    He thanked Laura Morine and the central staff for getting the Certified Annual Report, Special Ed Report and Transportation reports filed in a timely manner as they are quite extensive annual reports.   The district has improved its financial position from the previous year   The Iowa School Board Convention is November 17-18 in Des Moines and Superintendent Reiter encouraged board members to attend.  A generous donation from the Independence Area Art Association was received for the elementary art programs and it is greatly appreciated.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

          Board Chair Smith thanked the principals for performing double duty as they are also covering classrooms due to the substitute shortages.

      B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Superintendent Reiter indicated that they will be meeting with Larson Construction and HSR Associates, Inc to follow up on the construction project next week.
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – School Improvement Director Burmeister gave an update on the JSH Grading Coalition as they are making progress on getting students, staff, parents, and the community educated on standards-referenced grading.  There is now a page on the district website with information about this grading process.


     C. Discussion of the East Elementary, West Elementary, and Junior/Senior High School Filtration Project           Using ESSER Funds – Superintendent Reiter is still looking at individual units for the East                             Elementary.  HSR Associates, Inc will be letting out bids the end of October and the filtration                         project should be completed before August 2022 for the West and Jr/Sr High buildings. 


  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Wellness Programming between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Agreement for Wellness Programming between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2022.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2021-2022 – Sornson moved to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) membership for 2021-2022.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Contract with Beachside Hotel & Suites for the December 2021 Band/Vocal Trip – Updated Dates – Trimble moved to approve the Contract with Beachside Hotel & Suites for the December 2021 Band/Vocal Trip.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement with Rosen Centre Orlando for the December 2021 Band/Vocal Trip – Updated Dates – Hansen moved to approve the Agreement with Rosen Centre Orlando for the December 2021 Band/Vocal Trip.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance – Trimble moved to approve the SBRC Allowable Growth for the Negative Special Education Balance in the amount of $82,569.78.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Discussion Regarding Masks – Board Chair Smith had attended the special meeting held by the Buchanan County Public Health this morning at 7:00 am and they recommend that schools follow CDC guidelines as it is in the best interest of the public’s health.  Superintendent Reiter has concerns if we aren’t consistent with our mask requirements until the state’s appeal process is resolved and that the district will continue with the mitigation strategies that are in place.   After discussions, the board’s recommendation will not be requiring masks, continue our mitigation strategies and look at further mitigation options.  We will start to collect data on absenteeism and write a letter to the Buchanan County Health Board stating what mitigation strategies we are doing in the district. 


ADJOURNMENT – Sornson moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0, and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.





___________________________________                   _____________________________________

Eric B Smith, Chair                                                          Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary




jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:25

Board Minutes - 2021.10.18

Board Minutes - 2021.10.18

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

October 18, 2021

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on October 18, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, local press and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hansen moved to approve the agenda, Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Bleichner moved to approve the consent items but remove Policy 906.2-Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment from Second Readings, Policy 905.1-Transporting Students in Private Vehicles from First Readings and to make sure all the shall wording is changed to will in the first reading policies and second reading policies.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on September 20, 2021.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District



Licensed Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Employee Leave of Absence



Financial Records



Cash in School Buildings



Budget Planning



Local – State – Federal – Miscellaneous Revenue



Student Activities Fund



Payroll Deductions



Secretary/Treasurer’s Annual Report





707.5* and 707.5R1*

Internal Controls and Internal Controls Procedures



School – Community Groups



Community Resource Persons and Volunteers



Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment


First Readings:






Site Acquisition


804.6 and 804.6R1 (New)

Use of Recording Devices on School Property and Use of District Owned Recording Devices on District Property Regulation



Transporting Students in Private Vehicles



Good Conduct Policy (Change Title to Activity Standards Policy)



Dual Enrollment


711.2* and 711.2R1*

Student Conduct on School Transportation and Student Conduct on School Transportation Regulation


704.7 (New)

Online Fundraising Campaigns – Crowdfunding


C. Approval of Resignations




Tim Andersen

JSH Assist Large Group Speech Director


Kimberley Matthias

JSH 8.0 hr Custodian



D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Allissa Clauson

JH Girls Basketball Coach



Hugh DeBerg

JSH Head Girls Basketball Coach



Hermione Roman

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para






E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Bleichner reviewed the bills – Hansen will review in November

     2.  Budget Report


  1. Comments from the Public - none.
  2.  Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Smith reviewed the action items from the previous meeting and said he enjoyed the Homecoming activities.  Trimble said it was great to be able to celebrate Homecoming activities again and thanked all the people that worked on it in the background to make it a success.  Hansen stated she liked the evening parade and also congratulated the marching band and directors on a very successful season.   Supt. Reiter indicated that he is working with Asst. Principal Hupke on a presentation for the Global K-12 Education Research Association that will be seen globally. The Shijiazhaung Foreign Language Education Group is still interested in developing a sister school relationship. The WAMAC Conference Superintendents will be discussing Esports at their November meeting. There will be an open house at the East and West Elementary buildings on Thursday, October 21st from 6:00pm to 7:30 pm for the community to see the renovations and new construction project.  Certified Enrollment was certified and enrollment has increased about 16 students from last year.  

C. Presentations

     1.  Elementary Math Interventions – Erin Rosburg indicated that she is focusing on 1st and 3rd grade students that need help with some of the math standards and they are seeing great results.  


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – A construction meeting is scheduled for Tuesday morning with a walk thru to see what needs to be finalized yet. Restrooms in the West Elementary are just getting started.

B. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – School Improvement Director Burmeister indicated they are continuing to work on communication with the parents and community about standards referenced grading. Teachers were able to reach a lot of parents during the Parent Teacher Conferences.  Some of the JSH teachers are currently doing a book study on standards referenced grading and it has created great discussions.


  1. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Order(s) – Sornson moved to approve the construction change order #6 in the amount of $58,043.25.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the 2021-2022 Propane Agreement with Consolidated Energy Co. – Hansen moved to approve the 2021-2022 Propane Agreement with Consolidated Energy Co.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) for the Spring 2022 Musical – Hansen moved to approve the contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) for the Spring 2022 Musical.  Trimble second.  Musical Director Amanda Fisher indicated they had selected Beauty and the Beast as it has a fairly large cast since the district has a lot of talented students for the roles.  She also presented a preliminary budget for the production.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Following to a Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board:  Dr. Dan Kegler – Trimble moved to approve Dr. Dan Kegler to fill the three-year term on the Mustang Foundation Board.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Appendix L of the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan – Sornson moved to approve Appendix L of the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Hansen second.   Supt. Reiter indicated that the county needs to put together the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan and the school district is a part of this plan.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Resolution for School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Modified Supplement Amount (MSA) for Asbestos Abatement – Trimble moved to approve the Resolution for School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Modified Supplement Amount (MSA) for Asbestos Abatement in the amount of $64,480.47.   Hansen second.  Roll call vote:  Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye, Smith – aye, Sornson – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Bleichner moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.


___________________________________                   _____________________________________

Eric B Smith, Chair                                                          Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary


jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:25

Board Minutes - 2021.10.25

Board Minutes - 2021.10.25

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Special Meeting

October 25, 2021


A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on October 25, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda, Bleichner second, motion carried



  1. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Order - Trimble moved to approve the Construction Change Order in the amount of $2,145.32.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Bowling Proposal from Cadillac XBC – Bleichner moved to approve the Bowling Proposal from Cadillac XBC.  Hansen second. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Closed Session – Hansen moved to recess into a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code:  To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Trimble second, roll call vote:  Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye, Smith – aye, Sornson – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.  Board moved into closed session at 6:14 pm.

Board exited closed session at 6:55 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.


ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second.  Motion carried 5-0 and meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.


_____________________________________           _____________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                   Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:44

Board Minutes - 2021.11.15 - Annual & Ogranizational

Board Minutes - 2021.11.15 - Annual & Ogranizational

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Regular/Annual Meeting and Organizational Meeting

November 15, 2021


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 15, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, and Gina Trimble.  Brad Bleichner was not attending but was available by text due to traveling abroad.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, local press and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda, Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  Sornson second, motion carried 4-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular board meeting on October 18, 2021 and the special meeting on October 25, 2021.    

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment



Site Acquisition


804.6 and 804.6R1 (New)

Use of Recording Devices on School Property and Use of District Owned Recording Devices on District Property Regulation



Good Conduct Policy (Change Title to Activity Standards Policy)



Dual Enrollment


711.2* and 711.2R1*

Student Conduct on School Transportation and Student Conduct on School Transportation Regulation


704.7 (New)

Online Fundraising Campaigns – Crowdfunding


C. Approval of Resignations




Beverly Garrigus

JSH Assist Small Group Speech Director


Dean Krempges

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver




D. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills

     2.  Budget Report

     3.  Financial Settlement Statement as of June 30, 2021



  1. Comments from the Public.  None
  1. Comments from the Board/Superintendent - Superintendent Reiter reported that the Iowa School Board Association (IASB) Convention is this week and a couple of board members would be attending with him.  The WAMAC Conference had their first vote to admit Grinnell CSD into the conference.  The final vote will take place at the December WAMAC conference meeting. Reiter recommends the December meeting of the ICSD Board be held Thursday, December 16th since

there is an elementary concert on Monday, December 20th.  Supt. Reiter attended the Rotary meeting to start talking about increasing the PPEL Levy funding and that this could be done without increasing the tax rate.   Information regarding the possible OSHA Vaccine Mandate for employers with over 100 employees was sent out to staff in order to meet deadlines.  It is possible this mandate could be repealed. We are working closely with our attorneys and IASB on this situation.  Supt. Reiter left the meeting at 6:12 pm due to illness.

  1. Presentations
  1.   Therapy Dog – Christie Litterer - This presentation will be rescheduled for a later date.

     2.  Student Learning Goals – Erin Burmeister reviewed the student learning goals with the board.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Principal Reed reported that work on the restrooms and some painting was taking place after school hours and that it is progressing nicely at West.   Principal Reidy reported that all the door frames have been painted and the new signage has been installed at East.   A walk-through with HSR and Larson’s will be scheduled for the end of December.
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Burmeister reported that they have attended the Lion’s Club and Ambassadors meeting to discuss the grading process.  The last SIAC meeting had some great discussions and education about the grading process.


  1. Canvass of Board Election from November 2, 2021 – Board Secretary Morine presented the canvass from the election.  Results as follows:  District 1 – Brad Bleichner, District 3 – Charlie McCardle, At-Large District – Gina Trimble.   Hansen moved to accept the canvass, Sornson second, motion carried 4-0.
  1. Comments from Outgoing Board Member(s) and Recognition for their Service - Sornson gave her parting words and as well as board members thank her for her service.   Thank you, Jennifer Sornson, for serving four years on the ICSD Board of Education.
  1.  Adjournment of Retiring Board and Regular/Annual Meeting - Sornson moved to adjourn the annual meeting.   Trimble second, motion carried 4-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.


An organizational meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:57 p.m. by Board Secretary Laura Morine at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 15, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, and Gina Trimble.  Brad Bleichner - not attending but available by text due to traveling abroad.  Also attending: Administrators, directors, local press and guests.

  1. Administration of Oath of New Board Members - Board Secretary Morine administered the oath to Charlie McCardle.
  1. Election of a President of the Board – Hansen nominated Eric Smith for President, Smith nominated Kim Hansen for President.  Votes were sent via text to Morine’s cell phone.

Board Member               Vote

Gina Trimble                    Kim Hansen

Kim Hansen                     Eric Smith

Eric Smith                        Kim Hansen

Charlie McCardle            Eric Smith

Due to a tie, Board Secretary texted Bleichner to vote.

Brad Bleichner                Eric Smith (Bleichner voted via text)

Eric Smith was elected Board President. Board Secretary Morine administered the oath of office to President Smith.  Board Secretary Morine relinquished the meeting to President Smith.

  1. Election of a Vice President for the Board – Trimble nominated Kim Hansen for Vice President. There were no other nominations. Votes were sent via text to Morine’s cell phone.

Board Member              Vote

Gina Trimble                    Kim Hansen

Kim Hansen                     Kim Hansen

Eric Smith                        Kim Hansen

Charlie McCardle            Kim Hansen

Brad Bleichner                 Kim Hansen

Kim Hansen was elected Board Vice President and Board Secretary Morine administered the oath of office to Vice President Hansen. 

  1. Set Regular Board Meeting Dates, Time and Location for 2021-2022.

Presently, the Board meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Administration Office Boardroom for regular meetings.  Trimble moved to approve the Board Meeting Dates, Times and Locations for 2021-2022.  Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.

2021-2022 Proposed School Board Meetings: 

December 16, 2021 (Thursday) – NEW DATE  

January 17, 2022

February 21, 2022

March 21, 2022

April 18, 2022

May 16, 2022

June 20, 2022

July 18, 2022

August 15, 2022

September 19, 2022

October 17, 2022

November 21, 2022

 E. Roll Call Vote Order for 2021-2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Roll Call Vote order.  McCardle second.  Motion carried 4-0.



Bleichner, Hansen, McCardle, Smith, Trimble




Hansen, McCardle, Smith, Trimble, Bleichner




McCardle, Smith, Trimble, Bleichner, Hansen




Smith, Trimble, Bleichner, Hansen, McCardle




Trimble, Bleichner, Hansen, McCardle, Smith




  1. Discussion of Committee Assignments for 2021-2022 – Board discussed the committees and assignments. 

    G. Consider Approval of Committee Assignments for 2021-2022 – McCardle moved to approve the committees and committee assignments as follows.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.  Committee members will report updates during the Comments section of the agenda


 1.  Extra-Curricular Activities -Strike 

 2.  IASB – Delegate Assembly (represents ICSD 

      at the 2022 IASB Delegate Assembly)

 3.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors

 4.  Calendar Committee                   

 5.  School Improvement Advisory Committee - SIAC

 6.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board

 7.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  

 8.  Indee Agriculture Education

 9.  Construction Oversite and Traffic Flow Committee

10. Tree and Landscaping Committee - Strike

11. Auditorium Marketing Committee

12. Buchanan County Conference Board

13. Paver/Trail Funds Committee - Strike

14. Negotiations Committee                                                   (Board President and Vice President)  

15. Benefit Advisory Committee

16. City Council Liaisons





17. Review Board Meeting Bills










18. PPEL Levy Committee (2) - NEW

Current Member

Bleichner & Trimble



Sornson & Hansen






Hansen & Smith


Bleichner & Hansen



Bleichner & Smith


Brandon/Rowley - Smith                 

Independence (2) - Hansen & McCardle


New Member

















 Brandon/Rowley -         Smith                

Independence (2) - Bleichner & McCardle


Dec/May/Oct -   


 Jan/June/Nov - 


 Feb/July -


 Mar/Aug -


 Apr/Sept -





A.    Consider Approval of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. and Lynch Dallas, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the  District and Board of Directors – Trimble moved to approve Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. and Lynch Dallas, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors. Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.

B.    Consider Approval of Resolution Naming Depositories – Hansen moved to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

C.    Consider Approval of Resolution to Pay Bills When the Board is Not in Session - McCardle moved to approve the Resolution to Pay Bills When the Board is Not in Session.  Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.

D.    Consider Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer – McCardle moved to approve the Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer. Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

E.    Consider Approval of Resolution to Issue Payroll – Trimble moved to approve the Resolution to Issue Payroll.   Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.

F.    Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2021 Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, IL – Hansen moved to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2021 Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, IL.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

G.    Consider Approval of Student Learning Goals 2021-2022 – This agenda item will be moved to the December agenda as no motion was received.

H.    Consider Approval of the Computer Science/Programming Class – McCardle moved to approve the Computer Science/Programming Class.  Trimble second.  Erin Burmeister presented information as Computer Science classes are now mandatory and Charles Bare will teach them at the HS level. Mr. Bare was available to answer questions. Motion carried 4-0.

I.    Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2022.  Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.

J.    Consider Approval of the Affirmative Action Plan 2021-2022 – McCardle moved to approve the Affirmative Action Plan 2021-2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

K.    Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2022-2023 School Year – Hansen moved to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2022-2023 School Year in the amount of $1,955.39.   Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

L.    Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2022-2023 School Year – McCardle moved to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2022-2023 School Year in the amount of $6,239.96.   Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.

M.    Consider Approval of the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2021 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2020 – Trimble moved to approve the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2021 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment in the amount of $115,632.00 and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2020 in the amount $92,328.80. Hansen second.   Roll call vote: Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 4-0.

N.    Review IASB Legislative Priorities – Board discussed the legislative priorities as the IASB top priorities differed from the district’s priorities.  The board directed Delegate Kim Hansen to support the IASB priorities.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.


__________________________________                ________________________________

Eric Smith, President                                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary





jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:26

Board Minutes - 2021.12.16

Board Minutes - 2021.12.16

                        Independence Community School Board Meeting

                                              Regular Meeting

                                             December 16, 2021

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on December 16, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble. Kim Hansen attended via Zoom. Absent: Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, local press and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda, Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items.  McCardle second.   Hansen had correction to committee assignments.  City Council Liaison – Bleichner & McCardle and Bleichner’s term ends in 2023.  Smith would like to strike the addition of “and vice president” from the last sentence in Policy 200.2 – Organization of Board of Directors.   Also assign Bleichner to the Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board rather than Smith.  Motion carried 4-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular/annual and organizational meeting on November 15, 2021.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

     First Readings:






Transporting Students in Private Vehicles



Assistance Animals



Organization of the Board of Directors



Closed Sessions


213.1 (New)

Exempt Meetings



Board Meeting Agenda


309 (Rescinded)

Communication Channels


401.5* and 401.5E1

Employee Complaints and Employee Complaint Form



Student Complaints and Grievances



Insufficient Classroom Space


     C. Approval of Resignations




Rick Alber

JSH 8.0 hr Day Custodian


Matt Miller

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach


Nikki Sidles

ECC/East Elem 8.0 hr Secretary



    D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Emma Boots

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

JSH 8.0 hr Day Custodian



Brenda Cashen

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

JSH 8.0 hr Day Custodian




     E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Maddie Timmerman

Assist Large Group Speech Director



Maddie Timmerman

Assist Small Group Speech Director




     F. Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in January

          2.  Budget Report


A. Comments from the Public. - none

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Smith reviewed the action items from the previous month and all were completed.  Trimble and Hansen had attended the Iowa School Board Convention with Supt. Reiter.  McCardle indicated he had attended all the holiday concerts so far this year and they were excellent.   Supt. Reiter is scheduling meeting dates for the PPEL Committee and the Calendar Committee for the first part of January.  The SBRC Committee approved the district’s request for additional spending authority for the Hazardous Abatement of $64,480.47.  The auditorium equipment is starting to show its age and we are starting to look into updating the lights, sound and electronic components. 

C. Presentations

     1.  Therapy Dog – Christie Litterer presented a request to the board to allow “Archie”, her Labradoodle therapy dog to become a therapy dog at East Elementary.   A grant from the McElroy trust was received to help offset some of the costs. 

        2.  Robotics Team Update – Six students that participate in the Robotics program brought their robot and presented to the board what the Robotics team was all about and provided a short demonstration on how the robot works.  Advisor Charles Bare provided moral support and let the students do the presentation. Good luck to the team in their competitions this year.  

     3.  Iowa School Performance Profile – Erin Burmeister presented the performance profile data that was just released and was very excited to report that the ratings for the district substantially increased from last year.  The district was higher than the state average in almost every area.   Burmeister gives credit to the teachers as they have worked very hard in teaching the standards. 

         4.  Supt Reiter presented Eric Smith with a Better Boardsmanship Award from the Iowa School   Board Association since he was not able to attend the convention.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

 B. District Director Reports

1.  Activities Director Report

2.  Director of School Improvement Report

3.  Director of Technology Report

4.  Director of Food Service Report

5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project - The next punch list meeting is scheduled for the first part of January.   Progress is being made with the restroom project.
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Burmeister and Howard said they have been responding to individual requests about the grading system as questions arise as well as continuing the book study.

C. Consider Approval of Student Learning Goals 2021-2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Student Learning Goals for 2021-2022.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.


A. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Order(s) – McCardle move to approve the Construction Change Order.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0

B. Consider Approval of the Bid from SEE Electric, LLC for HVAC Upgrades – Trimble moved to approve the bid from SEE Electric, LLC for HVAC Upgrades for the JSH and West buildings.    McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.

  1. Discussion of the East Elementary School Filtration Project Using ESSER Funds - Randy Braden with Goetze Dental presented information on portable surface and air purification machines that could be used in the East classrooms, locker rooms, etc. 

D. Consider Approval of the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $508,311.00 – School Improvement Director Burmeister presented the AtRisk/DropOut prevention plan to the board.   Trimble moved to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $508,311.00.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.

E. Consider Approval of the Operating Agreement with St. John’s School – McCardle moved to approve the Operating Agreement with St. John’s School.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

F. Consider Approval of Transferring $460.35 of DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) Funds to the Activity Fund Account. Trimble moved to approve the reallocation of $460.35 of DECA funds to other Activity Fund accounts since DECA has been inactive for over three years.   McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.  

G. Closed Session – Trimble moved to go into a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(k) of the Iowa Code; To discuss information contained in records in the custody of a governmental body that are confidential records pursuant to Section 22.7, Subsection 50.  McCardle second.  Roll call vote:  Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble -aye.   Moved into closed session at 8:05 pm.  Building Principals Howard, Reed and Reidy were also in attendance.

Exited the closed session at 8:30 pm and no official actions were taken during the closed session.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Trimble second, motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. 

EXEMPT SESSION - Board discussed negotiations Strategies.   Session ended at 9:00 pm.

___________________________________                   _____________________________________

Eric B Smith, Chair                                                          Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:45

Board Minutes - 2022.01.06

Board Minutes - 2022.01.06

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting -Vaccine Mandate

January 6, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 6, 2022.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle.  Also attending: Supt. Russ Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine and Press representative John Klotzbach.  Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the OSHA Mandatory Policy on Employee Vaccination – Board Policy 403.8, 403.8R1, 403.8R2, 403.8E1, 403.8E2, and 403.8E3 – Bleichner moved to approve the first reading of Board Policy #403.8, Regulations 403.8R1 and examples 403.8E1, E2 and E3 to be effective when it is required to be enforced by OSHA pursuant to section1910.501-Vaccinations, testing and face coverings, but no earlier than January 10, 2022 with the following changes:


Policy 403.8 third paragraph under the section Face Coverings and Testing be amended to change the beginning date for the face coverings to be “no sooner than January 10, 2022” and the date for not fully vaccinated to test to: “February 9, 2022”.  Further that the following be added to this section: “The District will pay for and will administer any test required under this policy”.


Regulation 403.8R page 1, fifth paragraph section Testing be amended to change the beginning date for not fully vaccinated to test to “February 9, 2022”.  Further that the following be added to this section: “The District will pay for and will administer any test required under this policy”.


Regulation 403.8R1 page 2 fourth full paragraph section Face Covering be amended to change the beginning date for face coverings to be “no sooner than January 10, 2022”.

           McCardle second.   Board discussed.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hanse second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 01/11/2022 - 09:08

Board Minutes - 2022.01.10

Board Minutes - 2022.01.10

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting -Vaccine Mandate -2nd Reading

January 10, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 7:00 am. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 10, 2022.  Board members present in person: Eric Smith, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle.  Kim Hansen and Gina Trimble attended via Zoom. Also attending in person: Supt. Russ Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine and Press representative John Klotzbach. Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the OSHA Mandatory Policy on Employee Vaccination – Board Policy 403.8, 403.8R1, 403.8R2, 403.8E1, 403.8E2, and 403.8E3 – Bleichner moved to approve the 2nd reading of Board Policy 403.8, 403.8R1, 403.8R2, 403.8E1, 403.8E2, and 403.8E3  to be effective at such time as it is required to be enforced by Iowa OSHA, a part of the Iowa Division of Labor.  McCardle second.   Board discussed.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:07 am.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 01/11/2022 - 09:13

Board Minutes - 2022.01.17

Board Minutes - 2022.01.17

Independence Community School Board Meeting

 Regular Meeting

January 17, 2022

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 17, 2022.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Kim Hansen and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, local press and a guest. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Hansen moved to approve the agenda, McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS -Trimble moved to approve the consent items. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on December 16, 2021, the special meeting on January 6, 2022, and the special meeting on January 10, 2022.
  1. Approval of Board Policies (*changes notes)

Second Readings:






Transporting Students in Private Vehicles



Assistance Animals



Organization of the Board of Directors



Closed Sessions


213.1 (New)

Exempt Meetings



Board Meeting Agenda


309 (Rescinded)

Communication Channels


401.5* and 401.5E1

Employee Complaints and Employee Complaint Form



Student Complaints and Grievances



Insufficient Classroom Space



     C. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Jeremy Carter

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$11.70/hr + $322 pro-rated night stipend


Tonya Coonrad

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Cody Eder

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$11.90/hr + $315 pro-rated night stipend


Jack Rummel

JH Boys Basketball Coach



Kelly Wygant

ECC/East Elem 8.0 hr Secretary




       D. Approval of Financial Reports

            1.  Bills - Director Trimble reviewed the bills. Bleichner will review the February bills.

            2.  Budget Report


      A. Comments from the Public - Trent Robinson spoke about his concerns with the girls' softball program.

      B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent - Smith stated his appreciation for everyone involved in educating our students. What a blessing to have such a great staff. All board members agreed. Smith reported that the calendar committee had met and hope to make a recommendation at the February meeting.  Hansen reported on her experiences as the delegate at the Iowa School Board Convention.  Trimble hoped that all board members could attend the Iowa School Board Convention together as she thinks it would be very valuable in team building. Trimble, Smith, Reiter and Morine met to discuss the PPEL renewal. McCardle complimented Supt. Reiter on his attention to the weather the past week. Supt. Reiter reported that the district hopes to bring the PPEL renewal vote to the public in September 2022. The calendar committee will meet on Jan 19th.  The district was notified that due to the increased enrollment to Preschool, the district can request SBRC spending authority and funds for this increase. A resolution would need to be passed prior to Feb 15th so a special meeting will be needed. At the end of January there will be a meeting to discuss the Action Plan on Diversity Equity. Any board member interested in attending the National School Board Convention, contact Supt. Reiter for more information.



     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

          2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

          3.  West Elementary Principal

          4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal


     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report – Hansen inquired about live streaming events.

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report



     A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project - Supt Reiter reported there has been some movement at West Elementary on the restrooms and the PA system. There is still work to do on the West band entry. 


     B. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition - School Improvement Director Burmeister reported that there isn’t an update as the coalition has not meet because of the weather cancellations.


     C. Consider Approval of the Purchase of the ActivePure Air Quality System - The Board discussed the purifiers.  The Board recommended getting a quote for the machines, with all necessary accessories and replacement parts for the special meeting.  These machines would be paid for with ESSER funds.



 A. Consider Approval of two additional Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2022 - Hansen moved to approve the two additional Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


 B. Consider Approval of the Ultimate Entertainment Iowa LLC Artist Contract for DJ Services for the Winter Formal - Trimble moved to approve the Ultimate Entertainment Iowa LLC Artist Contract for DJ Services for the Winter Formal.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Course Registration Guide for 2022-2023 - McCardle moved to approve the Course Registration Guide for 2022-2023. Bleichner second.   After discussion, there were some changes and formatting that need to be completed.  Motion failed 0-5.  The Course Registration Guide will be presented again at the special meeting.


The board will have a special meeting on Monday, January 24th at Noon. 


ADJOURNMENT - Bleichner moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.



EXEMPT SESSION - Board discussed negotiation strategies.   No official action was taken during the exempt session.   The session ended at 8:05 pm.





________________________________________       ______________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                       Laura Morine, Board Secretary
 Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:46

Board Minutes - 2022.01.24

Board Minutes - 2022.01.24

Independence Community School District

Special Board Meeting

January 24, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, IA on January 24, 2022.  Board members present in person:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, and Charlie McCardle.  Brad Bleichner and Gina Trimble attended via Zoom.  Also attending Supt. Reiter.  Board Secretary Morine attended via Zoom.   The Pledge of Allegiance was not recited

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda, Hansen second.  Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent item.  McCardle second.   Supt. Reiter thanked Annette Harbaugh for her 7 years of service.  Motion carried 5-0.

      A. Approval of Resignations




Annette Harbaugh

Director of Food Service






  1. Consider Approval of the Course Registration Guide for 2022-2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Course Registration Guide for 2022-2023 and that it be posted as a PDF file.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

B. Consider Approval of the Purchase of the ActivePure Air Quality System – Hansen moved to approve the purchase of the ActivePure Air Quality System.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Supt. Reiter will continue to work on pulling together the ongoing costs of the machines. 



A. Consider Approval of the Resolution to Request School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Authority for FY22 SWVPP (Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program) Funding – Hansen moved to approve the Resolution to Request School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Authority for FY22 SWVPP (Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program) Funding.  Trimble second. Roll call vote:  Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hansen second.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 12:10 pm.




______________________________________      ______________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                   Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 01/31/2022 - 12:31

Board Minutes - 2022.02.21

Board Minutes - 2022.02.21

Independence Community School Board Meeting

 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

February 21, 2022

Public Hearing

A public hearing for the 2022-2023 Proposed School Calendar of the Independence Community School Board started at 5:50 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 21, 2022.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen and Brad Bleichner.  Gina Trimble and Charlie McCardle attended by Zoom.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, and local press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

No public comments were received.  Hansen moved to adjourn the public hearing, Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0. The public hearing ended at 6:00 pm.

Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 21, 2022.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen and Brad Bleichner. Gina Trimble and Charlie McCardle attended by Zoom.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, and local press.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda with the removal of the closed session, item #7E, Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items except Policy 400.1.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

      A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on January 17, 2022 and the special meeting on January 24, 2022.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

First Readings:





403.8, 403.8R1, 403.8R2, 4038E1, 403.8E2 and



Employee Vaccination/Testing for COVID-19, Employee Vaccination/Testing for COVID-19 Regulation, Required Notices to Employees, Employee Personal Attestation of Vaccination Status,

Medical Accommodation Request Form, and Religious Accommodation Request Form



Role of and Guiding Principles for Employees



Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual



Employee Orientation



Equal Employment Opportunity



Employee Conflict of Interest





401.5 and 401.5E1

Employee Complaints and Employee Complaint Form

 (Reviewed and Revised 01/17/2022)


401.6 and 401.6R1*

Employee Records and Employee Records Regulation



Employee Relations to the Administration and to the Board







Employee Involvement in Decision Making



Use of School District Facilities & Equipment by Employees



Use of School District Materials for Internal Communications



Limitations to Employment References



Travel for the Board of Education, Administrators and Employees



Employee Activity Passes



Recognition for Service of Employees



Employee Political Activity



Credit Cards



Internet Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Email Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Meeting Expenses



Employee Expression

(Policy Adopted 09/20/2021)


C. Approval of Resignations




Jeremy Carter

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian


Cody Eder

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian


Lonnie Hammond

JSH Special Ed Teacher

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Donna Miller

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Justin Putz

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach


Sarah Quist

JSH English/Language Arts Teacher

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Kylee Winn

JSH Family & Consumer Science Teacher

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Kylee Winn

JSH FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) Sponsor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Leah Zweigle

JSH 5.5 hr Cook/FS Worker



D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Jami Crawford

East Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher

$193.03 day


Alexander Farmer

JSH Head Softball Coach



Nicholas Holt

West Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher



Janet McLaren

West Elem 1.0 hr Morning Supervision Para



Theresa Mueller

JSH Full-Time Substitute Teacher



Pamela Wendel


Director of Food Service

$19,578.87 (pro-rated)
























































E. Approval of Financial Reports

 1.  Bills – Director Bleichner reviewed the bills – Hansen will review in March

 2.  Budget Report

Hansen moved to approve the first reading of Policy #400.1 after some discussions.   Supt. Reiter will reach out to other districts regarding this policy and review the timeline and committee information.  Bleichner second, first reading was approved 5-0.


A. Comments from the Public - none

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent - Bleichner inquired about weighted grading and would like more information for the next meeting.  Trimble attended the Conference Board meeting.  Trimble also congratulated the large group speech students and coaches.  McCardle congratulated West Elementary as the math and reading scores increased.  Supt. Reiter indicated the SSA rate of 2.5% was signed by the Governor and was disappointed the increase was not higher since the state is sitting on large reserve funds.  The Diversity Committee will meet on March 9th.   March 7th the board will meet with representatives from Central Rivers AEA to work on board goals. The April board meeting will be changed from the 18th to the 11th so that the board can approve the Certified Annual Budget before April 15th.  Reiter and Morine will be attending a budget workshop on Thursday.  Supt. Reiter wanted to thank all of those that are working on revamping the entrance to Leinbaugh Field.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     5.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt Reiter reported that the restrooms at West Elementary are 99% complete. The punch list for the projects is still being worked on. See Electric has started on the HVAC projects at the Jr/Sr High and West Elementary.
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Burmeister and Howard gave an update.  The coalition is still working on communicating out to staff and parents. In March, a team of teacher will be attending a grading conference in Des Moines.  Burmeister said they would be able to bring more information regarding data to the board in April.


  1. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 School Calendar – Hansen moved to approve the 2022-2023 School Calendar.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Proposed Hawkeye Community College (HCC) Courses for the 2022-2023 School Year – Hansen moved to approve the Proposed Hawkeye Community College (HCC) Courses for the 2022-2023 School Year.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Agreement by and between Iowa State University and Independence Community School District – Hansen moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement by and between Iowa State University and Independence Community School District.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Farm Leases for 2022-2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Farm Leases for the North and South Parcels for 2022-2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5.0.

E. Closed Session – Struck from agenda

We need a motion to recess to a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code;    To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

ADJOURNMENT - Bleichner moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0 and meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.


________________________________________       ______________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                       Laura Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:48

Board Minutes - 2022.02.24 - ITA Negotiations Opening Stmts

Board Minutes - 2022.02.24 - ITA Negotiations Opening Stmts

Independence Community School Board

Public Meetings for Certified Negotiations

February 24, 2022

Public meetings were held at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA, starting at 4:00 pm on February 24, 2022.  Attending:   Sue Henkes, Chief Negotiator, Hannah Burns, Paul Upmeyer, Brandi Davis, Kelci Jahnel, Supt Russ Reiter, Director of Finance Morine, Board President Smith and Vice President Hansen.


Sue Henkes from the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA) presented an opening statement.  The ITA then presented their initial proposal to the Independence Community School Board for the 2022-2023 school year.  

The ITA’s initial proposal stated:

  • An interest in continuing to develop a compensation system which attracts and retains quality employees and recognized the ever-changing school environment while staying within district budget constraints.
  • An interest in continuing to develop a compensation system which advances the salaries for the sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities in order to attract and retain employees.
  • An interest in participating in training for Interest Based Problem Solving (IBIS) designed to address mutual needs and concerns while fostering and maintaining respectful communications among the parties.
  • An interest in protecting and preserving teaching and planning time within the school day to better serve students.

SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Supt. Reiter presented the district’s opening statement.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA):

  • An interest in continuing to development of a salary compensation model that attracts and retains the finest educators and professionals while staying within today’s budgetary constraints. 
  • An interest in continuing to develop a compensation model that is fair and appropriately compensates sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities.
  • An interest in participating in the “Interest Based Problem Solving” (IBPS) process to address mutual concerns among both parties. We believe that by working together and gaining a shared experience, we can continue to build trust and maintain a respectful working relationship.

Meeting ended at 4:05 pm and the group went into closed session.  Full disclosure of all the initial proposal documents may be reviewed at the Administration Office.


Eric B. Smith                                                    Laura Morine

Board Chair                                                     Director of Finance/Board Secretary Fri, 04/01/2022 - 11:07

Board Minutes - 2022.03.07 - Special/Work Session

Board Minutes - 2022.03.07 - Special/Work Session

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Work Session, Exempt Session and Special Meeting

March 7, 2022


The work session of the Independence Community School Board started at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 7, 2022.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle, Kim Hansen and Gina Trimble.  Also attending: Supt. Russ Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, and Central Rivers AEA representatives Beth Strike and Josh Johnson.

The board reviewed the current board goals and had discussion on aligning the goals to fit the district at this time.  Based on the board’s discussions, Beth Strike and Josh Johnson will work on modifications to the goals for the board to review.

No action was taken during the work session and the work session ended at 7:15 pm.  Beth Strike and Josh Johnson left meeting.



The exempt session started at 7:20 pm and the board discussed negotiation strategies.  No action was taken during the exempt session.  Session ended at 8:04 pm.   Laura Morine left the meeting.



Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 8:04 pm.  Present: Eric Smith, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble and Supt. Russ Reiter.  The board had a moment of silence for the shooting victims of the Des Moines East High School that occurred today.


Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Closed session as provided by Section 21.5(l)(i) of the Iowa Code for an evaluation.  Hansen moved to go into closed session, second by Bleichner.   Roll call vote:  Bleichner-aye, McCardle-aye, Trimble-aye, Hansen-aye, Smith–aye.  Motion carried 5-0. Entered into closed session at 8:05 pm. 

The closed session ended at 8:55 pm and no action was taken during the closed session.  

ADJOURMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm


_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 04/01/2022 - 11:10

Board Minutes - 2022.03.14 - IESP Negotiations Opening Statements

Board Minutes - 2022.03.14 - IESP Negotiations Opening Statements

Independence Community School Board

Public Meetings for Negotiations

March 14, 2022

The Public meetings were held on March 14th at the Administration Office starting at 3:38 pm.

Present: Supt Russ Reiter, Director of Finance Laura Morine, Board Member Eric Smith and Kim Hansen.  IESP Negotiation Team: Lisa Preuss, Janette Hopkins, Janet Shannon, Andria Anderson, and Deanna Miller.  Peg Bantz joined after opening comments.  Five support staff were all in attendance.

Supt. Reiter welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the support staff for their dedication and hard work.  He stated that there is pressure from other businesses in towns on starting wages and that we have to keep that in mind.   


Lisa Preuss from the Independence Educational Support Personnel Association (IESP) presented their initial proposal stating that they were interested in negotiating an increase in wage to assist in attracting and retaining quality staff.  They also have an interest in working on a longevity system. 

SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Supt. Reiter stated that this was the first year for interest-based bargaining with the IESP staff.   Interest- base bargaining is about problem-solving and finding solutions that work for both sides.  Money is usually not talked about in the opening statements.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Educational Support Personnel Association (IESP)

  • The Board of Education has a tremendous responsibility to educate all of our students and support our staff to ensure they are successful.  Having an opportunity to discuss important issues and understanding we have similar goals, allows us to work together with a shared vision.
  • The Board would like to convey their appreciation to the IESP for the interest-based problem-solving proposal and in their participation in the progress.   Our goal is to attract and retain the best individuals to support our students and school district.

Full disclosure of both proposals may be reviewed at the Administration Office.

The open meeting ended at 3:47 and those not on the negotiating team left.  The negotiating teams from both sides then began negotiating.


Eric B Smith                                                     Laura Morine

Board Chairman                                               Director of Finance/Board Secretary Fri, 04/01/2022 - 11:12

Board Minutes - 2022.03.21

Board Minutes - 2022.03.21

Independence Community School Board Meeting

 Regular Meeting

March 21, 2022

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 21, 2022.    Board members present: Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Kim Hansen and Brad Bleichner. Eric Smith and Board Secretary Morine attended virtually.    Also attending: Supt. Reiter, administrators, directors, local press and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda, McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items, Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on February 21, 2022, the public meetings on February 24, 2022, the work session and special meeting on March 7, 2022, and the public meetings on March 14, 2022.

      B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:





403.8, 403.8R1, 403.8R2, 403.8E1, 403.8E2, and 403.8E3


Employee Vaccination/Testing for COVID-19, Employee Vaccination/Testing for COVID-19 Regulation, Required Notices to Employees, Employee Personal Attestation of Vaccination Status, Medical Accommodation Request Form, and Religious Accommodation Request Form



Role of and Guiding Principles for Employees



Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual



Employee Orientation



Equal Employment Opportunity



Employee Conflict of Interest





401.5 and 401.5E1

Employee Complaints and Employee Complaint Form

 (Reviewed and Revised 01/17/2022)


401.6* and 401.6R1*

Employee Records and Employee Records Regulation



Employee Relations to the Administration and to the Board



Employee Involvement in Decision Making



Use of School District Facilities & Equipment by Employees



Use of School District Materials for Internal Communications



Limitations to Employment References



Travel for the Board of Education, Administrators and Employees



Employee Activity Passes



Recognition for Service of Employees



Employee Political Activity



Credit Cards



Internet Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Email Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Meeting Expenses



Employee Expression

(Policy Adopted 09/20/2021)


        First Reading






Release of Credit Information


402.2* and 402.2R1

Child Abuse Reporting and Child Abuse Reporting Regulation


402.3, 402.3E1, 402.3E2, and 402.3R1*

Abuse of Students by School District Employees, Abuse of Students by School District Employees Complaint of Injury to or Abuse of a Student by a School District Employee, Abuse of Students by School District Employees Report of Level I Investigation, and Abuse of Students by School District Employees Regulation



Gifts to Employees



Employee Relations to the Public



Employee Outside Employment



Employee Telephone Calls



Solicitations from Outside



District Landline and Cellular Telephone Usage


    C. Approval of Resignations




Charles Bare

JSH .5 FTE National Honor Society Sponsor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Tina Daniels

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian


Linda Hanna

East Elem 2.25 hr Cook/FS Worker

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Karen Hoaglan

East Elem 5.5 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Trish O’Loughlin

JSH .5 FTE National Honor Society Sponsor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Tammy Silberstein

East Elem 7.0 hr Regular Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year



   D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Jami Crawford

East Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher



Scott Kleve

.5 FTE Assist Softball #’s Coach

Assist Softball Coach




*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations


        E.  Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Tina Daniels

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$13.15/hr plus $224 pro-rated night stipend


Kerry Northrop

JSH Family & Consumer Science Teacher



Kerry Northrop

JSH .5 FTE FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) Sponsor



Michaela Schuler

JSH 7.5 hr In-School Suspension Monitor




 *Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations

     F. Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills – McCardle will review in April

         2.  Budget Report


  1. Comments from the Public – None
  2. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – McCardle complimented the students and staff on a great musical.  He also enjoyed band night and appreciated the students encouraging other students.   Bleichner and Trimble also indicated that the musical was very enjoyable and kudos to all involved.   Smith indicated that he had attended President’s Training along with Hansen.  He participated in a mock termination session as well as stressed that emails are part of public records.   Hansen echoed the success of the musical.   She also wanted to acknowledge and congratulated the three students that were selected to perform at AllState Speech, those that participated in band and vocal contests, Mock Trial and Jazz Orchestra making it onto the state level.

         Supt. Reiter reported that the Governor’s retention pay went out in the March payroll. In April, he will propose to the board that all other staff should receive retention pay and it could be paid out of ESSER funds.  There is a committee working on revamping the entry way to Leinbaugh Field thru donations, memorials, Trotter Trail committee and community members that are interested in the project.   The Diversity committee meeting went well and will be meeting again.  Supt. Reiter thanked the JSH staff for hosting a Career Fair and all the businesses that participated.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal – Smith commented that the comparison of office referrals between years is skewed as last year was an outlier compared to this year.

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report – looking at upgrading the lights and sound in the Auditorium

     4.  Director of Food Service Report – Unfortunately it does not look like all students will have free breakfast and lunches next year and we will need to communicate that out this summer.

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt Reiter indicated that the hallway in West should be completed by the end of the week.  Still waiting for warmer weather to complete the canopy on the west side of West Elementary.  The West gym floor will be repaired and refinished this summer.  There have been some minor HVAC issues at East and more mini splits have been installed.  The board will have a walk thru of both buildings on April 11th.
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Burmeister reported that there were great 1 on 1 conversations with parents during conferences.  She is preparing data to share at the April board meeting.  A survey was sent out to 7th grade parents and that survey is still open for those parents that have not provided feedback.  A team of ten teachers will be attending a conference on grading in Des Moines.


  1. Consider Approval of the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2022-2023. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Agreement by and between University of Northern Iowa and Cooperating Educational Agencies for the 2022-2023 Academic Year – McCardle moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement by and between University of Northern Iowa and Cooperating Educational Agencies for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Teacher Education Clinical Experience Placements between Independence Community School District and Morningside University for the 2022-2023 Academic Year – Trimble moved to approve the Agreement for Teacher Education Clinical Experience Placements between Independence Community School District and Morningside University for the 2022-2023 Academic Year.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Amendment of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for 2022-2023 Fiscal Year – Trimble moved to approve the Amendment of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for 2022-2023 Fiscal Year.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  This is the 4th year of the 5-year contract.
  1. Consider Approval to Purchase a Main Street Banner for Independence’s 175th Birthday – Trimble moved to approve to pay $200 to purchase a Main Street Banner for Independence’s 175th Birthday.  McCardle second motion carried 5-0.

F. Discussion on Weighted Grading – Supt Reiter reported that some districts did weighted grading for the more difficult classes and other districts did not.  Dyersville Beckman was the only district in the WaMaC conference that we had heard back from that weighted their AP classes.  Cedar Falls also weights their AP classes. All board members weighed in on the discussion.  Reiter indicated that changes like this should flow thru the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC).  Discussion on weighted grading will continue at future board meetings.

ADJOURNMENT - McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Trimble second, motion carried

5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm


EXEMPT SESSION – Board discussed negotiations strategies.  No official action was taken during the exempt session.  Session ended at 8:02 pm.


________________________________                          _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Acting Chair                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:48

Board Minutes - 2022.04.11 Public Hearing & Regular Meeting

Board Minutes - 2022.04.11 Public Hearing & Regular Meeting

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

April 11, 2022

Public Hearing

A public hearing was held at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on April 11, 2022 at 5:50 pm for amending the 2021-2022 Certified Budget and the proposed 2022-2023 Certified Budget.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner. Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, administrators and guests were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Morine gave a brief overview of the amendment and certified budget. The property tax rate will be 51 cents lower next year.  Public Hearing ended at 5:57 pm.  

Regular Meeting

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on April 11, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner. Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, administrators and guests were present.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items.   Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.   It is with extreme regret that we accept the resignations from Kris Martin and Aja Baskerville.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on March 21, 2022.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:







Release of Credit Information


402.2* and 402.2R1

Child Abuse Reporting and Child Abuse Reporting Regulation


402.3*, 402.3E1, 402.3E2, and 402.3R1*

Abuse of Students by School District Employees, Abuse of Students by School District Employees Complaint of Injury to or Abuse of a Student by a School District Employee, Abuse of Students by School District Employees Report of Level I Investigation, and Abuse of Students by School District Employees Regulation



Gifts to Employees



Employee Relations to the Public



Employee Outside Employment



Employee Telephone Calls



Solicitations from Outside



District Landline and Cellular Telephone Usage









First Readings:







Employee Physical Examinations



Employee Injury on the Job


403.3*, 403.3E1, and 403.3R1

Communicable Diseases – Employees, Hepatitis B Vaccine Information and Record, Post Exposure Management for Potential Bloodborne Exposure, and Universal Precautions Regulation



Hazardous Chemical Disclosure


403.6*, 403.6E1*, and 403.6R1*

Substance-Free Workplace, Substance-Free Workplace Notice to Employees, and Substance-Free Workplace Regulation


403.7, 403.7E1, 403.7E2, 407.7E3, 403.7E4, 403.7E5, 403.7E6, and 403.7R1

Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees, Certification from Current Employer Participating in Drug & Alcohol Program, Certification of Previous Employers Requiring a Commercial Driver’s License Consent to Release Information to Independence Community School District, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Acknowledgement Form, Drug and Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Observation Form, Drug & Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent to Share Information, and Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Regulation


404.1 and 404.1R1

Employee Conduct and Appearance and Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics



C. Approval of Resignations





Kaitlin Armstrong

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para


Aja Baskerville

East Elem & JH Vocal Music

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Aja Baskerville

Assistant Vocal Director

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Aja Baskerville

Assistant High School Musical Director

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Peg Erger

West Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Joan Gillespie

JSH 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Vince Higgins

Bus Gar 4.25 hr Bus Driver

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Colleen Hunter

ECC 4.5 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Brian Loughren

JSH Assistant Football Coach


Kris Martin

K-12 At Risk Coordinator/Instructor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Randy Miller

Bus Gar 6.5 hr Van Driver

End of 2021-2022 School Year






D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments







Nicholas Holt

West Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher

West Elem 6th Grade Teacher**



Brooke Reed

East Elem Kindergarten Teacher

East Elem Special Ed Teacher



Becky Uchytil

East Elem Special Ed Teacher

East Elem .5 FTE Special Ed Teacher/.5 FTE Math Interventionist



*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations

**Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds





E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Linda Bonney

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$14.20/hr plus $168 pro-rated night stipend


Ashley Foreman

JSH English/Language Arts Teacher



Rachel Hurley

JSH Special Ed Teacher



Stacey Jenkins

JSH 5.5 hr Cook/Food Service Worker



*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations




F. Approval of Financial Reports


     1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Smith will review in May


     2.  Budget Report




A. Comments from the Public. Four members of the Mock Trial team and Coach Dooley-Rothman shared with the board their experiences at the state level. This is the second time in two years they qualified for the state competition. A few members of the team received All State nods.  Congratulations!

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Bleichner had met with Val Maximovich regarding the mentoring program.  Next year the program will be 30 years old, so there are plans to celebrate this achievement.  All board members were busy attending events throughout the district such as All State Speech, State Jazz Orchestra, FFA banquet, elementary concerts, etc. Prom was a success. Thanks to the prom committee and sponsors as well as the community for donating prizes and food for the prom events.    Supt. Reiter congratulated the Mock Trial team, All State Speech Festival students, State Music Solo and Ensemble Contest students.  The Career Fair was a success and thanked those involved.  Work continues on the Employee Benefits Manual and still working with the certified negotiations. Spring Break is this Friday and Monday. 



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report – reimbursable meals increase by 475 for lunch and 185 for breakfast over last month.

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report – The district received another $25,000 grant for a used propane bus.


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – The superintendent is in contact with HSR and Larsons to set a date to inspect the buildings to develop the final punch list of items to be completed. 
  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Erin Burmeister, Erin Rosburg, Amy Gustafson and Joe Kremer (AEA rep) presented the principles, goals and some data on Standard Referenced Grading. The school board will consider expanding to the 8th grade in 2022-22 school year during the May 2022 regular meeting.  

            At 7:41 pm the board recessed.  The board returned to order at 7:45 pm.


  1. Discussion on Weighted Grading – Supt. Reiter and Director of School Improvement Erin Burmeister shared that three high school staff members are interested in teaching Advanced Placement (AP) courses.  The teacher will need to have the necessary training and time to develop the courses to teach to the AP test. The coursed could be offered to students in the 2023-24 school year.  Weighted Grading is on the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) agenda for the next meeting. 



  1. Consider Approval of the Amended 2021-2022 Certified Budget – McCardle moved to approve the Amended 2021-2022 Certified Budget.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2022-2023 Certified Budget – Trimble moved to approve the Proposed 2022-2023 Certified Budget.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Budget Guarantee for 2022-2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for 2022-2023.  Roll call vote:  Hansen-aye, McCardle-aye, Smith -aye, Trimble-aye, Bleichner-aye.  Motion carried 5-0. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates                 for May 2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for May 2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Congratulations and best of luck to the graduates. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – June 2022 Baseball Players to Omaha, NE  - McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – June 2022 Baseball Players to Omaha, NE.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – July 2022 Baseball Players to Fulton, IL – McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – July 2022 Baseball Players to Fulton, IL.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Renewal of the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fifth Amendment from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 – Hansen moved to Renew the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fifth Amendment from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Postage Meter Lease with Pitney Bowes – Hansen moved to approve the Postage Meter Lease with Pitney Bowes.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Purchase of a Bus from School Bus Sales Co. – Hansen moved to purchase a bus form School Bus Sales Co. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  A grant was received to help pay for this propane bus.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2022-2023 - Hansen moved to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2022-2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. L. Consider Approval of Retention Pay for Those that Did Not Receive the Retention Pay from the Governor - Hansen moved to approve the Retention Pay for Those that Did Not Receive the Retention Pay from the Governor, including Supt. Reiter.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


   ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting, Bleichner second.  Motion carried 5-0     and meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm.



   Supt. Reiter and the board members did a construction tour of East and West Elementary Buildings.  Tour ended at 9:15 pm.




___________________________________                 ________________________________

    Eric B. Smith, Chairman                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:49

Board Minutes - 2022.05.02 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2022.05.02 Special Meeting

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

May 2, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:00 pm. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 2, 2022.  Board members present in person: Eric Smith, Charlie McCardle and Kim Hansen. Gina Trimble attended via Zoom. Brad Bleichner was absent.  Also attending in person: Supt. Russ Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.  The Board would like to thank Mr. Howard for his service over the years and wish him luck as Superintendent at Union Community School District. 

A. Approval of Resignations




John Howard

JSH Principal


John Howard

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach


Colton Lueck

JSH Math/Science Teacher

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Erin Rosburg

JSH JH Student Council Sponsor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Logan Schmitt

JSH Assistant Baseball Coach




B. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Hannah Burns

JSH .5 FTE National Honor Society



Jenna Cooksley

JSH .5 FTE National Honor Society



Ashley Foreman

JSH JH Student Council Sponsor



Paige Benesh

East Elem Kindergarten Teacher



Tiffany Lampe

West Elem Special Ed Teacher



Paige Morrison

West Elem 5th Grade Teacher**



Megan Bancroft

East Elem General Music Teacher



** ESSER Funds          *Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations


  1. Consider Approval of the Revision of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Revision of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0. 

B.  Consider Approval of the Revisions of the Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual – Hansen moved to approve the Revision of the Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.  Meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm. 


__________________________________                   _______________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                      Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Wed, 05/25/2022 - 11:21

Board Minutes - 2022.05.16

Board Minutes - 2022.05.16

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

May 16, 2022

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on May 16, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner. Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, administrators and guests were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

FRIENDS OF EDUCATION - Iowa School Board Recognition Month – Thank you to our current Board of Directors for their time, resources and energy in helping make our district the best it can be.  Their dedicated service has not gone unnoticed. Thank you, Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble for your service to the Independence School District. Certificates were presented by Superintendent Reiter.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda but exclude 4D – Approval of New Hires.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items 4A, 4B, 4C and 4E. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0. 

  1. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing, regular meeting, and work session on April 11, 2022 and the special meeting on May 2, 2022.

    B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

    Second Readings:






Employee Physical Examinations



Employee Injury on the Job


403.3*, 403.3E1, and 403.3R1

Communicable Diseases – Employees, Hepatitis B Vaccine Information and Record, Post Exposure Management for Potential Bloodborne Exposure, and Universal Precautions Regulation



Hazardous Chemical Disclosure


403.6*, 403.6E1*, and 403.6R1*

Substance-Free Workplace, Substance-Free Workplace Notice to Employees, and Substance-Free Workplace Regulation


403.7, 403.7E1, 403.7E2, 407.7E3, 403.7E4, 403.7E5, 403.7E6, and 403.7R1

Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees, Certification from Current Employer Participating in Drug & Alcohol Program, Certification of Previous Employers Requiring a Commercial Driver’s License Consent to Release Information to Independence Community School District, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Acknowledgement Form, Drug and Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Observation Form, Drug & Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent to Share Information, and Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Regulation


404.1 and 404.1R1

Employee Conduct and Appearance and Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics





First Readings:






Licensed Employee Defined



Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection



Licensed Employee Individual Contracts



Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts



Licensed Employee Work Day



Licensed Employee Assignment



Licensed Employee Transfers



Licensed Employee Evaluation



Licensed Employee Probationary Status



Licensed Employee Organization Affiliation



Licensed Employee Compensation



Licensed Employee Compensation Advancement



Licensed Employee Continued Education Credit



Licensed Employee Compensation for Extra Duty



Licensed Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Licensed Employee Tax Shelter Programs





C. Approval of Resignations




Patrick Abildtrup

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach


Catherine Smith

JSH Assist Musical Director


Skye Vacek

East Elem .5 hr Crosswalk Para (P.M.)

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Nate Whited

JSH Head Boys Soccer Coach














D. Approval of new Hires (Pending acceptable background checks)






Nile Coghlan

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$12.15/hr plus $70 pro-rated night stipend


Paula Decker

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher/FS Worker



Tim Dryml

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver



Jacqueline Lahey

JSH Principal



Theresa Mueller

JSH Full-Time Substitute Teacher

$36,900                                (1-year contract)


Lisa Preuss

JSH Summer School Para



Erin Rosburg

JSH Summer School Teacher



Erin Rosburg

East/West Elem Summer School Coordinator/Teacher



Andrea Werner

East/West Elem K-6 Student Success Coordinator












Instructional Coaches




Hannah Burns

JSH Math and Science



Joel Dinger

JSH Eng/Lang Arts and Social Studies



Sonya Elzey

JSH Grades 7-12 Special Ed



Heather Grover

West Elem Grades 3-6



Lori Kurt

ECC/East/West Grades PK-6 Special Ed



Erin Rosburg

JSH Standards Referenced Grading



Curriculum Leaders




LouAnn Bresson

ECC Preschool



Kelly Kress

East Elem Kindergarten, Literacy



Brandi Davis

East Elem 1st Grade, Literacy



Robin Van Raden

East Elem 2nd Grade, Literacy



Kelly Mitchell

East Elem 1st Grade, Math



Briana Lamphere

East Elem 2nd Grade, Math



Lyndzi Eschen

West Elem 3rd Grade



Racheal Ohrt

West Elem 4th Grade



Sara Thome

West Elem 6th Grade



Wade Stahr

JSH CTE (Career Technical Education)



Sue Henkes

JSH English



Jack Goedken

JSH Math



Garry Anderson

JSH Science



Matt Miller

JSH Social Studies



Kerry Pasker

District Wide Interventions/Title I



Kelci Jahnel

District Wide Lead Mentor Teacher



Initiative Leader




Jenna Cooksley

JSH Capturing Kids’ Hearts


















*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations


     E.  Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in June

           2. Budget Report



  1. Comments from the Public, District and District Staff – The board listened to two parents who addressed the board regarding discrimination and racism within the school.
  2. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – McCardle reported that is was a busy time of year for taking pictures. Hansen requested that there be a link to the board packet on the district’s website with the monthly minutes.  Smith had attended the Dollars for Scholars Awards night. Congratulations to the 63 Dollars for Scholars recipients.  Smith would like to see an event that acknowledges all the awards and scholarships that the seniors receive.   Superintendent Reiter mentioned the following important dates: May 18th – Baccalaureate, May 20th – BCSC Graduation; May 21st – Graduation, May 27th – student’s last day, and June 2nd – Teachers last day.


C. Presentations

     1.  High School Musical Update – Amanda Fisher gave an update on the Spring Musical.  She thanked everyone for the incredible support as the musical was a great success.  Special thanks to Aja Baskerville and Catherine Smith for their support but unfortunately, they are both resigning as Asst. Directors. 

     2.  Math Curriculum – Erin Burmeister presented the board the process and recommendation for new math curriculums district wide.  The Math Committee reviewed multiple options and narrowed it down based on the criteria set by this committee.  The following curriculums:  Illustrative Math for K-8 and Big Ideas for 9-12 are being recommended.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project - Superintendent Reiter, Smith, Hansen, Larson Construction and HSR met on May 13th to review the final punch list.  Goal is to have the project fully completed by late June.

  1. Update from the Junior/Senior High School Grading Coalition – Burmeister gave an update and reported that SIAC recommended Standard Reference Grading and also talked about goals to increase student engagement.
  1. Consider Approval of the use of Standard Reference Grading through 8th Grade – Trimble moved to approve the use of Standard Reference Grading through 8th Grade.  Hansen second.  The board had a lengthy discussion.  Motion carried 4-1 with Smith voting nay.
  1. Consider Approval of the Updated ICSD Board Goals – Trimble moved to approve the Updated ICSD Board Goals with the recommendation of adding to Goal #1: The School will maintain 100% accurate student records for 100% of students. Bleichner second.  Motion carried 5-0.

E. Discussion of Final Fiscal Year 2021 Audit – Morine gave an overview of the 2021 audit.


  1. Consider Approval of WCF Financial as a Depository with a Limit of $10,000,000.00.  Pete Burmeister and Stephanie Christian presented a request to become a banking partner of the district. – McCardle moved to approve WCF Financial as a Depository with a Limit of $10,000,000.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of a General Fund Transfer of $1,500,000.00 to WCF Financial – Hansen moved to approve a General Fund Transfer of $1,500,000 to WCF Financial.  Trimble second.  Roll call vote: McCardle – Aye, Smith – Aye, Trimble – Aye, Bleichner – Aye, Hansen – Aye.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Math Curriculum – Hansen moved to purchase new math curriculum as presented with an initial cost of up to $65,000 and $24,750 recurring costs for three years.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Luther College for the                         2022-2023 Academic Year – McCardle moved the Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Luther College for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – October 2022 FFA Members to Attend FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, IN – McCardle moved to Approval of the Travel Request Form – October 2022 FFA Members to Attend FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, IN.  Hansen second, motion 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – November 2022 Mr. Haden to Attend National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention in Las Vegas, NV – Bleichner moved to Approve the Travel Request Form – November 2022 Mr. Haden to Attend National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention in Las Vegas, NV.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Commercial Lease Agreement with R & E Real Estate, LLC for the BCSC (Buchanan County Success Center) through June 30, 2024 - Hansen moved to approve the Commercial Lease Agreement with R & E Real Estate, LLC for the BCSC (Buchanan County Success Center) through June 30, 2024.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Three-Year Renewal Proposal with SU Insurance Company for the Equipment Maintenance Insurance through June 30, 2025 – Hansen moved to approve the Three-Year Renewal Proposal with SU Insurance Company for the Equipment Maintenance Insurance through June 30, 2025.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Renewal for 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Renewal for 2022-2023.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2022-2023 – McCardle moved to approve the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2022-2023.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2022-2023.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

       L. Consider Approval of the Bread Bid from Pan-O-Gold for 2022-2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Bread           Bid from Pan-O-Bold for 2022-2023.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

     M.  Consider Approval of the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through                     July 31, 2023 – McCardle moved to approve the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare though July 31, 2023.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Kidsville for 2022-2023
  2. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Moser Preschool and Daycare for 2022-2023
  1. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and St. John Catholic School for 2022-2023
  1. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Wee Care Preschool for 2022-2023

Hansen moved to approve all four Preschool Contracts with the community partners for 2022-2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Approval of the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Independence Community Schools for the 2022-2023 Academic Year – Hansen moved to approve the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Independence Community Schools for the 2022-2023 Academic Year but eliminate the following classes from the list: College 101, Exploring Careers and Employability Skills. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of a $50,000.00 Donation from ICSD to Offset the Proposed Cost of the Stadium Plaza – Trimble moved to approve a $50,000.00 Donation from ICSD to Offset the Proposed Cost of the Stadium Plaza.  McCardle second.   Motion carried 5-0. There has been a lot of community support for this project.

ADJOURNMENT - McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.


Negotiations Strategy Session – The Board and Supt Reiter participated in the exempt session to discuss negotiation strategies.  No action was taken during this session.   The session ended at 9:47 pm.




___________________________________                 ________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chairman                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:49

Board Minutes - 2022.05.18 - Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2022.05.18 - Special Meeting


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

May 18, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:45 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 18, 2022.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle.  Also attending: Supt. Russ Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine. Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Closed Session

We need a motion to recess to a closed session as provided by Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code:  To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Trimble moved to move into closed session.  Hansen second.   Roll call vote:  McCardle – Aye, Smith – Aye, Trimble – Aye, Bleichner – Aye, Hansen – Aye.   Motion carried 5-0 and closed session started at 5:47 pm.

No official action was taken during the closed session and the board exited the closed session at 6:26 pm.

  1. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks) – Hansen moved to approve the new hires but striking the JSH Principal from the list of new hires.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






Nile Coghlan

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$12.15/hr plus $70 pro-rated night stipend


Paula Decker

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher/FS Worker



Tim Dryml

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver



Jacqueline Lahey

JSH Principal



Theresa Mueller

JSH Full-Time Substitute Teacher

$36,900                                (1-year contract)


Lisa Preuss

JSH Summer School Para



Erin Rosburg

JSH Summer School Teacher



Erin Rosburg

East/West Elem Summer School Coordinator/Teacher



Andrea Werner

East/West Elem K-6 Student Success Coordinator











Instructional Coaches




Hannah Burns

JSH Math and Science



Joel Dinger

JSH Eng/Lang Arts and Social Studies



Sonya Elzey

JSH Grades 7-12 Special Ed



Heather Grover

West Elem Grades 3-6



Lori Kurt

ECC/East/West Grades PK-6 Special Ed



Erin Rosburg

JSH Standards Referenced Grading



Curriculum Leaders




LouAnn Bresson

ECC Preschool



Kelly Kress

East Elem Kindergarten, Literacy



Brandi Davis

East Elem 1st Grade, Literacy



Robin Van Raden

East Elem 2nd Grade, Literacy



Kelly Mitchell

East Elem 1st Grade, Math



Briana Lamphere

East Elem 2nd Grade, Math



Lyndzi Eschen

West Elem 3rd Grade



Racheal Ohrt

West Elem 4th Grade



Sara Thome

West Elem 6th Grade



Wade Stahr

JSH CTE (Career Technical Education)



Sue Henkes

JSH English



Jack Goedken

JSH Math



Garry Anderson

JSH Science



Matt Miller

JSH Social Studies



Kerry Pasker

District Wide Interventions/Title I



Kelci Jahnel

District Wide Lead Mentor Teacher



Initiative Leader




Jenna Cooksley

JSH Capturing Kids’ Hearts































































*Pending 2022-2023 Negotiations

ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:27 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Wed, 05/25/2022 - 13:10

Board Minutes - 2022.05.31

Board Minutes - 2022.05.31

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

May 31, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 31, 2022.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle.  Also attending: Supt. Russ Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine. Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of Resignations




Garry Anderson

JSH Assist Girls Soccer Coach

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Chris Harbaugh

JSH Professional School Counselor

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Chris Harbaugh

JSH JH Boys Track Coach

End of 2021-2022 School Year

McKinley Meyer

JSH Social Studies Teacher

End of 2021-2022 School Year

McKinley Meyer

JSH JH Volleyball Coach

End of 2021-2022 School Year

McKinley Meyer

JSH JH Boys Track Coach

End of 2021-2022 School Year

Kelly Weber

JSH Health and At-Risk

End of 2021-2022 School Year


B. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Luke Pranger

JSH Math/Science Teacher



Alexis Whealy

JSH 7-12 Student Success Coordinator/Instructor





A. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2022-2023 – McCardle moved to approve the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2022-2023.  Salary increase for this group is $47.074 (2.53%). Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 5:18 pm.

__________________________________                __________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                    Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 06/17/2022 - 09:47

Board Minutes - 2022.06.15

Board Minutes - 2022.06.15

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

June 15, 2022


A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:30 pm. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on June 15, 2022.  Board members present in person: Eric Smith, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner and Kim Hansen.  Also attending in person: Supt. Russ Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Pledge of Allegiance was not recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


McCardle joined the meeting at 5:35 pm. 

  1. Consider Approval of Hiring the Recommended Candidate for the Jr/Sr High School Principal Position – Bleichner moved to approve hiring Ian Kleman as the Jr/Sr High School Principal at a salary of $115,000 with a start date of July 1, 2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Closed Session

We need a motion to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code:  To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. 

Hansen moved to move into closed session.  Bleichner second.  Roll call vote:  McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye.  Motion carried 5-0 and closed session started at 5:38 pm.

Morine left the meeting at 5:38 pm.   Reiter left at 6:59 pm.

No official action was taken during the closed session and the board exited the closed session at 8:33 pm.

C. Superintendent’s Contract – Trimble moved to approve the Superintendent Contract.  McCardle second.  The Superintendent's contract increase of 3.4% on salary for an increase of $5,845.00. Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm.




_____________________________________         ___________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 06/17/2022 - 09:39

Board Minutes - 2022.06.20

Board Minutes - 2022.06.20

Independence Community School District Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

June 20, 2022

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by Vice Chair Kim Hansen at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on June 20, 2022.  Members Present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner. Eric Smith attended virtually.  Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine and administrators/directors were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on May 16, 2022, the special meeting on            May 18, 2022, the special meeting on May 31, 2022, and the special meeting on June 15, 2022.
  2. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

       Second Readings:







Licensed Employee Defined



Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection



Licensed Employee Individual Contracts



Licensed Employee Continuing Contracts



Licensed Employee Work Day



Licensed Employee Assignment



Licensed Employee Transfers



Licensed Employee Evaluation



Licensed Employee Probationary Status



Licensed Employee Organization Affiliation



Licensed Employee Compensation



Licensed Employee Compensation Advancement



Licensed Employee Continued Education Credit



Licensed Employee Compensation for Extra Duty



Licensed Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Licensed Employee Tax Shelter Programs




First Readings:









Licensed Employee Resignation



Licensed Employee Contract Release



Licensed Employee Suspension



Licensed Employee Reduction in Force







Licensed Employee Professional Development



Licensed Employee Publication or Creation of Materials



Licensed Employee Tutoring



Employee Vacation – Holidays



Employee Leave of Absence


409.3* and 409.3E1

Employee Family and Medical Leave and Employee Family and Medical Leave Notice to Employees



Substitute Teachers



Shared Licensed Employees



Student Teachers – Internships



Truancy Officer



Education Aide



Summer School Licensed Employees








C. Approval of Resignations






Julie Johnson

Central Office 8.0 hr Admin Assistant









D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments








Lisa Colton

JSH 5.5 hr Cook/FS Worker

JSH 7.5 hr Kitchen Manager



Megan Rawlins

JSH Physical Education Teacher

JSH Health/At-Risk Teacher



Nikki Rippel

East Elem 2.25 hr Dishwasher

East Elem 2.5 hr Cook/ FS Worker










E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Melissa Attwood

JSH 5.75 hr Cook/Food Service Worker



Melissa Becker

JSH 5.75 hr Cook/Food Service Worker



Jacob McMartin

JSH Physical Education Teacher



Jacob McMartin

JSH Assistant Football Coach



Tiffany Shelton

JSH Social Studies Teacher



Karen Sherrets

East Elem 2.5 hr Dishwasher/FS Worker



Olivia Wolf

East Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher

$36,900                                (1-year contract)









F. Approval of Financial Reports




     1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills – Bleichner will review in July



     2.  Budget Report




  1. Comments from the Public - none
  1. Comments from Board/Superintendent – Board members each had an opportunity for comments.   In consensus, they want to thank and wish Julie Johnson a happy retirement and well as John Howard.  Board also thanked everyone involved with the graduation programs.  Mr. Ian Kleman introduced himself and he is excited to start his new position as the Jr/Sr High Principal in July. Welcome, Mr. Kleman! Hansen had comments regarding the Diversity committee including parents, live streaming the graduation ceremony in the future and concerns about the JSH schedule. Trimble would like to see regular updates from the Diversity committee. Supt. Reiter reported that we are looking into utilizing the pCard program as a new credit card platform.  The district’s tax rate was verified by the Iowa Department of Management and it went down a penny from $14.40 to $14.39 based on finalized numbers. The Mustang Foundation will be launching their donation drive for the Leinbaugh Field Entry Plaza honoring Coach Lyle Leinbaugh and Sergeant Jim Smith. Supt. Reiter distributed a monthly calendar based on the board’s goals. The board asked that the calendar include other items such as handbooks and manuals.  The Auditorium Committee met and the district will move forward on the sound project by purchasing new sound board equipment and accessories.

C. Presentations

     1.  Girls Wrestling Program – Justin Putz presented a proposal to the board to start a girl’s wrestling program in the district starting in FY22-23. IGHSAU has officially sanctioned the sport starting in 2022-2023. There will be 14 weight classes and continue the state tournament in Coralville. The district has had girl wrestlers and they have been very successful. The district would be responsible for paying the coaching staff (head coach and an assistant), transportation and coverage for any teacher coaches that may be hired.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principals

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Superintendent Reiter reported there should be a final punch list meeting on June 27th with the project stakeholders.  The brickwork and canopy on the west entrance of West Elementary has seen progress towards completion.  Work on the West gymnasium floor has begun.


  1. Consider Approval of Girls Wrestling Program – Trimble moved to approve the Girls Wrestling Program starting in FY2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.



  1. Consider Approval of the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal – McCardle moved to approve the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal. Bleichner second.  Rusty Donnelly with Smith D&L Insurance reviewed the proposal with the board. The annual premium came in at $319,164, a 20.17% increase over last year. EMC has experienced some losses due to weather and sexual abuse cases in other districts.  We also had a $20,000,000 increase in the replacement cost value on the buildings due to the cost of materials and labor. The district could increase some deductibles for cost saving opportunities:  Property Coverage: change deductible from $5,000 to $10,000, savings of $7419; Public Officials & Employee Practices Liability: change deductible from $2500 to $5000, savings of $955; Auto Coverage: change deductible from $2000 to $3000, saving $3,471.   McCardle amended his motion to accept the cost saving options on the Property Coverage and Public Officials & Employee Practices Liability.  Bleichner second.  Board approved annual premiums of $310,790, a 17.02% increase.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Registration and Meal Rates for 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Registration and Meal Rates for FY22-23. McCardle second.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Food Service Director Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2022-2023 – Bleichner moved to approve the Food Service Director Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2022-2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  This is an 80/20 agreement with no operational sharing dollars.  Last year it was a 70/30 arrangement.
  1. Consider Approval of the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2022-2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried.  This is an 80/20 agreement with operational sharing dollars equaling 4 students.
  1. Consider Approval of the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2022-2023 – McCardle moved to approve the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2022-2023.  Trimble second, motion carried.  This is a 60/40 agreement with operational sharing dollars equaling 2 students.
  1. Consider Approval of the Transportation Director Shared Services Agreement with Dunkerton Community School District for 2022-2023.  Trimble moved to approve the Transportation Director Shared Services Agreement with Dunkerton Community School District for 2022-2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0. This is an 80/20 agreement with operational sharing dollars equaling 4 students.
  1. Consider Approval of the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2022-2023 – Bleichner moved to approve the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2022-2023. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Board Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment – Trimble moved to approve the Board Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment.  McCardle second.  Roll call vote:  McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.


__________________________________                 ________________________________

Kim Hansen, Vice Chairman                                         Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary



 Fri, 10/22/2021 - 12:50



Click on the links below to view school board meeting minutes for the 2022-23 school year. Wed, 05/25/2022 - 13:13

Board Minutes - 2022.07.18

Board Minutes - 2022.07.18

Independence Community School District Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

July 18, 2022

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Vice Chair Kim Hansen at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on July 18, 2022.  Members Present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble and Brad Bleichner. Eric Smith attended virtually. Charlie McCardle was absent.  Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, Reed, Reidy, and Burmeister were present along with a newspaper representative and three teachers. Kleman joined the meeting later. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

   APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda.  Bleichner second, motion carried 4-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Bleichner moved to approve the consent items. Trimble second.  Smith requested Policy 505.6 – Graduation Requirements be removed. Hansen requested June 20th minutes reflect that the replacement costs for the district be corrected to $20,000,000.   Bleichner and Trimble agreed to amend the motion to include those changes. Motion carried 4-0.

        A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on June 20, 2022.

        B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:






Licensed Employee Resignation



Licensed Employee Contract Release



Licensed Employee Suspension



Licensed Employee Reduction in Force



Licensed Employee Professional Development



Licensed Employee Publication or Creation of Materials



Licensed Employee Tutoring



Employee Vacation – Holidays



Employee Leave of Absence


409.3* and 409.3E1

Employee Family and Medical Leave and Employee Family and Medical Leave Notice to Employees



Substitute Teachers



Shared Licensed Employees



Student Teachers – Internships



Truancy Officer



Education Aide



Summer School Licensed Employees



First Readings:







Classified Employee Defined



Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection



Classified Employee Letters of Assignment



Classified Employee Licensing/Certification



Classified Employee Assignment



Classified Employee Transfers



Classified Employee Evaluation



Classified Employee Probationary Status



Classified Employee Compensation



Classified Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation



Classified Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Classified Employee Tax Shelter Programs



Classified Employee Resignation



Classified Employee Suspension



Classified Employee Dismissal



Classified Employee Reduction in Force



Classified Employee Substitutes



Responsibilities of the Board of Directors


710.1, 710.1E1 (new), 710.1E2 (new), 710.1R1 (new)

School Nutrition Program, School Nutrition Program Notices of Nondiscrimination, Child Nutrition Programs Civil Rights Complaint Form, and School Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaint Procedure



Child Abuse Reporting



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District



Graduation Requirements


507.2*, 507.2E1*, and 507.2E2

Administration of Medication to Students, Authorization-Asthma Airway Constricting or Respiratory Administration Consent Form and Parental Permission for Administering Medication at School


607.2* and 607.2R1

Student Health Services and Student Health Services Administrative Regulations



Stock Prescription Medication Supply


804.9 (new) and 804.9R1 (new)

Radon Mitigation and Radon Mitigation Regulation



Public Examination of School District Records



C. Approval of Resignations





Melissa Attwood

JSH 5.75 hr Cook/Food Service Worker


Deborah Hammond

East Elem7.25 hr Special Ed Para




D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments







Gina Homan

JSH 1.0 FTE Large Group Speech Director

JSH .5 FTE Large Group Speech Director





E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Carla Becker

Central Office 6.0 hr Administrative Assistant



Alicia Conner

PK-12 Extended School Year Special Ed Teacher



Alicia Conner

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Rod Conrad

JSH Head Girls Basketball Coach



Heather Grover

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Holly McGraw

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Joe Schmitz

West Elem Full-Time Substitute Teacher

$36,900                (1-year contract)


Maddie Timmerman

JSH .5 FTE Large Group Speech Director



Rebecca Wearmouth

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver











Mentor Teachers




Bridget Brown

Mentor Teacher – Elem 5th/6th Grade



Jill Eddy

Mentor Teacher – Elem Special Ed



Ricky Nolan

Mentor Teacher – Elem 3rd/4th Grade





F. Approval of Financial Reports



     1.  Bills – Director Bleichner reviewed the bills – Hansen will review in August


     2.  Budget Report









A. Comments from the Public – John Klotzbach, representing the First Presbyterian Church as they would like to reinstate their “Help Our Teachers” program.  This program would help provide teachers with small items for their classrooms such as Kleenex, crayons, etc.





B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board comments: There is a group of volunteers for a reading buddy program. Supt. Reiter has a meeting set up with this group and the elementary admin team. Some citizens have concerns about the playground equipment.  Supt Reiter and Chad O’Brien will work on the concerns and repairs. Board members congratulated the softball team on a great season and also the baseball team for making it to the state tournament and winning the first round against West Delaware.  Many thanks to the volunteers that have helped with weeding flower beds at Mustang Way Park and additional volunteers are always needed.   The board would like an update when the JSH schedule is ready and also finish up the technology work in the board room. Superintendent comments: Supt Reiter congratulated the baseball team on their win as he had attended the game but left early to make the meeting.  The team will play again on Wednesday at 5 pm. There has been progress made on the Mustang Plaza and he would like to thank the Mustang Foundation for their support. Hopefully the plaza will be done before the first home football game. The work on the West gymnasium floor is taking longer than expected but the JSH gym is about ready to be opened back up.  Summer school has started. Supt. Reiter stated that the week of July 25th is dead week and there will be no coach contact with students or practices. This dead week is a statewide policy.  






C. Presentations

     1.  Building Safety – Supt Reiter acknowledges the issues with school safety around the nation and stated that our first concern is about safety of students and staff.  A detailed Emergency Plan is in place and he is working with area agencies to update the plan. Smith asked that the board be notified of their roles in the emergency plan.  A bill was signed by Governor Reynolds to provide funding for school safety but no details have been received on how the funds can be spent or when they would be available.  




     2.  K-12 Computer Science Plan – Erin Burmeister reported that all districts are required to have a Computer Science Plan by July 1, 2022.  The district’s plan is completed but it will continue to evolve as time goes on.


7:45 pm.  JSH Principal Kleman joined the meeting at 7:45 pm as he had attended the state baseball game.



     3.  Scheduling – JSH Principal Ian Kleman gave an executive summary of the changes to block and skinny classes in the CTE area. There is a need by area businesses to have more trade workers in the local workforce. The entry level CTE classes will be skinnies to allow more students to experience the CTE classes.  This will cost the district some money to provide lockers and other supplies for the classes. The higher level CTE classes will remain as blocks and paired with other block classes for the schedule to work.









A. District Director Reports



     1.  Activities Director Report – the board would appreciate seeing the open coaching positions on a quarterly basis.



     2.  Director of School Improvement Report



     3.  Director of Technology Report



     4.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report – there are spots on the trotter trail that had water over them after the rains.



     5.  Director of Transportation Report









      A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – many items from the punch list that   Smith/Hansen put together after the walk thru had been completed.  HSR should be in the district the last week of July.






  1. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Order – Trimble moved to approve the change order.  Bleichner second, motion carried 4-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks.  Smith moved to approve the June 14th version of the 2022-2023 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks as searchable PDF documents with the following changes:

In the Elementary Handbook:

1. Description of a Homeless Child Policy 501.7 (page 10) will be updated to match ICSD Policy 501.7 by correctly designating the Director of School Improvement as the local homeless child and youth liaison; and 

2. Section Iowa Code 279.66 (page 17) will be removed and replaced with Board Polity 503.1 Student Conduct to conform to Iowa Code 279.66.

3. Health Services (page 20) will be updated to use gender-neutral terms, replacing "she" with "the nurse".

In the Junior/Senior High Handbook,

1. Bullying and Harassment (Board Policy 106.R1) (page 11-12) will be updated to match ICSD Policy 106.R1 Anti-Bullying Harassment Investigation Procedures in the section for Filing a Complaint

2. Dissemination of Student Information (Board Policy 5062.R1) (page 14) will be corrected to materially match ICSD Policy 506.2R1 Use of Directory Information for parental rights of notification.

3. Acceptable Use Policy Information Technology Resources (Board Policy 605.6) (page 22) will be correctly titled Internet-Appropriate Use per ICSD Policy 605.6.

4. Acceptable Use Policy Information Technology Resources (Board Policy 605.6) (page 23), heading 4 "Respect and practice the principles of community" will be updated to use the term "Student Conduct Policy" in place of "school's code of conduct" to align with the adopted school policy terms.

5. Cafeteria Rules (page 24-25) will be corrected to match ICSD Policy 710.4 Meal Charges for the section "Negative Account Balance" and eliminate the section "Meal Charges''.

6. Throughout the handbook, replace all instances of the compound word "cellphone" with the term "cell phone".

7. Child Custody (page 26) will replace "mom and dad" with "parents" to be inclusive of all family structures.

8. Grading Scale/Reporting (page 31-32) will conclude with "Students are encouraged to review report cards immediately upon receipt to ensure that all courses are reported and the GPA is properly calculated.  Any errors in the student record are to be reported to the Counseling Office for correction."

9. Graduation Credit Requirements will link to the correct 2022-2023 Course Guide that is a published searchable PDF.

10. Graduation Participation (page 32) will delete the National Career Readiness Exam from the list of reasons that the school would decline a student's participation in graduation and to match ICSD policy 505.6 Graduation Requirements.

11. Iowa Code 279.66 (page 35) will be deleted, as Board Polity 503.1 Student Conduct is listed earlier in the handbook, conforming to Iowa Code 279.66.

12. Weapons (page 45) will replace "looka-likes" with "look-alikes."

13. On page 53, delete the four lines "parent(s)/guardians shall be informed ... notified orally, if possible."


  1. Bleichner second the motion. Trimble requested that a link to the Standard Referenced Grading reference document be added to the handbook. Motion carried 4-0.




  1. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook. Smith moved to approve the July 12th version of the 2022-2023 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbooks as a searchable PDF document with the changes: 1. Dissemination of Student Information. (Board Policy 5062.R1) (page 13) will be corrected to materially match ICSD Policy 506.2R1 Use of Directory Information for parental rights of notification.  2. The section “Activities Awards (High School only)” from the 2022-2023 Junior/High Handbook be included.  Bleichner second, motion carried 4-0.




  1.  Consider Approval of the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2022-2023 Contracted Services Agreement. Trimble moved to approve the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2022-2023 Contracted Services Agreement. Bleichner second, motion carried 4-0.




  1.  Consider Approval of the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) Resolution of Election.  Trimble moved to approve the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) Resolution of Election.  Bleichner second motion. After board discussions, roll call vote:  Smith – nay, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye. The resolution passed carried 3-1.




  1. Consider Chartering and Designating Members to the ICSD Board of Education Task Force to Address Grade Inflation.  Smith moved to approve Chartering and Designating Members to the ICSD Board of Education Task Force to Address Grade Inflation.  Trimble second.  Trimble felt the time line was too aggressive.  Task Force members will be designated by the August meeting.  Motion carried 4-0.




  1.  IASB Legislative Priorities – Board discussed the 2022 Legislative Priorities. Smith moved to approve the following IASB Legislative Proprieties for the district:  Mental Health, Supplemental State Aid, Local Accountability and Decision Making and Teacher Recruitment and Licensure.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.




ADJOURNMENT – Bleichner moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.


_____________________________                 _________________________

Kim Hansen, Vice Chairman                             Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Wed, 05/25/2022 - 13:16

Board Minutes - 2022.08.15

Board Minutes - 2022.08.15

Independence Community School District Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

August 15, 2022

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on August 15, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner.  Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, Admin/Directors: Reed, Reidy, Burmeister, Wendel and Chesmore were present along with other guests and presenters. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve items A, B, C, D and F with amendments to the July 18th minutes to include the full motion to the JSH Handbook changes.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  McCardle moved to approve item E – New Hires.  Trimble second.  Motion carried 4-0, with Hansen abstaining.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 18, 2022.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:






Classified Employee Defined



Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection



Classified Employee Letters of Assignment



Classified Employee Licensing/Certification



Classified Employee Assignment



Classified Employee Transfers



Classified Employee Evaluation



Classified Employee Probationary Status



Classified Employee Compensation



Classified Employee Wage and Overtime Compensation



Classified Employee Group Insurance Benefits



Classified Employee Tax Shelter Programs



Classified Employee Resignation



Classified Employee Suspension



Classified Employee Dismissal



Classified Employee Reduction in Force



Classified Employee Substitutes



Responsibilities of the Board of Directors


710.1, 710.1E1 (new), 710.1E2 (new), 710.1R1 (new)

School Nutrition Program, School Nutrition Program Notices of Nondiscrimination, Child Nutrition Programs Civil Rights Complaint Form, and School Nutrition Program Civil Rights Complaint Procedure



Child Abuse Reporting



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District


507.2*, 507.2E1*, and 507.2E2

Administration of Medication to Students, Authorization-Asthma Airway Constricting or Respiratory Administration Consent Form and Parental Permission for Administering Medication at School


607.2* and 607.2R1

Student Health Services and Student Health Services Administrative Regulations



Stock Prescription Medication Supply


804.9 (new) and 804.9R1 (new)

Radon Mitigation and Radon Mitigation Regulation



Public Examination of School District Records






First Readings:







Homeless Children and Youth



Graduation Requirements



Student Guidance and Counseling Program






C. Approval of Resignations





Alyssa Hawkins Holt

JSH Assistant Volleyball Coach


Josh Weber

JSH Assistant Wrestling Coach





D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments







Kristi Price

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

East Elem 7.0 hr Behavior Interventionist Para








E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Jon Carey

JSH Co Head Girls Wrestling Coach



Jon Carey

JSH Co Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach



Kenzie Fischels

JSH Co Head Girls Wrestling Coach



Kenzie Fischels

JSH Co Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach



Greg Gates

JSH Assistant Volleyball Coach



Kim Hansen

JSH Assistant Musical Director



Courtney Hopkins

East Elem 7.0 hr JK Paraprofessional



Lori Rehmert

JSH Assistant Musical Director











Mentor Teachers




Jennifer Beatty

Mentor Teacher – Elem K & 2nd Grade



Jessica Decker

Mentor Teacher – Elem K & 2nd Grade



Amy Gustafson

Mentor Teacher – JSH Soc St, Math, Sci & Eng/LA



Tia Shaffer

Mentor Teacher – JSH PE, FCS & Special Ed








F. Approval of Financial Reports



     1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills – McCardle will review in September


     2.  Budget Report








A. Comments from the Public – Head Baseball Coach Matt Miller and a couple of the senior ball players presented the trophies to the board from the State Baseball Tournament. Congratulation to the players and coaches for a tremendous season.


B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board complemented the Boy’s baseball team on a successful season.  Smith had attended the St John’s School Board meeting and attended the Buchanan County Resource Enhancement and Protection Committee meeting hosted by the Buchanan County Conservation Board. Supt Reiter thanked all the companies and organizations that are involved in the Plaza project as it is moving along very nicely. The goal is to have it done by the first home football game.  The new staff orientation is on Wednesday, August 17th, all staff meets on Thursday, August 18th.   Supt Reiter and AD Putz will be attending the WaMaC mediation meeting regarding the placement of Waverly-Shell Rock into an athletic conference.  First day of school is August 23rd . Documentation was handed out to the board members to follow up on some action items from previous board meetings.   






C. Presentations


     1.  Volunteer Reading Program – Jake Bass and Lauren Fink presented on a Volunteer Reading Program through AmeriCorps.


     2.  Volunteer/Mentor Program Update – Val Maximovich gave an overview from last year and looking forward to starting the year with the mentors and volunteers..



     3.  Review Board Goal #4:  Continue in Growing an Exemplary Activities Department – Supt Reiter reviewed statistics on the Activities Department from last year.  The district had a lot of success with all the activities last year. The goal needs some wordsmith to the statement about increasing the number of quality offerings to increasing the student participation in quality offerings.  After some board discussion they feel that the district should encourage hiring coaches that work in the district. Smith indicated the following schedule to review goals:  October – Goal #1- Obtain and Sustain Academic Excellence, January – Goal #3 -Responsibly Manage Fiscal Resources and March – Goal #2 – Strengthen and Improve District Communication.







A. Building Administrator Reports



     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal



     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal



     3.  West Elementary and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principals





B. District Director Reports



     1.  Activities Director Report – The Cross-Country races will be held back at MHI this year.


     2.  Director of School Improvement Report – Board discussed being involved in the emergency management exercises with the staff and maybe even have a work session for a table top exercise on emergency management.


     3.  Director of Technology Report



     4.  Director of Food Service Report



     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report



     6.  Director of Transportation Report -Director Chesmore is working on setting up ELDT training in house and will reach out to other districts to invite them to the training.








A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt Reiter discussed a carpet issue at West and hopefully Larson Construction, HSR and the carpet company can work out a resolution to the issue of the carpet not adhering properly.  Supt. Reiter will call HSR to come finalize the project with just the carpet issue outstanding.




B. Review Grade Inflation Task Force – Kleman, Burmeister, Trimble and Smith will be on the Task Force.




C. Review JSH Scheduling - Supt Reiter and Erin Burmeister talked about the scheduling of skinny and blocks for the CTE area classes.  It is hard for the 9th and 10th graders to have block classes with their other required classes.  Kleman and Burmeister will continue to look at scheduling improvements for next year.  

D.  Playground Repairs – Supt Reiter reported that the slides had been fixed and usable. The West playground is still waiting on parts to make the seats stationary rather than wiggly.  Also discussed cameras for the playground, but waiting for the Plaza to be completed to see what the cameras from that area will cover.





A. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Propane Agreement with Consolidated Energy Co. -McCardle moved to approve the 2022-2023 Propane Agreement with Consolidated Energy Co for 22,500 gallons.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.




B. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Wellness Programming between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2023 – Bleichner moved to approve the Agreement for Wellness Programming between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.




C. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Sports Injury Coverage between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2023 – Hansen moved to approve the Agreement for Sports Injury Coverage between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.




D. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Buchanan County Success Center Handbook – Hansen moved to approve the 2022-2023 Buchanan County Success Center Handbook.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.




E. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – September 2022 Laura Morine, Director of Finance/Board Secretary to Attend ASBO International Conference in Portland, Oregon – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form – September 2022 Laura Morine, Director of Finance/Board Secretary to Attend ASBO International Conference in Portland, Oregon.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.




F. Discuss IASB Bylaws Amendment – Board discussed the IASB Bylaw Amendment and agree with the changes to the bylaws.  Smith is the delegate for this vote.



Board recessed from 7:53 pm to 8:02 pm



G. Closed Session


We need a motion to recess to a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code;              To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Hansen moved to go into a closed session, Trimble second.   Roll call vote:   Smith -aye, Trimble – aye, Bleichner – aye, Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye.  Moved into close session at 8:02 pm. 


No official action was taken during closed session and the session ended at 8:32 pm.



ADJOURNMENT - McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.





__________________________________         _________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                             Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary                                 Tue, 08/16/2022 - 09:40

Board Minutes - 2022.09.19

Board Minutes - 2022.09.19

Independence Community School District Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

September 19, 2022

The regular meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on September 19, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner.  Superintendent Reiter, Admin/Directors: Kleman, Hupke, Putz, Reed, Reidy, Burmeister, Wendel, Obrien, and Chesmore were present along with other guests and presenters. Board Secretary Morine was absent.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hansen moved to approve the agenda. McCardle second, motion

carried 5-0







CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Bleichner moved to approve the consent items.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.





  1. Approval of the minutes of the work session on August 8, 2022 and the regular meeting on

August 15, 2022.







B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)




Second Readings:








Homeless Children and Youth



Graduation Requirements



Student Guidance and Counseling Program








First Readings:








Legal Status of the School District



Educational Philosophy of the School District



School District Instructional Organization


103, 103.E1, 103.E2, 103.E3, 103.E4, 103.E5, 103.E6, and 103.R1*

Equal Educational Opportunity, Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination, Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, Discrimination Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Grievance Procedure



The People and Their School District



Independence Community Schools Operating Principles for the Administration and Staff



Independence Community Schools Operating Principles for the Board of Education


105*and 105.R1

Long-Range Needs Assessment and Long-Range Needs Assessment Regulation


106*, 106.E1, 106.E2, 106.E3, and 106.R1*

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, Complaint Form (Discrimination, Anti-Bullying, and Anti-Harassment), Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures



Assistance Animals



Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited











C. Approval of Resignations






Melissa Becker

JSH 5.75 hr Cook/Food Service Worker


Allissa Clauson

JH Girls Basketball Coach


Kenzie Fischels

JH Girls Track Coach


Eryca Hingtgen-Bass

JSH Assist Girls Basketball Coach


Karen Sherrets

East Elem 2.5 hr Dishwasher/Food Service Worker









D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments








Rachel Main

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para

ECC 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Jennifer Stull

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para

West Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para










E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Jeremy Carter

East Elem 2.5 hr Dishwasher/Food Service Worker



Michelle Culp

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para



Hugh DeBerg

JH Boys Basketball Coach



Kara Hoyle

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para



Rachel Main

ECC .5 hr Crosswalk Para (P.M.)



Megan Rawlins

JH Volleyball Coach



Ann Schnepf

JSH 5.75 hr Cook/Food Service Worker



Shaunna Shepherd

JSH 5.75 hr Cook/Food Service Worker



Pat Szobonya

West Elem 5.5 hr Special Ed Para










F. Approval of Financial Reports




     1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Smith will review in October



     2.  Budget Report












A. Comments from the Public - None







B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – McCardle shared how much fun he has had while taking pictures during Homecoming activities.  Smith shared the results of the IASB Special Delegate Assembly was 94% support to change the association’s bylaws to allow membership with any national school board association.  Supt Reiter stated the start of the school year went well. Supt Reiter continues to work in partnership with the city and county on childcare issues.   We are really going to push teacher retention and recruiting during the upcoming legislative session along with increased SSA rate. After the Certified Annual Report (CAR) was filed our General Fund continues to be healthy.  ESSER funds have helped that healthy balance. Best of Luck with the upcoming Homecoming week.




The board meeting recessed at 6:10 pm to address technology issues. The meeting resumed at 6:13 pm.




C. Presentations



     1.  High School Baseball Outfield – Matt Miller reviewed the updates to the facilities over the last few years and the ongoing issue with drainage in the outfield. Brian Eddy presented options to resolve the drainage in the outfield. Their recommendation is to install turf and have it funded 100% by private donations.  Asking for the board’s approval to proceed before they continue to solicit donations and the project wouldn’t start until it was fully funded.



     2.  District’s Professional Learning – Erin Burmeister gave an update on the District’s Professional Learning plan that was submitted to the State.













A. Building Administrator Reports




     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal




     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal




     3.  West Elementary Principal



     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal








B. District Director Reports




     1.  Activities Director Report




     2.  Director of School Improvement Report




     3.  Director of Technology Report




     4.  Director of Food Service Report




     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report




     6.  Director of Transportation Report












A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt. Reiter said the outstanding issues are: Fire rated doors have arrived and will be installed on Friday. Still working on the carpet adhesion issue.  Smith brought up the water drainage from the West Elementary roof.






B. Review Grade Inflation Task Force – Smith gave an overview of the data that was available from Powerschool from 2016 to 2022. This task force will continue to meet.






C. Grading Coalition Update – Burmeister thanked Principal Kleman for his active participation. The communication has been updated and letters out to parents. The Coalition decided to continue with the 4-point scale with the 0.5 increments for this school year.  The “4” needs to be defined in the proficiency scale and provide opportunities to the students to obtain the “4”.   The Coalition also feels like there needs to be more training of staff. The conversion will continue to a letter grade.






D. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee – Supt Reiter provided the list of committee members and looking for a meeting date to talk about setting goals for the district. Hansen moved to appoint Trimble to the board.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  









A. Consider Approval to Convert the Baseball Outfield to Turf with 100% Donated Funds – Hansen moved to approve to Convert the Baseball Outfield to Turf with 100% Donated Funds and Labor.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






B. Consider Approval of Softball Upgrades with 100% Donated Funds and Volunteer Support – McCardle moved approve of Softball Upgrades with 100% Donated Funds and Volunteer Support.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0. 






C. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – November 2022 – Michael Doyle to Fort Worth, TX – McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – November 2022 – Michael Doyle to Fort Worth, TX.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






D. Consider Approval of the Charter Bus Contact for Charter No. 122309 with Tri-State Travel for the High School Marching Band for October 8-9, 2022.   Hansen moved to approve the Charter Bus Contact for Charter No. 122309, in the amount of $5090, with Tri-State Travel for the High School Marching Band for October 8-9, 2022.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.






E. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Schools for Robotics for the 2022-2023 School Year – Hansen moved to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Schools for Robotics for the 2022-2023 School Year.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






F. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Boys Bowling for 2022-2023.  Hansen moved to approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Boys Bowling for 2022-2023.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.






G. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Jesup Community School District for Girls Bowling, Girls Wrestling, Boys Soccer, and Girls Soccer for 2022-2023 – Hansen moved the approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Jesup Community School District for Girls Bowling, Girls Wrestling, Boys Soccer, and Girls Soccer for 2022-2023. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






H. Consider Approval of the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2022-2023.  McCardle moved to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2022-2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






I. Consider Approval of the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance – Hansen moved to approve the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance in the amount of $23,722.65.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.







J. Discussion of the September 13th PPEL Referendum Vote – The September 13th PPEL Vote lacked 17 votes to pass.  Supt. Reiter outlined options on how to move forward. March 7th is the next available vote before the PPEL Referendum expires.  Supt Reiter believes that even though we asked to increase the PPEL levy by $0.27 that the overall tax rate would not increase. The Board will have a work session the first part of October to explore the PPEL vote and capital needs.    





K. Closed Session




We need a motion to recess to a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(k) of the Iowa Code; To discuss information contained in records in the custody of a governmental body that are confidential records pursuant to section 22.7, subsection 50.

McCardle moved to move into closed session. Bleichner second.  Roll call vote:   Smith-aye, Trimble-aye, Bleichner-aye, Hansen-aye, McCardle-aye.  The board recessed at 8:08 pm.  The meeting resumed at 8:15 pm.


Moved into closed session at 8:15 pm.  No official action was taken during the closed session and the session ended at 8:55 pm.




ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.   McCardle second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.


______________________________                     _________________________




 Eric M. Smith, Chair                                              Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary



                                                                                     Minutes created by listening to Facebook

                                                                                     Live as Mrs.Morine was absent from meeting. Tue, 08/16/2022 - 09:54

Board Minutes - 2022.10.12 PPEL Work Session

Board Minutes - 2022.10.12 PPEL Work Session

Independence Community School District Board Meeting

Work Session Meeting

October 12, 2022

A work session was called to order at 6:45 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on October 12, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Brad Bleichner and Superintendent Reiter.

Superintendent Reiter shared with the board:

  • Information on the benefits of a Voted Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL)
  • Long-term facility and grounds projects that would be financed with PPEL and SAVE revenues.

The board discussed the timing of a PPEL vote in 2023.

Work session concluded at 8:35 pm.



Eric B. Smith, Chairman Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:24

Board Minutes - 2022.10.17

Board Minutes - 2022.10.17


Independence Community School District Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

October 17, 2022


The regular meeting was called to order at 6:07 pm by Chair Eric Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on October 17, 2022.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle and Brad Bleichner.  Board Secretary Morine, Admin/Directors: Kleman, Hupke, Reidy, Burmeister, Wendel, and Chesmore were present along with other guests and presenters.  Supt Reiter was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.




APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda with the following changes:

3.D - Strike new hire Randy Turner, JSH Asst Baseball Coach as his work commitments had changed and 7.E – Strike Consider Approval of Appointing Kim Hansen to the Independence Community Visioning Committee.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0 with the changes.





CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.




A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on September 19, 2022.





B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)



Second Readings:







Legal Status of the School District



Educational Philosophy of the School District



School District Instructional Organization


103, 103.E1, 103.E2, 103.E3, 103.E4, 103.E5, 103.E6, and 103.R1*

Equal Educational Opportunity, Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination, Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, Discrimination Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Grievance Procedure



The People and Their School District



Independence Community Schools Operating Principles for the Administration and Staff



Independence Community Schools Operating Principles for the Board of Education


105*and 105.R1

Long-Range Needs Assessment and Long-Range Needs Assessment Regulation


106*, 106.E1, 106.E2, 106.E3, and 106.R1*

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, Complaint Form (Discrimination, Anti-Bullying, and Anti-Harassment), Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures



Assistance Animals



Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited












First Readings:







Employee Expression



Licensed Employee Professional Development


802.4*, 802.4R1, and 802.4R2

Capital Assets, Capital Assets Regulation, and Capital Assets Management System Definitions



Goals and Objectives of the Education Program



School Calendar



School Day



Curriculum Implementation



Curriculum Evaluation



Pilot – Experimental – Innovative Projects



Special Education



Multicultural, and Gender Fair/Non-sexist Education






C. Approval of Resignations





Brad Arnold

JSH Assistant Boys Basketball Coach


Carla Becker

Central Office 6.0 hr Administrative Assistant


Austin Czerwiec

JSH Assistant Baseball Coach


Scott Kleve

JSH JH .5 FTE Softball Coach


Cole Trimble

JSH JH .5 FTE Softball Coach







D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Cliff Baldwin

JSH Assistant Boys Basketball Coach



Greg Gates

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach



Mark Geertsma         

JSH Assistant Girls Basketball Coach



Todd Reed

JSH JH Softball Coach



Joe Schmitz

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach



Allison Sorg

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach



Randy Turner

JSH Assistant Baseball Coach








E. Approval of Financial Reports



     1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in November


     2.  Budget Report








A. Comments from the Public – n/a





B. Comments from the Board – Bleichner indicated that the City of Independence received a grant to look at enhancing the 1st Street West Corridor. The board congratulated the football team on being District Champions, volleyball and marching band are having a successful season. Thanks to all that helped with regular cross country meet and the WAMAC conference cross country meet at MHI along with the MHI staff.  Hansen requested information to be shared with the board regarding the school district’s working relationship with Four Oaks. Smith voiced concerns with images on social media accounts associated with the school district.  Hansen, Smith, Trimble and Supt Reiter have met the requirements for Iowa School Board Association Better Boardsmanship recognition as board development is one of the board’s goals.  Smith, Hansen and Trimble plan on attending the Iowa School Board Convention in November.









A. Building Administrator Reports



     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal



     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal



     3.  West Elementary Principal


     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal






B. District Director Reports



     1.  Activities Director Report



     2.  Director of School Improvement Report



     3.  Director of Technology Report



     4.  Director of Food Service Report



     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report



     6.  Director of Transportation Report








A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – On September 30th there was a walk thru of the East/West construction projects. There will be a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the carpet issue. 




B. Grading Coalition Update - Burmeister gave an update on the coalition. Teachers had been prepped prior to parent teacher conferences with talking points and they have been supporting new teachers. Principal Kleman will be working with the Sr. High staff on standard based learning. 




C. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee -Trimble reported it was her first meeting on the committee and they reviewed the history and goals of the committee. The student representatives are adding value to the committee.  A QR code was developed to aid students in reporting incidents.





A. Consider Approval of Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) for the Spring 2023 Musical - Trimble moved to approve the Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) for the Spring 2023 Musical. McCardle second, motion carried 4-0. Hansen abstained as she is an Asst. Director of the musical.  Amanda Fisher announced that the 2023 Musical would be Annie and presented a preliminary budget.






B. Consider Approval of the Quotation from Rick Frendt Theatrical Projections & Design for the Spring 2023 Musical – Trimble moved to approve the Quote from Rick Frendt Theatrical Projections & Design for the Spring 2023 Musical. Bleichner second, motion carried 4-0. Hansen abstained.






C. Consider Approval of the Operating Agreement between St. John School and Independence Community School District through June 30, 2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Operating Agreement between St. John School and Independence Community School District through June 30, 2023. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.






D. Consider Approval of the Fixed Asset Inventory Rescan Services Proposal from Asset Services – Hansen moved to approve the Fixed Asset Inventory Rescan Services Proposal from Asset Services. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0. 






E. Consider Approval of Appointing Kim Hansen to the Independence Community Visioning Committee    Item was stuck since Hansen is a part of the committee as a community member and not a school board representative.






F. Consider Approval to share the HR Director with the Jesup Community School District (20%) and the Union Community School District (20%) – McCardle moved to approve the Sharing of the HR Director with the Jesup Community School District (20%) and the Union Community School District (20%). Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.







G. Approve Canvas of Votes from the September 13, 2022 Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) Vote – Hansen moved to Approve Canvas of Votes from the September 13, 2012 Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) Vote.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.  Board discussed the Voted PPEL and it was the board’s consensus to prepare for the next vote opportunity on March 7, 2023.  






ADJOURNMENT – Bleichner moved to adjourn the meeting.   McCardle second, motion carried

5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:21pm.




__________________________________         _________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chairperson                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary

 Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:23

Board Minutes - 2022.11.21

Board Minutes - 2022.11.21

                                                                         Independence Community School Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

November 21, 2022

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 21, 2022.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Brad Bleichner and Gina Trimble.  Charlie McCardle attended via Zoom. Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Bleichner moved to approve the agenda with the addition of adding the SBRC Request for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years to item P.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Bleichner moved to approve the consent items but strike Policy 603.1 – Basic Instruction Program from First Readings and correct the spelling on a coach’s name. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0. 


A. Approval of the minutes of the work session on October 12, 2022 and the regular meeting on October 17, 2022.


B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)



Second Readings:








Employee Expression



Licensed Employee Professional Development


802.4*, 802.4R1, and 802.4R2

Capital Assets, Capital Assets Regulation, and Capital Assets Management System Definitions



Goals and Objectives of the Education Program



School Calendar



School Day



Curriculum Implementation



Curriculum Evaluation



Pilot – Experimental – Innovative Projects



Special Education



Multicultural, and Gender Fair/Non-sexist Education





First Readings:








602.1* and 602.1R1

Curriculum Development and Curriculum Development Regulation




Basic Instruction Program  STRIKE



603.4* and 603.4E1

Health Education and Human Growth and Development Student Excuse From




Physical Education




Career Education



603.7* and 603.7R1

Teaching About Religion and Teaching About Religion Regulation – Religious Holidays



603.8* and 603.8R1

Academic Freedom and Teaching Controversial Issues






POLICY NAME- Continuation



Global Education






Summer School Instruction



Private Instruction



Individualized Instruction



C. Approval of Resignations






Jeremy Carter

East Elem 2.5 hr Dishwasher/FS Worker


Jessica Conklin

JSH Assistant Volleyball Coach




D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Chad Johnson

JSH Head Boys Soccer Coach








E. Approval of Financial Reports


     1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills

     2.  Budget Report


     3.  Financial Settlement Statement as of June 30, 2022










A. Comments from the Public – none







B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Director of Finance Morine clarified that buses can be purchase from the SAVE Capital account since it is in the district’s revenue purpose statement.  Board members congratulated the fall sports teams and those individual athletes that had been recognized by the conference. The Fall Play was a success and great fall concerts. Hansen, Smith, Trimble and Supt Reiter all attended the Iowa School Board Convention and thought the sessions were very beneficial.  Hansen, Smith, Trimble and Supt Reiter received individual awards for their professional development achievements. The Independence Community School Board also received a team award since the majority of their board had received the individual awards. Supt Reiter thanked the board members for attending the convention.  The district will be hosting the Independence City Council, Buchanan County Supervisors and two representatives from the school board for their annual meeting. The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee will be meeting on November 30th at 5 pm.  Supt Reiter is looking to bring back the District-wide Assembly to recognize students, hopefully a date can be found in December.






C. Presentations



     1.  Board Goal #1 Obtain and Sustain Academic Excellence – Burmeister, Kleman and Supt Reiter presented.



     2.  Annual Progress Report (APR)/Iowa Student Performance Profile – Presentation by Burmeister



     3.  Four Oaks – Presentation by Ian Kleman and Erin Burmeister – the students in the Four Oaks Qualified Treatment program are classified as foster children per the State of Iowa and it is our responsibility to provide them with an education just like any resident student.  



     4.  School of the Wild – Presentation by 6th Grade teachers: Amanda Whitaker, Dana Mikel, Jillian Schares, Nicholas Holt, along with Sondra Cabell and Michael Maas from the Buchanan County Conservation.  The 6th grade students spent a week at county parks leaning will all the curriculum areas being covered. 



     5.  Elementary Playground – Superintendent Reiter indicated that new swings and a new slide for the playground have been ordered.









A. Building Administrator Reports




     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal




     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal




     3.  West Elementary Principal



     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal








B. District Director Reports




     1.  Activities Director Report




     2.  Director of School Improvement Report




     3.  Director of Technology Report




     4.  Director of Food Service Report




     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report




     6.  Director of Transportation Report











A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – new carpet will be laid in the West vocal room over Christmas break to see if the problem was the glue.  The updated to-do list should hopefully be sent before Thanksgiving to the board.






B. Grading Coalition Update – JSH Principal Kleman and some teachers will be attending a grading conference.





ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Bleichner second, meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.   The board took a 5-minute break before the organizational meeting.





_____________________________________                  __________________________________

Eric Smith, President                                                                     Laura Morine, Board Secretary




                                Independence Community School Board Meeting

Organizational Meeting

November 21, 2022



An organizational meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 8:15 pm by Board Secretary Laura Morine at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 21, 2022.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Brad Bleichner, and Gina Trimble.  Charlie McCardle attended via ZOOM. Also attending: Supt. Reiter, administrators, directors, and guests.


A. Election of a President of the Board - Smith nominated Kim Hansen for President, Trimble second. There were no other nominations. 



Board Member               Vote

Gina Trimble                    Kim Hansen

Brad Bleichner                 Kim Hansen

Kim Hansen                     Gina Trimble

Charlie McCardle             Kim Hansen

Eric Smith                        Kim Hansen


Kim Hansen was elected Board President.  Board Secretary Morine administered the oath of office to President Hansen.  Board Secretary Morine relinquished the meeting to President Hansen.





B. Election of a Vice President of the Board – Bleichner nominated Gina Trimble Vice President, McCardle second. There were no other nominations.



Board Member               Vote

Gina Trimble                    Eric Smith

Brad Bleichner                 Gina Trimble

Kim Hansen                     Gina Trimble

Charlie McCardle             Gina Trimble

Eric Smith                        GinaTrimble


Gina Trimble was elected Board Vice President and Board Secretary Morine administered the oath of office to Vice President Trimble. 





C. Set Regular Board Meeting Dates, Time and Location for 2022-2023



Presently, the Board meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Administration Office Boardroom for regular meetings.  Smith moved to approve the Board Meeting Dates, Times and Locations for 2022-2023 with adjustments to January and April.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

2022-2023 Proposed School Board Meetings: 

December 19, 2022

January 17, 2023 (Tuesday)

February 20, 2023

March 20, 2023

April 12, 2023 (Wednesday)

May 15, 2023

June 19, 2023

July 17, 2023

August 21, 2023

September 18, 2023

October 16, 2023

November 20, 2023





D. Roll Call Vote Order for 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Roll Call vote order.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.




Bleichner, Hansen, McCardle, Smith, Trimble




Hansen, McCardle, Smith, Trimble, Bleichner




McCardle, Smith, Trimble, Bleichner, Hansen




Smith, Trimble, Bleichner, Hansen, McCardle




Trimble, Bleichner, Hansen, McCardle, Smith









E. Discussion of Committee Assignments for 2022-2023 – Board discussed the committees and assignments.





F. Consider Approval of Committee Assignments for 2022-2023 – Smith moved to approve the Committee Assignments as listed below.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.



 1. IASB – Delegate Assembly (represents ICSD 

      at the IASB Delegate Assembly) (President)


2.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors


 3.  Calendar Committee                   


 4.  School Improvement Advisory Committee -        SIAC


 5.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board


 6.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  


 7.  Indee Agriculture Education


 8.  Traffic Flow Committee



 9. Auditorium Committee



10. Buchanan County Conference Board


11.  Negotiations Committee

       (Board President & Vice President)


12. Benefits Advisory Board


Current Member






























New Member


















 Rolled into Bldgs & Grounds Committee


 Rolled into Bldgs & Grounds Committee










13.  City Council Liaisons






Independence (2) –




Independence (2) –


14.  Review Board Meeting Bills













15.  PPEL Levy Committee (2)




16. Resource Enhancement and Protection Committee (REAP) (President)





17.  Building and Grounds Committee












A. Consider Approval of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. and Lynch Dallas, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors – Bleichner moved to approve Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. and Lynch Dallas, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






B. Consider Approval of the Official Newspaper of Publication for the District and Board of Directors – Trimble moved to approve the Bulletin Journal as the Official Newspaper of Publication for the District and Board of Directors.  Bleichner second, motion carried 3-1. Smith voting nay and McCardle abstained.






C. Consider Approval of Resolution Naming Depositories – Trimble moved to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.






D. Consider Approval of Resolution to Pay Bills When the Board is Not in Session - Trimble moved to approve the Resolution to Pay Bills When the Board is Not in Session.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.






E. Consider Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer – Smith moved to approve the Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






F. Consider Approval of Resolution to Issue Payroll – Trimble moved to approve the Resolution to Issue Payroll.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






G. Consider Approval of Student Learning Goals 2022-2023 – Burmeister presented the Student Learning Goals for 2022-2023. Trimble moved to approve the Student Learning Goals 2022-2023 but changing the FAST goal to 65% for Spring of 2023.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.






H. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2023 – Smith moved to approve the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2023.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






I. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2022: Paul Upmeyer to Chicago, IL for the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic – Bleichner moved to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2022: Paul Upmeyer to Chicago, IL for the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






J. Consider Approval of the Following to an Additional Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board: Andy Hauber, Gina DeBoer, Bryan Palmer, and Lans Flickinger – Bleichner moved to approve the Following to an Additional Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board: Andy Hauber, Gina DeBoer, Bryan Palmer, and Lans Flickinger. Smith second, motion carried 5-0.






K. Consider Approval of the Contract Agreement between Cornerstone Geospatial Consulting and the Independence Community School District through May 2023 – Smith moved to approve the Contract Agreement between Cornerstone Geospatial Consulting and the Independence Community School District through May 2023. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






L. Consider Approval of the Affirmative Action Plan 2022-2023 – Trimble moved to approve the Affirmative Action Plan 2022-2023.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.






M. Consider Approval of the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 – Smith moved to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






N. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2023-2024 School Year – Smith moved to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2023-2024 School Year in the amount of $1,072.11. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






O. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2023-2024 School Year – Bleichner moved to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2023-2024 School Year in the amount of $7,023.26.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






P. Consider Approval of the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2022 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2021 and  LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years  – Smith moved to approve the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2022 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2021 in the amount of $113,463.90 and LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $1,556.73. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.







Q. Consider Approval of the Stipend for the Shared Human Resources Director – Smith moved to approve the Stipend of $3,500 for the Shared Human Resources Director since this position is shared 60/20/20 (ICSD, Union & Jesup respectively).  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.






R. Consider Approval of an Update to the Communication Plan - Smith moved to approve the Update to the Communication Plan. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.






President Hansen thanked Eric Smith for serving the last five years as Board President.

ADJOURNMENT – Smith moved to adjourn the meeting.   Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.


_____________________________________                  __________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                                     Laura Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:25

Board Minutes - 2022.11.29

Board Minutes - 2022.11.29


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

November 29, 2022

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:15 p.m. by Chair Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 29, 2022.  Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, and Eric Smith. Brad Bleichner and Gina Trimble attended via ZOOM.  Also attending: Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine. The Pledge of Allegiance was not recited since we had members joining via zoom.                                                                        

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Smith moved to approve the agenda as presented. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.     


  1.  Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – November 2022: Ian Kleman and JSH Staff Members to Minneapolis, MN – McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – November 2022: Ian Kleman and JSH Staff Members to Minneapolis, MN.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.           


ADJOURMENT - Smith moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 12:17 pm.        



__________________________________                          _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Chair                                                                 Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 12/19/2022 - 21:06

Board Minutes - 2022.12.19

Board Minutes - 2022.12.19

                                     Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

December 19, 2022


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on December 19, 2022.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Eric Smith and Gina Trimble.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, legislators and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

   APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Smith moved to approve the agenda, McCardle second, motion carried    4-0


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent times.  Smith second the motion. Smith asked in Policy 602.1R1 that the passage about a resignation from SIAC be posted like a job be struck from the policy.  Motion carried 4-0 with the change.




A. Approval of the minutes of the regular/annual and organizational meeting on November 21, 2022 and the special meeting on November 29, 2022









B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)





Second Readings:








602.1* and 602.1R1

Curriculum Development and Curriculum Development Regulation


603.4* and 603.4E1

Health Education and Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form



Physical Education



Career Education


603.7* and 603.7R1*

Teaching About Religion and Teaching About Religion Regulation – Religious Holidays


603.8* and 603.8R1*

Academic Freedom and Teaching Controversial Issues



Global Education






Summer School Instruction



Private Instruction



Individualized Instruction





First Reading










Basic Instruction Program






Vice President



International Study



Program for Talented and Gifted Students



Program for At-Risk Students



Religious-Based Exclusion from a School Program



Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution



Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee






Dual Enrollment



Foreign Students



Online Courses



Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms





C. Approval of Resignations







Chris Black

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach


Richard Morris

Bus Garage 4.0 hr Bus Driver


Hermione Roman

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para











D. Approval of Leave of Absence/Temporary Fill-In








Tim Nelson

JSH Assistant Boys Basketball Coach – LOA



Hugh DeBerg

JHS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach – Fill-In












E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)








John Butler

Bus Garage 4.0 hr Bus Driver



Nick Fuller

JSH Assistant Wrestling Coach












F. Approval of Financial Reports





     1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in January




     2.  Budget Report














A. Comments from the Public – none









B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Smith had attended the SIAC Meeting this past month. Buildings and Grounds committee has scheduled a meeting for January 9th at 5:30 to review facility plan proposals. A Grade Inflation meeting needs to be scheduled.   McCardle has attended the concerts and sporting events, the PPEL Committee Meeting and the City/County/School Joint Meeting.  Trimble attended the Jr/Sr High Concert, Wrestling meet, DEI Committee Meeting and PPEL Committee meeting.  Hansen has attended the concerts, boy’s basketball game and the City/County/School Joint Meeting.   She had received a resignation from Board Member Bleichner effective December 9, 2022.

Public notice was put in the paper regarding the vacancy.  If no petition are received, the Board will appoint his replacement at a special meeting on January 4th  at 6:00 pm. Anyone interested in the vacancy can contact a board member or Supt. Reiter. Hansen has been in contact with Iowa School Board Association to schedule some board professional development to help the onboarding of the new board member.   Supt. Reiter indicated that the Central Rivers AEA appointed Joel Pederson as their Chief Administrator.  Meeting on LED lighting for the auditorium was held. He is working on the Communication Audit with Technology Director Noyes.  Hawkeye Community College is wanting to renew their existing bond levy at the same time as the intended PPEL vote for the district.  Decisions will need to be made on how to proceed with the renewal of our PPEL vote as the district was looking at increasing the levy by 27 cents or just renew the levy.  Trimble indicated that we really need to get the word out about the March PPEL vote and the committee is working on that.





C. Presentations




     1.  New Course Proposal – Amber Whitney and Ian Kleman present information about a new Forensic science class.













A. Building Administrator Reports





     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal





     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal





     3.  West Elementary Principal




     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal










B. District Director Reports





     1.  Activities Director Report





     2.  Director of School Improvement Report





     3.  Director of Technology Report





     4.  Director of Food Service Report





     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report





     6.  Director of Transportation Report














A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt Reiter is trying to pinpoint a date for the carpet replacement over the holiday break at West Elementary. Supt Reiter will send a summary list to the board.








B. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee – Supt Reiter and Trimble reported that the committee meeting was very productive and appreciate the student’s involvement.











A. Legislative Discussion with Local Representatives – Senators Craig Johnson and Dan Zumbach were present to give a legislative update.








B. Consider Approval of Director Brad Bleichner’s Resignation – Smith reluctantly moved to approve the resignation from Director Brad Bleichner.  Trimble regrettably second, motion carried 4-0. Thank you, Mr. Bleichner for your service and we know you will serve the residents of Independence during your tenure as Mayor.








C. Consider Approval of ICSD Students Participating in the Community Visioning Program – Mayor Bleichner, Kim Hansen and Sandy Oberbroeckling from Iowa State presented the request for student involvement in this program.  The board would recommend a good cross section of students from the JSH and West Elementary for this task force. Approximately 7-10 students would be involved from each building. Trimble moved to approve the ICSD Students Participating in the Community Visioning.  Smith second, motion carried 4-0.








D. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – January 2023: Nancy Scheel to Kansas City, MO – McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – January 2023: Nancy Scheel to Kansas City, MO.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.








E. Consider Approval of the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $512,805.00 – Smith moved to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $512,805.00.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.








F. Consider Approval of the Forensics Course – Smith moved to approve the Forensics Course, McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.








G. Consider Approval of the Technical Assistance Support Contract with Fusion Forward, LLC – McCardle moved to approve the Technical Assistance Support Contract with Fusion Forward, LLC.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.








H.  Discuss the New Director Districts for the Independence Community School District – Three different maps were discussed regarding the required redistricting due to the 2020 census. The board discussed the pros and cons of each map and consensus was to go with map #2.  Morine will have the firm draw up the resolution.  A public hearing will be held at 5:50 pm on January 17th for the redistricting.





Meeting recessed at 8:00 pm for a quick break to excuse the attendees.





I. Closed Session – Smith moved to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(k) of the Iowa Code; To discuss information contained in records in the custody of a governmental body that are confidential records pursuant to Section 22.7, Subsection 50.  McCardle second.  Roll call vote:   Hansen- aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 4-0.    Moved into closed session at 8;08 pm with Board members and Supt Reiter present.

 Exited the closed session at 9:51 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.











ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting, McCardle second, motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 pm.



__________________________________                       _______________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                          Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:26

Board Minutes - 2023.01.04 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2023.01.04 Special Meeting

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

January 4, 2023



A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 4, 2023.  Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Eric Smith, and Gina Trimble.  Also attending: Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, Mitchell Barnett and John Klotzbach. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA - McCardle moved to approve the agenda as presented. Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.     



  1.  Consider Approval of the Appointment of a New Board Member – McCardle moved to Approve the Appointment of Mitchell Barnett as the new Board Member to fill the vacancy.   Smith second the motion. The Board had interaction with Barnett before the vote. Motion carried 4-0.         


ADJOURMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.          





__________________________________                          _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Chair                                                                 Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary                       Tue, 04/04/2023 - 16:53

Board Minutes - 2023.01.17

Board Minutes - 2023.01.17



Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

                                                                        January 17, 2023          



Public Hearing

A public hearing for the Proposed School Board Boundary Redistricting started at 5:50 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 17, 2023.    Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Mitch Barnett and Gina Trimble. Eric Smith joined virtually.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators and directors.


No public comments were received.  The public hearing ended at 5:55 pm.



A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 17, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Mitch Barnett and Gina Trimble. Eric Smith joined virtually.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators and directors.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 


APPROVAL OF AGENDA -McCardle moved to approve the agenda.  Barnett second, motion carried



CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items 3A-3E. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


      A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on December 19, 2022 and the special meeting on January 4, 2023.


     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:






Basic Instruction Program






Vice President



International Study



Program for Talented and Gifted Students



Program for At-Risk Students



Religious-Based Exclusion from a School Program



Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institution



Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee



Dual Enrollment



Foreign Students



Online Courses



Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platforms









First Readings:






605.1* and 605.1R1*

Instructional Materials Selection and Selection of Instructional Materials Regulation


605.2* and 605.2R1*

Instructional and Library Materials Inspection and Display and Instructional and Library Materials Inspection


605.3*, 605.3E1*, 605.3E2*, 605.3E3*, 605.3E4 (new), and 605.3R1 (rewrite)

Objection to Instructional and Library Materials, Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee, Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Request Form, Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional or Library Materials, Request to Prohibit a Student form Checking Out Specific Library Materials, and Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation



Technology and Instructional Materials



School Library






C. Approval of Resignations





Nick Fuller

JSH Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach


Trish O’Loughlin

JSH Industrial Technology Teacher

End of 2022-2023 School Year






D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Garry Anderson

JSH JH Girls Wrestling Coach



Leah Borgerding

JSH Assist Girls Soccer Coach



Alex Farmer

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach



Nicholas Holt

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Boys Wrestling Coach



Seth Rupprecht

JH Boys Basketball Coach








E. Approval of Financial Reports



     1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills. McCardle will review in February.


     2.  Budget Report









A. Comments from the Public – no public comments.



B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – McCardle has been attending basketball and wrestling events, making sure he hits the Senior Nights.  Hansen will be attending District Speech Contest.   Hansen and Barnett will be attending the IASB “Day on the Hill” February 14th.  Hansen also had a chart from ISFIS that describes the different funds revenues and expenditures. Barnett had attended a City Council Meeting.  He indicated that there may be some changes to Four Oaks population at MHI and a possible increase to our student body.  Smith indicated the Building & Grounds Committee had met.  He will be attending the IASB meeting “Mastering the Media’ on Feb 7th.  Data on grade inflation has been sent to the AEA to analyze. Supt Reiter indicated we will be scheduling a  tour at MHI this spring. The PPEL vote will be on March 7th.  The Calendar meeting will be next Monday night. Supt Reiter and Director of Finance Morine will be attending budget workshops in the next couple of weeks.








C. Presentations


  1. Executive Summary of Senior Exit Survey Data Class of 2022 – JSH Principal Kleman








A. Building Administrator Reports



     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal



     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal



     3.  West Elementary Principal


     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal






B. District Director Reports



     1.  Activities Director Report



     2.  Director of School Improvement Report



     3.  Director of Technology Report



     4.  Director of Food Service Report



     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report



     6.  Director of Transportation Report








A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt. Reiter reported the carpet was removed and reinstalled over the holiday break. At this point there have not been any issues with it. There are still a few small items left. Smith asked for an updated punch list.   




B. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee – The next meeting will be the middle of February.





A. Consider Approval of the Resolution of the Proposed Redistricting Plan Redrawing Director District Boundaries of the Independence Community School District – McCardle moved to Approve the Resolution of the Proposed Redistricting Plan Redrawing Director District Boundaries of the Independence Community School District.   Trimble second.  Roll call vote:  Barnett – abstained due to the recent appointment, Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 4 ayes and 1 abstained.



B. Consider Approval of the Course Registration Guide for 2023-2024 – Trimble moved to Approve the Course Registration Guide for 2023-2024.  Barnett second. The board discussed the course guide and commented that the course guide was much cleaner than previous years and they liked that it was available in January. Trimble amended the motion to change credits to course periods for the seniors. Barnett second, motion carried with the amendment 5-0.


C. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – March 2023: Nancy Scheel to Atlanta, GA for the National Conference on Science Education – Barnett moved to Approve the Travel Request Form – March 2023: Nancy Scheel to Atlanta, GA for the National Conference on Science Education.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  This is a tremendous honor for Ms. Scheel to present at a national conference and the board looks forward to a follow up presentation.



D.  Consider Approval of the Resolution Ordering Election on the Question of Continuing to Levy a Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax not to Exceed Sixty-Seven Cents (0.67) per One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) of the Assessed Valuation of the Taxable Property within the School District. Trimble moved to approve the Resolution Ordering Election on the Question of Continuing to Levy a Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax not to Exceed Sixty-Seven Cents (0.67) per One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) of the Assessed Valuation of the Taxable Property within the School District. McCardle second the motion. During board discussion Trimble indicated the PPEL Committee had met. The gravel road between the JSH and West Elementary has been one of the biggest complaints she has heard. Paving that road in sections over the next few years could be possible with an approved Voter PPEL vote of .67 cents. McCardle said the district also needs to keep up the normal maintenance on all the buildings to current status. During the budget preparation, we will try to decrease the General Fund and/or Management Levy so that there would not be a tax increase this next year to absorb the extra increase to the Voted PPEL rate.   Roll Call Vote:  Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.


E.  Discussion of On-Going District Initiatives – The board discussed the ongoing projects.  Trimble requested that the items that we are waiting on to receive supplies or for warmer weather be moved to a separate list.  Supt Reiter will update and prioritize the list.




ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.




_______________________________________       ______________________________________

Kimberly Hansen, President                                            Laura Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:27

Board Minutes - 2023.01.18 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2023.01.18 Special Meeting


                             Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Special Meeting

January 18, 2023



A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 18, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble.  Mitch Barnett and Eric Smith joined virtually.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, and guests.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA–McCardle moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried




  1. Consider Approval of Early Retirement Program – Administrative Staff.  Trimble moved to Approve the Early Retirement Program – Administrative Staff.   Barnett second.   Board discussed the Early Retirement Program.  The Superintendent’s contract states that an Early Retirement Program could be used to payout unused vacation days. By using a Health Reimbursement Account distribution, it is tax-free for both the school and superintendent. Board discussed whether to also payout unused sick days.  Trimble amended the Early Retirement agreement on page 1 to say unused vacation days instead of unused available leave and on page 2 to strike unused sick and other paid leave.  The maximum amount would be $29,000 rather than $60,000.  Barnett second the amendment.  Amended motion carried 5-0.


Guests left the building.


  1. Closed Session

We need a motion to recess to a closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. McCardle moved to go into closed session.  Trimble second. Roll call vote:  Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion passed 5-0.  Closed session began at 5:23 pm.    Board exited closed session at 5:33 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.


  1. Superintendent Reiter’s Application for Early Retirement Agreement Effective June 30, 2023 – McCardle moved to approve Superintendent Reiter’s Application for Early Retirement Effective June 30, 2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Hiring Grundmeyer Leader Services to Conduct the Superintendent Search – McCardle moved to Approve the Hiring of Grundmeyer Leader Services to Conduct the Superintendent Search.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0


ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn, McCardle second. Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 5:52 pm.



_________________________________                   ____________________________________

Kimberly Hansen, Chair                                             Laura Morine, Board Secretary
 Tue, 04/04/2023 - 16:54

Board Minutes - 2023.01.26 Worksession

Board Minutes - 2023.01.26 Worksession

                               Independence Community School Board Meeting

 Work Session

January 26, 2023

A work session for the Independence Community School Board started at 7:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 26, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble, Mitch Barnett and Eric Smith.   Also attending:  Board Secretary Morine and Roger Wilcox.   Trent Grundmeyer and Shanlee MCNally joined virtually.


The Board met the Grundmeyer Leader Services to being the process of a Superintendent Search. A stakeholder survey can be found on the districts website to identify the desired qualities in our next Superintendent.  


Superintendent hiring timeline:

            Jan 27 – Feb 12           Stakeholder survey open

            Jan 27 – Feb 26           Application period

            March 1                       Board review candidate pool

            March 7                       Board screens candidates 

            March 21                     Formal interviews with finalists.


Work session ended at 8:45 pm.




___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary  Tue, 04/04/2023 - 16:57

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20

                                      Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

                                                                       February 20, 2023         


A public hearing for the Proposed 2023-2024 School Calendar started at 5:50 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 20, 2023.    Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble and Eric Smith.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine. Guests: John Klotzbach, Audrey Hill and Joe Olsen.

No public comments were received.  The public hearing ended at 5:56 pm.


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 20, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble and Eric Smith.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine.  Guests: John Klotzbach, Audrey Hill and Joe Olsen.    The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Smith moved to approve the agenda, but striking Policy 605.3 from second reading. McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Smith moved to approve the consent items 3A-E with changes to the following minutes:

January 17th Minutes:

  • New Business B. Course Registration guide - amending the sentence "Trimble amended the motion to change credits to course periods for the seniors" with "In particular, the board discussed the minimum attendance requirement for seniors.  Trimble amended the motion to change the senior attendance requirement to be based on course periods instead of credits." 
  • New Business D. PPEL Resolution - remove the extra decimal point in one instance of sixty-seven cents.  Change "...Voter PPEL vote of .67 cents." to "...Voter PPEL vote of 67 cents."

January 26th Minutes:

  • The Board met with Grundmeyer Leader Services to begin (rather than being) the process of a superintendent search.

Trimble second with changes.  Motion carried 4-0.

Supt Reiter thanked the following retirees for their many years of teaching at the Independence School District and wished them the best.  Trish O’Loughlin – 20 years, Lori Bowers – 31 years, Virginia Lake – 18 years.

    A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing on January 17, 2023, the regular meeting on January   17, 2023, the special meeting on January 18, 2023, and the work session on January 26, 2023.


   B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:





605.1* and 605.1R1*

Instructional Materials Selection and Selection of Instructional Materials Regulation


605.2* and 605.2R1*

Instructional and Library Materials Inspection and Display and Instructional and Library Materials Inspection


605.3*, 605.3E1*, 605.3E2*, 605.3E3*, 605.3E4 (new), and 605.3R1 (rewrite)

Objection to Instructional and Library Materials, Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee, Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Request Form, Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional or Library Materials, Request to Prohibit a Student form Checking Out Specific Library Materials, and Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation



Technology and Instructional Materials



School Library



First Readings:






605.6, 605.6E1, and 605.6R1*

Internet – Appropriate Use, Elementary Internet Access Form, Secondary Internet Access Form, and Internet – Appropriate Use Regulation


605.7* and 605.7R1*

Use of Information Resources and Use of Information Resources Regulation



Shared Students



Class Size – Class Grouping






School Ceremonies and Observances


906.1* and 906.1E1*

Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment and Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment Exhibit



Animals in the Classroom



Student Production of Materials and Services



C. Approval of Resignations





Lori Bowers

East Elem Title I Reading Teacher

End of 2022-2023 School Year

Tonya Coonrad

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para


Sonya Elzey

JSH Special Ed Teacher

End of 2022-2023 School Year

Virginia Lake

District Teacher Librarian/Media Specialist

End of 2022-2023 School Year



D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Heather Linsley

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para



Julie Magee

Central Office Administrative Assistant



Stephanie McCrea

ECC 4.5 hr Special Ed Para








E. Approval of Financial Reports



     1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Smith will review in March


     2.  Budget Report







  1. Comments from the Public - Joe Olsen reported that the Little Free Art House and Mini Gallery of Arts had been reinstalled in front of the Administration Building. LACES is the funding source for the supplies and Allison Anderson has volunteered to oversee keeping the supplies stocked.  Thank you, Joe, LACES and Allison, for promoting art in the community.


B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – McCardle had attended many activities and reported it is great to see the facilities being used.  Trimble congratulated the Girls and Boys Wrestling program on their great seasons.  PPEL post cards had been mailed out and you can vote at the courthouse now. Smith reported he had heard concerns about the 9th grade registration being held on a Wednesday after 6 pm.  He had participated in World Read Aloud. The facilities committee had met.  Smith attended the IASB Student Success meeting in Des Moines.  Hansen reminded people to vote on March 7th as the PPEL Levy and District 1 director are on the ballot. Special thanks to Mitch Barnett for filling in the board vacancy for the short period of time. Congratulations to the wrestlers for their success, good luck to the boys basketball team during post season play and to the students attending the WAMAC Individual Speech contest.  Congratulations to our two students that performed at the ALL State Large Group Speech as that is a huge accomplishment.  Hansen encouraged board members to watch the IASB webinars.  Hansen and Supt Reiter attended the Day on the Hill as was able to talk to a few of our legislators.  Trimble mentioned that she has been following legislative issues and is very concerned about their discussions and we all need to have more discussions with our legislators on topics of concerns.   Supt Reiter attended and presented awards at the ALL State Speech contest and was very proud of our students. Congratulations to the wrestlers, boys bowling team that went to state and the one girl that qualified for state bowling.  The Chamber Banquet is coming up and we have multiple staff nominated for Teacher of the Year.




C. Presentations

     1.  Board Goal #3 – District Financial Presentation led by Superintendent Reiter and Director 

          of Finance Laura Morine.  Supt Reiter indicated that all financial indicators have increased over the last few years but we need to continue to monitor and work on all the financial indicators.






A. Building Administrator Reports


     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal


     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal


     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal




B. District Director Reports


     1.  Activities Director Report


     2.  Director of School Improvement Report


     3.  Director of Technology Report


     4.  Director of Food Service Report


     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report


     6.  Director of Transportation Report







A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – weekly checks on the West Elementary carpet look good.  East and West Elementary need to identify what rooms need the floor deadbolts.  Smith indicated there were three open item and only one had a target date.



B. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee – the next meeting is scheduled for February 23rd at 5 pm




A. Consider Approval of the 2023-2024 Proposed School Calendar – Trimble moved to approve the 2023-2024 Proposed School Calendar.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.



B. Consider Approval of the Hawkeye Stages Quote for Two Charter Buses on May 13, 2023 – McCardle Moved to approve the Hawkeye Stages Quote for Two Charter Buses on May 13, 2023 for the band t perform at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference in Des Moines.  Smith second, motion carried 4-0.



C. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – October/November 2023: Michael Haden and FFA Members to Indianapolis, IN for National FFA Convention.  McCardle moved to approve the travel request form October/November 2023: Michael Haden and FFA Members to Indianapolis, IN for National FFA Convention.  Smith second, motion carried 4-0.



D. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – November/December 2023: Michael Haden to Phoenix, AZ for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention.  Smith moved to approve the travel request form - November/December 2023: Michael Haden to Phoenix, AZ for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.



E. Consider Approval of the Proposed Hawkeye Community College (HCC) Courses for the 2023-2024 School Year – Smith moved to approve the proposed Hawkeye Community College (HCC) Courses for the 2023-2024 School Year.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.



F. Consider Approval of the Farm Leases (North Parcel and South Parcel) for 2023-2024 – Smith moved to approve the Farm Leases (North Parcel and South Parcel) for 2023-2024. Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.



G. Consider Approval of the Independence Board Resolution for Budget Guarantee that the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2023-2024 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa – Trimble moved to approve the Independence Board Resolution for Budget Guarantee that the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2023-2024 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa.  McCardle second.   Roll call vote:  Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.   Motion carried 4-0.


H. Discussion of the IASB Student Ambassador Program – Smith is involved with the IASB Student Ambassador Program.   His plans are to be intentional in communicating to reporters and legislators that he is not speaking for the Independence Community School Board.   As a member of this program he does not plan to speak on positions that the Independence Community School Board does not support. There is no policy nor recommended best practice for balancing individual board members statements with school board policy.


ADJOURNMENT -   Smith moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm.



___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:28

Board Minutes - 2023.03.01 - Closed Session Supt Search

Board Minutes - 2023.03.01 - Closed Session Supt Search

                                        Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

March 1, 2023

A special meeting for the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 1, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, and Eric Smith.   Also attending:  Board Secretary Morine and Roger Wilcox and Shanlee McNally.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA–McCardle moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried



A. Closed Session – Superintendent Search.  Smith moved to go into closed session as provided

as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  McCardle second.  Roll call vote:  Hansen -aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 4-0. Closed session began at 5:03 pm. Board exited closed session at 8:10 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.


McCardle moved to adjourn, Smith second.  Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.


      _________________________________                   ____________________________________

      Kimberly Hansen, Chair                                              Laura Morine, Board Secretary


 Tue, 04/04/2023 - 17:06

Board Minutes - 2023.03.07 Closed Session Supt Search

Board Minutes - 2023.03.07 Closed Session Supt Search

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

March 7, 2023

A special meeting for the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:00 pm by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 7, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble. Eric Smith joined virtually at 5:09 due to technical difficulties with Zoom.  Also attending:  Board Secretary Morine and Roger Wilcox and Shanlee McNally.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA–Trimble moved to approve the agenda. McCardle second, motion carried



A. Closed Session – Superintendent Search.  Trimble moved to go into closed session as provided

as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.   McCardle second.  Roll call vote:  Hansen -aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 3-0. Closed session began at 5:02 pm.  Smith joined at 5:09 pm as there were issues with Zoom.  Board exited closed session at 8:49 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.


Trimble moved to adjourn, McCardle second.  Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.


      _________________________________                   ____________________________________

      Kimberly Hansen, Chair                                              Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 04/04/2023 - 17:08

Board Minutes - 2023.03.20

Board Minutes - 2023.03.20


Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

March 20, 2023


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 20, 2023.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Members Present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith and Audrey Hill, Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine.

Members Absent: none

Others Present: Ian Kleman, Dewey Hupke, Cheri Reed, Kay Reidy, Erin Burmeister, Justin Putz, Pam Wendel, Kim Chesmore and Chad O’Brien.

Guests: Matt Miller and John Klotzbach


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Smith moved to approve the consent items 3A-D and to revise the February minutes to include that Smith asked for, and gained consent from the Board, to a put a revision to Policy 501.11 Student Release During School on the March board agenda. Trimble second.  The board discussed the Policy 501.11 that was included on the March agenda.  Smith amended the motion to strike the first reading of Policy 501.11 from the agenda.  Trimble second the amendment but asked that the policy come back in the April or May meeting. Hanse asked that the review of Policy 501.11 be completed by June 30. Supt Reiter thanked Janette Hopkins and Kathy Tegler for their many years of service and wished them the very best with their retirement. They both will be missed.  Motion carried 5-0.  


A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing on February 20, 2023, the regular meeting on February 20, 2023, the special meeting on March 1, 2023, and the special meeting on March 7, 2023.


B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)



Second Readings:






605.6, 605.6E1, and 605.6R1*

Internet – Appropriate Use, Elementary Internet Access Form, Secondary Internet Access Form, and Internet – Appropriate Use Regulation


605.7* and 605.7R1*

Use of Information Resources and Use of Information Resources Regulation



Shared Students



Class Size – Class Grouping






School Ceremonies and Observances


906.1* and 906.1E1*

Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment and Community Use of School District Facilities & Equipment Exhibit



Animals in the Classroom



Student Production of Materials and Services






First Readings:







School Assembly



Insufficient Classroom Space



Early Release for Seniors



Student Guidance and Counseling Program


607.2 and 607.2R1

Student Health Services and Student Health Services Administrative Regulations



Musical instrument Display Night



Class Ring Display



Student Release During School Hours






C. Approval of Resignations





Madison Corkery

JSH Assist Large Group Speech Coach


Michelle Culp

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para


Janette Hopkins

East Elem 8.0 hr Secretary


Sherry Kilby

Central Office Payroll and Benefits Specialist


Lori Kurt

ECC/East and West Elementary PK-6 Special Instructional Coach

End of 2022-2023 School Year

Jacob McMartin

JSH P.E. Teacher

End of 2022-2023 School Year

Jacob McMartin

JSH Assistant Football Coach

End of 2022-2023 School Year

Kathy Tegler

East Elem 5.5 hr Special Ed Para

End of 2022-2023 School Year






D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Chad Anderson

JSH Industrial Technology/Building Trades Teacher



Tim Darland

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach



Jeff Kremer

District Custodial Supervisor/Assistant Maintenance

$13,697.45 (pro-rated)


*Pending 2023-2024 Negotiations




       E. Approval of Financial Reports - Trimble moved to approve the Financial Reports.  McCardle second. Smith questioned the WCF Financial transaction as the description indicated service.  Morine indicated it was a transfer as WCF Financial offered an increased interest rate. Morine had worked with the banks to negotiate increased interest rate. ISJIT(Iowa School Joint Investment Trust) is offering an interest rate of over 4% and the district wants to keep our funds local. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

           1. Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills.  McCardle will review in April.

           2. Budget Reports


  1. Comments from the Public – none
  1. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – McCardle welcomed and congratulated Audrey Hill on her election the board.  He indicated that the musical was outstanding. Trimble thanked McCardle for the pictures he takes. She appreciates the many pictures of our students on social media in the elementary classrooms. Hansen would encourage pictures from the high school as well. Hansen congratulated the 7 individual students that qualified for All State Speech in 8 events.  5 of them were performing at All State. She was extremely proud of all the students and adults that helped with the musical.  Hansen wanted to thank the community for voting to pass the PPEL resolution.  Also, congratulations and thanks to Audrey Hill for her successful school board election.  On Monday, March 21st the three Superintendent finalists will be in the district for interviews and Hansen wanted to thank the interview committees for their time and input.  March 30th the board will have a special meeting to approve the Superintendent Contract and have an exempt session to discuss negotiations. IASB is hosting a Summit on School Success and Hansen would encourage all board members to attend.  Hansen also wished Janette Hopkins and Kathy Tegler well in their upcoming retirement. Smith asked that at the next monthly board meeting, the board talk about the JSH restrooms that are locked and an update on maintenance items. Hill indicates she was looking forward to serving on the board. Trimble encouraged the public to reach out to the board on why they voted no on the PPEL resolution so that the board can understand their point of view. Beth Strike will be at the April meeting to help continue the work on the district’s communication plan. The certified budget due date has been extended to May 1st, so the regular board meeting will be moved to the regular date of April 17th. Supt. Reiter reported that the students needed to make up 3 student days and recommends they are added to the end of the school year.  June 1st will be the last student day. The board needs to set a date for the three companies to present their Facility Plan during a work session.  Supt. Reiter will send out a Doodle to find a date. Supt Reiter also thanked the community for their support in renewing and increasing the PPEL resolution by 27 cents.  Preliminary certified budget numbers look like the tax rate would go down 5 cents from the previous year even with the 27 cent PPEL increase. Congratulation to the elementary archery team for making it to Nationals in Kentucky.

     C. Presentations

          1.  District Technology Plan – Steve Noyes indicated the Board Room technology had been updated and also reviewed the district technology plan.  Smith requested a closed session in the future to discuss technology security. 

          2.  Portrait of a Graduate – Erin Burmeister updated the board on the Portrait of a Graduate.  The state had added an additional step so the committee needs to continue their work on the Adopt and Measure steps of the program before asking for board approval. 


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal – Trimble thanked Principal Kleman for subbing in the Physics class.   Smith appreciated Kleman’s analytics of the CTE classes and the recommendation to go back to block scheduling for those classes.  Hansen appreciates the Peer to Peer Advisory Committee.

          2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

          3.  West Elementary Principal

          4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report



  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt Reiter reported more work had been done and that the carpet seems to be okay.   Smith asked about Emergency signage at Qest and asked that a date of April 30th be set for final inspection to close out the project.
  2. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee – next meeting is March 28th and then hopefully another meeting to be set before the end of the school year.


  1. Approve Canvas of Votes from the March 7, 2023 Independence Community School Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) Vote - McCardle moved to approve the Canvas of Votes from the March 7, 2023 Independence Community School Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) Vote.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Approve Canvas of Votes from the March 7, 2023 Independence Community School Fill Vacancy District 1 – Smith move to approve the Canvas of Votes from the March 7, 2023 Independence Community School Fill Vacancy District 1.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0. Hill was sworn in before the meeting so she could participate as board member for the full meeting.
  1. Consider Approval of the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2023-2024 – Trimble moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2023-2024.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – June 2023: Matt Miller and Independence Baseball to Omaha, NE for College World Series – Trimble moved Approve of the Travel Request Form – June 2023: Matt Miller and Independence Baseball to Omaha, NE for College World Series. The Baseball club will cover the expenses for this trip that are in excess of the tournament play.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Smith second, motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.


____________________________________            ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:28

Board Minutes - 2023.03.21 Supt Selection

Board Minutes - 2023.03.21 Supt Selection

                 Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Special Meeting

March 21, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 21, 2023. 

Members Present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith and Audrey Hill, and Board Secretary Morine.  Guests:  Roger Wilcox and Shanlee McNally with Grundmeyer Leader Search.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Smith moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


A.     Closed Session – Superintendent Final Interviews – Summary – McCardle move to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Trimble second.   Roll call vote:

Hansen – aye, McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye, Hill – aye.  Motion carried 5-0 and Entered into closed session at 6:35 pm.

Closed session ended at 8:19 pm.   The board will offer the preferred candidate a contract with the terms discussed during the closed session for the superintendent search.   A press release will be available on Friday, March 24th to announce the new superintendent.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting. Smith second.  Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned 8:20 pm.


___________________________________            ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura Morine, Board Secretary
 Tue, 04/04/2023 - 17:13

Board Minutes - 2023.03.28 - Special Meeting Supt Hire

Board Minutes - 2023.03.28 - Special Meeting Supt Hire

                                  Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Special Meeting

March 28, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:37 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 28, 2023.   Board pictures were taken before the meeting.

Members Present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith and Audrey Hill, Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine. 


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


B. Consider Approval of Superintendent Contract - Smith moved to approve the three year probationary Superintendent contract to Cynthia Phillips for $170,000.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Smith moved to adjourn, McCardle second. Motion carried 5-0 and meeting adjourned at 6:45


Negotiations Strategy Session – The exempt session started immediately after the adjournment. Supt. Reiter reviewed the financials of the district and the board discussed negation strategies.  

Exempt session ended at 8:09 pm.


___________________________________            ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 04/04/2023 - 17:14

Board Minutes - 2023.03.30 - ITA EXCHANGE

Board Minutes - 2023.03.30 - ITA EXCHANGE

Independence Community School Board

Special Meeting

March 30, 2023


Public meetings were held at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA, starting at 4:00 pm on March 30, 2023.  Attending:   Sue Henry, ITA Chief Negotiator; Paul Upmeyer, Kelci Jahnel, Director of Finance Morine, and Board President Hansen. Vice President Gina Trimble joined via Zoom.  Supt Reiter was out of the district.


Sue Henry from the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA) presented an opening statement. The ITA believes that public money is for public schools only.  The ITA then presented their initial proposal to the Independence Community School Board for the 2023-24.  

The ITA’s initial proposal stated:

  • An interest in continuing to develop a compensation system which attracts and retains quality employees and recognized the ever-changing school environment while staying within district budget constraints.
  • An interest in continuing to develop a compensation system which advances the salaries for the sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities in order to attract and retain employees.
  • An interest in participating in training for Interest Based Problem Solving (IBIS) designed to address mutual needs and concerns while fostering and maintaining respectful communications among the parties.
  • An interest in protecting and preserving teaching and planning time within the school day to better serve students.

SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Board President Hansen presented the district’s opening statement.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA):

  • An interest in continuing to development of a salary compensation model that attracts and retains the finest educators and professionals while staying within today’s budgetary constraints. 
  • An interest in continuing to develop a compensation model that is fair and appropriately compensates sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities.
  • An interest in participating in the “Interest Based Problem Solving” (IBPS) process to address mutual concerns among both parties. We believe that by working together and gaining a shared experience, we can continue to build trust and maintain a respectful working relationship.

The committee set the next meeting date for April 12th at 5:00 pm.  Meeting ended at 5:20 pm. Full disclosure of all the initial proposal documents may be reviewed at the Administration Office.


_____________________________                    ___________________________________

Kim Hansen                                                     Laura Morine

Board Chair                                                     Director of Finance/Board Secretary Tue, 04/04/2023 - 17:16

Board Minutes - 2023.04.11 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2023.04.11 Special Meeting

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Special Meeting

April 11, 2023


A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:08 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on April 11, 2023.   

Members Present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith and Audrey Hill, Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine. 


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.


A.  Budget Review – Supt. Reiter and Director of Finance Morine reviewed the budget with the board, prior to April 17th public hearing. The tax rate will go down to $13.34 from last year’s rate of  $13.39. year.

ADJOURNMENT – Smith moved to adjourn, Hill second. Motion carried 5-0 and meeting adjourned at 6:26.


Negotiations Strategy Session – The exempt session started immediately after the adjournment.  The board discussed negotiation strategies.  

Exempt session ended at 8:26 pm.


___________________________________            ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 06/09/2023 - 08:09

Board Minutes - 2023.04.17

Board Minutes - 2023.04.17

  Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

April 17, 2023


Public Hearing

A public hearing was held at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on April 17, 2023 at 5:50 pm for amending the 2022-2023 Certified Budget and the proposed 2023-2024 Certified Budget.  Members Present: Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill, Eric Smith and Gina Trimble. Charlie McCardle joined via Zoom. Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, administrators, the press and guests were present.

Supt Reiter again thanked the community for passing the PPEL vote.  Even with the increase of 27 cents to the PPEL vote the overall property tax rate will be 5 cents lower next year.  Public Hearing ended at 5:55 pm.  

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on April 17, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith and Audrey Hill.  Charlie McCardle joined via Zoom.  Also present: Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administration, board members, the press and guests.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.







APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hill moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.








CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Smith moved to approve consent items 3A-E.  Hill second.  Smith mentioned language change in second reading of Policy # 606.9 - Insufficient Classroom Space. Recommended to modify Policy #701.05R – Fiscal Management and Financial Metrics first reading to change goals of UAB range to 8-12% and Solvency Ratio to 10%.   Hansen thanked Christie Litterer for her support and love for our students and wished her well in her retirement. Motion carried 4-0, with Trimble abstaining since her spouse was on the hire list.  





  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on March 20, 2023, the special meeting on March 21, 2023, the special meeting on March 28, 2023, the public meetings on March 30, 2023, and the special meeting on April 11, 2023.








B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)




Second Readings:








School Assembly



Insufficient Classroom Space



Early Release for Seniors



Student Guidance and Counseling Program


607.2 and 607.2R1

Student Health Services and Student Health Services Administrative Regulations



Musical Instrument Display Night



Class Ring Display










First Readings:








Board of Directors’ Member Development and Training


701.05 and 701.05R1 (New Policy)

Fiscal Management and Financial Metrics


705.1* and 705.1R1, and 705.1R2*

Purchasing – Bidding, Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure, and Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts


804.9 and 804.9R1*

Radon Mitigation and Radon Mitigation Regulation








C. Approval of Resignations






Emma Boots

JSH 8.0 hr Daytime Custodian


Lydia Butters

JSH Assistant Softball Coach


Madison Corkery

JSH English/Language Arts Teacher

End of 2022-2023 School Year

Christie Litterer

East Elem Professional School Counselor


Alexis Whealy

JSH Student Success Coordinator/Instructor

End of 2022-2023 School Year








D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments








Heather Grover

West Elem Instructional Coach

East/West Elem .5 FTE Extended Learning Program (ELP) Teacher/ .5 FTE Computer Science Teacher



Brian Jesse

JSH Science Teacher

District Teacher Librarian/ Media Specialist



*Pending 2023-2024 Negotiations







E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Hugh DeBerg

JSH JH Girls Track Coach



Alexander Farmer

JSH Physical Education Teacher



Dianna Kosobucki

JSH Professional School Counselor



Noa Marting

West Elementary Special Education Teacher



Spencer Pink

JSH Student Success Coordinator/Instructor



Justin Putz

JSH JH Boys Track Coach



Chris Shannon

JSH Assistant Baseball Coach



Shawn Thill

Central Office Payroll and Benefit Specialist

$13,678.16 pro-rated


Cole Trimble

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Softball Coach



Leah Wroten

JSH Assistant Girls Basketball Coach



*Pending 2023-2024 Negotiations







F. Approval of Financial Reports – Trimble moved to approve the financial reports. Smith

second the motion.  Smith acquired about the Ahlers & Cooney invoice.  Motion carried 5-0.



     1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Smith will review in May


     2.  Budget Report










A.  Comments from the Public - Lloyd Davis talked about Mustang Pride, Charlie Morris talked in support of our boys’ basketball program, Dave Martin talked about the boys’ basketball programs accomplishments, and Emily Calahan talked in favor of the boys’ basketball program and staff.







B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Trimble wanted to thank the community members, staff and students for their time and efforts during the Superintendent interview process.  Congratulations to Cynthia Phillips as she will start July 1 as our Superintendent.  Trimble had attended the DEI committee meeting, budget meeting and two negotiations sessions with certified staff.  She had attended the year end speech activities as well as the Cheerleading banquet and tennis meets. She thanked all those involved in the successful prom.  Smith shared a proud parent moment as he attended a college level event for his daughter. She supported her teammates as well as her competitors.  He wanted to thank the coaches and sponsors his daughter had during her time at Independence schools. Smith thanked the community member that passed on pictures to him on the doors being propped open. Smith asked to be on the next agenda about the restrooms in the JSH.  Hill thanked everyone for making her feel welcomed to the board.  Hill was very impressed with the process that was used to hire the new superintendent as it was an improvement from when she had been last involved.  Hill thanked Cheri Reed for the Educational Acronym Alphabet Soup list.  Hansen thanked Immanuel Lutheran Church for sponsoring the Post Prom Breakfast.  Hansen, Hill and Smith will be attending the IASB Summit for Student Success next week.  There is a noon webinar on May 15th that she encourages board members to watch.  The Building Trades will have an open house on April 30th.  Be sure to check Facebook as Precision Plumbing Heating and Air is donating for each like and share of the Facebook post. Hansen has been attending the negotiations meetings.  Supt Reiter also mentioned the Building Trades Home Open House on April 30th.  Congratulations to the Jazz Band as they competed at the State Jazz Band Competition and placed 4th out of 15 bands.  June 1st will be the students last day of school.  There is a tour scheduled for MHI this week and next week the board will meet for Facility Planning. Supt Reiter asked that if staff sees any doors propped open that they should be letting the administration know and follow the chain of command.








C. Presentations



     1.  District Communication Plan – Beth Strike from the Central Rivers AEA and Supt Reiter reviewed the District Communication Audit.



     2.  Updated Curriculum and Recommendations for Purchase of Materials – Erin Burmeister reviewed the current curriculums used in each area and talked about what our curriculum needs may be coming up.











A. Building Administrator Reports




     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal 




     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal




     3.  West Elementary Principal



     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal








B. District Director Reports




     1.  Activities Director Report




     2.  Director of School Improvement Report




     3.  Director of Technology Report




     4.  Director of Food Service Report




     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report




     6.  Director of Transportation Report












A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt. Reiter provided an update on the project and working on getting an inspection date set.






B. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee – Supt. Reiter indicated the committee had met and there were good conversations and appreciated the student’s involvement on the committee.  The next meeting date is May 8th.









A. Consider Approval of the Amended 2022-2023 Certified Budget – Trimble moved to approve the Amended 2022-2023 Certified Budget.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.






B. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2023-2024 Certified Budget – Hill moved to approve the Proposed 2023-2034 Certified Budget.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Trimble again thanked the community for their support in passing the PPEL levy.  The tax rate for FY23-24 will be $13.34, down from $13.39.






C. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates                for May 2023 – Smith moved to approve the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for May 2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  BCSC graduation is May 17th and High School graduation is May 21st.






ADJOURNMENT – Smith moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second, motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.


________________________________                   ____________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:29

Board Minutes - 2023.04.20 - Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2023.04.20 - Special Meeting Fri, 06/09/2023 - 08:12

Board Minutes - 2023.04.21 - Special Meeting IESP opening

Board Minutes - 2023.04.21 - Special Meeting IESP opening

Independence Community School Board

Public Meetings for Negotiations

April 21, 2023

The Public meetings were held on April 21, 2023 at the Administration Office starting at 2:00 pm.

Present: Supt. Russ Reiter, Director of Finance Laura Morine, Board Member Kim Hansen and Gina Trimble.  IESP Negotiation Team: Lisa Preuss, Michaela Schuler, Peg Bantz, Andria Anderson, Deana Miller, and Shelly Staker (ISEA rep). Two support staff were also in attendance.

Supt. Reiter welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the support staff for their dedication and hard work.     


Lisa Preuss from the Independence Educational Support Personnel Association (IESP) presented their initial proposal stating that they were interested in negotiating an increase in wage to assist in attracting and retaining quality staff.  They also have an interest in working on a longevity system. 

SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Supt. Reiter presented the Board’s opening statement with the following points:

  • The Board of Education has a tremendous responsibility to educate all of our students and support our staff to ensure they are successful.  Having an opportunity to discuss important issues and understanding we have similar goals, allows us to work together with a shared vision.
  • The Board would like to convey their appreciation to the IESP for the interest-based problem-solving proposal and their participation in the progress.   Our goal is to attract and retain the best individuals to support our students and school district.

Full disclosure of both proposals may be reviewed at the Administration Office.

The open meeting ended at 2:13 pm and those not on the negotiating team left.  The negotiating teams from both sides then began negotiating.


__________________________________                        ___________________________________

Kim Hansen                                                                  Laura Morine

Board President                                                             Director of Finance/Board Secretary Fri, 06/09/2023 - 08:14

Board Minutes - 2023.04.24 Work Session

Board Minutes - 2023.04.24 Work Session

Independence Community School Board Meeting

 Work Session- Facility Planning

April 24, 2023

A work session for the Independence Community School Board started at 6:00 pm at Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on April 24, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Eric Smith.   Other Present: Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, JSH Principal Kleman, Buildings & Grounds Director O’Brien, and Doug Larson.

The following companies each presented their Facility Planning proposals to the board.  

 INVISION planning/architecture/interiors

 Emergent Architecture 

 Denovo Construction Solutions

The board discussed the proposals but no official action was taken during the work session.

The work session ended at 8:35 pm.


__________________________________                   _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                       Laura Morine, Board Secretary Fri, 06/09/2023 - 08:15

Board Minutes - 2023.05.02 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2023.05.02 Special Meeting

ndependence Community School Board Meeting

 Special Meeting

May 2, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 2, 2023.   

Members Present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith and Supt. Reiter.  Audrey Hill and Board Secretary Morine were absent.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda. Smith second, motion approved 4-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Amendment of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 – Trimble moved to approve the Amendment of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2023-2024.  An increase of $1.10 for existing staff and $.90 on base for a package increase of 7.01% on salary.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0. 
  1. Consider Approval of the Amendment of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 – Trimble moved to approve the Amendment of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 with a package increase of 4.05% on salary.  McCardle second, motion carried 4-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2023-2024. McCardle moved to approve the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2023-2024.  Trimble second.  Board discussed the motion and Smith moved to postpone Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2023-2024.  McCardle second, motion postponed 4-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting, Smith second.   Motion carried 4-0 and meeting adjourned at 5:47 pm.



Kim Hansen, President                                              
 Fri, 06/09/2023 - 08:18

Board Minutes - 2023.05.15

Board Minutes - 2023.05.15

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

May 15, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 15, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Also present: Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administration, directors and guests.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



  1. Iowa School Board Recognition Month – Supt Reiter thanked the Board of Education for the

dedication and time as board members. Certificates were presented.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Smith moved to approve the agenda with striking Policy #705.1 as the

URL is not valid.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Smith moved to approve items A, B, C, D and F.  Motion died due to a lack of a second.   Trimble moved to items A, B, C, D, E and F.   McCardle second.   Motion carried 4-1.  Smith voted nay as he wasn’t ready to vote yet.




A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on April 17, 2023, the work session on April 20, 2023, the public meetings on April 21, 2023, the work session on April 24, 2023, and the special session on May 2, 2023.









B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)





Second Readings:









Board of Directors’ Member Development and Training


701.05 and 701.05R1 (New Policy)

Fiscal Management and Financial Metrics


705.1* and 705.1R1, and 705.1R2*

Purchasing – Bidding, Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure, and Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts


804.9 and 804.9R1*

Radon Mitigation and Radon Mitigation Regulation




                 First Readings:









200.5 (new)

Board Member Media Engagement



Meeting Notice


401.6 and 401.6R1*

Employee Records and Employee Records Regulation


401.16 change to 705.6

Credit Cards



Licensed Employee Contract Release



Nonresident Students



Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institute



Transfer of Funds



Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records




         C. Approval of Resignations





Scott Eddy

JSH JH Football Coach


Skye Ludovissy

East Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para


Amy Peyton

East Elem .5 hr Crosswalk Para (a.m.)


Luke Pranger

JSH Science Teacher


Tia Shaffer

JSH Family Consumer Science (FCS) Teacher


Tia Shaffer

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Sponsor






D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments









Danielle Miller

West Elem Special Ed Teacher

JSH Special Ed Teacher



Kristi Price

East Elem 7.0 hr Behavior Int Para

East Elem 8.0 hr Head Secretary



Maddie Timmerman

West Elem 4th Grade Teacher

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher




        E.  Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Michelle Brackin

East Elem 8.0 hr Custodian (Days)



Sarah Davis

West Elem Special Ed Teacher



Breanna Elam

East Elem Professional School Counselor



Carter Harris

JSH Science Teacher             



Dianna Kosobucki

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Softball Coach



Susan Phillips

JSH Family Consumer Science (FCS) Teacher



Susan Phillips

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Sponsor .5 FTE



Mikala Roberts

JSH Eng/Lang Arts Teacher



Hunter Shannon


JSH Assistant Baseball Coach



















Instructional Coaches




Hannah Burns

JSH Math and Science



Joel Dinger

JSH Eng/Lang Arts and Social Studies



Jill Eddy

East/West Elem Special Ed



Rachel Hurley

JSH Grades 7-12 Special Ed



Erin Rosburg

JSH Standards Referenced Grading



Robin Van Raden

West Elem 3-6





Curriculum Leaders




LouAnn Bresson

ECC Preschool



Brittany Holt

East Elem Kindergarten, Literacy



Kelly Kress

East Elem Kindergarten Math



Brandi Davis

East Elem 1st Grade, Literacy



Kelly Mitchell

East Elem 1st Grade, Math



Briana Lamphere

East Elem 2nd Grade, Math



Lyndzi Eschen

West Elem 3rd Grade



Racheal Ohrt

West Elem 4th Grade



Ricky Nolan

West Elem 5th Grade



Sara Thome

West Elem 6th Grade



Wade Stahr

JSH CTE (Career Technical Education)



Sue Henry

JSH English



Garry Anderson

JSH Science



Matt Miller

JSH Social Studies



Kerry Pasker

District-Wide Interventions/Title I



Kelci Jahnel

District-Wide Lead Mentor Teacher







F. Approval of Financial Reports




     1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in June




     2.  Budget Report










    A. Comments from the Public.  The following talked in favor of retaining the full-time substitute and the ISS para position at the Jr/Sr High: Andria Anderson, Theresa Mueller, Michael Thomas, Jr., Michaela Schuler, Brandi Fox, Trisha Baez, Lisa Preuss, Brook Carey and Madison Corkery.



        B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – The board members had a busy month attending concerts, athletics events, committee meetings and IASB events. Congratulations to the spring sports on their success. Congratulations to the two students selected for the All Iowa Honor 8th Grade Band and the High School Concert Band for their excellent Band Master’s performance. Supt. Reiter wanted to thank those involved with the 3rd grade Bike Safety Program. Our district hosted the District Track meet and it was very well organized and it couldn’t have happened without all the extra help that was received. Thank you to all who helped.  A special thanks to the Dollars for Scholars program that awarded over $100,000 in scholarship to our seniors. This is graduation weekend and it kicks off with the Buchanan County Success Center graduation on Friday night and High School Graduation on Sunday. Preschool graduation will be on Monday.  Congratulations to all the graduates! 







C. Presentations

     1.  Elementary Math Presentation – Erin Rosburg and Erin Burmeister presented on the recent math scores and they were excited to report tremendous growth in the math scores with the new math curriculum.  Burmeister indicated that this wasn’t possible without the hard work of our teachers and staff.  These scores are to be celebrated.







A. Building Administrator Reports




     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal




     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal




     3.  West Elementary Principal




     4.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal









B. District Director Reports




     1.  Activities Director Report




     2.  Director of School Improvement Report




     3.  Director of Technology Report




     4.  Director of Food Service Report




     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report




     6.  Director of Transportation Report











A. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project - Trimble and Smith did a walk through with Supt Reiter.  Supt Reiter has a few items that he will keep an eye on.  Smith asked that we close out this agenda item.








B. Review the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee - the DEI committee had their 4th and final meeting for this fiscal year.  The committee continues to have good conversations and great student involvement.











A. Consider Renewal of the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fifth Amendment from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.   Trimble moved to approve the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fifth Amendment from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. McCardle second.  Motion carried 5-0.  The contact information will be updated to reflect the new superintendent.








B. Consider Approval of the Charter Bus Contact for Charter No. 34157 with Hawkeye Stages for the High School Marching Band for October 7-8, 2023.  Smith moved to approve the Charter Bus Contact for Charter No. 34157 with Hawkeye Stages for the High School Marching Band for October 7-8, 2023.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.








C. Consider Approval of the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2023-2024. McCardle moved to approve the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2023-2024.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.








D. Consider Approval of the Bread Bid from Pan-O-Gold for 2023-2024. Smith moved to approve the Bread Bid from Pan-O-Gold for 2023-2024.  Trimble second motion carried 5-0.








E. Consider Approval of the Registration and Food Service Rates for 2023-2024.  Smith moved to approve the Registration and Food Service Rates for 2023-2024.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.








F. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2023-2024.  Trimble moved to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2023-2024.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.








G. Consider Approval of the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Plan for 2023-2024. Smith moved to approve the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Plan for 2023-2024.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.








H. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2023-2024. McCardle moved to approve the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2023-2024. Smith second motion carried 5-0.








I. Consider Approval of the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through                     July 31, 2024.  Hill moved to approve the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through July 31, 2024.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.








J. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contracts with Independence Community School District and Kidsville, Moser Preschool, St. John Catholic School, and Wee Care Preschool for 2023-2024. Smith moved to approve the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contracts with Independence Community School District and Kidsville, Moser Preschool, St. John Catholic School, and Wee Care Preschool for 2023-2024.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.








K. Consider Approval of the Recommendation from the Facility Planning Committee. Smith moved to approve the proposal from Invision for facility planning only and not for any future plans.  Hill second.  After some discussion of each of the firms, motion carried 5-0.








L. Discussion of Junior-Senior High School Restrooms – Smith wanted to discuss progress on the Jr/Sr High maintenance and accessibility. Smith reported there was a lot of progress made.

The Board took a recess break at 7:45 pm to allow people to leave the room. McCardle moved to go into exempt session. Smith second, motion carried 5-0 and the exempt session resumed at 7:57 pm to discuss negotiations strategies.     The exempt session ended at 8:55 pm.








M. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2023-2024.  McCardle moved to approve the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2023-2024.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0.




ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn.  Smith second, motion carried 5-0 and meeting was adjourned at 8:56 pm.


_____________________________________     __________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary

  Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:29

Board Minutes - 2023.06.19

Board Minutes - 2023.06.19

Independence Community School District

  Regular Meeting

June 19, 2023

The board held a reception for retiring Superintendent Reiter at 5:30 pm in the Administration Office.

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on June 19, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Also present: Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administration, and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Smith moved to approve the agenda. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve all the consent items, 3A-3F. Smith second, motion carried 5-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on May 15, 2023.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:





200.5 (new)

Board Member Media Engagement



Meeting Notice


401.6 and 401.6R1*

Employee Records and Employee Records Regulation


401.16 change to 705.6

Credit Cards



Licensed Employee Contract Release



Nonresident Students



Instruction at a Post-Secondary Educational Institute



Transfer of Funds



Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records



     C. Approval of Resignations




Jon Carey

JSH .5 FTE Head Girls Wrestling Coach


Jon Carey

JSH.5 FTE Assistant Girls Wrestling Coach


Timothy Dryml

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver


Cindy Hammers

Bus Garage 8.0 hr Bus Driver


Andrea Lynn

Central Office 8.0 hr Accounts Payable


Danielle Oaks

West Elem 5th Grade Teacher


Justin Putz

JSH JH Boys Track Coach


Megan Rawlins

JSH At-Risk/Health Teacher


Megan Rawlins

JSH JH Volleyball Coach


Seth Rupprecht

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach


Nancy Scheel

JSH Special Ed Teacher


Matt Shannon

JSH .65 FTE Computer Applications Teacher


Peter Trimble

JSH Color Guard Sponsor


Rebecca Wearmouth

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver




    D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Carrie Cusher

JSH 8.0 hr Activities Secretary

Central Office 8.0 hr Accounts Payable



Kenzie Fischels

JSH .5 Head Girls Wrestling Coach/.5 Assist Girls Wrestling Coach

JSH Head Girls Wrestling Coach



Michaela Schuler

JSH 7.5 hr In School Suspension Monitor Para

JSH 8.0 hr At-Risk Para




          E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Cindi Barenz

Elementary Summer School Para



Alicia Conner

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Heather Grover

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Holly McGraw

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Matthew Mosher

JSH 8.0 hr Daytime Custodian



Teri Neil

MHI Special Ed Teacher



Hayley Patterson

Elementary Summer School Para



Hayley Patterson

East Elem 7.25 hr Behavior Interventionist Para



Lisa Preuss

JSH Summer School Para



Erin Rosburg

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Kaylee Storr

West Elem 5th Grade Teacher



Maddie Timmerman

Elementary Summer School Teacher











Curriculum Leaders




Kate Grover

East Elem 2nd Grade



Michael Doyle

JSH Math




          F. Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills – Hill will review in July

          2.  Budget Report


  1. Comments from the Public – none

    B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Trimble stated that this was Superintendent Reiter’s last board meeting. Trimble wanted to publicly thank him for years of service, she appreciated his strengths in finances and facilities and he has brought our district to a much better position. Hill participated in events this last month and thoroughly enjoyed greeting the graduates at commencement.  McCardle also attended many events over the month. He wanted to thank the Mustang Foundation for their significant donation for the weight room. We have great number of students taking advantage of the weight room and it is exciting that our students are getting bigger, faster and stronger because of the weight room equipment and programs. Also thanked Supt. Reiter for his service. Smith stated he appreciated Supt. Reiter for his leadership during the COVID Return to Learn. Our test scores are relatively strong compared to other districts.     

Supt. Reiter continues to work with the companies and timeline to replace the carpet at West Elementary due the glue issues. The facilities committee will meet on Wednesday at 5:30 pm. The road is completed south of West Elementary but needs some dirt work done. 

    C. Presentations

         1.  Volunteer/Mentor Program Update - Val Maximovich presented her annual update and was proud to announce they had just finished celebrating the 30th year of the mentoring program. She continues to build and foster the relationships between the students and community.


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

          2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

          3.  West Elementary and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principals

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form - June 2023: Wrestling Team Camp in Platteville, WI – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form - June 2023: Wrestling Team Camp in Platteville, WI.  Hill second. Only two vans would be needed. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Client Coverage Acknowledgment and Compensation Disclosure Statement from Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc.- McCardle moved to approve the Client Coverage Acknowledgment and Compensation Disclosure Statement from Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. Smith second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Independence Community Schools for the 2023-2024 Academic Year - Smith moved to approve the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Independence Community Schools for the 2023-2024 Academic Year. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal - Smith moved to approve the EMC Annual Insurance proposal.  Hill second. Rusty Donnelly was present to review the insurance renewal proposal. Smith and Hill agreed to amend the motion to include the Wind/Hail Deductible Buy Down Coverage for West Elementary and the JSH. Hill second. Motion carried  5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (80/20%) Along with a $2,000 Stipend for 2023-2024 - McCardle moved to approve the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (80/20%) Along with a $2,000 Stipend for 2023-2024.  Hill second. After discussion, McCardle and Hill agreed to amend the motion to be a $2500 stipend. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (60/40%) for 2023-2024 - Trimble moved to approve the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (60/40%) for 2023-2024. Smith second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the HR Director Shared Services Agreement with the Jesup Community School District (20%) and the Union Community School District (20%) Along with Two $2,000 Stipends for 2023-2024 - Smith moved to approve the HR Director Shared Services Agreement with the Jesup Community School District (20%) and the Union Community School District (20%) Along with Two $2,500 Stipends for 2023-2024. Hill second, motion carried 5-0. The board requests job descriptions from each of the districts for the shared positions.
  1. Consider Approval of the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2023-2024 - Trimble moved to approve the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2023-2024. McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Operating Agreement between St. John School and Independence Community School District through June 30, 2024 - Smith moved to approve the Operating Agreement between St. John School and Independence Community School District through June 30, 2024. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Board Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment - McCardle moved to approve the Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment. Trimble second. Roll call vote:  McCardle – aye, Smith – aye, Trimble – aye, Hill – aye, Hansen – aye. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Independence Teachers’ Association for the Addition of the Silver Cord Position to Appendix D of the Master Contract - Trimble moved to approve the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Independence Teachers’ Association for the Addition of the Silver Cord Position to Appendix D of the Master Contract. Hill second, motion carried 5-0.

President Hansen thanked Supt. Reiter for his 37 years in education, his dedication to our students, teachers, staff, and community.  Along with all the programs he brought to the district, she thanked him for being visible and active in the community.   

ADJOURNMENT - Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting. Smith second. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.


________________________________________    ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Mon, 10/17/2022 - 09:30



Click on the links below to view school board meeting minutes for the 2023-24 school year.


jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 11:40

Board Minutes - 2023.07.20

Board Minutes - 2023.07.20


Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

July 20, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on July 20, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, Press representative – John Klotzbach. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

President Hansen welcomed new Superintendent Cynthia Phillips to the district.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by Smith, second by Trimble to approve all the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on June 19, 2023.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


         Second Readings:





705.1* and 705.1R1, and 705.1R2*

Purchasing – Bidding, Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure, and Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts





C. Approval of Resignations




Bob Beatty

JSH JH Girls Track Coach


Timothy Darland

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach


David Morkel

JSH Head Girls Tennis Coach


Jason Penner

JSH JH .5 FTE Football Coach


Allison Sorg

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach



       D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Jenna Cooksley

JSH Assist Boys Tennis Coach

JSH Head Girls Tennis Coach



Alex Farmer

JSH .5 FTE Assist Boys Wrestling Coach

JSH Assist Girls Wrestling Coach



Julie Magee

Central Office 8.0 hr to Administrative Assistant

JSH 8.0 hr Activities Secretary




           E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Kaitlyn Craft

East Elem Special Ed Teacher



Nikki Farrenkopf

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Bus Para



Ashley Foreman

JSH Yearbook Sponsor



Carter Harris

JSH Assistant Football Coach



Allyson Hearn

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Brittany Holt

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Sue Knott

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Reid Lewin

JSH Color Guard Sponsor



Ashley Nehl

West Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Pam Rasmussen

ICSD MHI 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Brooke Reed

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Joe Schmitz

JSH Math/PE/At-Risk Teacher



Kristy Ward

JSH Silver Cord Sponsor



Rebecca Wearmouth

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Van Driver



Andrea Werner

Elementary Summer School Coordinator


























F. Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Hill reviewed the bills – Hansen will review in August

         2.  Budget Report


     A. Comments from the Public - none

     B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members gave their monthly reports. Congratulations to Kim Hansen for being appointed to the Iowa High School Music Association Board. The first day to turn in papers to run for the School Board is August 28th and the last day to turn them in is September 21st.   Supt. Phillips reported the staff and community have been very welcoming and looks forward to serving the community. She has been busy meeting with staff and will be getting out into the community soon.


    A. Building Administrator Reports

         1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal/Assistant Principal

         2.   East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principals


    B. District Director Reports

         1.  Activities Director Report

         2.  Director of School Improvement Report

         3.  Director of Technology Report

         4.  Director of Food Service Report

         5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

         6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Sports Injury Coverage between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2024.  Motion by Trimble, second by Hill to approve the Agreement for Sports Injury Coverage between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2024. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Wellness Programming between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2024.  Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Agreement for Wellness Programming between Independence Community Schools and Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2024. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2023-2024 Contracted Services Agreement.  Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2023-2024 Contracted Services Agreement.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Yearbook Agreement with Jostens, Inc. for 2024 through 2025.  Motion by McCardle, second by Smith to approve the Yearbook Agreement with Jostens, Inc for 2024 through 2025.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Legislative Priorities – The Board discussed the legislative priorities and selected:  Mental Health, Teacher Recruitment and Licensure, School Safety and Private School Choice.  The board also felt Local Accountability/Decision Making and Sharing/Reorganization are important.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Hill second.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm.

________________________________________    ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary


















 Tue, 07/25/2023 - 12:03

Board Minutes - 2023.08.21

Board Minutes - 2023.08.21

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

August 21, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on August 21, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine.  Admin/Directors:  JHS Principal Kleman, Asst JSH Principal Hupke, West Principal Reed, School Improvement Director Burmeister.  Press representative, John Klotzbach. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by Smith, second by Hill to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by Smith, second by McCardle to approve all the consent items with the following changes to Board Policy 604.05. The added language is italicized.  “Tuition for concurrent enrollment courses, as citied in the yearly contractual agreement between ICSD and postsecondary institutions, is paid for by the Independence Community School District.” 2. “Students will not be required to purchase textbooks for concurrent courses that are listed for Fall and Spring Semesters in the Joint Education Service Agreements between ICSD and postsecondary institutions. Hansen reviewed the bills and there were nine bills where amounts need to be corrected and each of the board members received a spreadsheet of those changes.  The amounts will be updated before checks go out.  Motion carried 5-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 20, 2023.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


       First Readings:




703.3 (Delete)

Recommended Solvency Ratio


402.05 (New Policy)

Required Professional Development for Employees


506.05, 506.05E1, and 506.05E2 (New Policy)

Student Disclosure of Identity and Request to Update Student Identity

I am requesting the Board waive the second reading of this policy.



Concurrent Enrollment Textbook Fee

I am requesting the Board waive the second reading of this policy.


605.02* and 605.02R1

Instructional and Library Materials Inspection and Display and Instructional and Library Materials Inspection Regulation


605.03*, 605.03E1, *, 605.03E2*, 605.03E3*. and 605.03R1*

Objection to Instructional and Library Materials, Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee, Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Request Form, Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional or Library Materials, and Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation



School Library


605.07 and 605.07R1*

Use of Information Resources and Use of Information Resources Regulation


605.08, 605.081, and 605.08.E2 (New Policy)

Student Access to Instructional and Library Materials, Request to Prohibit a Student from Checking Out Specific Library Materials, and Request to Prohibit a Student from Accessing Specific Instructional and Library Materials


        C. Approval of Resignations




Ashley Foreman

JSH JH Student Council Sponsor


Pam Frisch

JSH Assistant Girls Tennis Coach



     D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Kaleb Budzine

JSH 1.0 FTE Assist Football Coach

JSH .5 FTE Assist Football Coach




      E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Theresa Bowser

Bus Garage 5.5 hr Bus Driver



Jonathon Carlin

East/West Elem Night Custodian

$16.70 /hr plus $619 pro-rated night stipend


Jenna Cooksley

JSH Assistant Volleyball Coach



Scott Crawford

Bus Garage 4.5 hr Bus Driver



Jason Decker

JSH .5 FTE JH Football Coach



Mary Glovik

East/West Elem Custodian



Brian Jesse

JSH Assistant Boys Tennis



Spencer Pink

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Football Coach



Megan Rawlins

JSH JH Volleyball Coach



Laureen Schwartz

East/West Elem Custodian



Gary Weston

Bus Garage 4.5 hr Bus Driver











Mentor Teachers




Jennifer Beatty

East Elem K & 2nd Grade



Bridget Brown

West Elem 5th/6th Grade



Jessica Canady

East Elem Counselor



Alicia Conner

West Elem Special Ed



Jessica Decker

East Elem K & 2nd Grade



Shalon Frye

JSH Counselor



Amy Gustafson

JSH Soc St, Math, Science & ELA



Michael Haden




Austin Pink




Tracy Steger





     F. Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills – McCardle will review in September

         2.  Budget Report


    A. Comments from the Public. – none

    B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members gave their monthly reports and welcomed back staff and students.  Supt. Phillips thanked the administration and directors for their support in welcoming back the staff.  Board retreat is set for October 19th.   Currently there are six students, one teacher and one para for the Four Oaks program.  The district is fully staffed, other than looking for two full time substitutes. One having an emphasis on K-6 and the other with JSH emphasis.  Supt. Phillips has been in contact with Invision and will be setting up meetings for the facility planning process. She also thanked the board for their support as we kick off a new year.


   A. Building Administrator Reports

        1.  Junior-Senior High School

        2.  West Elementary/East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

   B. District Director Reports

       1.  Activities Director Report

       2.  Director of School Improvement Report

       3.  Director of Technology Report

       4.  Director of Food Service Report

       5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

       6.  Director of Transportation Report


  A. Consider Approval of the Changes to the 2023-2024 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks – Motion by Smith, second by Trimble to approve the Changes to the 2023-2024 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks with following changes: 1. On page 51 for Preparticipation Information for Athletics that on the referenced web site "Activity Forms Handbooks" have the "Physical Activity Contract 2019-2020" file be removed and replaced with a form appropriate for 2023-24. 2. On Page 52 for Heat Related Decisions Regarding Practices/Events, that the URL be replaced with the URL  &…; Motion carried 5-0.

  B.  Consider Approval of the Changes to the 2023-2024 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook – Motion by Smith, second by Trimble to approve the Changes to the 2023-2024 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook with the following change:  On Page 32 for Heat Related Decisions Regarding Practices/Events, that the URL be replaced with the URL  &…; Motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Approval of the 2023-2024 Buchanan County Success Center Handbook – Motion by Smith, second by Trimble to approve the 2023-2024 Buchanan County Success Center Handbook. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community – Motion by Trimble, second by Smith to table the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community in order to get clarification on why we are approving the agreement again, what changes were made and way, also clarify the language for summer school classes.   Motion carried 5-0.

  E.  Consider Approval of the Agreement between Independence Community School District and Atlantic Bottling Company through 08/23/2028 – Motion by Smith, second by McCardle to approve the Agreement between Independence Community School District and Atlantic Bottling Company through 08/23/2028 pending review by legal counsel and addendum the school lunch program is excluded.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Smith moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm.


________________________________________    ______________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary Wed, 10/11/2023 - 10:40

Board Minutes - 2023.09.21

Board Minutes - 2023.09.21



Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

September 21, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on September 21, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Eric Smith, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine.  Admin/Directors:  JHS Principal Kleman, Asst JSH Principal Hupke, West Principal Reed (joined at 6:30 pm), East Principal Reidy, School Improvement Director Burmeister, Technology Director Noyes and AD Putz.  Guests:  Mitch Barnett and Ralph Moore.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by Smith, second by Hill to approve the agenda but striking the hiring of the MHI Four Oaks Special Ed Para.  Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by Smith, second by McCardle to approve the consent items.  Smith inquired to see if the paraprofessionals were aware of the mandatory child abuse reporting.  Supt. Phillips had spoken to the IESP representative and all are aware.  The mandatory reporting is required for all licensed coaches. Motion carried 5-0.

       A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on August 21, 2023.

       B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:





703.3 (Delete)

Recommended Solvency Ratio


402.05 (New Policy)

Required Professional Development for Employees


605.02* and 605.02R1

Instructional and Library Materials Inspection and Display and Instructional and Library Materials Inspection Regulation


605.03*, 605.03E1, *, 605.03E2*, 605.03E3*. and 605.03R1*

Objection to Instructional and Library Materials, Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee, Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Request Form, Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional or Library Materials, and Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation



School Library


605.07 and 605.07R1*

Use of Information Resources and Use of Information Resources Regulation


605.08, 605.08E1, and 605.08.E2 (New Policy)

Student Access to Instructional and Library Materials, Request to Prohibit a Student from Checking Out Specific Library Materials, and Request to Prohibit a Student from Accessing Specific Instructional and Library Materials


First Readings:





106*, 106E1, 106E2, 106E3, and 106R1*

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures


402.02* and 402.02R1

Child Abuse Reporting and Child Abuse Reporting Regulation



Testing Program



Graduation Requirements


507.02*, 507.02E1*, 507.02E2*,                     507.02E3 (new), and 507.02E4 (new)

Administration of Medication to Students, Authorization-Asthma Airway Constricting or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form, Parental Permission for Administering Medication at School, Parental Authorization and Release Form for Independent Self Carry and Administration of Prescribed Medication or Independent Delivery of Health Services by the Student, and Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Voluntary School Stock of Over-the-Counter Medication to Students



School Calendar


603.04* and 604.04E1

Health Education and Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form


605.01 and 605.01R1*

Instructional Materials Selection and Selection of Instructional Materials


607.02* and 607.02R1*

Student Health Services and Student Health Services Administrative Regulations


804.08* and                 804.08E1 (new)

Stock Medication for Life Threatening Incidents and Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of a Voluntary School Supply of Stock Medication for Life Threatening Incidents




         C. Approval of Resignations




Nile Coghlan

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian






D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Brook Carey

JSH JH Student Council Sponsor



Anna Fawcett

Central Office 8.0 hr District Administrative Assistant



Shaina Dixon

MHI Four Oaks 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Jack Goedken

JSH JH Football Coach



Mary McCall

East/ECC 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$16.05 /hr plus $594 pro-rated night stipend


Seth Rupprecht

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach



Chris Shannon

JSH Full-Time Substitute Teacher

$34,210 pro-rated


Jeff Streblow

JSH 4.0 hr Night Custodian

$14.60 /hr plus $551 pro-rated night stipend






E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Hill will review in October


              2.  Budget Report


        A. Comments from the Public – none.

        B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members gave their monthly feedback.  Trimble stated a plea to get more members for the Athletic Boosters as membership is low.  The Athletic Boosters is also requesting volunteers and the format for volunteerism has been reformatted so that there are opportunities for everyone.  Hansen reminded board members of the upcoming School Board Convention, Nov 16-17th and hope board members can attend.  Supt. Phillips reminded the board members of the October 19th Board Retreat.  She also handed out preliminary information regarding her Supt. Evaluation.  She will also be sharing her superintendent leadership goals with the board and public.

        C. Presentations

             1.  Professional Learning Plan – Erin Burmeister


        A. Building Administrator Reports

             1.  Junior-Senior High School

             2.  West Elementary

             3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

        B. District Director Reports

            1.  Activities Director Report

            2.  Director of School Improvement Report

            3.  Director of Technology Report

            4.  Director of Food Service Report

            5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

            6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – October 2023 for Laura Morine, Director of Finance/Board Secretary to Attend ASBO International Conference in National Harbor, MD – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Travel Request Form. International Conference in National Harbor, MD. – October 2023 for Laura Morine, Director of Finance/Board Secretary to Attend ASBO. Expenses for this trip are covered by the Iowa School Business Officials organization as Morine is a state board member Motion carried 5-0. 
  1. Consider Approve of the Travel Request Form – November 2023 for Megan Bancroft, East Elementary Music Teacher to Attend the American Orff Schulwerk Association Conference in Albuquerque, NM. – Motion by McCardle, second by Smith to approve the Travel Request Form – November 2023 for Megan Bancroft, East Elementary Music Teacher to Attend the American Orff Schulwerk Association Conference in Albuquerque, NM.  Expenses for this trip will be paid by the ICSD.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Facility Use Agreement with The American Red Cross – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Facility Use Agreement with The American Red Cross. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and the Independence Community School District for the 2023-2024 Academic Year – Motion by Smith, second by Hill to void the June contract and approve this new Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and the Independence Community School District for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Boys Bowling for 2023-2024 – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, and Boys Bowling for 2023-2024.  Motion carried 5-0.  Question was raised why Girls Bowling was not included.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Jesup Community School District for Girls Bowling, Girls Wrestling, Boys Soccer, and Girls Soccer for 2023-2024 – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Jesup Community School District for Girls Bowling, Girls Wrestling, Boys Soccer, and Girls Soccer for 2023-2024.  Motion carried 5-0. Question was raised why Boys Bowling was not included.
  1. Consider Approval of the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2023-2024 – Motion by Smith, second by McCardle to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2023-2024. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance – Motion by Smith, second by Trimble to approve the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance in the amount of $231,134.39.  Motion carried 5-0.

President Hansen thanked all the board members for their time and efforts prior to the meeting as they were prepared for the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT – Hill moved to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Wed, 10/11/2023 - 10:44

Board Minutes - 2023.09.29 Special

Board Minutes - 2023.09.29 Special

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

September 29, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:19 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on September 21, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen. Board members joining virtually:  Gina Trimble and Eric Smith. Also present in person: Superintendent Phillips and Acting Secretary Lori Schaul.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by Trimble, second by Smith to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 3-0.


       Consider Approval of the Joint Sharing Agreement with Oelwein Community School District for High School Dance Team for 2023-2024 – Motion by Trimble, second by Smith to approve the Joint Sharing Agreement with Oelwein Community School District for High School Dance Team for 2023-24.  Motion carried 3-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Motion by Trimble, second by Smith to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 3-0 and the meeting adjourned at 12:21 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Lori Schaul, Acting Secretary Wed, 10/11/2023 - 10:45

Board Minutes - 2023.10.16

Board Minutes - 2023.10.16

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

October 16, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on October 16, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Eric Smith was absent.  Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine.  Admin/Directors:  JHS Principal Kleman, Asst JSH Principal Hupke, West Principal Reed, East Principal Reidy, School Improvement Director Burmeister, Technology Director Noyes and Food Director Wendel.  Guests:  Amanda Fisher and John Bagge.  Mitch Barnett joined at 6:10 pm. Unfortunately the district’s Facebook page is down but the recordings are on the district website.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.   Treats were provided to celebrate Principal Appreciation Month.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 4-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the consent items.  Supt. Phillips stated the shalls will not be changed to wills in upcoming board policies so that the policies align with the Iowa School Board Association Primer.  Motion carried 4-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on September 21, 2023 and the special meeting on September 29, 2023.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

     Second Readings:





106*, 106E1, 106E2, 106E3, and 106R1*

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures


402.02* and 402.02R1

Child Abuse Reporting and Child Abuse Reporting Regulation



Testing Program



Graduation Requirements


507.02*, 507.02E1*, 507.02E2*,                     507.02E3 (new), and 507.02E4 (new)

Administration of Medication to Students, Authorization-Asthma Airway Constricting or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form, Parental Permission for Administering Medication at School, Parental Authorization and Release Form for Independent Self Carry and Administration of Prescribed Medication or Independent Delivery of Health Services by the Student, and Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Voluntary School Stock of Over-the-Counter Medication to Students



School Calendar


603.04* and 604.04E1

Health Education and Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form


605.01 and 605.01R1*

Instructional Materials Selection and Selection of Instructional Materials


607.02* and 607.02R1*

Student Health Services and Student Health Services Administrative Regulations


804.08* and                 804.08E1 (new)

Stock Medication for Life Threatening Incidents and Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of a Voluntary School Supply of Stock Medication for Life Threatening Incidents


     First Readings:






Resident Students



Compulsory Attendance



Entrance – Admissions



Attendance Center Assignment



Student Transfers In



Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals



Student Attendance Records


501.09* and 501.09E1

Student Absences – Excused and Request for Remote Learning Form


501.10, 501.10E1, and 501.10R1

Truancy, Sample Letter to Parent/Guardian(s) Regarding Attendance, and Truancy Regulation


     C. Approval of Resignations




Charles Bare

JSH .5 FTE Robotics


Paula Decker

West Elem 3.0 hr Food Service Worker



    D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Andria Anderson

JSH Assistant Large Group Speech



Christina Garrigus-Jones

ECC .5 hr Crossing Guard Para (a.m.)



Kimberly Kremer

MHI Four Oaks 7.0 hr Special Ed Para



Michelle Ryckman

ECC 4.0 hr Special Ed Para






     E. Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Hill reviewed the bills – McCardle will review in November

         2.  Budget Report


  1. Comments from the Public – none
  1. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members gave their reports.  It is important that residents of the district get out to vote for the school board election on November 7th.  Early voting at the Auditors office starts October 18th.  Thanks to the Independence Teachers Association for hosting the Board Candidate Forum.  Board members also thanked the Principals for what they do in the district.  Supt. Phillips agreed with the board in thanking our Principals.  Parent Teachers Conferences are this week.  Supt. Phillips had a shout out and thanks to Supt. Justin Stockdale from Dike-New Hartford as he is mentoring Supt Phillips in her first year of superintendency. Certified Enrollment numbers are slightly up. The open enrollment numbers are higher than our open enrollment out.  The board retreat will be held October 19th in the board room.


  1. Presentations
  1. Student Learning Goals for 2023-2024 were presented by Erin Burmeister. These goals were reviewed and recommended by the SIAC committee.



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School

     2.  West Elementary

     3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

Principals were excused after their reports.

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report – Director Wendel reported that last year’s free and reduced status has expired today and there are 84 families that have not reapplied for the Free and Reduced status. These applications are required every year.  Director Wendel also indicated that all students can receive a reimbursable meal, no matter their balance.  Purchases from ALA Carte are not available if there are not funds in the student’s account. Parents can log into to view their student’s purchases.                                                                                                                                    

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval of Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) for the Spring 2024 Musical – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Contract with Music Theatre International (MTI) for the Spring 2024 Musical: Little Women. Motion carried 4-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Dunkerton Community School District for Mock Trial for 2023-2024 – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Dunkerton Community School District for Mock Trial for 2023-2024. Motion carried 4-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Supplemental Agreement for the Fixed Asset Inventory Module with Software Unlimited, Inc. (SUI) – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Supplemental Agreement for the Fixed Asset Inventory Module with Software Unlimited, Inc. (SUI).  Motion carried 4-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Student Learning Goals 2023-2024 – Motion by Hill, second by McCardle to approve the Student Learning Goals 2023-2024. Motion carried 4-0.
  1. Closed Session – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Roll call vote:  Trimble – ‘aye’, Hill – ‘aye’, Hansen – ‘aye’, McCardle – ‘aye’.  Motion carried 4-0.

At 7:00 pm, the board took a recess to clear the room for the closed session.  The board entered into closed session at 7:12 pm.  The board exited the closed session at 7:55 pm.  No official transaction took place during the closed session.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second. Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:16

Board Minutes - 2023.10.19 Board Retreat

Board Minutes - 2023.10.19 Board Retreat

Independence Community School Board  

Board Retreat

October 19, 2023

A retreat/work session for the Independence Community School Board started at 1:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on October 19, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle. Eric Smith was absent.  Also present: Superintendent Phillips. Guests:  Tammi Drawbaugh with IASB and Mitch Barnett.

The Board met with Tammi Drawbaugh with the Iowa School Board Association to discuss the roles and responsibilities for school board members.  

The retreat/work session ended at 6:05 pm and no official action took place.


Kim Hansen, President Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:19

Board Minutes - 2023.11.07 - LEI Contract

Board Minutes - 2023.11.07 - LEI Contract

Independence Community School Board

Special Meeting

November 7, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 7, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle.  Audrey Hill, Eric Smith and Gina Trimble joined virtually. Also present in person: Superintendent Phillips and Board Secretary Morine.  Guests:  AD Justin Putz, Coach Matt Miller and John Bagge.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Civil Engineering Proposal by LEI (Larson Engineering, Inc.) for the Baseball Outfield Drainage Repair Project – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Civil Engineering Proposal by LEI (Larson Engineering, Inc.) for the Baseball Outfield Drainage Repair Project. After board discussion, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Trimble second. Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 12:13 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:

____________________________________             ________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                                                                                                      

Kimberly Hansen, Board President                            Laura Morine, Board Secretary

       Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:20

Board Minutes - 2023.11.20 Nov Bills

Board Minutes - 2023.11.20 Nov Bills

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Special Meeting

November 20, 2023

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 20, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle.  Audrey Hill joined virtually. Also present in person: Superintendent Phillips and HR Director Schaul.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 3-0.


  1. Consider Bills for November - McCardle had reviewed the bills.  Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the bills for November.  Motion carried 3-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hill second. Motion carried 3-0.  Meeting adjourned at 12:02 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


____________________________________             ________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                                                                                                      

Kimberly Hansen, Board President                            Lori Schaul, Acting Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:23

Board Minutes - 2023.11.27 Reg/Annual/Organizational

Board Minutes - 2023.11.27 Reg/Annual/Organizational


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

November 27, 2023

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board President Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 27, 2023.    Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill, Charlie McCardle and Gina Trimble.  Eric Smith was absent. Also attending:  Supt. Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, and guests. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.   Motion carried 4-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Motion by Hill, second by McCardle to approve the consent items.   Motion carried 4-0.


  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on October 16, 2023, the board retreat on October 19, 2023, the special meeting on November 7, 2023, and the special meeting on November 20, 2023. 

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)



Second Readings:







Resident Students



Compulsory Attendance



Entrance – Admissions



Attendance Center Assignment



Student Transfers In



Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals



Student Attendance Records


501.09* and 501.09E1

Student Absences – Excused and Request for Remote Learning Form


501.10, 501.10E1, and 501.10R1

Truancy, Sample Letter to Parent/Guardian(s) Regarding Attendance, and Truancy Regulation




     C. Approval of Resignations





Angie Williams

West Elem 5.5 hr POS/Food Service Worker





    D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Ryan Ohrt

JSH .5 FTE Robotics





         E. Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Budget Report

          2.  Financial Settlement Statement as of June 30, 2023


  1. Comments from the Public none



     B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent Highlights of board member comments. Hill congratulated the administration and teachers on the Performance Profile Rating. Hill and McCardle thanked outgoing board member Smith for his service, dedication and leaving a legacy.  Trimble was proud to report that each board member had received the Individual Professional Development Award at the IASB Convention and the whole board was then recognized for the Team Achievement Award including Supt. Phillips. Hansen also commended the board for their professional development achievement and provided information for upcoming professional development opportunities. Supt Phillips also congratulated the entire board for their individual awards and team award. The facility planning assessment should be available the week of December 11th.  Supt Phillips hopes that work will continue on redesigning the district website with Fusion Forward.  A tentative date of April 26th has been set for the baseball turf project to be completed.  The City of Independence is working on a House in Needs survey and that has been sent to all staff members to complete since they work in Independence.


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School

          2.  West Elementary

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report* - Noyes gave a technology presentation.

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report* - Chesmore wasn’t able to make the meeting but Supt. Phillips reported the highlights that the district has 10 routes, we are currently fully staffed and we transport approximately 50% of the students.


  1. Canvass of Board Election from November 7, 2023 – Receive and File - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to accept the Canvass of Votes from the November 7, 2023 Election.  Elected board members are: Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Motion carried 4-0.

B. Comments from Outgoing Board Member(s) and Recognition for their Service Comments in person by: Tracy Steger, President of the ITA, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble and Supt Phillips all thanked Smith for his service, time commitment, dedication and passion for the school district, staff and students. Eric Smith played an important role in getting the JSH built, Baseball/Softball complex and the remodel of East and West Elementary buildings.  Accolades from former board members Brian Eddy and John Christensen were also read.  Thank you, Eric Smith for your 12 years of excellent service!

C. Adjournment of Retiring Board - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to adjourn the meeting, Motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm and a short recess was taken.




Independence Community School Board Meeting

Organizational Meeting

November 27, 2023

An organizational meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:55 pm by Board Secretary Laura Morine at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on November 27, 2023.    Board members present:   Kim Hansen, Mitch Barnett, Audrey Hill, Charlie McCardle, and Gina Trimble.  Also attending: Supt. Phillips, administrators, directors, and guests.

  1. Administration of Oath to Elected Members - Board Secretary administered the oath of office to newly elected board members:  Mitch Barnett, Kim Hansen and Audrey Hill.
  1. Election of a President of the Board - Trimble nominated Hansen, McCardle second.  There were no other nominations and board consensus, Hansen will be the Board President.
  1. Election of a Vice President of the Board - McCardle nominated Trimble, Hanse second.  There were no other nominations and board consensus, Trimble will be the Board Vice President.


President Hansen took over the meeting and excused the administrators and directors to leave the meeting since they had put in a long day.  

     D. Set Regular Board Meeting Dates, Time and Location for 2023-2024

      Presently, the Board meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Administration Office Boardroom for regular meetings.  Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Board Meeting Dates, Times and Locations. Motion carried 5-0.

2023-2024 Proposed School Board Meetings: 

December 18, 2023

January 16, 2024 (Tuesday) - No school on Monday

February 20, 2024 (Tuesday) - No school on Monday

March 18, 2024

April 8, 2024 (Second Monday) - to meet budget filing deadline

May 20, 2024

June 17, 2024

July 15, 2024

August 19, 2024

September 16, 2024

October 21, 2024

November 18, 2024


E. Roll Call Vote Order for 2023-2024 - Motion by Trimble, second by Hill to approve the Roll     Call Vote order.   Motion carried 5-0.






















Barnett, Hansen, Hill, McCardle, Trimble




Hansen, Hill, McCardle, Trimble, Barnett




Hill, McCardle, Trimble, Barnett, Hansen




McCardle, Trimble, Barnett, Hansen, Hill




Trimble, Barnett, Hansen, Hill, McCardle



F. Review of Board Meeting Bills Schedule for 2023-2024 - Motion by McCardle, second by Barnett to approve the Board Meeting Bills Schedule.   Motion carried 5-0.

Mar/May - Barnett

Jan/Jun - Trimble

Apr/Jul/Oct - Hill

Dec/Aug - Hansen

Feb/Sept/Nov - McCardle


G. Discussion of Committee Assignments for 2023-2024 - The board discussed as they decided on committee assignments. Some of the committees were removed as the members were designated in board policy.



 1.  IASB – Delegate Assembly (represents ICSD 

                   at the IASB Delegate Assembly)


 2.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors


 3.  Calendar Committee                   


 4.  School Improvement Advisory Committee - SIAC


 5.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board


 6.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  


 7.  Indee Agriculture Education


 8.  Buchanan County Conference Board


9.  Negotiations Committee

     (Board President and Vice President)

10. Benefit Advisory Board

11. City Council Liaisons




12. Review Board Meeting Bills






13. PPEL Levy Committee (2)


14. Resource Enhancement & Protection Committee (REAP)


15. Buildings and Grounds Committee (2)


16. Board Policy Review Committee


17. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee – DEI

Current Member






















Brandon/Rowley - Smith

Independence (2) – 


















New Member









































H. Consider Approval of Committee Assignments for 2023-2024 - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Committee Assignments.  Motion carried 5-0.





  1.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors


 2.  Calendar Committee                   


3.  School Improvement Advisory Committee - SIAC


4.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board


5.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  


6.  Indee Agriculture Education


7.  Buchanan County Conference Board


8. Benefit Advisory Board


9. Facilities


10. Board Policy Review


11. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – DEI




Charles McCardle


Supt Phillips


Erin Burmeister



Val Maximovich



Wade Stahr


Michael Haden




Laura Morine


Supt Phillips


Supt Phillips


Supt Phillips


Approximate Number of Meetings






















As Needed






Current Member





























New Member































Board members will give committee updates during the Comments from the Board section at the board meeting following the committee meeting they attended.



  1. Consider Approval of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Official Newspaper of Publication for the District and Board of Directors - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the Bulletin Journal as the Official Newspaper of publication for the District and Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution Naming Depositories - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Pay Bills when the Board is Not in Session - Motion by Trimble, second by Barnett to approve the Resolution to Pay Bills when the Board is Not in Session.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Issue Payroll - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the Resolution to Issue Payroll.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2024 - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Affirmative Action Plan 2023-2024 - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve of the Affirmative Action Plan 2023-2024.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2023: Paul Upmeyer to Chicago, IL - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2023: Paul Upmeyer to Chicago, IL.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year - Motion by Trimble, second by Hill to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year for $5,929.83.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2024-2025 School Year for $9,611.07.  Motion carried 5-0.


L. Consider Approval of the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2023 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2022, and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years - Motion by McCardle, second by Barnett to approve the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2023 – On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Increasing Enrollment and Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2022, and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years. Motion carried 5-0.


M. Consider Approval of Dennis Craun, Jr. for Director District #9 Representative for the Central Rivers AEA Board of Directors - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve Dennis Craun, Jr. for Director District #9 Representative for the Central Rivers AEA Board of Directors. Motion carried 5-0.


N. Consider Approval of the Music License for Primary and Secondary Schools with Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the Music License for Primary and Secondary Schools with Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI).  Motion carried 5-0.


O. Consider Approval of Mustang Foundation Board Members to an Additional Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board - Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve Mustang Foundation Board Members (Rob Robinson, Jeremy Hahn and Megan Rasmussen) to an Additional Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board.  Motion carried 5-0.


P. Consider Approval of the Quote from Fusion Forward for the Website Redesign - Motion by Barnett, second by McCardle to approve the Quote from Fusion Forward for the Website Redesign.  Fusion Forward will host the site, continue with the rSchool calendar feed and a customizable social media feed plugin.   Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT- Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.


Oath of office was administered to President Hansen and Vice President Hansen after the board meeting.


_____________________________________                  __________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                                         Laura Morine, Board Secretary



  Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:27

Board Minutes - 2023.12.18

Board Minutes - 2023.12.18

Independence Community School Board Meeting 

Regular Meeting

December 18, 2023


The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on December 18, 2023.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Mitch Barnett, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle.  Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine.  Admin/Directors:  JHS Principal Kleman, West Principal Reed, East Principal Reidy, School Improvement Director Burmeister, Technology Director Noyes and AD Putz. Guests: Matt Miller and Michael Murphy.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by Hill, second by Barnett to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 4-0 with McCardle abstaining.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular/annual and organizational meeting on November 27, 2023.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

         First Readings:




Responsibilities of the Board of Education





Board Member Social Media Engagement



Individual Authority



Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest



Public Participation in Board Meetings



Public Complaints



Board of Directors and Superintendent



Board of Directors and Employees



School Visitation by Board of Directors


     C. Approval of Resignations




Seth Rupprecht

JSH JH Girls Basketball Coach





     D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)


    E. Approval of Financial Reports

        1. Bills – Director Hanson reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in January

        2. Budget Report

      F.  Approval of SIAC’s Review of the Return to Learn Plan

    G.  Approval of the Contract with Fusion Forward for the Website Redesign.


Jean Crawford

West Elem 5.5 hr POS/Food Service Worker



Teresa Hall

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher



Carter Harris

JSH .5 FTE Assist Boys Wrestling Coach



Chris Shannon

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach





    A. Comments from the Public. - None

    B. Presentations

         1.  Baseball Field Project – Michael Murphy, LEI reviewed the plan with the board. January 4, 2023 bids should be out for public bids and bid opening on February 8th.

    C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members reported on the activities they had attended and all are very grateful for the great administration, staff and students in our district.  Supt. Phillips reported the Admin and Directors finished a leadership book study of Emotional Intelligence 2.0.  Joel Pederson, Chief Admin at Central Rivers AEA presented the kick off and the ending sessions.  Supt. Phillips gave a shout out to the Salvation Army for their work on the Red Kettle program as they provide so much for our district and community all year round.   There have been a lot of activities before the holidays and she commended the families, staff, student and administration for their involvement and support.  


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School

          2.  West Elementary

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report* - Director Putz was excited to report that the district offers quality activities for students.  The district offers 20 sports and many diverse arts, music, FFA, drama, mock trial, robotics and clubs for our students to participate in.  Independence students have the ability to participate in all of the IHSSA/IGHSAU sanctioned sports.

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report*- Report was postponed until January 2024

          6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval of the Course Registration Guide for 2024-2025 – Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the Course Registration Guide for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Additional Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicant for January 2024 – Motion by McCardle, send by Hill to approve the Additional Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicant for January 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $461,762.00 – Motion by Trimble, second by Barnett to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) in the Amount of $461,762.00.  Motion carried 5-0.

Board took a recess to clear the room for the closed session.

  1. Closed Session Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to move into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(k) of the Iowa Code; To discuss information contained in records in the custody of a governmental body that are confidential records pursuant to section 22.7, subsection 50.  Roll call vote: Barnett-aye, Hansen–aye, Hill-aye, McCardle-aye, Trimble-aye. Motion carried 5-0.  Moved into closed session at 7:15 pm.   

Exited closed session at 7:28 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.

      E. Consider Approval of the Eligibility for an Open Enrollment – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Eligibility for an Open Enrollment student at East Buchanan. Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Hill second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Board took a recess before moving into exempt session.



The exempt session started at 7:41 pm to discuss negotiations strategies.  Session ended at 8:53 pm.


Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:28

Board Minutes - 2024.01.08 Work Session

Board Minutes - 2024.01.08 Work Session


Independence Community School Board

Work Session

January 8, 2024


A work session for the Independence Community School Board started at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA.  Board members attending:  Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending: Superintendent Phillips and Director of Finance Morine.  Matt Gillaspie with Piper Sandler joined via Zoom.

Matt Gillaspie reviewed with the Board the four primary funding sources for school infrastructure in Iowa, our current debt service schedule and a summary of property tax impact for patrons in the district.

The board did not go into exempt session to discuss negotiation strategies.

Work session ended at 8:30 pm


___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary  Tue, 02/06/2024 - 18:05

Board Minutes - 2024.01.10 ITA Openings

Board Minutes - 2024.01.10 ITA Openings

Independence Community School Board

Public Meeting

January 10, 2024


Public meetings were held at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA, starting at 4:00 pm on January 10, 2024.  Attending: Sue Henry, ITA Chief Negotiator; Paul Upmeyer, Superintendent Phillips, HR Director Schaul, Director of Finance Morine, Board President Hansen and Vice President Gina Trimble.  Hannah Burns joined via Zoom. 


Sue Henry from the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA) presented an opening statement and initial proposal.

The ITA’s initial proposal stated:

  • An interest in maintaining a compensation system that attracts and retains quality employees and recognizes the ever-changing school environment while staying within district budgetary constraints.
  • An interest in developing a compensation system which advances the salaries of the sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities in order to attract and retain employees.
  • An interest in evaluating and adding contract language:
    • Interested in protecting and preserving teaching and planning time within the school day to serve students better.
    • Interested in compensating teachers for extra duties during and outside of contract hours.
    • Interested in benefits that attract and retain employees (sick time, retirement, 403B, paid maternity, flexible days, etc.)
    • Interested in returning previously removed contract language to the Master Contract.


SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Superintendent Phillips welcomed the ITA negotiating team and presented the district’s opening statement and initial proposal.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA):

  • An interest to continue in the “Interest Based Problem Solving” (IBPS) process to address mutual concerns among both parties. We have a tremendous responsibility to educate all of our students and to support our staff to ensure they are successful. It takes everyone’s investment to create and capture #mustangmoments as we continue our journey as #mustangsonamission.
  • Having an opportunity to discuss important issues and understand we have similar goals, allows us to work together with a shared vision:
    • Retention and recruitment of high quality teachers
    • High quality educational experiences for every student.
    • Positive, collaborative culture among staff, students, families and community.


The committee set the following meeting dates:

January 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm

February 1, 2024 at 4:00 pm

February 7, 2024 at 4:00 pm

February 28, 2024 at 4:00 pm.


Meeting ended at 4:15 pm. Full disclosure of all the initial proposal documents may be reviewed at the Administration Office.


_____________________________                    ___________________________________

Kim Hansen                                                     Laura Morine

Board Chair                                                     Director of Finance/Board Secretary Tue, 02/06/2024 - 18:08

Board Minutes - 2024.01.16

Board Minutes - 2024.01.16

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Regular Meeting

January 16, 2024

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on January 16, 2024.  Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Mitch Barnett, Audrey Hill and Charlie McCardle.  Also present: Superintendent Phillips, Board Secretary Morine.  Admin/Directors:  JHS Principal Kleman, West Principal Reed, East Principal Reidy, School Improvement Director Burmeister, Technology Director Noyes. Guests: Matt Miller, Michael Murphy, Michael Haden, Michael Thomas, Alen Hilliard, Carson Hanaway and Michael Thomas’s family. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – President Hansen indicated an adjustment to the new assignment for Erin Maurer. It should be: 21 hours per week as the East Elementary Behavior Interventionist and 14 hours per week at BCSC.  Motion by Trimble, second by Hill to approve the consent items with the adjustment. Motion carried 5-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on December 18, 2023, the work session on January 8, 2024, and the public meetings on January 10, 2024.

     B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Responsibilities of the Board of Education



Board Member Social Media Engagement



Individual Authority



Board of Directors’ Conflict of Interest



Public Participation in Board Meetings



Public Complaints



Board of Directors and Superintendent



Board of Directors and Employees



School Visitation by Board of Directors



First Readings:







Equal Employment Opportunity


701*and 701


Fiscal Management and Financial Metrics



Student Substance Use



Depository of Funds

Transfer of Funds





Financial Records



Governmental Accounting Practices



Budget Planning


703.02 Rescinded

Spending Plan


     C. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Erin Maurer

BCSC 21.0 hrs/week Para

East Elem 21.0 14.0 hrs/week Behavior Interventionist Para and BCSC 14.0 21.0 hrs/week Reg Ed Para



Hayley Patterson

East Elem 7.25 hr Behavior Interventionist Para

East Elem 7.0 Sp Ed Para



Jeff Streblow

JSH 4.0 hr Night Custodian

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$14.60/hr +$344 prorated night stipend




     D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks





Tim Darland

JSH JH Boys Basketball Coach



Lanie Dawson

East/West Elem Full Time Substitute Teacher



Cole Zemple

JSH JH Girls Wrestling Coach



    E. Approval of Financial Reports

         1. Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills.  Hill will review in February

         2. Budget Report


  1. Comments from the Public. - None
  1. Presentations

           1.  Baseball Field Project – Michael Murphy, LEI held a Prebid meeting today at the district.  There was only one attendee, but Michael expects more bids to be received.

           2.  FFA Chicken Project – Michael Thomas, Alen Hilliard, Carson Hanaway,               

                and Michael Haden – The FFA members gave a presentation on their upcoming Chicken Production Project.  A shed has been donated for this project, the FFA chapter will purchase the supplies, feed and 30 broilers this spring. This project will be managed by the ag classes, FFA chapter and Mr. Haden. When chickens are full grown, they will be taken to a USDA approved processor and then the dressed birds will be donated to the Independence Food Pantry. 

  1. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members gave their reports and they send their condolences to the Perry School District and community after their tragedy and loss of an administrator.  The board expressed major concerns regarding the Governor’s announcement of HSB #542 that would remove the educational and media services from AEAs. The district would have to use their own funds to procure the lost services the AEA currently provides.  Superintendent Phillips wanted to acknowledge all the people that it takes to make weather related decisions and these decisions are not taken lightly. Thanks to the Buildings and Grounds crew for their endless hours of moving snow, the transportation department to make sure roads are passable and the buses are running, the administration and staff that have had to make quick pivots in their plans as we approach the end of the semester.  Last Friday was declared a work from home professional development day and teachers were able to get there 8 hours in over the long weekend.   She thanked the board for their concerning thoughts regarding the tragedy at Perry and how important it is to continue to build relationships with all.  The administration team will be coming to the board with recommendations as they review the safety management in the district.   Superintendent Phillips commented on the new legislative session.  Changes are recommended from the DE on the Iowa School Performance Profile. With HSB #542, she absolutely agrees that there should be funding for teacher raises and a funding baseline for all teachers. However, she is concerned about the proposed changes for AEAs, the lack of support and services from the DE, and a potential cut of funding in education and media services for our district. Superintendent Phillips forwarded information regarding this bill out to the staff and hopes the bill goes through full process.       



     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School

          2.  West Elementary

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report – Director Wendel thanked Geater Manufacturing and the Shirley Tekippe family for the donations.  On January 20th, the Sam Farrell Pool Tournament Benefit will also be donating some proceeds to the school’s lunch program.  Free and Reduced applications can be filled out at any time there is a change in a family’s income. Just a reminder that students need to have money in their lunch account or pay cash in order to purchase Ala Carte items. If you are interested in putting a cap on what your student is spending in Ala Carte, please contact Pam Wendel.

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

          6.  Director of Transportation Report – special thanks to the Williamsburg School District for helping our district out when we had bus troubles after an event. They loaned us a bus to get home and even had our bus fixed when we went down to pick it up. This is common for transportation departments to help each other out.  


  1.  Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – January 2024: Jon Carey and Brian Loughren to Tulsa, OK - Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the Travel Request Form – January 2024: Jon Carey and Brian Loughren to Tulsa, OK with sub costs paid by the district if necessary.
  1.  Discussion of AEA/IASB/SAI Day on the Hill/IASB Onboarding – The board discussed upcoming professional development for the board.  Morine will get the board members registered.

ADJOURNMENT – Motion by Trimble to adjourn the meeting.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm

A small recess was taken and the work session started at 7:24 pm.


FACILITY ASSESSMENT – Kate Payne with Invision Architects discussed the educational facility assessment that the district had hired them to do.  Kate reviewed the condition of the East and West Elementary buildings, the current district’s educational needs as well as benchmarking department space use in each building.  The major concerns at East Elementary is that the critical infrastructure systems have reached their end of life, in particular, the HVAC and Electrical Systems.  The major concerns at West Elementary is the Wheel area which holds the bulk of the classrooms. The round shape is not efficient for educational spaces, does not present good visibility for safety purposes and there are classrooms with no daylight access.

A work session for facility planning is set for Feb 26th at 6:00 pm.

Work session ended at 8:49 pm and the board went right into an exempt session.


NEGOTIATIONS STRATEGY SESSION – The board discussed negotiation strategies.   The exempt session ended at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


__________________________________         _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                              Laura Morine, Board Secretary
 Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:29

Board Minutes - 2024.01.30 IASB Digital Workshop

Board Minutes - 2024.01.30 IASB Digital Workshop


Independence Community School Board

Digital IASB Workshop

January 30, 2024


A virtual webinar started at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA.  Board members attending:  Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, and Audrey Hill.  Also attending: Superintendent Phillips and HS Principal Kleman.

The board actively participated in the statewide digital workshop hosted by Iowa School Board Association titled “Ready, Set, Govern!

Digital workshop ended at 7:30 pm.


Kim Hansen, President                                                        Tue, 02/06/2024 - 18:21

Board Minutes - 2024.02.20

Board Minutes - 2024.02.20

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

February 20, 2024      


Public Hearing

A public hearing for the 2024 Baseball Field Improvements started at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 20, 2024.  Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending:  Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine, Administrators: Reed, Reidy, Burmeister, and AD Putz. Guests: Joe Kremer with CRAEA, Michael Murphy with LEI and community members.

Public comments:  John Bagge expressed concerns about the cost of the baseball project.

The public hearing ended at 6:04 pm.



A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by President Kim Hansen at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on February 20, 2024.  Boardrd members present: Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle, Gina Trimble. Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending:  Supt. Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, Administrators: Reed, Reidy, Burmeister, and Kleman. Guests: Joe Kremer with CRAEA, Michael Murphy with LEI and community members. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Trimble moved to amend the agenda by adding a new business item A: Consider Approval to Adopt Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimated Cost for the Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements.  Hill second.  Motion approved 5-0.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the amended agenda. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – McCardle moved to approve the consent items 3A through 3H. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on January 16, 2024 and the work session on January 30, 2024.

        B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

             Second Readings:






Equal Employment Opportunity


701.00*and 701.00R1*

Fiscal Management and Financial Metrics



Student Substance Use



Depository of Funds



Transfer of Funds



Financial Records



Governmental Accounting Practices



Budget Planning


703.02 Rescinded

Spending Plan



     First Readings:






Delete Policy

Incorporated into Policy 605.06

Internet Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Delete Policy

Incorporated into Policy 605.06

Email Acceptable Use Policy for Staff


503.01* and 503.01R1*

Student Conduct and Student Suspension





503.08 and 503.08R1

New Policy and Regulation

Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence and Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence Regulation


605.06*, 605.06E1, and 605.06R1*

Internet – Appropriate Use, Elementary Internet Access Form, Secondary Internet Access Form, and Internet – Appropriate Use Regulation



New Policy

Responsible Technology Use & Social Networking


       C. Approval of Resignations




Dianna Kosobucki

JSH .5 FTE Assistant Softball Coach


Mary McCall

West Elem 8.0 hr Night Custodian



       D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Nikki Farrenkopf

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Bus Para

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Van Driver




      E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Andria Anderson

JSH Assistant Girls Tennis Coach



Stacy Clark

JSH .75 FTE Science Teacher

$15,853 (prorated)


Marsha Lehs

Bus Garage 4.5 hr Bus Para




      F. Approval of Financial Reports

          1.  Bills – Director Hill reviewed the bills – Barnett will review in March

          2.  Budget Report

     G. Agreement for Teacher Education Clinical Experience Placements with Morningside University

     H. Donation(s)

          1. Food Service Donation from the Sam Farrell Annual Pool Tournament


    A. Comments from the Public - none

    B. Presentations

         1. AEA Advocacy – Joe Kremer, Central Rivers AEA presented on the services the AEA provides our district and the cuts that could possibly happened with legislation this year. The Board encourages the community to advocate for our AEA’s as they provide services to all students.


    C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members have been busy attending meetings and events in and for the district.  Hansen, Barnett and Supt. Phillips attended the IASB Day on the Hill in Des Moines to connect with our Legislators to discuss concerns with pending legislation.  The pending AEA bill will cut services the AEA provides our district for all students.  It will be very difficult for our district to replace these services in a timely manner and at what costs?  Congratulations to our students who qualified for post season and state events.

Supt. Phillips thanked Joe Kremer for his presentation as our district depends heavily on our AEA. Our message to our legislators is to slow down the AEA bill.  Teacher pay is also tied with the AEA bill and that needs to be a separate bill.  SSA has not yet been set and if it is not set before the district budget has to be posted, the tax payers will see an increase in taxes.  The district has the ability to only reduce the tax rate after publication but not increase the tax rate. If the SSA is not set by publication time, the budget will be at 0% SSA with a budget guarantee that creates a higher tax rate.   Supt. Phillips indicated the district is vetting different school safety applications in case of a crisis. The DEI committee has had meetings and the district is looking at hiring a consulting firm. 


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1. Junior-Senior High School

          2. West Elementary

          3. East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

         1. Activities Director Report

         2. Director of School Improvement Report

         3. Director of Technology Report* - Director Noyes gave the board a quick preview of the new website and received feedback.

         4. Director of Food Service Report

         5. Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

         6. Director of Transportation Report


  1. Consider Approval to Adopt Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimated Cost for the Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements – Trimble moved to approve to Adopt Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, and Estimated Cost for the Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Bids for the Baseball Field Improvements – McCardle moved to approve the following bids for the Baseball Field Improvements.  Top Grade Excavating for the site development contract in the amount of $377,661.00. Sprinturf for the synthetic turf system contract in the amount of $354,575.00.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – October 2024: Michael Haden and FFA Members to Indianapolis, IN for National FFA Convention – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form – October 2024: Michael Haden and FFA Members to Indianapolis, IN for National FFA Convention.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2024: Michael Haden to San Antonio, TX for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Conference – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2024: Michael Haden to San Antonio, TX for the National Association of Agricultural Educators Conference.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Farm Leases (North Parcel and South Parcel) for 2024-2025 – McCardle moved to approve the Farm Leases (North Parcel and South Parcel) for 2024-2025.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Board Resolution for Budget Guarantee that the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa – Trimble moved to approve the Independence Board Resolution for Budget Guarantee that the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa.  McCardle second.  Roll call vote:  Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye, Hill – aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Discussion of School Resource Officer – Superintendent Phillips updated the board regarding conversation with the City of Independence regarding the possibility of sharing a School Resource Officer (SRO). The four main areas that the SRO would work on are:  law enforcement, age appropriate education, building relationships and mentoring as well as aid in emergency management. The city is ready to move forward but there are many legislative uncertainties, such as SSA rate, AEA bill and if there would be funding for the SRO program for the board to commit at this time.
  1. Discussion of Requests for Proposals (RFP) for School Picture Companies – As the district looks at school safety applications, it is important that we have pictures of all students and staff, ability to uploaded them into our SIS (Student Information System) in a timely manner as well as the ability to create id cards. The board was supportive in putting an RFP out for school pictures this spring for fall 2024 pictures.

ADJOURNMENT - McCardle moved to adjourn the regular meeting. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.

A recess was taken before the exempt session started at 8:50 pm


Negotiations Strategy Session - The board discussed negotiation strategies. The exempt session ended at 9:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


__________________________________         _________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                              Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:29

Board Minutes - 2024.02.26 Work Session

Board Minutes - 2024.02.26 Work Session

Independence Community School Board

Work Session

February 26, 2024


A work session for the Independence Community School Board started at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA.  Board members attending:  Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill, and Mitch Barnett. Charlie McCardle was absent.   Also attending: Superintendent Phillips and Director of Finance Morine. Chad Alley with ICAT joined electronically.

The board worked on strategic planning and reviewed the board’s action plan. Chad Alley with ICAT joined electronically to review the process of an RFQ for the district's master facility planning.

The board moved into an exempt session at 8:02 pm to discuss negotiation strategies.

The work session ended at 9:12 pm




___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary  Wed, 02/28/2024 - 11:13

Board Minutes - 2024.03.08 Work Session

Board Minutes - 2024.03.08 Work Session

Independence Community School Board

Work Session

March 8, 2024


A work session for the Independence Community School Board started at 11:30 am at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA on March 8, 2024.  Board members attending in person:  Kim Hansen, Charlie McCardle and Superintendent Phillips.  Those attending by Zoom: Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill, Mitch Barnett and Director of Finance Morine.

The board discussed the property tax options. The first public hearing will be March 25th at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office.

The work session ended at 12:05 pm


___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary     Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:46

Board Minutes - 2024.03.12 ITA Contract

Board Minutes - 2024.03.12 ITA Contract

Independence Community School Board

Special Board Meeting  

March 12, 2024


A special board meeting for the Independence Community School Board started at 12:00 pm at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA on March 8, 2024.  Attending in person:  Kim Hansen, Audrey Hill, Charlie McCardle, Superintendent Phillips and Director of Finance Morine.  Those attending by Zoom: Gina Trimble, and Mitch Barnett.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.


  1.   Consider Approval of the Master Contract Agreement Between Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) and the Board of Education for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 (2 years) – McCardle moved to approve the Master Contract Agreement Between Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) and the Board of Education for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 (2 years) with a 3.189% increase on salary only package.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – Motion by McCardle to adjourn the meeting.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 12:04 pm


Entered into exempt session to discuss negotiations strategies.  Exempt session ended at 12:16 pm.


___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary  Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:49

Board Minutes - 2024.03.18 Calendar Public Hearing and Regular

Board Minutes - 2024.03.18 Calendar Public Hearing and Regular

Independence Community School Board Meeting

  Publice Hearing & Regular Meeting

  March 18, 2024           



A public hearing for the Proposed 2024-2025 School Calendar started at 5:50 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 18, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending: Supt. Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, Principals: Kleman, Hupke, Reed, and Reidy, Directors: Burmeister, Putz and Chesmore, along with some guests.  

No public comments were received.  The public hearing ended at 5:56 pm.


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 18, 2024. Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending: Supt. Phillips, Board Secretary Morine, Principals: Kleman, Hupke, Reed, and Reidy, Directors: Burmeister, Putz and Chesmore, along with some guests.  

President Hansen requested an amendment to the agenda to include changes to two policies and wave the second reading due to a compliance deadline.  McCardle moved to amend the agenda to add these policy changes:

    505.09 Parent and Family Engagement – change for the committee to review annually.

    501.03 Compulsory Attendance – changed school days to hours.

Trimble second, amendment passed 5-0.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hill moved to approve the amended agenda. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Trimble moved to approve the consent times, McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.

     A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on February 20, 2024, the work session on February 26, 2024, the work session on March 8, 2024, and the special meeting on March 12, 2024.

    B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

       Second Readings:






Delete Policy

Incorporated into Policy 605.06

Internet Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



Delete Policy

Incorporated into Policy 605.06

Email Acceptable Use Policy for Staff



503.01* and 503.01R1*

Student Conduct and Student Suspension





503.08 and 503.08R1

New Policy and Regulation

Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence and Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence Regulation


605.06*, 605.06E1, and 605.06R1*

Internet – Appropriate Use, Elementary Internet Access Form, Secondary Internet Access Form, and Internet – Appropriate Use Regulation


713 and 713R1

New Policy

Responsible Technology Use & Social Networking



First Readings:






Student Release During School Hours



Pregnant Students


Delete Policy


Married Students




Students of Legal Age



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District



Homeless Children and Youth


Delete Policy


Student Work Permits



Student Appearance



Care of School Property/Vandalism


Delete Policy


Use of Bicycles



Use of Motor Vehicles


                   C. Approval of Resignations




Kenzie Fischels

Head Girls Wrestling Coach


Laura Morine

Director of Finance/Board Secretary



                  D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Linda Bonney

JSH 8.0 hr Custodian (Night)

East Elem 8.0 hr Custodian (Night)

$17.80/hr plus $228 pro-rated night stipend








         E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)

Mereme Azizi

JSH 8.0 hr Custodian (Night)

$14.80/hr plus $228 pro-rated night stipend


Carter Harris

JSH JH Boys and Girls Track Coach



Spencer Pink

JSH JH Boys Track Coach



Jordon Snyder

JSH JH Girls Track Coach










Summer School




Paige Benesh

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Alicia Conner

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Lanie Dawson

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Sarah Davis

Extended School Year Special Education Teacher



Susan Gonterman

Elementary Summer School Para



Heather Gothard

Elementary Summer School Para



Kathryn Gram

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Jenavieve Grover

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Theresa Hocken

Elementary Summer School Para



Charity Houlton-Oien

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Rachel Hurley

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Sue Knott

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Holly McGraw

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Holly McGraw

Extended School Year Special Education Teacher



Erin Rosburg

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Maddie Wegmann

Elementary Summer School Teacher



*Pending 2024-2025 Negotiations

     F. Approval of Financial Reports

         1.  Bills – Director Barnett reviewed the bills – McCardle will review in April

         2.  Budget Report

    G. Cooperative Agreement by and between University of Northern Iowa and Cooperating    Educational Agencies for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

     H. Donations

         1. Ace Hardware - Miscellaneous Items Due to the Transition from Hardware Hank – Thank you Ace Hardware for your donation to the Industrial Tech department as the students will use the donated items.  


    A. Comments from the Public - None

    B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – All the board members have been busy attending meetings and activities. Compliments to the students and all involved in the spring musical, Little Women as it was a great production. Congratulations to the students participating in speech contests and to the students that made it to All State Speech. Supt. Phillips highlighted she is still advocating with our legislators to set SSA, increase and fund teacher pay, and the value of our AEAs. The new Facebook page is up and running promoting our district’s happenings and upcoming events. Next month, the new district website should be launched. On Friday, March 22 at 3:00 pm there will be the ribbon cutting for the FFA Chicken Coop. The baseball field project is progressing nicely and currently ahead of schedule. Supt. Phillips is waiting until the upcoming weather passes to announce the adjustments to the year end calendar. Five firms have been invited to review our facilities as the district continues to work on the Facility Master Plan.


    A. Building Administrator Reports

         1.  Junior-Senior High School

         2.  West Elementary

         3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

   B. District Director Reports

        1.  Activities Director Report

        2.  Director of School Improvement Report – Director Burmeister shared that since the first of the year, there have been a number of requests from schools, networks and companies to share our positive experiences, learning and knowledge regarding standards-based grading, math interventions, social emotional learning and the district’s growth with Conditions for Learning Data at West.  Kudos to our hard-working staff.

        3.  Director of Technology Report

        4.  Director of Food Service Report

        5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

        6.  Director of Transportation Report* – Director Chesmore reports on our fleet of vehicles.  One of our buses didn’t pass inspections so it will need to be replaced.  Having another 12-passenger van would help to cover our out of district activities. Director Chesmore is also looking at new software to enhance transporting our students.


  1. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2024-2025 School Calendar – Hill moved to approve the Proposed 2024-2025 School Calendar.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  The new calendar increases the student day by 10 minutes and adds additional full day professional development days to accommodate training with the AEA.
  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement of Service with Timberline Billing Service LLC Effective July 1, 2024 Through June 30, 2027 – McCardle moved to approve the Agreement of Service with Timberline Billing Service LLC Effective July 1, 2024 Through June 30, 2027 for Medicaid billing.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Frontline Education Renewal Notice Effective July 1, 2024 – Hill moved to approve the Frontline Education Renewal Effective July 1, 2024.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2024-2025 – Trimble moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2024-2025.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Employee Benefit Systems Third Party Administration Service Agreement with TRIG, INC. d/b/a Employee Benefit Systems – McCardle moved to approve the Employee Benefit Systems Third Party Administration Service Agreement with TRIG, INC. d/b/a Employee Benefit Systems for COBRA administration. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 – Trimble moved to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.  The contract amount is $36,905.98 less than last year.
  1. Consider Approval of the Commercial Lease Agreement by and between R & E Real Estate, LLC and Independence Community School District Effective July 1, 2024 Through June 30, 2025 – McCardle moved to approve the Commercial Lease Agreement by and between R & E Real Estate, LLC and Independence Community School District Effective July 1, 2024 Through June 30, 2025.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting, Hill second.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

A break was taken to clear the board room for an exempt session.



Negotiations Strategy Session

The board discussed negotiation strategies and no official action was taken during the session.  The exempt session ended at 8:45 pm.


___________________________________              ___________________________________

Kim Hansen, President                                               Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:30

Board Minutes - 2024.03.25 Public Hearing Budget and Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2024.03.25 Public Hearing Budget and Special Meeting

Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Special Meeting

March 25, 2024           



A public hearing for the Proposed Independence Community School District Property Tax Levy Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 25, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending: Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine. Guest: Keith Donnelly. The board reviewed the tax statement sent out by the county auditor and the district’s proposed tax rate for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, is $13.32796, down slightly from $13.34165. The public hearing ended at 6:09 pm and there was no public comment.   



A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 6:09 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on March 25, 2024. Board members present:  Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending: Supt. Phillips, and Board Secretary Morine.

AGENDA – Hill moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0.  Thank you and best wishes to the three retirees and those moving on.  We appreciate your dedicated service to our students and the district.   

      A. Approval of Resignations




Brenda Hearn

East/West Elem Title I/Reading Interventionist

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Kara Hoyle

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para


Dewey Hupke

JSH Assistant Principal


Christine Juhl

JSH Art Teacher

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Bridget Krempges

JSH Special Education Teacher

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Paul Upmeyer

JSH JH Band Teacher

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Paul Upmeyer

JSH Assistant Band Director

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Paul Upmeyer

JSH Assistant Summer Band Director

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Paul Upmeyer

JSH AV Tech Club Sponsor

End of 2023-2024 School Year

Paul Upmeyer

JSH Auditorium Manager

End of 2023-2024 School Year


     B. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Kellen Kessler

JSH Science Teacher






     C. Approval of Change Order (CO) #1 for Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 6:17 pm.

EXEMPT SESSION – Negotiations Strategies

The board entered an exempt session to discuss negotiation strategies immediately after the special meeting. There were no official business transactions.  The exempt session ended at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 03/12/2024 - 14:45

Board Minutes - 2024.04.09-IESP Opening

Board Minutes - 2024.04.09-IESP Opening

Independence Community School Board

Public Meetings for Negotiations

April 9, 2024

The Public meetings were held on April 9, 2024 at the Administration Office starting at 3:50 pm.

Present: Supt. Cynthia Phillips, Director of Finance Laura Morine, HR Director Lori Schaul, Board Member Kim Hansen and Gina Trimble.  IESP Negotiation Team: Lisa Preuss, Michaela Schuler, Peg Bantz, Andria Anderson, Janet McClaren, Matt Mosher, Stacy Jenkins, and Shelly Staker (ISEA rep). Two support staff were also in attendance.

Supt. Phillips welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the support staff for their dedication and hard work.     


Lisa Preuss from the Independence Educational Support Personnel Association (IESP) presented their initial proposal stating that they were interested in maintaining a salary that will attract and retain quality employee.   They have an interest in developing a career increment schedule and also interested in enhanced benefits to help attract and retain employees.  

SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Supt. Phillips presented the Board’s opening statement as we continue our journey as #MustangsOnAMission.

  • The Board of Education has a tremendous responsibility to educate all of our students and support our staff to ensure they are successful.  Having an opportunity to discuss important issues and understanding we have similar goals, allows us to work together with a shared vision:
    • Retention and recruitment of high-quality employees
    • High quality educational experiences for every student
    • Positive, collaborative culture among staff, students, families and community
  • The Board would like to convey their appreciation to the IESP for the interest-based problem-solving proposal process.

Full disclosure of both proposals may be reviewed at the Administration Office.

The open meeting ended at 3:58 pm and those not on the negotiating team left.  The negotiating teams from both sides then began negotiating.


__________________________________                        ___________________________________

Kim Hansen                                                                  Laura Morine

Board President                                                             Director of Finance/Board Secretary Tue, 04/16/2024 - 08:51

Board Minutes - 2024.04.15 Public Hearing/Reg Meeting

Board Minutes - 2024.04.15 Public Hearing/Reg Meeting


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

April 15, 2024            


A public hearing for the Independence Community School District Property Tax Levy Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 and the Budget Amendment for the FY23-24, at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on April 15, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine, Principals: Kleman, Hupke, Reed and Reidy, Directors: Burmeister, Putz, O’Brien and Noyes. Also, four community members and teacher Maddie Wegmann.  There were no public comments and the public hearing ended at 6:04 pm. 


The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 6:04 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on April 15, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine, Principals: Kleman, Hupke, Reed and Reidy, Directors: Burmeister, Putz, O’Brien and Noyes. Also, four community members and teacher Maddie Wegmann. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Motion by Hill, second by Trimble to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0.  Thank you and best wishes to the retirees and those moving on.  We appreciate your dedicated service to our students and the district.   

        A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on March 18, 2024, the public hearing and special meeting on March 25, 2024, and the public meetings on April 9, 2024.

        B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Student Release During School Hours



Pregnant Students


Delete Policy


Married Students




Students of Legal Age



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Sending District



Open Enrollment Transfers – Procedures as a Receiving District



Homeless Children and Youth


Delete Policy


Student Work Permits



Student Appearance



Care of School Property/Vandalism


Delete Policy


Use of Bicycles



Use of Motor Vehicles


First Readings:





502.05* and 505.05R1

Student Expression and Student Publications and Student Expression and Student Publications Code



Student Complaints and Grievances



Student Lockers





502.10*, 502.10E1, and 502.10R1*

Search and Seizure, Search and Seizure Checklist, and Search and Seizure Regulation



Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies


503.03, 503.03E1, and 503.03R1

Fines – Fees – Charges, Fee Waiver Application, and Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures



Student Government



Student Organizations



Student Social Events



Student Performances



Student Activity Program






C. Approval of Resignations





Garry Anderson

JSH JH Girls Wrestling Coach


Kaitlyn Craft

East Elem Special Ed Teacher


Brenda Hearn

JSH JH Volleyball Coach


Gina Homan

JSH .5 FTE Large Group Speech Director


Marsha Lehs

Bus Garage 4.5 hr Bus Para


Valerie Maximovich

District Volunteer Mentor Coordinator


Kathy Meyer

East Elem Kindergarten Teacher






         D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments/Changes






Susan Gonterman

West Elem 6.75 hr Special Ed Para

West Elem 7.0 hr Behavior Interventionist Para



Ashley Nehl

West Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para

West Elem 7.25 hr Special Ed Para







         E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Amber Ciesielski

West Elem 7.0 hr Special Ed Para




          F. Approval of Financial Reports

              1.  Bills – Director McCardle reviewed the bills – Barnett will review in May

              2.  Budget Report

         G. Grants

              1.  Subaward Agreement Between Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency   

          Management and Independence Community School District


         H. Approval of Change Order (CO) #2 Bid Form 1 and 2 for Independence CSD 2024 Baseball Field Improvements


  1. Comments from the Public - none.


     B. Presentations

          1.  District Website – Technology Director Noyes announced the district’s new website would be live on Tuesday, April 16th.  The website is the same address:  Thank you to Fusion Forward for there assistance in developing the new website. The focus of the new website is the ability to navigate it easily and have a community focus. Noyes also announced that school registration will open July 13, 2024 at 6:00 am.  


     C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent -The board members gave their reports and they have been busy with school activities and meetings. The IASB Summit on Student Success will be held June 11, 2024 for the board members to attend if possible. The board recognized the retirees for their years of service to the district and wish them well in retirement.  Superintendent Phillips announced that there would be a new awards and recognition event to recognize students for their achievements and awards that would not be included in the Dollars for Scholars event.  This event will be held before Baccalaureate on April 15th.  If there are awards from the community, churches or other activities that should be recognized, please contact JHS Principal Kleman.


     A. Building Administrator Reports

          1.  Junior-Senior High School

          2.  West Elementary

          3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

     B. District Director Reports

          1.  Activities Director Report

          2.  Director of School Improvement Report

          3.  Director of Technology Report

          4.  Director of Food Service Report

          5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report*

          6.  Director of Transportation Report


      A. Discussion of Final Fiscal Year 2022 Audit

President Hansen excused the administrators and directors.


  1. Consider Approval of the Amended 2023-2024 Certified Budget. - Trimble moved to approve the Amended 2023-2024 Certified Budget.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2024-2025 Certified Budget. - Trimble moved to approve the Proposed 2024-2025 Certified Budget.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.  Morine reviewed the FY24-25 Budget with the board. The tax rate for FY24-25 did decrease slightly.
  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates       for May 2024. - Trimble moved to approve the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for May 2024.  McCardle second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form - May 2024: Maddie Wegmann and the Thespian Troupe to Rock Island, IL. - McCardle moved to approve the Travel Request Form – May 2024. Second by Barnett. Maddie Wegmann presented on the activities of the new Thespian Troupe. Motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Renewal of the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-24-SB-1-002 #1 Amendment from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. - Trimble moved to renew the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-24-SB-1-002 #1 Amendment from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.  Hill second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Iowa College and Career Transition Counselor (CCTC) Initiative Shared Personnel Agreement between Independence Community School District and Hawkeye Community College. - McCardle moved to approve the Iowa College and Career Transition Counselor (CCTC) Initiative Shared Personnel Agreement between Independence Community School District and Hawkeye Community College.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Work-Based Learning Coordinator Contract between Central Rivers Area Education Agency and Independence Community School District. - Trimble moved to approve the Work-Based Learning Coordinator Contract between Central Rivers Area Education Agency and Independence Community School District.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Agreement with CrisisGo for Safety iResponse with Mapping as the Crisis Preparation and Response Platform for ICSD.  - Hill moved to approve the Agreement with CrisisGo for Safety iResponse with Mapping as the Crisis Preparation and Response Platform for ICSD.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting.  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0 and the regular meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.

EXEMPT SESSION – Negotiations Strategies

The board entered an exempt session to discuss negotiation strategies immediately after the special meeting. There were no official business transactions.  The exempt session ended at 9:23 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:

______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:30

Board Minutes - 2024.05.07 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 2024.05.07 Special Meeting

Independence Community School Board

Special Meeting

May 7, 2024


A special meeting for the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 11:30 am at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA.  Board members attending in person:  Kim Hansen and Charlie McCardle.  Board members joining electronically:  Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending in person: Superintendent Phillips and Director of Finance Morine. 

AGENDA – McCardle moved to amend the agenda by adding new hire (the offer was accepted after posting the agenda) Sarah Tobiason, 6-8 Principal, starting July 1, 2024 at $116,000. Trimble second, amendment approved 5-0.  McCardle moved to approve the amended agenda, Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by McCardle, second by Trimble to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0.   Thank you and best wishes to the retirees, we appreciate your years of service to our students and to the district.

     A. Approval of Resignations.




John Goedken

JSH Math Teacher


John Goedken

JSH Assistant Activities Director


John Goedken

JSH JH Football Coach


Teresa Hall

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher


Tom Zimmerly

District Buildings/Grounds and General Maintenance












B. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Joel Wisner

JSH Secondary Art Teacher



Sarah Tobiason (added with amendment)

6-8 Principal









  1. Consider Approval of the Master Contract Agreement Between Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) and the Board of Education for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2029 (5 Years) – Trimble moved to approve the Master Contract Agreement Between Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) and the Board of Education for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2029 (5 years).  Barnett second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Resolution WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District has received a proposal to convey an easement interest in real property to Chad W. Moser and Candy J. Moser for good and valuable consideration.  The property is an access easement across North 132 feet of the West 25 feet of property legally described as:  Commencing at a point Thirty-three (33) feet South of the Northeast corner of the West Fractional Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Eighty-eight (88) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 5th P.M. in Buchanan County, Iowa, running thence West to the West line of said West Fractional Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4), thence South Sixty (60) rods, thence East to the East line of said West Fractional Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4), thence North to the place of beginning.

WHEREAS, it is appropriate pursuant to Iowa Code Section 297.22 to publish a Notice of the proposed conveyance and of the hearing and to receive and consider objections and petitions.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District:

That this Board shall set a public hearing on the conveyance of the above-described Property for May 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Administration Office located at 1207 1st St. W, Independence, Iowa 50644.

That the Secretary is authorized and directed to prepare, publish, and distribute the Notice of Hearing.

          Motion by McCardle to set the public hearing, second by Barnett. Roll call vote:  Hill – aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye, Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0 and the regular meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.

Respectfully Submitted:

______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary

 Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:31

Board Minutes - 2024.05.20 Public Hearing/Reg Meeting

Board Minutes - 2024.05.20 Public Hearing/Reg Meeting


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

May 20, 2024             

A reception for departing staff members and recognizing school board members was held at 5:30 pm at the Administrative Office.


A public hearing for the Independence Community School District Property on the Proposed Conveyance of an Interest in Real Property, and the Notice of the Proposed Action had been Published Pursuant of the Provisions of Section 297.22(1) of the Code of Iowa, at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 20, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, and Audrey Hill. Mitch Barnett joined via Zoom.  Also attending Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine, Principals: Kleman, Hupke, Reidy, Directors: Burmeister, Putz, and Noyes. Also, staff and community members.  There were no public comments and the public hearing ended at 6:02 pm. 


The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 6:02 pm at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on May 20, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, and Audrey Hill. Mitch Barnett joined via Zoom.  Also attending Supt. Phillips and Board Secretary Morine, Principals: Kleman, Hupke, Reidy, Directors: Burmeister, Putz, and Noyes. Also, staff and community members. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


A. Iowa School Board Recognition Month

Thank you to the current Board of Directors for their time, resources and energy in helping make our district the best it can be. 

B. Recognition of Departing Independence Community School District Staff

Best of luck to all our departing staff members and thank them for their service to the Independence

Community School District. 

       Jack Goedken – 33 years, Brenda Hearn – 35 years, Christine Juhl – 10 years, Kaitlyn Craft – 1 year, Bridget Krempges – 5 years, Kathy Meyer – 37 years, Laura Morine – 7 years, Dewey Hupke – 10 years, Val Maximovich – 17 years, Paul Upmeyer – 6 years, and Tom Zimmerly – 12 years.

AGENDA – McCardle moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Motion by Hill, second by McCardle to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0. 

A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on April 15, 2024 and the special meeting on May 7, 2024.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

         Second Readings:





502.05* and R1

Student Expression and Student Publications and Student Expression and Student Publications Code



Student Complaints and Grievances



Student Lockers





502.10, E1, and R1

Search and Seizure, Search and Seizure Checklist, and Search and Seizure Regulation



Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies


503.03, E1, and R1

Fines – Fees – Charges, Fee Waiver Application, and Student Fee Waiver and Reduction Procedures



Student Government



Student Organizations



Student Social Events



Student Performances



Student Activity Program


       First Readings:






Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection



Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection


507.08 and R1*

Student Special Health Services and Special Health Services Regulation



Local – State – Federal – Miscellaneous Revenue



Payroll Deductions


706.03* and R1*

Reduction in Employee Pay and Reduction in Employee Pay Regulation



Presentation and Publication of Financial Information


707.02 Delete Policy;

Incorporated into Policy


Secretary/Treasurer’s Annual Report


707.03 Delete Policy;

Incorporated into Policy 707.01

Publication of Financial Reports





C. Approval of Resignations




Jamie Even

JSH JH Volleyball Coach


Rachel Main

East Elem .5 hrs/day Crossing Guard Para p.m.


Matt Miller

JSH Head Baseball Coach



D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Emily Caylor

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher

East Elem Kindergarten Teacher



Lisa Colton

JSH 7.5 hr Kitchen Manager

JSH 8.0 hr Kitchen Manager



Jami Crawford

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher

East Elem 1st Grade Teacher



Mary Glovik

West Elem 6.0 hr Night Custodian

West Elem 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$18.15/hr + $700 Night Stipend


Nicholas Holt

West Elem 6th Grade Teacher

West Elementary 4th Grade Teacher



Stephanie McCrea

East Elem 5.5 hr Sp Ed Para

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Kaylee Storr

West Elem 5th Grade Teacher

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher



Robin Van Raden

West Elem Instructional Coach

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher



*Pending 2024-2025 Increase

E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Megan Clark

JSH JH Special Ed Teacher







Instructional Coaches




Jill Eddy

PK - 6



Kelci Jahnel

PK - 6



Hannah Burns

JSH Math and Science



Joel Dinger

JSH Eng/Lang Arts and Social Studies



Rachel Hurley

JSH Grades 7-12 Special Ed



Erin Rosburg

JSH Standards Referenced Grading







F. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Barnett reviewed the bills – Trimble will review in June

     2.  Budget Report

G. Approval of Contractor’s Application for Payment #1 (Bid Form #2) and Payment #2 (Bid Form #1) - Independence CSD – 2024 Baseball Field Improvements

H. Donations

     1. Mentoring Donation from the Kendall Heppe Mentoring Benefit

     2. Mentoring Donation from Fraternal Order of Eagles


A. Comments from the Public. - none

B. Presentations

     1.  Yearbook Preview – Ashley Foreman reported the Yearbook will look much different this year including links to some videos.  May 31st is the last day to order the 23-24 yearbook.  The Yearbook has a presence on Facebook:  Independence Mustangs Publications and Instagram: Indeepublications.

     2.  Mentoring Program Update – Val Maximovich reported that the mentoring program just completed its 30th year. This program has grown and made a positive impact on our students and community.  Thank you, Val, for your dedication to the Mentoring and Volunteer program.

C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – The board members had been very busy attending year-end events. Congratulations to the Class of 2024. Also, congratulations to the students representing the district in post season activities.  Superintendent Phillips thanked all the staff members for their hard work and dedication to make Mustang events happen, especially at year end. May 31st is the last day of school and it will have a one-hour early dismissal.  The Wellness Committee will host a year-end Wellness Walk on June 4th.  Staff will be bussed to the Buchanan County Health Center and get their first card, then walk to Teachers Park while stopping at local businesses for additional cards. Lunch will be held at Teachers Park.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School

     2.  West Elementary

     3.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report*- Justin Putz reported that he is working on revamping the evaluation tool for evaluating HS coaches/sponsors in the FY24-25 school year.

Due to technical difficulties, a short recess was taken from 7:03 pm to 7:07 pm.

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


A. Consider Approval of the Resolution WHEREAS, pursuant to notice published as required by law, the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District on the 20th day of May, 2024 held a hearing on the proposal to convey an easement interest in real property and the extent of objections received from residents or property owners as to said proposed transaction has been fully considered; and, accordingly the following action is now considered to be in the best interests of the District and residents thereof:


Section 1. That an access easement across the real property described herein shall be conveyed by the District to Chad W. Moser and Candy J. Moser for good and valuable consideration.  Conveyance by the District shall be by easement agreement.

Section 2. The Board President and Secretary are authorized to sign all conveyance documents for the real property described herein.

Section 3. The Board President, Secretary, Superintendent, and administrative officers of the District are authorized to take all actions necessary to complete the above-described transaction, including execution of ancillary documents.

Section 4. The real property is described as an access easement interest across the North 132 feet of the West 25 feet of the property legally described as: Commencing at a point Thirty-three (33) feet South of the Northeast corner of the West Fractional Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Eighty-eight (88) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 5th P.M. in Buchanan County, Iowa, running thence West to the West line of said West Fractional Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4), thence South Sixty (60) rods, thence East to the East line of said West Fractional Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4), thence North to the place of beginning.

McCardle moved to approve the above resolution. Second by Hill.  Roll call vote:  Hill – aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye, Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye.  Resolution passed 5-0.

B. Consider Approval of the Charter Bus Contact for Charter No. 35336 with Hawkeye Stages for the High School Marching Band for October 12-13, 2024 – McCardle moved, Trimble second to approve the Charter Bus Contact for Charter No. 35336 with Hawkeye Stages for the High School Marching Band for October 12-13, 2024. Motion carried 5-0.

C. Consider Approval of the Purchase and Subscription Services Agreement with Raptor Technologies Effective 05/01/2024 for an Initial Term of 36 Months – Hill moved, Trimble second to approve the Purchase and Subscription Services Agreement with Raptor Technologies Effective 05/01/2024 for an Initial Term of 36 Months. Motion carried 5-0.

D. Consider Approval of the Hawkeye Community College Concurrent Art/Graphic Design Classes – Trimble moved, Hill second to approve the Hawkeye Community College Concurrent Art/Graphic Design Classes.  Motion carried 5-0.

E. Consider Approval of the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2024-2025 – McCardle moved, Hill second to approve the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

F. Consider Approval of the Bread Bid from Pan-O-Gold for 2024-2025 – McCardle moved, Trimble second to approve the Bread Bid from Pan-O-Gold for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

G. Consider Approval of the Registration and Food Service Rates for 2024-2025 – Hill moved, McCardle second to approve the Registration and Food Service Rates for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

H. Consider Approval of the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Plan for 2024-2025 – Trimble moved, Hill second to approve the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Plan for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

I. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2024-2025 – McCardle moved, Hill second to approve the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

J. Consider Approval of the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through July 31, 2025 – Trimble moved, McCardle second to approve the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through July 31, 2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

K. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contracts with Independence Community School District and Kidsville, Moser Preschool, and St. John Catholic School for 2024-2025 – McCardle moved, Trimble second to approve the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contracts with Independence Community School District and Kidsville, Moser Preschool, and St. John Catholic School for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

L. Consider Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Independence Community School District and the Independence Teachers Association for Appendix C – Supplementary Salary Chart Through June 30, 2026 – Trimble moved, Hill second to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Independence Community School District and the Independence Teachers Association for Appendix C – Supplementary Salary Chart Through June 30, 2026.  Motion carried 5-0.

M. Consider Approval of the Bureau of Justice Stop School Violence McGrath Response System District Memorandum of Understanding – Barnett moved, Hill second to approve the Bureau of Justice Stop School Violence McGrath Response System District Memorandum of Understanding.  Motion carried 5-0.

N. Consider Approval of the Care Coordination Agreement for Pathways Behavioral Services, Inc. Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHS) – McCardle moved, Trimble second to approve the Care Coordination Agreement for Pathways Behavioral Services, Inc. Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHS).  Motion carried 5-0.

Recess was taken from 7:58 pm to 8:10 pm.

EXEMPT SESSION - Negotiations Strategy Session

The board entered an exempt session at 8:10 pm to discuss negotiation. There were no official business transactions.  The exempt session ended at 9:22 pm.

O. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, Administrative/Director Contracts, and Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025 – No action was taken as more information was requested. 

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved, Trimble second to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:24 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:

______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Laura Morine, Board Secretary Tue, 05/28/2024 - 11:26

Board Minutes - 2024.05.24 Special

Board Minutes - 2024.05.24 Special

Independence Community School Board

Special Meeting

May 24, 2024


A special meeting for the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 11:33 am at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA on May 24, 2024.  Board members attending in person:  Kim Hansen and Charlie McCardle.  Board members joining electronically:  Gina Trimble, Audrey Hill and Mitch Barnett.  Also attending in person: Superintendent Phillips and Acting Secretary Lori Schaul.

AGENDA – McCardle moved to amend the agenda by adding Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025 to Item A. Trimble second, amendment approved 5-0.  McCardle moved to approve the amended agenda, Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Motion by McCardle, second by Hill to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 5-0.  

     A. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Janet Grafft

District Office Director of Finance/Board Secretary



Nicole Hampton

West Elem 3.0 hr. Food Service/Dishwasher





The board entered an exempt session at 11:35 am to discuss negotiations. There were no official business transactions.  The exempt session ended at 11:53 am.


  1. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, Administrative/Director Contracts, and Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025.  McCardle moved and Barnett second to approve the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, Administrative/Director Contracts, and Hourly and Substitute Wage Schedule for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved to adjourn the meeting. Barnett second, motion carried 5-0 and the special meeting adjourned at 11:55 am.

Respectfully Submitted:


______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Lori Schaul, Acting Board Secretary Tue, 05/28/2024 - 11:10

Board Minutes - 2024.06.17

Board Minutes - 2024.06.17


Independence Community School Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

June 17, 2024             



The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by President Kim Hansen at 6:00 pm at the District Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on June 17, 2024. Board members present: Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Charlie McCardle, and Audrey Hill. Mitch Barnett joined via Zoom.  Also attending Supt. Phillips and Acting Board Secretary Schaul, Principals: Kleman, and Reidy, Directors: Burmeister and Noyes. Also, Janet Grafft and Rusty Donnelly were in attendance.   The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.



Amendment to the agenda as follows: 

Add New Business Item 7.O. Consider Approval of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts Agreement for 2024-2025

7.O. becomes 7.P. and 7.P. becomes 7.Q.

Supt. Phillips made the note to remove policy 505.09 from the exhibits as it was reviewed/revised in March 2024 and was included in the packet inadvertently.

 – Trimble moved to approve the agenda as amended. Hill second, motion carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Motion by Trimble, second by McCardle to approve the consent items.  Motion carried 4-0, McCardle abstained. 


A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on May 20, 2024 and the special meeting on May 24, 2024.


B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Licensed Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection



Classified Employee Qualifications, Recruitment, Selection


507.08 and R1*

Student Special Health Services and Special Health Services Regulation



Local – State – Federal – Miscellaneous Revenue



Payroll Deductions


706.03* and R1*

Reduction in Employee Pay and Reduction in Employee Pay Regulation



Presentation and Publication of Financial Information


707.02 Delete Policy;

Incorporated into Policy


Secretary/Treasurer’s Annual Report


707.03 Delete Policy;

Incorporated into Policy 707.01

Publication of Financial Reports





       First Readings:






Assignment of Courses



Student Progress Reports and Conferences



Student Honors and Awards



Testing Program



Early Graduation





506.01, 506.01E1, 506.01E2, 506.01E3, 506.01E4, 506.01E5, 506.01E6, 506.01E7, 506.01E8, and 506.01R1

Education Records Access, Request of Nonparent for Examination or Copies of Education Records, Authorization for Release of Education Records, Request for Hearing on Correction of Education Records, Request for Examination of Education Records, Notification of Transfer of Education Records, Letter to Parent Regarding Receipt of a Subpoena, Juvenile Justice Agency Information Sharing Agreement, Annual Notice, and Use of Education Records Regulation


506.02, 506.02E1, and 506.02R1

Student Directory Information, Authorization for Releasing Student Directory Information, and Use of Directory Information



Student Photographs


506.04 and 506.04R1

Student Library Circulation Records and Request for Access to Student Library Circulation Records



C. Approval of Resignations




Bob Beatty

JSH JH Cross Country Coach


Chad Beatty

JSH Head Boys Basketball Coach


John Butler

Bus Garage 4.0 hr Bus Driver


Megan Rawlins

JSH JH Volleyball Coach


Megan Rawlins

JSH Head Boys Track Coach


Michelle Ryckman

ECC 4.0 hr Special Ed Para


Maddie Wegmann

JSH Assistant Large Group Speech Director


Gary Weston

Bus Garage 5.5 hr Bus Driver




D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Matthew Mosher

JSH 8.0 hr Custodian

District Buildings and Grounds Worker



Maddie Wegmann

JSH .5 FTE Large Group Speech Director

JSH 1.0 FTE Large Group Speech Director




E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Jennifer Anderson

District Director of Special Education



Bradley Arnold

JSH Head Boys Basketball Coach



Morgan Kruse

JSH Math Teacher (One Year Contract)



John Moran

JSH Summer School Para



Teri Neil

JSH Summer School Teacher



Lisa Preuss

JSH Summer School Para



Maddie Wegmann

JSH Auditorium Manager/Fall Play



Maddie Wegmann

JSH Auditorium Manager/Spring Musical











Collaborative Team Leaders



LouAnn Bresson

ECC Preschool



Kelly Mitchell

East Elem 1st Grade



Kate Grover

East Elem 2nd Grade



Lyndzi Eschen

West Elem 3rd Grade



Jaci Matthews

West Elem 4th Grade



Paige Koritz

West Elem 5th Grade



Sara Thome

West Elem 6th Grade



Wade Stahr

JSH CTE (Career Technical Education)



Becky Uchytil

PK-6 Special Education



Kerry Pasker

District-Wide Interventions/Title I



Bridget Brown

District-Wide Lead Mentor Teacher



Content Leaders




Sue Henry

JSH English/Language Arts



Garry Anderson

JSH Science



Michael Doyle

JSH Math



Initiative Leaders




Jon Carey

JSH Capturing Kids Hearts (CKH)



Brook Carey

JSH Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)







F. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills – Hill will review in July

     2.  Budget Report

G.  Approval of Contractor’s Application for Payment #2 (Bid Form #2) and Payment #3 final (Bid Form #2) - Independence CSD – 2024 Baseball Field Improvements

H. Donations

     1. Guns vs. Hoses Fundraiser for ICSD Food Service Department

     2. Office Towne for ICSD Food Service Department

     3. Brandon United Methodist Women for ICSD Food Service Department

I. Grants

     1.  Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa Special Education Revamp


A. Comments from the Public. - none

B. Presentations

     1.  EMC Annual Insurance Proposal – Rusty Donnelly from Smith D&L Insurance reported information about the annual insurance proposal.

C. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Two board members and Supt. Phillips recently attended 2nd Annual IASB Summit on Student Success.  Director Barnett announced that he has accepted a position at Texas A&M University and will be resigning at the July 15th board meeting.  Superintendent Phillips recapped the end of the year celebration with the staff which included the inaugural Golden Horseshoe Awards, the Wellness Walk, and staff lunch.  Supt. Phillips also explained the process of filling a school board vacancy.  


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School

     2.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center and West Elementary


B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



A. Update of Fiscal Year 2023 Audit

The Fiscal Year 2023 Audit is not back yet. An extension has been filed through September 30, 2024.



A. Consider Approval of the Agreement with Concord Theatricals for the 2025 Spring Musical

Hill moved, Trimble second to approve the Agreement with Concord Theatricals for the 2025 Spring Musical.  Motion carried 5-0.


B. Consider Approval of the Memory Book Company Publication Agreement for 2024-2025

Trimble moved, McCardle second to approve the Memory Book Company Publication Agreement for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.


C. Consider Approval of the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal

Trimble moved, McCardle second to Approve the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal with the inclusion of the buy back $25,000 deductible, #2 one deductible for all three buildings, and add umbrella #3.  Motion carried 5-0.


D. Consider Approval of the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2024-2025

Hill moved, Trimble second to Approve the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.


E. Consider Approval of the Operating Agreement between St. John School and Independence Community School District through June 30, 2025

McCardle moved, Hill second to Approve the Operating Agreement between St. John School and Independence Community School District through June 30, 2025.  Motion carried 5-0.


F. Consider Approval of the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (80/20%) 2024-2025

Striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1 of the agreement.

McCardle moved, Trimble second to Approve the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (80/20%) 2024-2025 while striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1.  Motion carried 5-0.


G. Consider Approval of the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (60/40%) for 2024-2025

Hill moved, Trimble second to approve the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District (60/40%) for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.


H. Consider Approval of the HR Director Shared Services Agreement with the Jesup Community School District (80/20%) for 2024-2025

Striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1 of the agreement.

McCardle moved, Hill second to approve the HR Director Shared Services Agreement with the Jesup Community School District (80/20%) for 2024-2025 while striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1.  Motion carried 5-0.


I. Consider Approval of the Curriculum Director Shared Services Agreement with Dike-New Hartford Community School District (80/20%) for 2024-2025

Striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1 of the agreement.

Hill moved, Barnett second to approve the Curriculum Director Shared Services Agreement with Dike-New Hartford Community School District (80/20%) for 2024-2025 while striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1.  Motion carried 5-0.


J. Consider Approval of the Director of Special Education Shared Services Agreement with Dike-New Hartford Community School District (80/20%) for 2024-2025

Striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1 of the agreement.

Trimble moved, McCardle second to approve the Director of Special Education Shared Services Agreement with Dike-New Hartford Community School District (80/20%) for 2024-2025 while striking the words “and stipend agreement” in Item #1.  Motion carried 5-0.


K. Consider Approval of the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2024-2025 Contracted Services Agreement

McCardle moved, Trimble second to approve the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2024-2025 Contracted Services Agreement.  Motion carried 5-0.


L. Discussion of School Picture Vendors

No action, only information.  3 vendors returned RFP’s (Josten, Empire, and Lifetouch).  Comparison chart of 32 items/criteria with tech needs and family needs.  Lifetouch is the recommendation and the contract will be coming in July. 


M. Consider Approval of the Board Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment

Resolution Authorizing Transfer of General Fund to Student Activities Fund for Protective Gear

Whereas participation in athletic and other school extracurricular activities furthers the skills, development, character and growth of our students, and

Whereas safety of our student athletes is of paramount importance to the district, and

Whereas student activity funds are insufficient to cover the costs of refurbishing of purchasing protective and safety gear required by the Athletic Associations for students participating in those activities, and

Whereas the Iowa Legislature authorizes school boards to use school general funds for these purposes consistent with the enactment of HF 564 during the 2017 Legislative Session, effective for the school year beginning July 1, 2016, and subsequent school years,

Be it Therefore Resolved:

That the Board of Directors of the Independence Community School District approves the transfer of up to $10,000.00 from the general fund to the student activity fund for expenditures that occurred between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 for protective and safety gear required for athletic competition.


McCardle moved to approve the above resolution. Second by Trimble.  Roll call vote:  Hill – aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye, Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye.  Resolution passed 5-0.


N. Consider Approval of Appointing Janet Grafft as Board Secretary/Treasurer as of July 1, 2024

Trimble moved, McCardle second to approve Appointing Janet Grafft as Board Secretary/Treasurer as of July 1, 2024.  Motion carried 5-0.


O. Consider Approval of the Capturing Kids Hearts Service Agreement for 2024-2025

McCardle moved, Hill second to approve the Capturing Kids Hearts Service Agreement for 2024-2025.  Motion carried 5-0.


P. Closed Session – Motion by Trimble, second by Barnett to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Roll call vote:  Hill – aye, McCardle – aye, Trimble – aye, Barnett – aye, Hansen – aye. 

Motion carried 5-0.


At 7:29 p.m. the board took a recess to clear the room for the closed session.  The board entered into closed session at 7:47 pm.  The board exited the closed session at 9:17 pm. 


Q. Superintendent’s Contract

McCardle moved, Barnett second to approve Superintendent Phillip’s salary of $176, 000, to add one year to the continuing three-year contract, and to amend item #13 to $2,000 upon successful completion of her doctorate degree in May of 2025.  Motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – McCardle moved, Barnett second to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:24 pm.



Respectfully Submitted:



______________________________________      _____________________________________

Kim Hansen, Board President                                  Lori Schaul, Acting Board Secretary


 Tue, 11/28/2023 - 18:31


2024-25 BOARD MINUTES Thu, 06/20/2024 - 09:06



Use the link below to find links for board meeting agendas from 2009 - 2021.…


jen@iowaschool… Tue, 04/13/2021 - 15:00



Click on the links below to view school board meeting minutes for the 2020-21 school year.


jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/16/2021 - 20:57

Board Minutes - 2020.07.09

Board Minutes - 2020.07.09

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was held electronically via Zoom and on Facebook Live.  The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by Chair Eric Smith on July 9, 2020. Members attending: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Matt O’Loughlin was absent.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA –Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0. 

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Sornson moved to approve the consent items. Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.


A. Approval of Resignations/Retirements




Angie Bonefas

ECC/East Elem Instructional Coach




B.  Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Todd Reed

Grades K-6 Extended Learning Program (ELP)/Talented and Gifted (TAG) Teacher

Grades 5-12 Extended Learning Program (ELP)/Talented and Gifted (TAG) Teacher



Salary is based on 2019-2020 Combined Salary Spreadsheet and will be updated according to the                 2020-2021 contract settlement.


C. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Alicia Conner

West Elem Sp Ed Teacher



Chris Harbaugh

JSH Professional School Counselor



Hayley Krogh

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher



McKinley Meyer

JSH Social Studies Teacher



Danielle Miller

East Elem Sp Ed Teacher



Austin Pink

JSH PE Teacher



Megan Slessor

Elem .5 FTE Extended Learning Program (ELP)/Talented and Gifted (TAG) Teacher




All Salaries are based on 2019-2020 Combined Salary Spreadsheet and will be updated according to the 2020-2021 contract settlement.   *Ten Extended Contract Days

ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn.  Sornson second.  Motion carried 4-0 and meeting adjourned at 11:05 am


________________________________________    ______________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Board Chair                                         Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary


jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/16/2021 - 20:59

Board Minutes - 2020.07.20

Board Minutes - 2020.07.20

The regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith on July 20, 2020 at the HS Auditorium.  Members attending: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine as well as administrators and directors.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda but striking item J.  2020-2021 Coach Sponsor Activities Handbook from the agenda. O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of regular meeting on June 15, 2020, the special meeting on June 30, 2020, and the special meeting on July 9, 2020.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:





501.9* and 501.9E1 (new)

Student Absences – Excused and Request for Remote Learning Form



School Day


604.12 (new)

Appropriate Use of Online learning Platforms


907 (new) and 907.R1 (new)

District Operation During Public Emergencies and District Operations During a Public Health Emergency Regulation


    C. Approval of Resignations




Gail Burlage

JSH 5.5 hr Cook/Food Service Worker


Kayla Degenhardt-Johnson

East Elem 4.5 hr At-Risk Para


Marilyn Oline

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para


Kay Reidy

Small Group Speech Director


Kay Reidy

.5 FTE HS Play Director



   D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Richard Wearmouth

Bus Garage 4.0 hr/day Bus Driver




E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director O’Loughlin reviewed the bills

     2.  Budget Report


A. Comments from the Public. Residents of the District - None

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent - O’Loughlin wanted to thank Mr. Howard and Mr. Hupke for organizing the graduation ceremony.   Trimble stated she was glad that the softball and baseball had an opportunity for a season.   Supt. Reiter reported that he is continuing to have conversations with HSR and they will be in the district for interior design discussions soon.  Baseball and softball both had successful seasons even though they didn’t make it to post season play.  Morine is working on a FEMA grant.  At this point foreign exchange students will be allowed to attend school if all the guidelines are met.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal and Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     2.  West Elementary Principal and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Return to Learn Plan – Burmeister gave an update on the Return to Learn Plan.
  2. Consider Approval of the IASB Legislative Priorities – The legislative priorities voting was tallied   and the top four priorities are: Mental Health, Supplemental State Aid, School Funding Policy and a proposed priority for COVID-19 and Return to Learn supports and funding.  Hansen moved to approve the above legislative priorities. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Morine will report these priorities to the Iowa School Board Association.


A. Consider Approval of the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2020-2021 Contracted Services Agreement – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2020-2021 Contracted Services Agreement.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

B. Consider Approval of the 2020 Renewal Proposal with SU Insurance Company – Trimble moved to approve the 2020 Renewal Proposal with SU Insurance Company. Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

C. Consider Approval of the Beverage Agreement with Pepsi Beverages Company through 07/20/2023 –Sornson moved to approve the Beverage Agreement with Pepsi Beverages Company through 07/20/2023. O’Loughlin second.  After discussion, Trimble moved to table the motion, Hansen second.  Motion was tabled 3-2 with Sornson and O’Loughlin voting nay.

D. Consider Approval of the Letter of Agreement between the Independence Community School District and Covenant Family Solutions – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Letter of Agreement between the Independence Community School District and Covenant Family Solutions. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

E. Consider Approval of the Transportation Sharing Agreement with Jesup Community School District for 2020-2021 – Hansen moved to approve the Transportation Sharing Agreement with Jesup Community School District for 2020-2021.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

F. Consider Approval of the Human Resources Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2020-2021 – Trimble moved to approve the Human Resources Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2020-2021.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

G. Consider Approval of the Maintenance Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2020-2021 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Maintenance Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2020-2021. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

H. Consider Approval of the Food Service Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2020-2021 – Hansen moved to approve the Food Service Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2020-2021.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

I.  Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks – O’Loughlin moved to approve the 2020-2021 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

J.  Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook – Struck from the Agenda.

K. Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Student-Parent Handbook for Activities Participation – This handbook is part of the JSH Student Handbook and was approved under item I.

L. Return to School – Supt. Reiter and the board discussed possible protocols for Return to School.

ADJOURNMENT – O’Loughlin moved to adjourn the meeting. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.


The board discussed negotiation strategies.  Session ended at 9:00 pm.



______________________________________      _____________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                       Laura Morine, Board Secretary


jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/16/2021 - 21:00

Board Minutes - 2020.07.29

Board Minutes - 2020.07.29

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was held electronically via Zoom and on Facebook Live.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chair Eric Smith on July 29, 2020. Members attending: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, Matt O’Loughlin, Superintendent Russell Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA –Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0. 

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Sornson moved to approve the consent items. O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.


A. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments







Joan Goedken

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher

East Elem Title I Teacher



Kerry Pasker

East Elem Title I Teacher and District Wide Interventionist/             Title I Curriculum Leader

ECC/East and West Elem Grades PK-6 Instructional Coach

$65,629 + $8,500




Salary is based on 2019-2020 Combined Salary Spreadsheet and will be updated according to the 2020-2021 contract settlement.


B. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)






Jon Carey

JSH Mentor Teacher – Social Studies



Sonya Elzey

JSH Capturing Kids Hearts Initiative Leader



Matt Miller

JSH Social Studies Curriculum Leader






  1.  Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook.  O’Loughlin moved to approve the 2020-2021 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Point of Beginning Survey Services Contract to Survey the West Elementary Site – Hansen moved to approve the Point of Beginning Survey Services Contract to Survey the West Elementary Site.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  2. Consider Approval of the Amendment of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 – Hansen moved to approve the Amendment of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.   Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  3. Consider Approval of the Resolution Recognizing the ITA and the ICSD Desire for Increased Supplemental State Aid. – Hanson moved to approve the Resolution Recognizing the ITA and the ICSD Desire for Increased Supplemental State Aid.  O’Loughlin second.  Roll call vote:  Smith – aye, Sornson – aye, Trimble – aye, Hansen – aye, O’Loughlin – aye. Motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – O’Loughlin moved to adjourn the meeting. Sornson second, motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:16 pm.


______________________________________      _____________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                    Laura Morine, Board Secretary… Tue, 06/29/2021 - 22:25

Board Minutes - 2020.08.17

Board Minutes - 2020.08.17

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Eric Smith at the Administration Building, Independence, Iowa on August 17, 2020.  Board Members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russell Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guests included the building administrators, directors and a newspaper representative.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Trimble moved to approve the agenda.  Sornson second and motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  Sornson second and motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of regular meeting on July 20, 2020 and the special meeting on July 29, 2020.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

First Readings:





103, 103.E1*, 103.E2, 103.E3, 103.E4, 103.E5, 103.E6, and 103.R1

Equal Educational Opportunity, Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination, Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Grievance Procedure


106 (rewrite), 106.E1, 106.E2, 106.E3, 106.R1 (rewrite),

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures


108 (new)

Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited



Administration and Area Education Agency



Superintendent Civic Activities



Administrative Positions



Administrator Civic Activities



Equal Employment Opportunity



Child Abuse Reporting


403.7*, 403.7E1*, 403.7E2, 403.7E3,

403.7E4, 403.7E5, 403.7E6 (new), and 403.7R1

Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees, Certification from Current Employer Participating in Drug and Alcohol Program, Certification of Previous Employers Requiring Commercial Driver’s License Consent to Release Information to Independence Community School District, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Acknowledgement Form, Drug and Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Observation Form, Drug and Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent to Share Information, and Drug and Alcohol Testing Program







Employee Vacation – Holidays


409.2 (rewrite), 409.2E1 (new, 409.2E2 (new)

Employee Leave of Absence and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Request Form Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Request Form Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), 


409.3* and 409.3E1*

Employee Family and Medical Leave and Leave Notice to Employees


409.4 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Bereavement Leave


409.5 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Political Leave


409.6 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Jury Duty Leave


409.7 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Military Service Leave


414.1 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Vacations – Holidays – Personal Leave


414.2 (rescinded)

Classified Personal Illness Leave


414.3 and 414.3E1 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Family and Medical Leave and Classified Employee Family and Medical leave Notice to Employees


414.4 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Bereavement Leave


414.5 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Political Leave


414.6 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Jury Duty Leave


414.7 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Military Service Leave


      C. Approval of Resignations




Tracy Curtis

JSH Math Teacher


Brenda Good

Bus Garage 4.0 hr Bus Driver


Karlie Niedert

Assistant Volleyball Coach


Bryce Rigdon

Assistant Boys Basketball Coach


Bryce Rigdon

Assistant Baseball Coach



D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Leah Zweigle

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher

JSH 5.5 hr Cook/FS Worker




       E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)

*One extended contract day

       F. Approval of Financial Reports

            1. Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills

            2. Financial Reports





Aaron Atwood-Blaine

JSH Math Teacher



Lori Bowers

District Wide Interventionist/Title I Curriculum Leader



Emma Flaucher

West Elem 3.0 hr Dishwasher/Food Service Worker



Kate Grover

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher



Alyssa Hawkins

Assistant Volleyball Coach



Dana Mikel

West Elem Google Classroom Initiative Leader



Kelly Mitchell

East Elem Seesaw Initiative Leader



Megan Rawlins

JH Volleyball Coach



Jessica Willman

East Elem Mentor Teacher – 2nd Grade





A. Comments from the Public - None

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Board members asked everyone to have patience, kindness and grace for all as we start the new school year.  Superintendent Reiter reported that new teacher orientation was held today.  All staff will have a welcome back Zoom meeting on Tuesday morning and students come back to school on August 24th.   We are still waiting on the buses that were purchased with grant funds.  Waiting on trim around the windows and blinds for the board room. There has been a delay in the technology installation due to the Derecho storm. There will be a work session on August 31st as Becker and Associates will discuss the partial self- funding plan with the Board.

C. Presentations

     1. HSR Associates Inc. – Representatives from HSR Associates, Inc presented some drawings for the East and West Elementary projects and also had on hand samples of the flooring.  HSR is about half way through completing the construction documents.   Hope to let the bids out the middle of December 2020.   Ground breaking for the West addition could start in the spring as soon as it thaws and completed for fall 2021 classes.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal and Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal – Principal Howard answered some board member questions regarding students coming back to school.  Masks will be required in the hallway, additional lunch periods were added to the schedule along with purchasing additional lunch tables.

     2.  West Elementary Principal and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report – Putz reported that a lot of schools in the WaMaC Conference had building damages from the Derecho storm and it delayed the AD’s meeting but it has now been scheduled.   The fall parent meeting will be held virtually.  The fall home Cross-Country meet will be held on campus rather than MHI this year.

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Return to Learn Plan Update – School Improvement Director Burmeister gave an update on the Return to Learn Plan.  The plan is on the school’s website.  The Wellness Screener within the plan should be used by the staff and parents.
  2. Return to School Update – Superintendent gave an update on Return to School. The positivity rate is reviewed daily and watching the trend.  Masks will be required on all buses and the district will need to have meals available to the remote learners, however meal charges will apply.
  3. Consider Approval of the Beverage Agreement with Pepsi Beverages Company through 07/20/2023 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Beverage Agreement with Pepsi Beverages Company through 7/20/23.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Lease Agreement between Independence Community School District and Hawkeye Community College through June 30, 2021.  Trimble moved to approve the Lease Agreement between Independence Community School District and Hawkeye Community College through June 30, 2021. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  2. Consider Approval for a Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Plan with Great American Insurance Group through August 1, 2021. Trimble moved to approve the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Plan with Great American Insurance Group through August 1, 2021 Sornson second, motion carried 5-0. 
  3. Consider Approval of Amending the Dress Code and Grooming Language in the 2020-2021 Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual.  Sornson moved to Amend the Dress Code and Grooming Language in the 2020-2021 Employee Procedures and Benefits Manual.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT- O’Loughlin moved to adjourn the meeting.  Hansen second, motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.



____________________________________            ____________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chairperson                                                             Laura Morine, Board Secretary… Tue, 06/29/2021 - 22:27

Board Minutes - 2020.08.31

Board Minutes - 2020.08.31

A work session of the Independence Community School Board started at 6:00 pm in the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium. Board members attending: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Gina Trimble, Jennifer Sornson and Matt O’Loughlin.  Superintendent Russell Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine. Presenters: Mark Becker & Nick Brown.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

SUPERINTENDENT’S RETURN TO SCHOOL UPDATE - Superintendent Reiter gave a Return to School update as we have completed 6 days of school. Supt. Reiter reported that the school year has had a great start. Staff and students are adjusting on the fly, but the Return to School Plan was a solid plan.  There haven’t been any issues with face masks.  A second shuttle bus route was added and all COVID expenses are being tracked.

INSURANCE – Mark Becker and Nick Brown from Mark J. Becker & Associates, LLC presented an overview of how the partial self-funding insurance works for the district health insurance plan.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the work session.   Hansen second, motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 pm.


EXEMPT SESSION – Jr/Sr High School Library

Negotiations Strategy Session

The board started an exempt session at 6:47 pm in the Jr/Sr High School Library to discuss negotiations strategies for the next year.  This session ended at 7:45 pm and no official business took place during the session.    


___________________________________              _______________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chairperson                                                             Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Tue, 06/29/2021 - 22:38

Board Minutes - 2020.09.21

Board Minutes - 2020.09.21

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Eric Smith at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on September 21, 2020.  Board Members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russell Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guests included the building administrators, directors and a newspaper representative.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Sornson moved to approve the agenda. O’Loughlin second, and motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS- Trimble moved to approve the consent times.  Hansen second and motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of regular meeting on August 17, 2020 and the work session on              August 31, 2020.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:





103, 103.E1*, 103.E2, 103.E3, 103.E4, 103.E5, 103.E6, and 103.R1

Equal Educational Opportunity, Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination, Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Grievance Procedure


106 (rewrite), 106.E1, 106.E2, 106.E3, 106.R1 (rewrite),

Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Policy, Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures


108 (new)

Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited



Administration and Area Education Agency



Superintendent Civic Activities



Administrative Positions



Administrator Civic Activities



Equal Employment Opportunity



Child Abuse Reporting


403.7*, 403.7E1*, 403.7E2, 403.7E3,

403.7E4, 403.7E5, 403.7E6 (new), and 403.7R1*

Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Notice to Employees, Certification from Current Employer Participating in Drug and Alcohol Program, Certification of Previous Employers Requiring Commercial Driver’s License Consent to Release Information to Independence Community School District, Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Acknowledgement Form, Drug and Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Observation Form, Drug and Alcohol Program and Pre-Employment Testing Written Consent to Share Information, and Drug and Alcohol Testing Program



Employee Vacation – Holidays



409.2 (rewrite), 409.2E1 (new, 409.2E2 (new)

Employee Leave of Absence and Emergency Paid Sick Leave Request Form Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Request Form Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), 


409.3* and 409.3E1*

Employee Family and Medical Leave and Leave Notice to Employees


409.4 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Bereavement Leave


409.5 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Political Leave


409.6 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Jury Duty Leave


409.7 (rescinded)

Licensed Employee Military Service Leave


414.1 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Vacations – Holidays – Personal Leave


414.2 (rescinded)

Classified Personal Illness Leave


414.3 and 414.3E1 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Family and Medical Leave and Classified Employee Family and Medical leave Notice to Employees


414.4 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Bereavement Leave


414.5 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Political Leave


414.6 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Jury Duty Leave


414.7 (rescinded)

Classified Employee Military Service Leave


First Readings:






Objectives of Buildings & Sites



Buildings & Sites Long Range Planning



Buildings & Sites Surveys



Educational Specifications for Buildings & Sites



Selection of an Architect



Site Acquisition



Financing Sites & Construction



Supervision of Construction



Maintenance Schedule



Requests for Improvements



Emergency Repairs


802.4, 802.4R1, and 802.4R2

Capital Assets, Capital Assets Regulation, and Capital Assets Management System Definitions



Buildings & Sites Adaptation for Persons with Disabilities






C. Approval of Resignations




Bob Beatty

JH Football Coach


Mindy Jenkins

West Elem Sp Ed Teacher


Junior Rodnez

JSH 8.0 hr Custodian




D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Chad Beatty

.5 FTE JH Football Coach

1.0 FTE JH Football Coach



Gina Homan

.5 FTE HS Play Director

1.0 FTE HS Play Director





E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Emma Boots

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$11.30/hr + $581 pro-rated night stipend


Brenda Cashen

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$13.00/hr + $546 pro-rated night stipend


Hugh Deberg

Head Girls Basketball Coach



Margaret Hall

Bus Garage 6.5 hr Van Driver



Sandy Hart

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Charity Houlton-Oien

West Elem Sp Ed Teacher



Richard Morris

Bus Garage 4.0 hr Bus Driver



Kristi Price

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Kayla Roder

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$13.20/hr + $560 pro-rated night stipend


Josh Troutman

.5 FTE JH Football Coach



Kristy Ward

JSH 7.5 hr Assistant to the Director of Food Service



Rebecca Wearmouth

Bus Garage 3.0 hr Bus Driver




F. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Smith audited the bills

     2.  Budget Report



  1. Comments from the Public – None
  2. Comments from the Board/Superintendent - Smith reported that he will be the district delegate for the Iowa School Board Convention that is coming up.  Superintendent Reiter has continued discussions with HSR and Point of Beginning on the potential road project at West Elementary.  Bus inspections went well.  Monthly meetings are set up with the teacher’s association.   Information was passed out to the board regarding the renewal of the Instructional Levy. Next month there will be a public hearing on the Instructional Levy before the regular meeting.

C. Presentations

     1.  COVID Funding – Laura Morine reported that she is applying for a FEMA grant. This grant should cover 75% of qualifying expenses, the State Disaster fund will cover 10% and local match for the balancing 15%.  As of September 15th, the qualifying items changed and new orders of PPE and sanitizer will not be covered, but qualifying items could change again.  $114,000 of federal funding was received as well as $61,200 in funding for technology and connectivity expenses.  An additional $13,394 federal funding that is being passed on by the state is expected.  To date the district has had $125,000 in COVID expenses. Additional expenses will include the added shuttle bus route and custodial staff costing the district approximately $53,000 for the year.



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal - Principal Howard reported his building is still in discussions on how Parent/Teacher Conferences will work.   

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal - Hansen thanked Asst. Principal Hupke for the videos he posts.

     3.  West Elementary Principal and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal – Sub covering has been incredible by the existing staff.

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



A. Return to Learn Plan Update – Burmeister gave an update to the Return to Learn Plan.  A new hybrid option was added to help with staff shortages and is called Hybrid (Staff Shortages).  The plan has been updated on the district’s website.


B. Return to School Update- Superintendent Reiter reported that there is a COVID dashboard on the district’s website that is updated each week day.  Homecoming has been postponed.  Reiter thanked all the staff for doing an amazing job with all the extra work they are doing.



A. Consider Approval of the Contract between Northeast Iowa Community College and Independence Community School District for 2020-2021 Academic Year – Sornson moved to approve the Contract between Northeast Iowa Community College and Independence Community School District for 2020-2021 Academic Year.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

B. Consider Approval of the Agreement with Buchanan County Health Center for Wellness Programming through July 31, 2021 – Trimble moved to approve the Agreement with Buchanan County Health Center for Wellness Programming through July 31, 2021. Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

C. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Sports Injury Coverage with Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2023 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Agreement for Sports Injury Coverage with Buchanan County Health Center through July 31, 2023.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

D. Consider Approval of the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2020-2021 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) Membership for 2020-2021.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

E. Consider Approval of Updating COVID Safety Guidelines – Using the language on the current page 15, as of 9/21/2020, of the Independence Jr/Sr High School’s Return to Learn Plan, Hansen made a motion for all district students, staff and visitors to properly wear masks/face shields/face coverings covering their mouth and nose.  The face mask requirement will conclude or sunset when the governor declares the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency. O’Loughlin second.  After board discussion Sornson called the question. Motion carried 4-1, with Trimble voting nay.


ADJOURNMENT – Sornson moved to adjourn the meeting.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.


____________________________________            ____________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chairperson                                                          Laura Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 13:48

Board Minutes - 2020.09.30

Board Minutes - 2020.09.30

A work session of the Independence Community School Board started at 6:00 p.m. at the Administration Office, Independence, Iowa on September 30, 2020.  Board Members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russell Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guest: Harry Heiligenthal. 

Harry Heiligenthal, Associate Executive Director of the Iowa School Board Association led a professional development workshop for the board to review the roles of a board member. The board had planned this workshop for the spring of 2020 but due to COVID-19 this was the earliest we could meet with Mr. Heiligenthal.   No official action was taken by the board during this workshop.

The workshop ended at 7:30 pm.


___________________________________     ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chairman                                                    Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 13:51

Board Minutes - 2020.10.19

Board Minutes - 2020.10.19

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on October 19, 2020.  Board Members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russell Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guests included the building administrators, directors and a newspaper representative.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Hansen moved to approve the agenda with moving new business item E. Consider Approval of Baseball/Softball Facility Improvements to be the first agenda item under new business. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Sornson moved to approve the consent items. O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of regular meeting on September 21, 2020 and the work session on September 30, 2020.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Objectives of Buildings & Sites



Buildings & Sites Long Range Planning



Buildings & Sites Surveys



Educational Specifications for Buildings & Sites



Selection of an Architect



Site Acquisition



Financing Sites & Construction



Supervision of Construction



Maintenance Schedule



Requests for Improvements



Emergency Repairs


802.4, 802.4R1, and 802.4R2

Capital Assets, Capital Assets Regulation, and Capital Assets Management System Definitions



Buildings & Sites Adaptation for Persons with Disabilities





First Readings:









Energy Conservation



Contract for Maintenance Services



Intangible Assets



Disposition of Obsolete Equipment



Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites



Vacant Facilities



Facilities Inspections



District Emergency Operations Plans



First Aid




Facilities Security



Employee Safety Inservice



Asbestos Containing Material



Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply


C. Approval of Resignations




Chelsey Preuss

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para




D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Theresa Hocken

East Elem 5.5 hr Food Service

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Sue Hogan

JSH 5.5 hr Food Service

East Elem 5.5 hr Food Service





E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Kyle Eilers

JSH 3.0 hr Dishwasher



Deborah Hammond

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Eryca Hingtgen-Bass

Assistant Girls Basketball Coach



John Howard

JH Girls Basketball Coach



Cindy Michels

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Nicholas Miller

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$11.30/hr + $525 pro-rated night stipend



F. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Sornson audited the bills

     2.  Budget Report



A. Comments from the Public. None

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Trimble congratulated the football, volleyballs and cross-country teams on their fall seasons and wishes them luck in post season.   Smith reported that the proposed IASB Legislative Priorities for 2021 are: Preschool, Mental Health, School Funding Policy, Supplemental State and a new one:  Covid-19 Remediation.  Superintendent Reiter reported our certified enrollment is 1390.56. This is down a little over 36 students but our students served is only down 8 students as our open enrollment in is up 19 students and open enrollment out is down 8.   As winter is approaching, Supt. Reiter is developing criteria on when virtual snow days will be used.  He will look at the forecast, length of forecasted storm and the timing of the storm.   Supt Reiter indicated that in November, he would present information for a possible Early Retirement package.   On October 26th, HSR will be available for a virtual open house for the West and East Elementary projects. Supt. Reiter also reminded board members to fill out the attendance survey for the fall IASB Virtual Conference so the appropriate registrations can be made.

C. Presentations

     1.  FY2020 Financial Update – Director of Finance Morine presented the FY2020 financial update. The district’s General Fund solvency ratio increased from 13.68% to 17.77% and the district’s unspent balance increased to $1,812,614.  The boards unspent balance goal is $2,000,000. The district’s finances are heading in the right direction.



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report – The attendance to the fall play will have limited tickets for sale and livestreaming connections.

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report – the Federal free meals have been extended thru the end of the school year.  Food Director Harbaugh has seen a decrease in the sack lunches for JSH students.

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



  1. Return to Learn Plan Update – School Improvement Director gave an update on the Return to Learn Plan.  The team will be meeting on Wednesday, Oct 21st to evaluate the Hybrid plan and make recommendations to Supt. Reiter.



E. Consider Approval of Baseball/Softball Facility Improvements – Trimble moved to approve the Baseball/Softball Facility Improvements funded by the community.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  Mr. Hupke addressed the board as a parent and part of the community group that wants to upgrade the softball/baseball facilities by adding two new batting cage, 16x48 storage shed, provide additional standing room on the bleachers and overhead netting for shade and foul ball protection.  These improvements are estimated to cost $100,000 and would be funded 100% by private donation, so no district funds would be used on the construction of these improvements.


A. Consider Approval of the 2020-2021 Propane Agreement with Consolidated Energy Co. – Hansen moved to approve the 2020-2021 Propane Agreement with Consolidated Energy Co for 17,500 gallons.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.


B. Consider Approval of the Following to a Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board:  Rob Robinson, Jeremy Hahn, Lloyd Davis, and Megan Rasmussen – Sornson moved to approve adding the following to a Three-Year Term to the Mustang Foundation Board:  Rob Robinson, Jeremy Hahn, Lloyd Davis, and Megan Rasmussen.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


C. Consider Approval of the Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program.  Trimble moved to approve the Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program.  O’Loughlin second.  Roll call vote: Trimble – aye, O’Loughlin – aye, Hansen – aye, Smith – aye and Sornson - aye.  Motion carried 5-0.


D. Consider Approval of the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Allowable Growth for Negative Special Education Balance for $221,684.11.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second, motion carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:57 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                             Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 13:53

Board Minutes - 2020.11.16 - Annual Meeting

Board Minutes - 2020.11.16 - Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Board Secretary Morine at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on November 16, 2020.  Those physically present: Eric Smith, Board Secretary Laura Morine, Steve Noyes and newspaper representative. Board members attending virtually:  Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble, along with building administrators and directors. Supt. Reiter was absent. 

  1. Election of a President of the Board-Morine called for nominations for President.   Hansen nominated Smith, O’Loughlin nominated Sornson, Smith nominated Hansen.  Voting was done by board members texting the Board Secretary.   Results: Trimble-Smith, Sornson-Sornson, O’Loughlin-Sornson, Hansen-Smith, Smith-Hansen.  There was a tie between Smith and Sornson, so another vote was called. Results from 2nd Vote: Trimble- Smith, Sornson – Sornson, O’Loughlin – Sornson, Hansen -Smith, Smith-Smith.  Smith was elected as President and Morine issued the Oath of Office and Smith presided over the rest of the meeting.
  2. Election of a Vice President of the Board – Smith called for nominations.   Sornson nominated O’Loughlin, Trimble nominated Hansen.  Vote was done by board members texting Board Secretary.   Results: Trimble-Hansen, Sornson-O’Loughlin, O’Loughlin-O’Loughlin, Hansen-Hansen, Smith-Hansen. Hansen was elected as Vice President and Morine issued the Oath of Office
  3. Set Regular Board Meeting Dates, Time and Location for 2020-2021 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Regular Board Meeting Dates, Time and Location for 2020-2021.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

       2020-2021 Proposed School Board Meetings at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Boardroom.   (3rd Monday of the Month)

       December 21, 2020                                              

       January 18, 2021

       February 15, 2021

       March 15, 2021

       April 19, 2021

       May 17, 2021

       June 21, 2021

       July 19, 2021

       August 16, 2021

       September 20, 2021

       October 18, 2021

       November 15, 2021


  1.  Roll Call Vote Order for 2020-2021 – Trimble moved to approve the Roll Call Vote Order for 2020-2021.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

Dec/Jan/Feb               O’Loughlin, Hansen, Smith, Sornson, Trimble

Mar/Apr                     Hansen, Smith, Sornson, Trimble, O’Loughlin

May/June                   Smith, Sornson, Trimble, O’Loughlin, Hansen

July/Aug/Sept            Sornson, Trimble, O’Loughlin, Hansen, Smith,

            Oct/Nov                      Trimble, O’Loughlin, Hansen, Smith, Sornson


E. Consider Approval of Committee Assignments for 2020-2021 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Committee Assignments for 2020-2021.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0


 1.  Extra-Curricular Activities   

 2.  IASB – Delegate Assembly (represents ICSD 

                   at the 2021 IASB Delegate Assembly)

 3.  Mustang Foundation Board of Directors

 4.  Calendar Committee                   

 5.  School Improvement Advisory Committee - SIAC

 6.  Mentor/Volunteer Advisory Board

 7.  Career and Technical Advisory Committee  

 8.  Indee Agriculture Education

 9. Construction Oversite and Traffic Flow Committee

10. Tree and Landscaping Committee

11. Auditorium Marketing Committee

12. Buchanan County Conference Board

13. Paver/Trail Funds Committee

14. Salary Compensation Advisory Committee

15. Benefit Advisory Committee

16. City Council Liaisons

Current Member

 O’Loughlin & Trimble



 Sornson & Hansen






 Trimble & Smith


 O’Loughlin & Hansen



 Smith & O’Loughlin

 New for 2020-2021

 Brandon/Rowley - Smith                

 Independence - The rest 

 of the Board will rotate 

 based on bill review month.

New Member

    No change

   No change


   No change


   No change

   No change

   No change

   No change

   Smith & Hansen

   No change

   No change


   No change

   No change


   No change




A. Consider Approval of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., Lynch Dallas, P.C., and Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman, and Dicker LLP as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors.  Trimble moved to approve the Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., Lynch Dallas, P.C., and Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman, and Dicker LLP as Legal Counsels for the District and Board of Directors.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Approval of Resolution Naming Depositories – Hansen moved to approve the Resolution Naming Depositories.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Pay Bills When the Board is Not in Session – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Resolution to Pay Bills When the Board is Not in Session.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Issue Payroll – Sornson moved to approve the Resolution to Issue Payroll.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer – Trimble moved to approve the Resolution to Authorize the Use of a Check Protector and Signer and the Proper Control of the Signer.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Discussion of Licensed Employee Early Retirement Plan Board Policy 407.3 and 407.4 and Certified Staff Early Notification Incentive.  Board discussed these items and felt they needed more information.
  1. Consider Approval of Licensed Employee Early Retirement Plan Policy 407.3 and 407.4 First Reading – Agenda item died due to the lack of a motion.


ADJOURNMENT – Sornson moved to adjourn.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0. The Annual meeting was adjourned at 8:08 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                 Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:14

Board Minutes - 2020.11.16

Board Minutes - 2020.11.16

The Public Hearing to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program for the District started at 5:50 p.m. at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on November 16, 2020. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  No public comments were presented.   Public Hearing adjourned at 6:00 pm. 


A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on November 16, 2020.    Those physically present: Eric Smith, Board Secretary Laura Morine, Steve Noyes and newspaper representative. Board members attending virtually:  Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble, along with building administrators and directors. Supt. Reiter was absent. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA–Sornson moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS–Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of regular meeting on October 19, 2020.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:









Energy Conservation



Contract for Maintenance Services



Intangible Assets



Disposition of Obsolete Equipment



Lease, Sale or Disposal of School District Buildings and Sites



Vacant Facilities



Facilities Inspections



District Emergency Operations Plans



First Aid



Facilities Security



Employee Safety Inservice



Asbestos Containing Material



Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply


First Readings:






Principles and Objectives for Community Relations



Public Examination of School District Records



Board of Directors and Community Relations



News Media Relations



News Conferences and Interviews



News Releases



Students and the News Media




Employees and the News Media



Live Broadcast or Videotaping



Unmanned Aircraft or Aerial Systems



Other Intradistrict Relations



School - Community Groups



Community Resource Persons and Volunteers


904.3 and 904.3E1

Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites and Volunteer Interest Information



Public Conduct on School Premises


904.5 and 904.5R1

Distribution of Materials and Distribution of Materials Regulation



Transporting Students in Private Vehicles



Advertising and Promotion


906.1 and 906.1E1

Community Use of School District Facilities and Equipment



Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment


907 and 907.R1

District Operations During Public Emergencies and District Operations During a Public Health Emergency Regulation


C. Approval of Resignations




Mark Geertsma

Assistant Girls Basketball Coach


Robert Hocken

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver


Heather Nefzger

JH Cross Country Coach

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Ryan Ruffcorn

JH Boys Basketball Coach



D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Brad Arnold

Assistant Boys Basketball Coach



Matt Fuelling

JH Boys Basketball Coach



Kayla Kanellis

Elementary Remote Learning Teacher

$26,927 (pro-rated for BA 1st Year Teacher)



E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills

     2.  Budget Report

     3.  Financial Settlement Statement as of June 30, 2020


  1. Comments from the Public. No public comments.
  1. Comments from the Board, Including Committee Assignment Updates – Smith stated the board meeting was being held remotely as he feels the board is not a cohort of the school and this reduces the risk of spreading illness and realizes that it is in contrast to the students doing in person instruction, but as a move so that student in person instruction may continue. He also thanked the sponsors of fall play for their work in providing this opportunity to the students. The students did a great job.
  1. Comments from the Superintendent – Supt Reiter was not present.
  2. Presentations

  1. K-12 Literacy – Erin Burmeister, Sue Henkes, Lyndzi Roth, Kerry Pasker and Lori Bowers presented information on what is going on with literacy in all of the buildings.  


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal – Mr. Howard was coaching a game and not present at this time. Smith highlighted that a social/mental health grant for the staff was received, thanks to Mrs. Frye for writing that grant.  Trimble questioned how many JSH students were required to change from remote to every day instruction. Burmeister will get those numbers to the board members, but clarified that only those students that were identified as At-Risk and failing a class were required to come back.

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal – Trimble thanked Mr. Hupke for his Veterans Day video.

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report – AD Putz reported that the winter sport coaches are using the same mitigation protocols that the fall sports coaches followed.  However, new guidelines are that only two spectators are allowed for the participating athletes.  Unfortunately, student managers, cheerleaders and coaches are not included to have additional spectators at this time per the state’s guidelines.  Wrestlers are practicing in small cohorts and limiting the numbers in locker rooms.  Masks for coaches are optional just as they were in the fall.

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


  1. Return to Learn Plan Update – the District Leadership Team’s regular meeting is Wednesday. The team keeps a close eye on the district’s COVID Dashboard. There are more elementary students in quarantine but that is due to out of school exposures.  The Hybrid Plan at the JSH seems to be working in mitigating the student’s exposure. The team realizes they need to be responsive, day to day.
  2. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – HSR(architect firm) is on schedule to push out the bids in mid-December.


  1. Consider Approval to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program for the Independence Community School District.  Trimble moved to approve the Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program for the Independence Community School District.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of District Student Learning Goals – O’Loughlin moved to approve the District Student Learning Goals.  Sornson second the motion. Burmeister reviewed the goals with the board.  The goals are developed in teacher groups, then goes to the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) for approval and then to the board for approval. Due to the pandemic there has been a gap in data but they are moving forward the best way possible. The motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2021-2022 School Year – Sornson moved to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with Lied Center Consortium Program for the 2021-2022 School Year in the amount of $1,596.01.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2021-2022 School Year – Hansen moved to approve the Application to the School Budget Review Committee for Special Education Administrative Costs Associated with River Hills Consortium Program for the 2021-2022 School Year in the amount of $9,590.02. O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2020 On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2019 – Trimble moved to approve the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Application Fall 2020 On-Time Funding Modified Allowable Growth for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2019, in the amount of $147,232.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2021 – Hansen moved to approve the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for January 2021.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of Vacation Pay Out – O’Loughlin moved to approve the vacation payout for the staff member that had more than 5 days but not to pay out more than 10 days. Hansen second the motion. After board discussion motion failed 0-5.  Board may consider extending the date in which the vacation needs to be used.

ADJOURNMENT - Sornson moved to adjourn the regular meeting.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0. Regular meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                 Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:09

Board Minutes - 2020.11.30

Board Minutes - 2020.11.30

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, Independence, Iowa on November 30, 2020.  Attending in person:  Eric Smith and Supt. Russ Reiter.  Attending via Zoom: Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guests Zoom attendees included the building administrator.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Remote Learning Status – Supt. Reiter and the administration team reviewed the process and data used to decide to go to remote learning from November 30th to December 3rd.  Board members and administration talked about remote learning, the hybrid model and having students in the class room. All present agreed that having the students in the building was best for students, but consideration needs to be taken regarding COVID-19. The administration will watch the numbers to see if there is a spike after the Thanksgiving break and decide at the end of the week what the return of students will look like.

ADJOURMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                  Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:06

Board Minutes - 2020.12.21

Board Minutes - 2020.12.21

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Independence Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, IA on December 21, 2020.  Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson, and Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russ Reiter and Acting Secretary Nikki Sidles.  Guests included the building administrators, directors, a school nurse and 2 ELP Teachers.   Absent from the meeting:  John Howard and Laura Morine.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA- Sornson moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS - Hansen moved to approve the consent items with the exception of  policy 904.3, where the phrase “Volunteer sport coaches/assistants” will be maintained in the categories of volunteers included in screening statements .  O'Loughlin seconded, motion carried 5-0. 

A. Approval of the minutes of public hearing and regular meeting on November 16, 2020 and the annual meeting on November 16, 2020, and the special meeting on November 30, 2020.


B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)



Second Readings:








Principles and Objectives for Community Relations



Public Examination of School District Records



Board of Directors and Community Relations



News Media Relations



News Conferences and Interviews



News Releases



Students and the News Media



Employees and the News Media



Live Broadcast or Videotaping



Unmanned Aircraft or Aerial Systems



Other Intradistrict Relations



School - Community Groups



Community Resource Persons and Volunteers



904.3* and 904.3E1

Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites and Volunteer Interest Information



Public Conduct on School Premises


904.5 and 904.5R1

Distribution of Materials and Distribution of Materials Regulation



Transporting Students in Private Vehicles



Advertising and Promotion


906.1 and 906.1E1

Community Use of School District Facilities and Equipment



Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Environment


907 and 907.R1

District Operations During Public Emergencies and District Operations During a Public Health Emergency Regulation



First Readings:







Role of School District Administration






Administration and Board of Directors



Administration and Employees



Administration and Adjoining District Administration


103*, 103.E1, 103.E2, 103.E3, 103.E4*, 103.E5, 103.E6, and 103.R1

Equal Educational Opportunity, Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination, Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, Discrimination Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Grievance Procedure


500 (rescinded)

Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students



Financial Records


705.1, 705.1R1*, and 705.1R2 (new)

Purchasing – Bidding, Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure, and Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts



C. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments







Nicole Troyer

ECC .5 FTE ECSE Teacher

ECC 1.0 FTE ECSE Teacher





D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)







Madison Corkery

Assistant Large Group Speech Director



Seth Rupprecht

JSH .75 FTE At-Risk Teacher

BA 0 ($12,617)*


*Salary is approximate depending on the number of days he will be teaching after his license is issued by the Iowa Board of  Educational Examiners (BOEE).


E. Approval of Financial Reports



     1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills



     2.  Budget Report






A. Comments from the Public. No public comments


B. Comments from the Board: Smith commented that he attended the School Board Convention.  During the delegate assembly, a legislative resolution was added to increase the budget guarantee percentage during declining enrollment from 1% to 3% over the previous school year budget..  Trimble commented she also attended the School Board Convention and encouraged all board members to attend, as it is a highly engaging conference.  Hansen commented she attended the School Board Convention virtually and enjoyed the sessions and noted there were lots of good takeaways.  Sornson - no comment. O’Loughlin - no comment.

Comments from the Superintendent:  Reiter commented that there is new law, Chapter 103, coming into effect January 20, 2021 regarding restraints of students.  The district will continue to train staff.  The Insurance Committee met; they received good information from Becker & Associates.  The Committee had great conversations and will meet again in 2-3 weeks.  Governor Reynolds has increased the number of people per student that can attend activities.  Band and cheerleaders are now included.  Calendar Committee will meet in January, Administration from each building will select a parent volunteer to be on the committee.  The District Leadership Team (DLT) will have more conversations and collect more information and data regarding temperature screenings.  Board members should call Superintendent Reiter with any questions.    



C. Presentations



 1.  Mentoring Program Update – This presentation will be moved to the January 2021 agenda.



 2.  Extended Learning Program (ELP) – Megan Slessor and Todd Reed presented information on what is going on with ELP in all the buildings.





A. Building Administrator Reports



     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal



 2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal - Hupke reported pledges have reached approx. $92,000 of the $100,000 for the Mustang Way Renovation Project. The next final push meeting is January 4. 2021.  Batting cages and concrete are purchased.  The steel for the bleachers was purchased from Pries Enterprises located in Independence, IA.



     3.  West Elementary Principal


     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal



B. District Director Reports



     1.  Activities Director Report



     2.  Director of School Improvement Report



     3.  Director of Technology Report



4.  Director of Food Service Report - The board noted that there was a complimentary email sent to the Administration regarding Annette Harbaugh supporting dietary needs.



     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report



     6.  Director of Transportation Report






  1. Return to Learn Plan Update -  Reiter reported the JSH DLT met on Wednesday to discuss Hybrid Learning Model.  A survey was sent out to JSH staff.   The positivity rate for the county and school district numbers were considered when making the decision to change to 100% In-Person Learning.  Returning on January 4, 2021 will give students a chance to improve grades and be in class everyday before the end of the semester.  The decision was made to return on January 4, 2021 with onsite learning.  Burmeister reported the elementary DLT met regarding mitigation strategies.  It was decided to keep mitigation strategies as they are, it is keeping our numbers down and keeping the students in school.  All three plans (In-person, Hybrid, and Remote Learning)  have been used and all three plans have worked.   The district will continue to watch the data and numbers.


  1. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project - Reiter reported the contractor walk throughs have been pushed back to December 30, 2020.  Soils samples are done.  Bids are due January 12, 2021.  Possible approval of winning contractor at the January 18, 2021, board meeting.  Independence Light & Power/WPPI are very engaged and asked to be a part of the process to help with energy savings and rebates.




  1. Consider Approval of the Upper Iowa University Student Teacher Substitute Policy

Sornson moved to approve the Upper Iowa University Student Teacher Substitute Policy.  O’Loughlin seconded, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the District Developed Special Education Service Delivery Plan Committee Members -  Trimble moved to approve the District Developed Special Education Service Delivery Plan.  Hansen seconded, motion carried 5-0.  The board recommended finding one more parent representative to be on the committee.


  1. Consider Approval of the Course Registration Guide for 2021-2022

O’Loughlin moved to approve the Course Registration Guide for 2021-2022.  Trimble seconded, motion carried 5-0.  There are minor formatting changes that need to be made.


  1. Consider Approval of the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention) - Trimble moved to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount (MSA) Application (At Risk Drop Out Prevention).  O’Loughlin seconded, motion carried 5-0.   The requested amount from the state is $432,109. Our district is required to match a percentage to the amount of $144,036. That will total $576,145 for the At Risk Drop Out Prevention program. .


  1. Consider Approval of Extending the Deadline for Fiscal Year 2020 Vacation Days to March 31, 2021 - Hansen moved to approve of Extending the Deadline for the Fiscal Year 2020 Vacation Days to March 31, 2021.  O’Loughlin seconded, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Licensed Employee Early Retirement Plan Policy 407.3 and 407.4 First Reading - Trimble moved to approve the Licensed Employee Early Retirement Plan Policy 407.3 and 407.4 First Reading and waive the second reading.  Hansen seconded, motion carried 5-0.  There are 10 certified employees that would be eligible for the package.  A discussion was had about how many of those employees would be replaced and if any programs would be eliminated.


  1. Consider Approval of the Certified Staff Early Notification Incentive Resolution

O’Loughlin moved to approve the Certified Staff Early Notification Incentive Resolution.  Hansen seconded, after board discussion motion failed 2-3. Roll call vote: O’Loughlin: nay, Hansen: aye, Smith: aye, Sornson: nay, Trimble: nay


  1. Closed Session



Hansen moved to approve the board go into closed session provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Sornson seconded.  Roll call vote: O’Loughlin– aye, Hansen: aye, Smith: aye, Sornson – aye, Trimble – aye. Motion carried 5-0 and moved into closed session at 7:30 p.m.   The Board exited closed session at 8:14 pm and no official business was transacted during this closed session.



Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting. O'Loughlin second, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.



_____________________________________                         ____________________________________

Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                               Nikki M. Sidles, Acting Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:29

Board Minutes - 2021.01.18

Board Minutes - 2021.01.18

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Independence Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, IA on January 18, 2021.  Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson, and Gina Trimble, Superintendent Russ Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Guests included the building administrators, directors, CRAEA rep Josh Johnson.   Absent from the meeting:  Cheri Reed, Justin Putz, and Chad O’Brien.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Sornson moved to approve the agenda. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on December 21, 2020.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)


Second Readings:






Role of School District Administration






Administration and Board of Directors



Administration and Employees



Administration and Adjoining District Administration


103*, 103.E1, 103.E2, 103.E3, 103.E4*, 103.E5, 103.E6, and 103.R1

Equal Educational Opportunity, Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination, Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination, Section 504 Student and Parental Rights, Discrimination Complaint Form, Witness Disclosure Form, Disposition of Complaint Form, and Grievance Procedure


500 (rescinded)

Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students



Financial Records


705.1, 705.1R1*, and 705.1R2 (new)

Purchasing – Bidding, Suspension and Debarment of Vendors and Contractors Procedure, and Using Federal Funds in Procurement Contracts


First Readings:






Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment



Superintendent Contract and Contract Nonrenewal



Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation



Superintendent Duties



Superintendent Evaluation



Superintendent Professional Development



Superintendent Civic Activities



Superintendent Consulting/Outside Employment



Administrator Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment



Administrator Contract and Contract Nonrenewal



Administrator Salary and Other Compensation



Administrator Duties



Administrator Evaluation



Administrator Professional Development




Administrator Civic Activities



Reduction in Administrative Positions



Development and Enforcement of Administrative Regulations



Monitoring of Administrative Regulations



Administrator Code of Ethics



Succession of Authority to the Superintendent



Communication Channels


409.2*, 409.2E1 (rescinded), and 409.2E2 (rescinded)

Employee Leave of Absence, Emergency Paid Sick Leave Request Form Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Request Form Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

I am requesting the Board waive the second reading of this policy and the rescinded exhibits as COVID -19 leave will be address in new business.


503.1* and 503.1R1

Student Conduct and Student Suspension

I am requesting the Board waive the second reading of this policy and regulation.



Corporal Punishment, Mechanical Restraint and Prone Restraint

I am requesting the Board waive the second reading of this policy.


503.6, 503.6E1, 503.6E2, 506.3E3, and 506.3R1

(All New) 

Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students, Use of Physical Restraint and/or Seclusion Documentation Form, Debriefing Letter to Guardian of Student Involved in an Occurrence Where Physical Restraint and/or Seclusion was Used, Debriefing Meeting Document, and Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion with Students

I am requesting the Board waive the second reading of this policy, the exhibits and the resolution.


C. Approval of Resignations




Chad Beatty

JH Football Coach


Chad Beatty

JH Boys Track Coach


Beverly Garrigus

Assistant Small Group Speech Numbers Director







D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Gina Homan

Small Group Speech Director



Kris Martin

JSH Mentor Teacher – At-Risk



E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills.  Director O’Loughlin to audit in February

     2.  Budget Report



  1. Comments from the Public - No public comment
  1. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Since the second semester started today, Smith wanted to thank all the staff for their hard work to get us to this point.   All the board members agreed and wanted to thank the staff for their efforts. Sornson also stated that social distancing and masks still needs to continue.  Supt. Reiter reported that today was the first day that there were zero staff and zero students of not having COVID.  There are still a few staff/students that are quarantined due to their household members having COVID.  Doug Larson and Supt Reiter did a walk through of East and West to review the construction project as there needs to be a fast turnaround to get the project completed.  Chromebooks are scheduled to replaced this spring and the funding was budgeted, so Mr. Noyes in looking to get them ordered soon. Supt. Reiter received notification from the Buchanan Public Health that the school staff would be in the second wave of the COVID vaccine and would like to start making plans for the distribution.  The Central Rivers AEA donated a book, Schools Cannot Do It Alone by Jamie Vollmer to the board. The book is about building public support for public schools. When looking ahead for the May board meeting there may be a date change due to conflicts with athletics and concerts.


C. Presentations

     1.  Mentoring Program Update – Val Maximovich

     2.  Chapter 103 – Erin Burmeister

     3.  CRAEA Supports and Partnerships with ICSD – Josh Johnson



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal – Mr. Howard indicated there is a winter dance scheduled for February 27 and Prom is scheduled for April 17th.  Details for the dances are still being worked out.   They are also working out details regarding Homecoming and Homecoming Court.

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



A. Return to Learn Plan Update

B. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project



  1. Consider Approval of the Master Services Agreement with Frontline Technologies Group – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Master Services Agreement with Frontline Technologies Group.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  1. Consider Approval of East/West Elementary Construction Project Bids – Hansen moved to approve the Larson Construction bid of $3,361,750 for the East/West Elementary.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  There were three very competitive bids that included the five alternatives and all the bids came in under the projected costs.
  2. Consider Approval to Extend COVID-19 Leave Resolution – Sornson moved to approve the Extended COVID-19 Leave Resolution.  Hansen second.   Roll call vote: O’Loughlin – aye, Hansen- aye, Smith – aye, Sornson – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.
  3. Closed Session – Hansen moved to go into closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(k) of the Iowa Code; To discuss information contained in records in the custody of a governmental body that are confidential records pursuant to Section 22.7, Subsection 50.  Sornson second. Roll call vote: O’Loughlin – aye, Hansen- aye, Smith – aye, Sornson – aye, Trimble – aye.  Motion carried 5-0. Board moved into closed session at 7:12 pm.

Board exited closed session at 7:58 pm and no official transactions were conducted during the closed session.

ADJOURNMENT – Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________      ___________________________________
Laura J. Morine. Board Secretary                                      Eric B. Smith, Chair… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:41

Board Minutes - 2021.02.15

Board Minutes - 2021.02.15


The Public Hearing for the 2021-2020 proposed school calendar started at 5:50 p.m. at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on February 15, 2021. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

No public comments were presented.  Supt. Reiter thanked the calendar committee for their time and efforts.   He also reported that with the construction projects at East and West Elementary, the start date could possibly be pushed back a week and the committee has an alternate calendar prepared. If there is a delay, the plans are to announce it at the July 2021 board meeting.  There was overwhelming support to continue the Friday early outs for professional development. Also, Martin Luther King Day will now be a no school day.   Public hearing adjourned at 5:55 pm.



A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Jr/Sr High School Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on February 15, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble.  Also attending:  Supt Reiter, Board Secretary Laura Morine, building administrators, Steve Noyes, and guests.                                                                                                          

APPROVAL OF AGENDA- Trimble moved to approve the agenda but striking the English Language Learner Presentation.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Sornson moved to approve the consent items. O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on January 18, 2021.
  2. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Superintendent Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment



Superintendent Contract and Contract Nonrenewal



Superintendent Salary and Other Compensation



Superintendent Duties



Superintendent Evaluation



Superintendent Professional Development



Superintendent Civic Activities



Superintendent Consulting/Outside Employment



Administrator Qualifications, Recruitment, Appointment



Administrator Contract and Contract Nonrenewal



Administrator Salary and Other Compensation



Administrator Duties



Administrator Evaluation



Administrator Professional Development



Administrator Civic Activities


Second Readings continued:






Reduction in Administrative Positions



Development and Enforcement of Administrative Regulations



Monitoring of Administrative Regulations



Administrator Code of Ethics



Succession of Authority to the Superintendent



Communication Channels


First Readings:






Graduation Requirements


C. Approval of Resignations




Garry Anderson

JH Volleyball Coach


Megan Rawlins

JH Volleyball Coach


Megan Rawlins

JH Girls Basketball Coach

End of 2020-2021 Season

Kayla Roder

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian



D. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Bob Beatty

JH Boys Track Coach

JH Girls Track Coach



Seth Rupprecht

JSH .75 FTE At-Risk Teacher

JS 1.0 FTE At-Risk Teacher




E. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Tim Andersen

Assistant Small Group Speech Numbers Director



Chris Harbaugh

JH Boys Track Coach



Eryca Hingtgen-Bass

Assistant Girls Track Coach



McKinley Meyer

JH Boys Track Coach



Brooke Roth

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver



Seth Rupprecht

JH Boys and Girls Track Coach




F. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director O’Loughlin reviewed the bills.  Smith to review in March

     2.  Budget Report



  1. Comments from the Public – none
  2. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Trimble congratulated the wrestlers going to the state tournament as well as the speech team for their successes and making it to the state level.  Hansen echoed the congratulations and also encouraged board members to contact the legislators and Governor on current education legislation.   Supt. Reiter thanked the public health staff for the vaccines on Friday as 121 staff members received their first vaccine.  The May board meeting conflicts with the HS music concert , so the board meeting will be moved to Tuesday, May 18th.   Work has begun on the certified budget.  SSA of 2.4% is waiting for the Governor to sign.  Due to decreased enrollment, the district will receive a Budget Guarantee for the next year.
  3. Presentations

     1.  English Language Learners (ELL) Program – presentation postponed until next month.

     2.  Chromebooks – Steve Noyes, Director of Technology discussed the Chromebook Plan for 2021-2022.  The district will need to purchase 1,200 Chromebooks.  Prices are a bit higher than we originally budgeted but the models we are looking at have a longer End of Life period.  Noyes indicated that the devices will need to be ordered in March so they are ready for the students when school starts this fall.     



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal


B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



A. Return to Learn Plan Update - Supt. Reiter reported that the District Leadership Team will be meeting this week.   More students are returning to the classroom from remote learning.  Any future full snow days will now become remote learning days.

B. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – The West stage has been removed and progress is being made. Supt Reiter is updating photos on the district’s website.

C. Final Fiscal Year 2020 Audit – Director of Finance Morine indicated the audit has been filed with the State Auditors office and it was a clean audit.



A. Consider Approval of the 2021-2022 School Calendar – Sornson moved to approve the 2021-2022 School Calendar.   O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0. 

B. Consider Approval of Employee Early Retirements – Trimble moved to approve the Employee Early Retirements.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0. Thank you and best wishes to Diane Kinseth – 35 years in the district; David Lang – 28 years in the district; Bonnie O’Brien – 19 years in the district.  Enjoy your retirement.

C. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – October 2021 National FFA Convention to Indianapolis, IN.  O’Loughlin moved to approve the Travel Request Form – October 2021 National FFA Convention to Indianapolis, IN.  Hansen second, motion approved 5-0.

D. Consider Approval of the Travel Request Form – December 2021 Music Department Trip to Orlando, Florida – Trimble moved to approve the Travel Request Form – December 2021 Music Department Trip to Orlando, Florida.   Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

E. Consider Approval of Agreement between Independence Community School District and Larson Construction Co., Inc. for the East/West Elementary Construction Project – Trimble moved to approve the Agreement between Independence Community School District and Larson Construction Co., Inc. for the East/West Elementary Construction Project.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

F. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for March 2021 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Independence Community School District Early Graduation Applicants for March 2021.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

G. Consider Approval of the Proposed Hawkeye Community College (HCC) Courses for 2021-2022 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Proposed Hawkeye Community College (HCC) Courses for 2021-2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

H. Consider Approval of the Farm Lease for 2021-2022 – Sornson move the Farm Lease for 2021-2022.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

I. School Resource Officer (SRO) Discussion – Supt Reiter has been budgeting for a shared SRO officer from At-Risk funds. A 50/50 partnership could be with the City of Independence. Chief Dallenbach agreed that this program would be very beneficial for the community and knows of communities where the SRO has been successful. To have an effective program, the SRO needs to be proactive and develop relationships with the students. Ideally this would start in the elementary grades.   There is work to be done in defining a job description, objectives and goals for the program as well as obtaining research and data from district that currently utilize an SRO in their district.


ADJOURNMENT – Sornson moved to adjourn the regular meeting.   O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                 Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:45

Board Minutes - 2021.03.15

Board Minutes - 2021.03.15

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, Independence, Iowa on March 15, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble.  Also attending:  Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, building administrators and Jenna Cooksley.  Due to the CDC’s social distancing recommendations in-person attendance was limited to the School Board members, administrators and presenter.  Members of the public were able to view the meeting via a live stream on the Independence Community School’s Facebook page.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda, Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

 CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the public hearing and regular meeting on February 15, 2021.

B. Approval of Board Policies (*changes noted)

Second Readings:






Graduation Requirement

C. Approval of Resignations




Hugh DeBerg

Head Girls Basketball Coach


Mark Geertsma

Assistant Boys Soccer Coach


Lonnie Hammond

JSH Assistant Girls Basketball Coach


Sandy Hart

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para


April Loomis

West Elem 7.25 hr Sp Ed Para


Hilary Peyton

JSH 7.5 hr Media Para

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Rebecca Wearmouth

Bus Garage 3.0 hr Bus Driver


D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Kenzie Fischels

JH Girls Track Coach



Ron Neumann

JSH 8.0 hr Night Custodian

$12.50/hr + $231 pro-rated night stipend


Aislinn Smith

East Elem 6.0 hr Sp Ed Para



Rylie Tegler

West Elem 6.5 hr Sp Ed Para




E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Smith reviewed the bills – Sornson - April

     2.  Budget Report                                                                                                                              


A. Comments from the Public.  None.

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Smith, Hansen and Sornson stated they were judges for the District FFA Contest that the chapter hosted this past weekend and all were impressed with the organization and talent of the students.  Congratulations to those members that participated in the District FFA contest and also the students that participated in the State Speech Contest.  Sornson wanted to thank the Buchanan Co Public Health and all the organizations that helped with the COVID vaccinations this past Friday, as it was such a smooth process.    Superintendent Reiter also thanked Public Health for the clinics and working with the schools to schedule the vaccinations for Fridays. There will be one more clinic to finalize the second round.  The annual budget will be published in this week’s paper with a public hearing on March 29th at 6:00 pm at the Administration Office.  The school’s tax rate will have a significant drop from $15.14 to $13.92.  The decrease is due mainly to refinancing the bonds and a decrease in the management levy.  Reiter and Morine have been working on a tentative budget for the ESSER II funds. The ESSER III funds could be significant, so reseach will be done into possibly upgrading ventilation and air filtration systems.   For the March 29th meeting, a walk thru of the West Construction project will start at 5:30, followed by public hearing at 6 pm and a zoom meeting with Nick Brown  from Becker & Associations on health insurance.

C. Presentations

     1.  English Language Learners (ELL) Program – Jenna Cooksley and Erin Burmeister


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report


A. Return to Learn Plan Update – The district is starting to adjust integrating students in to larger cohorts.   Monday, March 15th was the districts first virtual learning day due to weather.  Information will be gathered to see how it went.

B. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Currently construction is a bit ahead of schedule.  The new band room is taking shape as well as the locker rooms.   Smith asked that the board recognize that change orders will need to be approved by the board and he hopes that we can schedule some virtual meetings on the first Mondays of the month as needed, in addition to the regular board meetings.


A.  Consider Approval of the Cooperative Agreement by and between University of Northern Iowa and Cooperating Educational Agencies for the 2021-2022 Academic Year – Sornson moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement by and between University of Northern Iowa and Cooperating Educational Agencies for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

B. Consider Approval of the Agreement of Service between Timberline Billing Service and Independence Community School District for the term of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024 – Trimble moved to approve the Agreement of Service between Timberline Billing Service and Independence Community School District for the term of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

C.  Consider Approval of the Purchase of Acer Chromebooks from CDWG for 2021-2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Purchase of Acer Chromebooks from CDWG for 2021-2022.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – O’Loughlin moved to adjourn the regular meeting.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

Exempt Session

The board discussed negotiation strategies.   Session ended at 7:45 pm.


_____________________________________         ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                 Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:12

Board Minutes - 2021.03.29 - Public Meetings

Board Minutes - 2021.03.29 - Public Meetings

The Public meetings were held on March 29th at the West Elementary Commons Area starting at 4;00 pm.

Present: Supt Reiter, Director of Finance Morine, Board Members: Smith and Hansen.   IESP Negotiation Team: Preuss, Hopkins, Johnson and Miller along with 7 IESP members.



Lisa Preuss from the Independence Educational Support Personnel Association (IESP) presented their initial proposal.

The IESP’s initial proposal:

  • Proposing the establishment of a Labor Management Committee.
  • Proposing a two-year salary increase.  For FY22, an increase of $.50 per hour on base for the paraprofessionals, food service, kitchen manager and secretary.  In addition, all current employees in those categories will receive the base wage increase of $.50/hour plus and additional $.50 per hour.   The custodians will receive an increase of $.50 per hour since their base wage had been increased earlier in the year.  For FY23, a $.50/hour increase on the base for all categories.  In addition, all current employees will receive the base wage increase of $.50/hour plus an additional $.50/hour.  This was approximately a 6.28% increase.


SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Supt. Reiter thanked the support staff for all the work and changes during the COVID pandemic and looks forward to the next year.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Educational Support Personnel Association (IESP)

  • Remove the Kitchen Managers from the Appendix A
  • Base wage increases of $ .25/hour and existing paraprofessionals, secretary, custodian shall be $.35/hour higher than their current rate.  The food service employees would receive an increase of $ 2.25/hour over their existing wage and $1.95 increase to the base wage.   Total Package increase of 3.26% (Salary 4.20%, Insurance -.50%)
  • Secretarial, paraprofessionals and food service employees shall not be deducted more than 4 work days due to no school in FY22.  The district will offer professional development days for those no school days in excess of 4 days if 75% of the staff participates in the professional development. 

Full disclosure of  all the proposals may be reviewed at the Administration Office.


Russell Reiter                                                   Laura Morine
Superintendent                                                 Director of Finance/Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:11

Board Minutes - 2021.03.29

Board Minutes - 2021.03.29

Board of Education had a walkthrough of the West Elementary Building project before the public hearing.

Public Hearing

A public hearing was held at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on March 29, 2021 at 6:00 pm for amending the 2020-2021 Certified Budget and the proposed 2021-2022 Certified Budget.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble.  Superintendent Russell Reiter and Board Secretary Laura Morine.  Due to the CDC’s social distancing recommendations, there was limited in-person attendance.   Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Morine gave a brief overview of the amendment and certified budget.   Public Hearing ended at 6:04 pm.  


Special Meeting


A special meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by Chair Erick Smith at the Administrative Office, Independence, IA on March 29, 2021.  Members Present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble.  Superintendent: Russell Reiter and Board Secretary: Laura Morine.  Due to the CDC’s social distancing recommendations, there was limited in-person attendance.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – O’Loughlin moved to approve the agenda.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

PRESENTATION – Nick Brown from Mark J. Becker & Associates, LLC gave the board an overview of the health insurance renewal.


Consider Approval of the Amended 2020-2021 Certified Budget – Sornson moved to approve the amended 2020-2021 Certified Budget.   O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

Consider Approval of the Proposed 2021-2022 Certified Budget – Trimble moved to approve the 2021-2022 Certified Budget.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

Consider Approval of Budget Guarantee Resolution for 2021-2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Budget Guarantee Resolution for 2021-2022.   Sornson second. Roll call vote:  Hansen-aye, Smith-aye, Sornson-aye, Trimble-aye, O’Loughlin-aye.  Motion carried 5-0.


O’Loughlin moved to adjourn the meeting.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:43 pm.

Exempt Session

The board discussed negotiation strategies.   Session ended at 6:47 pm


__________________________________            ________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chairperson                                                      Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:08

Board Minutes - 2021.04.19

Board Minutes - 2021.04.19

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the JSH Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on April 19, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble.  Also attending:  Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, Josh Johnson, CRAEA rep and local press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited along with a moment of silence to honor Sergeant Jim Smith.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda with the removal of 7D – List of Graduates.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.   Board Policy states that seniors need to have the National Career Readiness Assessment and the board will need to waive the requirement for this year.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Hansen moved to approve the consent items.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on March 15, 2021, the public meetings on March 29, 2021, and the public hearing and special meeting on March 29, 2021.

B. Approval of Resignations




Mackenzie Hupke

JSH Assistant Softball Coach


Terri Janaszak

West Elem 5.75 hr Sp Ed Para

End of FY2020-2021

Cindy Michels

East Elem 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para


Vicky Neumann

West Elem 5.5 hr Sp Ed Para

End of FY2020-2021

Megan Slessor

East/West Elem K-4 Extended Learning Program Teacher

End of FY2020-2021

Deb Williams

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para



C. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Kate Grover

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher



Danielle Oaks

West Elem 6th Grade Teacher

West Elem 5th Grade Teacher



*Pending 2021-2022 Negotiations

D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Aaron Atwood-Blaine

JSH Math Teacher



Kayla Kanellis

East/West Elem Math Interventionist


2 Year Contract**


Joel Knipe

JSH Band Teacher



Joel Knipe

JSH Band Director



Joel Knipe

JSH Summer Band Director



Hayley Krogh

JSH Assist Boys Soccer Coach




Colton Lueck

JSH Math/Science Teacher


Two Year Contract**


Ross Onken

Bus Garage 4.25 hr Bus Driver



Lisa Preuss

JSH Summer School Para



Seth Rupprecht

JSH Summer School Teacher



Seth Rupprecht

East Elem Sp Ed Teacher




*Pending 2021-2022 Negotiations

**Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds

E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Sornson reviewed the bills. Trimble to review for May.

     2.  Budget Report



  1. Comments from the Public - none
  2. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Smith expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for the efforts since the tragic death of Sergeant Smith this past week. There were many items that needed to be juggled to prepare the facility, deal with the grief and continue educating students.  Secondly, IASB is having training on June 9th for the new Superintendent Evaluation tools and hoped the board could do that training as a group.  Hansen echoed Smith appreciation of efforts in preparing for and hosting the funeral in our district. Trimble said how proud she was of the district, community and state during this difficult time and that the Jr/Sr High School would be seen very positively in the eyes of the state with all the time and efforts that were put in. Trimble also wanted to thank all those involved with the prom events over the weekend as it went very well. Sornson echoed the sentiments and stated that we showed perseverance and will continue to be there for the family.  O’Loughlin also thanked everyone and that Independence should be very proud of what we have here.  Superintendent Reiter thanked the Crisis Team and everyone that put in a lot of time into the whole week.  These efforts were noticed and appreciated by many.  He also thanked the Board for approving the time and the use of the facility.  Reiter reported that the amount of Federal ESSER III funds were announced and the district would be receiving about $1.4 million dollars. Twenty percent of these funds needs to be used towards learning loss or academics.   We will try to focus more than the twenty percent of the funds on our students as well as air quality, health and cleanliness of the buildings.
  3. Presentations

     1.  Portrait of a Graduate – Erin Burmeister and Josh Johnson gave an update on the progress of the Portrait of a Graduate.   This is a process to help determine what an ICSD graduate should look like. The team will be reaching out to the community and businesses for their input as well.



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



  1. Return to Learn Plan Update – Supt. Reiter indicated a lot of work was put into creating the Return to Learn Plan and now we need to know how to plan for the end of the pandemic.  What should that look like?  He will continue to have conversations with the Buchanan County Public Health regarding this.
  2. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – The project seems to progressing well and ahead of schedule.  The trusses had arrived without the anticipated delay.  Interior work is also making progress.



      A. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Orders – Hansen moved to approve the two change orders in the amount of $51,724.58.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Luther College for the 2021-2022 Academic Year – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Luther College for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.   Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  2. Consider Approval of the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  3. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for 2021 – Struck from the agenda.
  4. Consider Approval of the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2021-2022 – Sornson moved to approve the Cooperative Sharing Agreement with Cedar Falls Community Schools for Men’s and Women’s Swimming for 2021-2022.  Trimble second motion carried 5-0.
  5. Discuss Upcoming School Board Director Vacancy – A resignation letter was received from Director O’Loughlin effective at the conclusion of the May 18th board meeting.  Smith thanked O’Loughlin for his service to the district.  A public notice will be placed in the paper to inform the public of this vacancy.  Since it is less than 180 days before the next regular school board election, the board will appoint to fill the vacancy until November 2021.   In November, election papers will need to be filed in order to be placed on the ballot to finish out the remaining two years of the vacated term.


ADJOURNMENT – Sornson moved to adjourn the regular meeting.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.   Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.


Exempt Session

The board discussed negotiations strategies.   Session ended at 8:05 pm and no official action was taken during the exempt session.



___________________________________           ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                              Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:23

Board Minutes - 2021.04.21

Board Minutes - 2021.04.21

A special meeting of the Independence Community School District was called to order by Chair Eric Smith at 6:00 pm on April 21, 2021 at the Administration Building, 1207 1st St West, Independence Iowa.   Smith and Supt. Reiter attended in person.   Hansen, O’Loughlin, Sornson, Trimble and Board Secretary Morine attended via Zoom.    The pledge of allegiance was recited. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – O’Loughlin moved to approve the agenda.   Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.


  1. Consider Approval to Waive the National Career Readiness Assessment for the 2020-2021 graduates as per Board Policy 505.6 – Graduation Requirements – Hansen moved to approve waiving the National Career Readiness Assessment for the 2020-2021 graduates as per Board Policy 505.6 – Graduation Requirements.  Trimble second, motion carried 4 – 0.
  2. Consider Approval of the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for May 20-21.  O’Loughlin moved to approve the Independence Community School District Graduate Candidates for the class of 2021.   Trimble second, motion carried 4-0.

Director Sornson joined the meeting in progress.  Due to technical difficulties she was not admitted when the meeting was called to order.

  1. Consider Approval of the Revision of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.   Hansen moved to approve the Revision of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting, Hansen second.  Motion carried 5-0 and meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.


___________________________________               _____________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                    Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:27

Board Minutes - 2021.05.05

Board Minutes - 2021.05.05

Public meetings were held at the Administration Office,1207 1st St West, Independence, IA, starting at 4:00 pm on May 5, 2021.  Attending:   Sue Henkes, Chief Negotiator, Hannah Burns, Paul Upmeyer, Brandi Davis, Kelci Jahnel, Tia Shaffer, ISEA Rep Shelly Staker, Supt Russ Reiter, Director of Finance, Board President Smith and Vice President Hansen.



Sue Henkes from the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA) presented an opening statement.  The ITA then presented their initial proposal to the Independence Community School Board for the 2021-2022 school year.  

The ITA’s initial proposal stated:

  • An interest in developing a compensation system which attracts and retains quality employees and recognized the ever-changing school environment while staying within district budget constraints.
  • An interest in developing a compensation system which advances the salaries for the sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities in order to attract and retain employees.
  • An interest in participating in training for Interest Based Problem Solving (IBIS) designed to address mutual needs and concerns while fostering and maintaining respectful communications among the parties.
  • An interest in protecting and preserving teaching and planning time within the school day to better serve students.


SECOND MEETING: (held immediately following the first)

Supt. Reiter presented the district’s opening statement.

Board initial proposal to the Independence Teacher’s Association (ITA):

  • An interest in the development of a salary compensation model that attracts and retains the finest educators and professionals while staying within today’s budgetary constraints. 
  • An interest in developing a compensation model that is fair and appropriately compensates sponsors and coaches for extra and co-curricular activities.
  • An interest in participating in the “Interest Based Problem Solving” (IBPS) process to address mutual concerns among both parties. We believe that by working together and gaining a shared experience, we can continue to build trust and maintain a respectful working relationship.
  • We have an interest in using ESSER funds appropriately and to understand these funds will provide some short-term opportunities but will not be available after July of 2023.
    • Professional development needs
    • Interventionists
    • Class size reduction


Meeting ended at 4:10 pm and the group went into closed session.  Full disclosure of all the initial proposal documents may be reviewed at the Administration Office.


Russell Reiter                                                   Laura Morine
Superintendent                                                 Director of Finance/Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:21

Board Minutes - 2021.05.18

Board Minutes - 2021.05.18

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the JSH Auditorium, Independence, Iowa on May 18, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Matt O’Loughlin, Jennifer Sornson and Gina Trimble.  Also attending:  Superintendent Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, and local press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited


A. Iowa School Board Recognition Month – Superintendent Reiter thanked our current Board of Directors for their time, resources and energy in helping make our district the best it can be.  Their dedicated service has not gone unnoticed. 

B. Retiring Teachers – Postponed as the teachers had another engagement for the evening.  

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Trimble moved to approve the agenda with the addition of the transfer of Paul Upmeyer to  .8 FTE Jr High Band/.2 Auditorium Manager from Elementary Band. O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.

CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Trimble moved to approve the consent items.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on April 19, 2021, the special meeting on April 21, 2021, and the public meetings on May 5, 2021.

B. Approval of Resignations




Kate Barloon

Color Guard Sponsor


Sandy Johnson

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Marlyce Kotouc

JSH 7.5 hr Sp Ed Para

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Dean Krempges

District 3.0 hrs/day Grounds and Maintenance


Richard Mason

Bus Garage 4.0 hr Bus Driver

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Karl Smith

JSH Band Teacher

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Karl Smith

Assistant Band Director

End of 2020-2021 School Year

Karl Smith

Assistant Summer Band

End of 2020-2021 School Year


C. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Michael Doyle

JSH .5 Math Teacher & .5 Math/ Science Instructional Coach

JSH 1.0 Math Teacher



Heather Grover

West Elem 4th Grade Teacher

West Elem 1.0 Grades 3-6 Instructional Coach

$48,825* +



Kate Grover

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher

East Elem 2nd Grade Teacher



Christie Litterer

East Elem .75 Guidance Counselor

East Elem 1.0 Guidance Counselor



Kerry Pasker

PK-6 Instructional Coach

East Elem Title I Teacher



Kristy Ward

JSH Assist to the Director of Food Service

JSH 7.5 hr Media Para



Paul Upmeyer

.80 Elementary Band/ .20 Auditorium Manager

Jr High Band




*Pending 2021-2022 Negotiations

D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Allissa Clauson

West Elem 4th Grade Teacher



Kelly Mitchell

K-6 Summer School Coordinator



Niccole Roberts

JSH Assist Softball Coach



Logan Schmitt

JSH Assist Baseball Coach



Maddie Timmerman

West Elem 4th Grade Teacher












Instructional Coaches




Hannah Burns

JSH .5 Math and Science



Joel Dinger

JSH .5 Eng/Lang Arts and Social Studies



Erin Rosburg

JSH .5 Grades 7-8 Standards Referenced Grading



Lori Kurt

PK-6 1.0 Special Education

$58,616* +



Curriculum Leaders




LouAnn Bresson

ECC Preschool



Kelly Kress

East Elem Kindergarten, Literacy



Brandi Davis

East Elem 1st Grade, Literacy



Robin Van Raden

East Elem 2nd Grade, Literacy



Brooke Reed

East Elem Kindergarten, Math



Chrissy Kimball

East Elem 1st Grade, Math



Briana Lamphere

East Elem 2nd Grade, Math



Lyndzi Roth

West Elem 3rd Grade



Kirby Holtzman

West Elem 5th Grade



Sara Thome

West Elem 6th Grade



Wade Stahr

JSH CTE (Career Technical Education)



Sue Henkes

JSH English



Jack Goedken

JSH Math



Garry Anderson

JSH Science



Matt Miller

JSH Social Studies



Kerry Pasker

District Wide Interventions



Kelci Jahnel

District Wide Mentoring







Initiative Leader




Sonya Elzey

JSH Capturing Kids’ Hearts




*Pending 2021-2022 Negotiations


E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Trimble reviewed the bills – Hansen will review in June

     2.  Budget Report





A. Comments from the Public - none

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Smith extended his congratulations to all the graduates. Hansen and Trimble also congratulated the graduates and recognized the spring sports teams for their success this year.    Supt. Reiter announced that the Legislators approved the waiver for the missed student day due to Sergeant Smith’s funeral.  Students last day will be May 26th, the certified staff will make up the day.  Supt. Reiter had been in contact with Tia Burkhart from Buchanan County Public Health and the Iowa Department of Public Health and the CDC are not in agreements regarding masks.  A special thanks to the retiring support staff for their support of our students and teachers:   Dick Mason, Terri Janaszak, Vicki Neumann, Brenda Hulse, Sandy Johnson and Marlyce Kotouc.


C. Presentations

     1.  At-Risk – Kris Martin & Erin Burmeister



A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary Principal

     4.  East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principal

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



  1. Return to Learn Plan Update – Supt. Reiter is working with HSR on HVAC improvements for the West and JSH building.  This expense will be covered by ESSER funds and not the bond proceeds.  Hoping to return to some normalcy for the next school year.  Starting with summer school in July.
  2. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – The construction is progressing as planned.
  3. Discussion of the Revision of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 – Hansen had questions regarding the IESP contract as not all the verbiage was placed in the contract.  Morine indicated that the language would be placed in the handbook like previous years and what wasn’t in the handbook would be brought to the board when they approved the graduated salary schedule.   Hansen moved to amend the Amendment for the 2021-2022 to the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) contract that was previously adopted on April 21, 2021 to include the following language that was agreed upon during negotiations and appears on the signed tentative agreement:    Add: Days for those no school excess days when set 45 days in advance to #2 in Article VIII – Employee Work Year B. after professional development.   Add the language of #3 Meeting with the Superintendent and/or SBO monthly.  Date and time to be determined.    Add the language of #4 – MOU- to create a hiring guide for all categories based on experience, similar to the custodian table, set by August 1, 2021.   The amended amendment will be reviewed with the Board president and IESP chief negotiators prior to it being posted on the district website by June 21, 2021.  Second by O’Loughlin, motion carried 5-0.


  1. Consider Approval of Rescinding the COVID Safety Guidelines Approved by the Board on September 21, 2020 – Trimble moved to approve Rescinding the COVID Safety Guidelines Approved by the Board on September 21, 2020.  Sornson second. After board discussion, motion carried 3-2 with Hansen and O’Loughlin voting nay.
  2. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Orders – Sornson moved to approve the Construction Change Orders.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  3. Consider Renewal of the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services –Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fourth Amendment for 2021-2022 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Consider Renewal of the Letter of Continuation of the Iowa Department of Human Services Buchanan County Juvenile Court School Coach Contract #JUV-18-LS-1-001 Fourth Amendment for 2021-2022.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  Trimble would like to review in April 2022  prior to the renewal.
  4. Consider Approval of the Registration and Meal Rates for 2021-2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Registration and Meal Rates for 2021-2022.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  5. Consider Approval of the Bread Bid from Pan-O-Gold for 2021-2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Bread Bid from Pan-0-Gold for 2021-2022.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  6. Consider Approval of the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2021-2022 – Sornson moved to approve the Milk Bid from Prairie Farms for 2021-2022.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  7. Consider Approval of the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2021-2022 –Trimble moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2021-2022.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  8. Consider Approval of the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2021-2022 – O’Loughlin moved to approve the Agreement for Food Service Operations between Kidsville and Independence Community School District for 2021-2022.   Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  9. Consider Approval of the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through July 31, 2022 – Trimble moved to approve the Lease Agreement with Moser Preschool and Daycare through July 31, 2022. Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.
  10. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Kidsville for 2021-2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Kidsville for 2021-2022.    O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  11. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Moser Preschool and Daycare for 2021-2022 – Sornson moved to approve the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Moser Preschool and Daycare for 2021-2022.   Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  12. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and St. John Catholic School for 2021-2022 –Trimble moved to approve the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and St John Catholic School for 2021-2022.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  13. Consider Approval of the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Wee Care Preschool for 2021-2022 – Sornson moved to approve the Statewide 4-Year Old Voluntary Preschool Contract with Independence Community School District and Wee Care Preschool for 2021-2022.  O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  14. Consider Approval of the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Independence Community Schools for the Summer of 2021 – Trimble moved to approve the Joint Education Service Agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Independence Community Schools for the Summer of 2021.   O’Loughlin second, motion carried 5-0.
  15. Consider Approval of the 2021-2022 Catastrophic Insurance Renewal –Trimble moved to approve the 2021-2022 Catastrophic Insurance Renewal.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  16. Recognition of Director O’Loughlin’s Service - Supt Reiter thanked and presented a plaque to Director O’Loughlin for his time on the board.  Thank you, Matt O’Loughlin for your service to the district.
  17. Discuss the Board Member Replacement Process – President Smith walked the board through the process of replacing the vacant position.  Anyone interested in filling the vacant position for 6 months should contact a current board members or Laura Morine to obtain a questionnaire to be filled out and returned by June 10th.  The board will meet on June 15th to select the replacement. This seat will then be up for re-election in the fall.


ADJOURNMENT – O’Loughlin moved to adjourn the regular meeting.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.   Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.



The board moved to the JSH library for negotiations strategies discussions.   Session ended at 8:40 pm and no official action was taken during the exempt session.


___________________________________           ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                               Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 15:17

Board Minutes - 2021.06.15

Board Minutes - 2021.06.15

A special meeting of the Independence Community School District was called to order by Chair Eric Smith at 6:00 pm on June 15, 2021 at the Administration Building, 1207 1st St West, Independence Iowa.   Attending: Smith, Hansen, Sornson, Trimble, Supt. Reiter and Board Secretary Morine.  Guests: Brad Bleichner, Charlie McCardle, Lance Fricke and Tracy Kullmer, newspaper rep. . The pledge of allegiance was recited. 

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sorenson moved to approve the agenda.  Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.


  1. Consider Approval of the Revision of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.  Trimble moved to approve the Revision of the Independence Teachers’ Association (ITA) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 with a salary increase of 3.65%.  Hansen second, motion carried 4-0.
  2. Discussion of Persons Interested in Appointment to DD #1 Vacancy - Bleichner, McCardle and Fricke addressed as possible appointees. The board then discussed the candidates.

C. Consider Approval of Person to Fill DD #1 Vacancy- Sornson nominated Charlie McCardle.  Motion died due to the lack of a second.  Trimble moved to appoint Brad Bleichner to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors until November 2021 election.  Hansen second, motion carried 3-1 with Sornson voting nay.  The Oath of Office was administered to Mr. Bleichner and he then joined the board at table.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting, Hansen second motion carried 5-0 and meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm. 

EXEMPT SESSION - The board moved into an exempt session for negotiations strategy discussion.  Session ended at 7:20 pm and no official action was taken during the exempt session.

CONSTRUCTION TOUR – The board toured the East and West construction projects.  No official action was taken during the tour and the tour ended at 8:15 pm.



__________________________________________      ______________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                                       Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 16:24

Board Minutes - 2021.06.21

Board Minutes - 2021.06.21


At 5 pm, the board held an exempt session in the Supt. Office for negotiations strategies discussions. Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner and Superintendent Reiter. Session ended at 5: 45 pm and no official action was taken during the exempt session.

Prior to the start of the meeting, the board acknowledged and thanked our retiring teachers after listening to their retirement plans.

A regular meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Eric Smith at the Administration Office, 1207 1st St West, Independence, Iowa on June 21, 2021, 2021.    Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble and Brad Bleichner.  Also attending:  Supt. Reiter, Board Secretary Morine, administrators, directors, retirees and local press. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited



A. Retiring Teachers - the board recognized and thanked Diane Kinseth, David Lang, and Bonnie O’Brien who retired at the end of this school year and Donalyn Pogue and Dan Putz who retired last school year.  We appreciate their many years of dedication to education and enjoy your retirement!


APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Sornson moved to approve the agenda but strike Admin/Director salaries from item P-Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2021-2022.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.


CONSIDERATION OF ACTION ON CONSENT ITEMS – Sornson moved to approve the consent items.  Trimble second, motion carried 4-0 as Bleichner abstained.

A. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on May 18, 2021 and the special meeting on June 15, 2021.

B. Approval of Resignations




Roger Barloon

JSH High School Musical Director


Sonya Elzey

JSH Capturing Kids’ Hearts Initiative Leader


Kathy Hemsath

East Elem .5 hr Crossing Guard (p.m.)


Brenda Hulse

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para


Kayla Kanellis

East/West Elem Math Interventionist


Tiffany Lampe

JSH 7.0 hr Sp Ed Para


Lisa Preuss

JSH .5 Student Council/Prom Advisor



C. Approval of Transfers/Reassignments






Andria Anderson

JSH .5 FTE Student Council/Prom Advisor

JSH 1.0 FTE Student Council/Prom Advisor




D. Approval of New Hires (pending acceptable background checks)





Joanne Alessio

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Emily Caylor

West Elem 3rd Grade Teacher





Alicia Connor

Elementary Summer School Sp Ed Teacher



Devan Cummings

West Elem Band Teacher



Devan Cummings

Assistant Summer Band Director Summer 2021



Devan Cummings

Elementary Band



Devan Cummings

Assistant Band Director



Jamie Even

JH Volleyball Coach



Heather Grover

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Theresa Hocken

Elementary Summer School Para



Faith Janaszak

Elementary Summer School Para



Sue Knott

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Mary Kohlhaas

Elementary Summer School Para



Haley Krogh

JH Volleyball Coach



Holly Mueller

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Alisa Nelson

School Social Worker



Maddie Timmerman

Elementary Summer School Teacher



Peter Trimble

Color Guard











Instructional Coaches




Sonya Elzey

JSH .5 Grades 7-12 Special Education







Curriculum Leaders




Racheal Ohrt

West Elem 4th Grade







Mentor Teachers




Jon Carey

Mentor Teacher



Ricky Nolan

Mentor Teacher



Tracy Steger

Mentor Teacher



Jessica Willman

Mentor Teacher



*One Extended Contract Day

E. Approval of Financial Reports

     1.  Bills – Director Hansen reviewed the bills. (Smith- July, Sornson-August, Trimble-September)

     2.  Budget Report



A. Comments from the Public - none

B. Comments from the Board/Superintendent – Trimble reported she had attended the 8th & 9th trip to Washington DC. This is not a school sponsored trip but our teacher, Amy Gustafson organizes the trip.  Trimble said we should be proud of the students as they were well behaved and had great learning opportunities.   Sornson reports she had taken the Iowa Leadership Standards training.   Supt. Reiter reported that the Kindergarten roundup numbers were looking close to previous years of about 100 students including JK students.  Principal Reidy updated that number to 112 as of last Friday.   Supt Reiter will be attending the National Federation of State High School Associations in Florida the week of June 28th.


A. Building Administrator Reports

     1.  Junior-Senior High School Principal – Principal Howard reported there are now 41 students attending summer school

     2.  Junior-Senior High School Assistant Principal

     3.  West Elementary and East Elementary/Early Childhood Center Principals

B. District Director Reports

     1.  Activities Director Report

     2.  Director of School Improvement Report

     3.  Director of Technology Report

     4.  Director of Food Service Report

     5.  Director of Buildings & Grounds Report

     6.  Director of Transportation Report



  1. Return to Learn Plan Update – Supt. Reiter gave the last Return to Learn Plan Update.  The Covid Tracker will be taken off the website before the end of the month.  The staff are still discussing what they learned from the pandemic and what procedures will be kept.
  2. Review East/West Elementary Construction Project – Supt. Reiter updated the board on the East/West Construction projects.
  3. Consider Approval of the Amendment to the Revision of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 – Hansen moved to approve the Amendment to the Revision of the Independence Educational Support Personnel (IESP) Contract for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.



  1. Consider Approval of the Construction Change Orders – Bleichner moved to approve the Construction Change Orders.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  2. Consider Approval of the HSR Associates, Inc. Professional Fee Proposal for Air Quality Upgrades –Trimble moved to approve the HSR Associates, Inc. Professional Fee Proposal for Air Quality Upgrades.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  3. Consider Approval of the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal – Sornson moved to approve the EMC Annual Insurance Proposal with a premium increase $8,559 (3.45%).  Many districts are seeing a double-digit increase. Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  4. Consider Approval of the 2021 Renewal Proposal with SU Insurance Company - Hansen moved to approve the 2021-22 Renewal Proposal with SU Insurance Company for equipment breakdown insurance.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  5. Consider Approval of the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2021-2022 Contracted Services Agreement - Sornson moved to approve the Tri-County Child and Family Development Council, Inc. 2021-2022 Contracted Services Agreement.  Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  6. Consider Approval of the Food Service Director Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2021-2022
  7. Consider Approval of the Human Resource Director Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2021-2022
  8. Consider Approval of the Buildings & Grounds Manager Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2021-2022
  9. Consider Approval of the School Social Worker Shared Services Agreement with East Buchanan Community School District for 2021-202

Bleichner moved to approve items F-I -All sharing agreements with East Buchanan for 2021-2022..  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.

  1. Consider Approval of the Transportation Director Shared Services Agreement with Dunkerton Community School District for 2021-2022 - Trimble moved to approve the Transportation Director Shared Services Agreement with Dunkerton Community School District for 2021-2022.  Sornson second motion carried 5-0.
  2. Consider Approval of the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2021-2022 - Sornson moved to approve the PowerSchool Access Agreement with Grant Wood Area Education Agency for 2021-2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  3. Consider Approval of the Special Education Delivery Plan - Hansen moved to approve the Special Education Delivery Plan.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.
  4. Consider Approval of the 2021-2022 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks - Trimble moved to approve the 2021-2022 Elementary and JSH Student Handbooks. Hansen second, motion carried 5-0.
  5. Consider Approval of the 2021-2022 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook - Trimble moved to approve the 2021-2022 Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  In August the board would like to discuss the Policy 503.1 Student Conduct, the Policy 503.4 -Good Conduct Policy, and the Good Conduct Code from the Coach-Sponsor Activities Handbook.
  6. Consider Approval of the Board Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment - Trimble moved to approve the Board Resolution to Transfer Funds of up to $10,000.00 for Protective Athletic Equipment.  Hansen second.  Roll call vote:  Smith – aye, Sornson – aye, Trimble -aye, Bleichner – aye and Hansen – aye.  Motion carried 5-0.
  7. Consider Approval of the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2021-2022 – Bleichner moved to approve the Classified Non-Union, District Exempt Non-Union, Certified Non-Union, and Administrative/Director Contracts for 2021-2022.  Trimble second, motion carried 5-0.
  8. IASB Legislative Priorities – the board will review the IASB Legislative Priorities and the individual board members will let Board Secretary Morine know their top three priorities by July 12th.  are due to IASB

Board Secretary Morine left the meeting at 7:26 pm

  1. Closed Session - Trimble moved to enter closed session as provided in Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code; To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Sornson second.  Roll call vote:  Smith – aye, Sornson – aye, Trimble -aye, Bleichner – aye and Hansen – aye.  Motion carried 5-0 and the board entered into closed session at 7:30 pm.

The Board took a recess at 8:42 pm.

Superintendent Reiter left the meeting at 8:42 pm.

The Board meeting resumed at 8:48 pm.

Closed session ended at 9:30 pm and no official action was taken during the closed session.

  1. Superintendent’s Contract – Sornson moved to approve a one-year extension, a raise of $5,800 and add a market adjustment of $5,500 to the Superintendent’s contract.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.

ADJOURNMENT – Trimble moved to adjourn the meeting.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 pm.



___________________________________           ___________________________________
Eric B. Smith, Chair                                                               Laura J. Morine, Board Secretary… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 16:26

Board Minutes - 2021.06.24

Board Minutes - 2021.06.24

At 6:02 pm, the board held an exempt session in the Supt. Office for negotiations strategies discussions. Board members present:  Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner and Superintendent Reiter. Session ended at 7:00 pm and no official action was taken during the exempt session.

A special meeting of the Independence Community School Board was called to order by Chair Eric Smith at 7:00 pm on June 24, 2021 at the Administration Building, 1207 1st St West, Independence Iowa.  Board members present: Eric Smith, Kim Hansen, Jennifer Sornson, Gina Trimble, Brad Bleichner.  Also attending: Superintendent Reiter. The pledge of allegiance was recited.

Approval of Agenda:  Hansen moved to approve the agenda.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

New Business

A. Consider Approval of the Administrative/Director Contracts for 2021-2022 – Trimble moved to approve the   Administrative/Director raises for 2021-2022.  Sornson second, motion carried 5-0.

Adjournment: Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting.  Bleichner second, motion carried 5-0.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:03 pm.


Eric B. Smith, Chair… Wed, 06/30/2021 - 16:31